How to handle doubleclick event on Textfield with vaadin - mouseevent

Using Vaadin, I have a Form with some TextField, I want handle event based on doubleclick into the textfield (copy text from one to another).
There is no example of such handling.
Is that possible ? and if yes how ?
thx in advance.

I answer my own question. There is a sample in the vaadin sampler showing how vaadin can handle it
It shows various Field included TextField reacting to mouse events.


Condition in Event Structure Labview

Hi Guys,
I have in my labview project the needs to use the same prev/next buttons with different tab controls, so I tried to put the value change of those buttons in an event structure but I would to put in AND condition the availability of the current tab.
Any Idea??
Thank you very much.
You have to consider using Dynamic Registering for Events:
You should create Dynamic event register and when tab control state is enabled/visible you will generate user event.
For example please refer to NI Example Finder and open "User Event"
Hope this helps!
If you use property nodes for the tab controls, you can use the equality primitive to confirm whether the currently active tab is the one your event should handle. By adding more checks or processing, you can eliminate false positives.
Apologies for the bad wiring, the snippet tool mutated the block diagram.

Extjs 4 grid customization after clicking on a row add a panel with a textfield

I am new to extjs 4 and I have got a problem to customize the grid panel. My application have JSON data to render in a grid. After populate the data when user click on a particular row he need to get an panel (Just like row editing plugin) of a textfield and a button to send the entered text to server through the controller. This data that user entered is not the data of grid column.
I need to know is it possible? And if it is, then how can I make it.
Thanks in advance.
Sure it is possible. First look at the following example from the Extjs 4.1 docs
All you need is to add your listener to itemclick grid event. Within this listener function you can create panel you need.

In Sencha-touch, how can I make a form popup when a user clicks on an item in a list?

In Sencha-touch, how can I make a form popup when a user clicks on an item in a list?
I would attach a listener to the 'itemtap' or 'itemdoubletap' events within your Ext.List instance which triggers the display of your form. That's off the top of my head as I haven't touched (rimshot) Sencha Touch since before it came out of beta.
You might want to explore disclosures, which place an arrow on the list item for the user to click, or as Wilhelm says, attach to a regular tap or selection event.
For 'modal' popups, simply create a panel with floating:true. See the docs at and the examples in the User Interface / Overlays section of
for this i will guide you please go through link which i have give will help You alot

jqgrid radio button

I was trying to define a jqgrid column as a radio button group, but I could not.
Anybody knows what I have to do? Please give me an example.
You can do this if you define custom formatter and custom unformatter. If you will need to edit the cells/rows with radio buttons you will have to implement also custom editing. You can do implemant all this, but I would not recommend to do this. I recommend you to conside to use select formatter instead and use it together with stype:'select'. Radio button group shows mostly the same information, but in more compact form. If you do need to use radio button then I would you recommend you to use there only during cell/row editing.

How to detect Ctrl+V in Silverlight 4?

What is the best way to detect Ctrl+V in Silverlight?
I want to detect Ctrl+V, to get access to the Clipboard.
if (e.Key == Key.V)
if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control)
//do what you want on paste
You have to use this on the keyUp event. More details can be found here:
To capture the CTRL+V keypress globally in your silverlight application, is fraught with difficulty. Events start at the child elements and bubble down to the parent controls, so simply handling KeyDown on your root UIElement will not work. Any text input control will first get the event and smother it (by setting Handled to true on the event args.) I think that if you use the DOM bridge and subscribe a handler to the browser KeyDown event for the silverlight element itself that you may actually be able to get to it first, and even handle it completely before any silverlight controls can. I think that would be the easiest way to intercept CTRL+V, but I have not tested it.
Original Answer
You should use the System.Windows.Clipboard class.
GetText, which retrieves text from
the clipboard
SetText, which places
text on the clipboard
which indicates whether the clipboard
currently contains text