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Closed 11 years ago.
Current release is 1.1, and 2.0 is in developer preview. When is it expected to be GA.
I quote from a comment on this page:
#Mike, our goal is to release Touch 2 Beta by early next year or
sooner. We will review our final release/GA date based on the
feedback we get from the beta.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a IDTECH .xcproj with me and some amateur documentation with it. I have no idea how to use those classes with my cocoa library. I have implemented its .jar in my android app.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anybody know of a ftp server / mirror where I could get some older Android SDK ? Older than at least, has to work with ADT r16.0.1
You could find the appropriate tag and check it out of source control
and use whatever version you want.
Found according to
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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to incorporate Protobuf-net into my app to handle binary serialization.
My app is being written in Vs2008 for CF 3.5. I am unsure Which is the best download to use?
protobuf-net has a CF35 version
protobuf-net doesnt have anything similar
I would like to use the latest (and greatest) version, but don't know which one to use.
Thanks in advance
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Closed 11 years ago.
1.1 or 2.0 runtime?
Also has anyone got any exprience using OTP.NET?
It's last version uses .NET Framework 2.0.
Years ago I gave it a try. But that was not interesting to me those days. :(
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Closed 11 years ago.
I m rendering SSRS Report in pdf format. I want pages from 2 to Last page. Using deviceinfo is it possible?
I was able to resolve using device info with startpage as 2 and endpage as int.maxvalue