Objective C: Change Line Width Using UISlider - objective-c

I have this code to change the stroke width of the line i'm using to draw on the screen.
- (IBAction)changeSize:(id)sender
if (Slider.value > 25.0)
Width += 3;
It's working but when i drag the slider thumb straight to the maximum it just adds a little size only but when i do it partly it's getting bigger each step.
Also, when i decrease it on the UISlider it still adds more... it's not decreasing...
How can i do resizing using UISlider??

It looks like you are telling it to increase the width by 3 when the slider is changed.
You would need to set the width equal to the slider value.

Well, you need to understand how sliders work. The Slider.value is your current slider value and it goes from Slider.minimumValue to Slider.maximumValue, witch you can set when creating the slider. You should set those to your minimum line stroke and to maximum line stroke.
In your changeSize method you should then only have 1 line: Width = Slider.value; What you are doing now, is that each time you move the slider and its value is larger then 25.0, you increase the stroke by 3.
As for the speed of slider movement effecting the stroke in your case: How many times the method changeSize will be called is time based, not value. So if you slide it faster, it will be called lesser times then if you slide it slowly, therefor increasing your Width lesser times by 3.


ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d minimum bar width

I would like to set the width of the bars to be a minimum of 12px. I would actually prefer to have a fixed width on the bars period.
As an example, when I am displaying 10 days of data, the graph looks fine, but for 30 days, it does not look good at all. Any thoughts on making this look better?
I added a horizontal scroll, but the width of the bars is automatically calculated based on the number of items in the graph, irrespective of the graph width. Is there any way to alter this behavior?
Screen capture: https://share.getcloudapp.com/yAubDN8X
Try adding [barPadding]="1" to ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d element
<ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d [barPadding]="1" ...>...</ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d>
Try adding [groupPadding]="1" to ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d element
<ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d [groupPadding]="1" ...>...</ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d>
as long as you minimize the padding between groups, the barWidth with grow automatically !

JSX (Photoshop) - document resolution in dpi

I'm working with a jsx script in Photoshop that resizes images to a specific size. The resolution is set at 200 dpi. After running the script, I can check this under Image > Image Size.
Problem is, depending on the image, it initially tends to show the resolution in dots/cm instead of dots/inch. The number itself is correct either way, but I'd like to see it mentioned there as the latter. Is there a way to realize this in JSX?
The easy way is to open your Info Panel by going to Window > Info, and then click on the x/y coordinates dropdown in the Info Panel and select inches. The dropdown is the + toward the lower-left of the panel, with the little down arrow at the bottom right of the + symbol (The plus is actually an x axis and y axis representing a coordinate plane). After that, when you check under Image > Image Size, it should show you all information in inches instead of centimeters. This should also show you inches anywhere else you look in Photoshop's interface, too, such as the rulers.
An exception would be that when using selection tools, such as the marquee tool with a setting like "fixed size" selected, you can override the units setting by typing in another unit in the Width and Height sections at the top of the window. You can even mix and match units, making a precise selection that is, for example, exactly 250 pixels (px in the Width setting) by 30 points (pt in the Height setting). And when you check your image size, it should still show you results in inches.
And finally, to answer your question as it was asked, the following code will change your rulerUnits preference without opening the Info Panel.
#target Photoshop
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
Note that if you want to write other scripts, you can change the rulerUnits to whatever units the script calls for, and then at the end of the script put your units back the way you had them.
#target Photoshop
// Save the original rulerUnits setting to a variable
var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
// Change the rulerUnits to Inches
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
// Do magical scripty stuff here...
// Restore the original setting
preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
// List of rulerUnits settings available
// Units.CM
// Units.INCHES
// Units.MM
// Units.PERCENT
// Units.PICAS
// Units.PIXELS
// Units.POINTS

Two NSTextFields with interdependent widths in autolayout

I’m trying to put together what seems to be a simple case of two NSTextFields with dynamic width and fixed spacing in between. I cannot figure out an effective way to do so though.
I’m looking to get something like this:
The blue boxes are the NSTextFields. When more text is entered into one, it should grow and thus make the other one shrink, maintaining the lead space, trailing space and the spacing in between the fields. The first one should take the priority if both of the fields have too much text. Each field will also clearly have a maximum and a minimum possible width it can reach.
How would I go around handling this, preferably utilising IB autolayout as much as possible?
It seems to me that all of constraints you mentioned directly translate into interface builder --
First view has width >= something.
First view has width <= something
Same for Second view.
Space between views is fixed.
Second view wants to be as small as possible (have its width at 0) but this has lower lower priority than the previous constraints and lower priority than inner content size constraints.
The code I had to add to my view controller, after applying the constraints as per the ilya’s answer:
In controlTextDidChange (_controlWidthConstraint refers to the fixed width constraint of the input; it’s probably 0 by default for the second input):
// Get the new width that fits
float oldWidth = textControl.frame.size.width;
[input sizeToFit];
float controlWidth = textControl.frame.size.width;
// Don’t let the sizeToFit method modify the frame though
NSRect controlRect = textControl.frame;
controlRect.size.width = oldWidth;
textControl.frame = controlRect;
_controlWidthConstraint.constant = controlWidth;
The key lies in invalidating the intrinsicContentSize for the text field when text is input.
You can check a sample project here, to get you on the right track.

auto adjusting the positions and height width of UILabel in iOS

I have designed my help page for my application,it contains some FAQs..so I have used UILabels for question and answer,I have adjusted,x,y,width and height exactly in the xib,leaving a gap between a question and answer and answer and next question.so totally I have some 10 question and answers,I have put them inside a scroll view.
But now, suppose the text changes dynamically, how can I adjust the positions and width and height,is a problem which I am not able to figure out, by using the below code,it adjusts the height and width of a particular label,if the text increases
NSString * test=#" It may come as a rude shock, but Facebook users should not feel surprised if tomorrow they come across their photos existing in the web world despite having deleted them personally long ago.";
m_testLabel.text = test;
m_testLabel.numberOfLines = 0; //will wrap text in new line
[m_testLabel sizeToFit];
but then, my next label will clash with it..is their any way so that all the labels get adjusted according if the width of any label increases or decreases?
Hope you all have understood my question..
Did you look into the below function, pass the font you have used and the size to which u want to constraint the label into.
- (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size

Zedgraph textobj X location depends on text length?

I have a Zedgraph textobj which I want to place always in the same x, y position (ASP.NET image). I noticed that the text doesn't always show in the same starting x position. It shifts depending on the text's length. I tried to have the text to have the same length by padding it with spaces. It helped a little but the result is not always consistent. I am using PaneFraction for coordType.
What's the proper method to have a piece of text to always show in the same x position. I am using textobj as a title because the native title property always shows up centered and I need my title be left aligned to the graph.
No, it does not depend on text lenght, however...
It depends on various other things:
Horizontal and vertical align of the text box (see: Location )
Current size of the pane. The font size is scaled dynamically to fit the changing size of the chart.
Counting proper positions to have TextObj (or any other object) always at the same place is quite hard. So you need avoid as much as you can any numbers/fractions in your location coordinates. ZedGraph sometimes calculates the true position in quite odd way then.
You haven't provided any code, so it's hard to tell if and where you made the mistake (if any). But, if I were you, I would do something like that:
TextObj fakeTitle = new TextObj("some title\n ", 0.0, 0.0); // I'm using \n to have additional line - this would give me some space, margin.
fakeTitle.Location.CoordinateFrame = CoordType.ChartFraction;
fakeTitle.Location.AlignH = AlignH.Left; // Left align - that's what you need
fakeTitle.Location.AlignV = AlignV.Bottom; // Bottom - it means, that left bottom corner of your object would be located at the left top corner of the chart (point (0,0))
fakeTitle.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false; // Disable the border
fakeTitle.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false; // ... and the fill. You don't need it.
I'm using ChartFraction coordinates instead of PaneFraction (as drharris suggests) coordinates to have the title nicely aligned with the left border of the chart. Otherwise it would be flushed totally to the left side (no margin etc...) - it looks better this way.
But make sure you didn't set too big font size - it could be clipped at the top
Are you using this constructor?
TextObj(text, x, y, coordType, alignH, alignV)
If not, then be sure you're setting alignH to AlignH.Left and alignV to AlignV.Top. Then X and Y should be 0, 0. PaneFraction for the coordType should be the correct option here, unless I'm missing your intent.
Alternatively, you can simply download Zedgraph code, edit it to Left-align the title (or even better, provide an option for this, which should have been done originally), and then use it in production. Beauty of open source.