NServiceBus - How to control message handler ordering when Bus.Send() occurs on different threads / processes? - nservicebus

I have a scenario where audit messages are sent via NServiceBus. The handlers insert and update a row on a preexisting database table, which we have no remit to change. The requirement is that we have control over the order that messages are handled, so that the Audit data reflects the correct system state. Messages processed out of order may cause the audit data to reflect an incorrect state.
Some of the Audit data is expected in a specific order, however some can be received at any time after the initial message, such as a status update which will be sent several times during the process.
In my test project I have been testing using a server, (specifically the ISpecifyMessageHandlerOrdering functionality) with the end point configured as follows:
public class MyServer : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, ISpecifyMessageHandlerOrdering
public void SpecifyOrder(Order order)
Because the explicit order of messages is not known, one message, InitialAuditMessage is the initial message, and inherits from PrimaryCommand.
Other messages which are allowed to be received at a later stage inherit from SecondaryCommand.
public class StartAuditMessage : PrimaryCommand
public class UpdateAudit1Message : SecondaryCommand
public class UpdateAudit2Message : SecondaryCommand
public class ProcessUpdateMessage : SecondaryCommand
This works in controlling the handling order of messages where they are sent from the same thread.
This breaks down however, if the messages are sent from separate threads or processes, which makes sense as there is nothing to link the messages as related.
How can I link the messages, say through an ID of some sort so that they are not processed out of order when sent from separate threads? Is this a use case for Sagas?
Also, with regard to status update messages, how can I ensure that messages of the same type are processed in the order in which they were sent?

Whenever you have a requirement for ordered processing you cannot avoid the conclusion that at some point in your processing you need to restrict everything down to a single thread. The single thread guarantees the order in which things are processed.
In some cases you can "scale out" the single thread into multiple threads by splitting the processing by a correlating identifier. The correlation ID allows you to define a logical grouping of messages within which order must be maintained. This allows you to have concurrent threads each performing ordered processing which is more efficient.


Camunda - Intermedia message event cannot correlate to a single execution

I created a small application (Spring Boot and camunda) to process an order process. The Order-Service receives the new order via Rest and calls the Start Event of the BPMN Order workflow. The order process contains two asynchronous JMS calls (Customer check and Warehouse Stock check). If both checks return the order process should continue.
The Start event is called within a Spring Rest Controller:
ProcessInstance processInstance =
runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("orderService", String.valueOf(order.getId()));
The Send Task (e.g. the customer check) sends the JMS message into a asynchronous queue.
The answer of this service is catched by a another Spring component which then trys to send an intermediate message:
.setVariable("resultOrderCheckCustomterCredibility", response)
I deactivated the warehouse service to see if the order process waits for the arrival of the second call, but instead I get this exception:
1115 06:33:08.564 WARN [o.c.b.e.jobexecutor] ENGINE-14006 Exception while executing job 67d2cc24-0769-11ea-933a-d89ef3425300:
org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: nested exception is org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: ENGINE-13031 Cannot correlate a message with name 'msgReceiveCheckCustomerCredibility' to a single execution. 4 executions match the correlation keys: CorrelationSet [businessKey=1, processInstanceId=null, processDefinitionId=null, correlationKeys=null, localCorrelationKeys=null, tenantId=null, isTenantIdSet=false]
This is my process. I cannot see a way to post my bpmn file :-(
What can't it not correlate with the message name and the business key? The JMS queues are empty, there are other messages with the same businessKey waiting.
Just to narrow the problem: Do a runtimeService eventSubscription query before you try to correlate and check what subscriptions are actually waiting .. maybe you have a duplicate message name? Maybe you (accidentally) have another instance of the same process running? Once you identified the subscriptions, you could just notify the execution directly without using the correlation builder ...

How to chase a JFR event over multiple threads

I'm struggling to model asynchronous servlet request processing with custom JFR events.
The challenge I'm facing is that in asynchronous processing a request may be #dispatch()ed several times. This means the whole request processing chain may be executed multiple times, some time apart in different threads. How do I model this with custom JFR events?
What would help me is either the concept of a "parent" event (possibly in a different thread) or the suspension and resumption of an event.
To illustrate the issue a bit. An async request may take 100 seconds wall clock time to process. However the actual processing may happen in only 4 seconds user time in a Servlet#service() method:
second 0-1 in thread A, Servlet#service() method returns, AsyncContext started
second 10-11 in thread B, Servlet#service() method returns, AsyncContext started
second 80-81 in thread A, Servlet#service() method returns, AsyncContext started
second 99-100 in thread C, Servlet#service() method returns
I'm only interested in generating events for these four durations in these three threads and then correlating them with a single request.
You can add a thread field to the event
public class MyEvent extends Event [
#Label("Start Thread")
private final Thread startThread;
MyEvent(Thread thread) {
this.startThread = thread;
When you commit the event the end thread will be stored.
If you want to track an event over several threads, you would need to create an event for every thread and have an id so you can understand the flow.
class MyEvent extends Event {
#Label("Transition id");
long id;
If you like you can create a relational id to describe the relation and JMC should be able to hint (in context menus etc.) there is a relation among events.
#Label("Transition Id")
#Target({ ElementType.FIELD })
#interface TransitionId {
If you don't want to repeat yourself, you can write the above functionality in a method in a base class, which you can call for every new thread the event visits.
abstract AbstractTransition extends Event {
#Label("Transition Id")
private long id;
public void setTransitionId(long id) {
this.id = id;
There is no other way to do this.
It's not possible for the JVM to know what thread an event object is in, or what threads that should be recorded. The user needs to provide at least one method call for every thread that should be touched (together with some context).
The problem is similar to how to tie JFR events for spans and scopes together in distributed tracers.
This article may help:

How should I avoid sending duplicate emails using mailgun, taskqueue and ndb?

I am using the taskqueue API to send multiple emails is small groups with mailgun. My code looks more or less like this:
class CpMsg(ndb.Model):
group = ndb.KeyProperty()
sent = ndb.BooleanProperty()
#Other properties
def send_mail(messages):
"""Sends a request to mailgun's API"""
# Some code
class MailTask(TaskHandler):
def post(self):
p_key = utils.key_from_string(self.request.get('p'))
msgs = CpMsg.query(
if msgs:
for msg in msgs:
msg.sent = True
#Call the task again in COOLDOWN seconds
The code above has been working fine, but according to the docs, the taskqueue API guarantees that a task is delivered at least once, so tasks should be idempotent. Now, most of the time this would be the case with the above code, since it only gets messages that have the 'sent' property equal to False. The problem is that non ancestor ndb queries are only eventually consistent, which means that if the task is executed twice in quick succession the query may return stale results and include the messages that were just sent.
I thought of including an ancestor for the messages, but since the sent emails will be in the thousands I'm worried that may mean having large entity groups, which have a limited write throughput.
Should I use an ancestor to make the queries? Or maybe there is a way to configure mailgun to avoid sending the same email twice? Should I just accept the risk that in some rare cases a few emails may be sent more than once?
One possible approach to avoid the eventual consistency hurdle is to make the query a keys_only one, then iterate through the message keys to get the actual messages by key lookup (strong consistency), check if msg.sent is True and skip sending those messages in such case. Something along these lines:
msg_keys = CpMsg.query(
CpMsg.sent==False).fetch(BATCH_SIZE, keys_only=True)
if not msg_keys:
msgs = ndb.get_multi(msg_keys)
msgs_to_send = []
for msg in msgs:
if not msg.sent:
if msgs_to_send:
for msg in msgs_to_send:
msg.sent = True
You'd also have to make your post call transactional (with the #ndb.transactional() decorator).
This should address the duplicates caused by the query eventual consistency. However there still is room for duplicates caused by transaction retries due to datastore contention (or any other reason) - as the send_mail() call isn't idempotent. Sending one message at a time (maybe using the task queue) could reduce the chance of that happening. See also GAE/P: Transaction safety with API calls

How to handle Not authorized to access topic ... in Kafka Streams

Situation is the following.
We have setup SSL + ACLs in Kafka Broker.
We are setting up stream, which reads messages from two topics:
KStream<String, String> stringInput
= kBuilder.stream( STRING_SERDE, STRING_SERDE, inTopicName );
.filter( streamFilter::passOrFilterMessages )
.map( processor )
.to( outTopicName );
It is done like two times (in the loop).
Then we are setting general error handler:
streams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler( ( Thread t, Throwable e ) -> {
synchronized ( this ) {
LOG.fatal( ... );
Problem is the following. If for example in one topic certificate is no more valid. The stream is throwing exception Not authorized to access topics ...
So far so good.
But the exception is handled by general error handler, so the complete application stops even if the second topic has no problems.
The question is, how to handle this exception per topic?
How to avoid situation that at some moment complete application stops due to the problem that one single topic has problems with authorization?
I understand that if Broker is not available, then complete app may stop. But if only one topic is not available, then single stream shall stop, and not complete application, or?
By design, Kafka Streams treats the topology a one and cannot distinguish between both parts. For your specific case, as you loop and build to independent pipelines, you could run two KafkaStreams instances in parallel (within the same application/JVM) to isolate both from each other. Thus, if one fails, the other one is not affected. You would need to use two different application.id for both instances.

How to write a transactional, multi-threaded WCF service consuming MSMQ

I have a WCF service that posts messages to a private, non-transactional MSMQ queue. I have another WCF service (multi-threaded) that processes the MSMQ messages and inserts them in the database.
My issue is with sequencing. I want the messages to be in certain order. For example MSG-A need to go to the database before MSG-B is inserted. So my current solution for that is very crude and expensive from database perspective.
I am reading the message, if its MSG-B and there is no MSG-A in the database, I throw it back on the message queue and I keep doing that till MSG-A is inserted in the database. But this is a very expensive operation as it involves table scan (SELECT stmt).
The messages are always posted to the queue in sequence.
Short of making my WCF Queue Processing service Single threaded (By setting the service behavior attribute InstanceContextMode to Single), can someone suggest a better solution?
Instead of immediately pushing messages to the DB after taking them out of the queue, keep a list of pending messages in memory. When you get an A or B, check to see if the matching one is in the list. If so, submit them both (in the right order) to the database, and remove the matching one from the list. Otherwise, just add the new message to that list.
If checking for a match is too expensive a task to serialize - I assume you are multithreading for a reason - the you could have another thread process the list. The existing multiple threads read, immediately submit most messages to the DB, but put the As and Bs aside in the (threadsafe) list. The background thread scavenges through that list finding matching As and Bs and when it finds them it submits them in the right order (and removes them from the list).
The bottom line is - since your removing items from the queue with multiple threads, you're going to have to serialize somewhere, in order to ensure ordering. The trick is to minimize the number of times and length of time you spend locked up in serial code.
There might also be something you could do at the database level, with triggers or something, to reorder the entries when it detects this situation. I'm afraid I don't know enough about DB programming to help there.
UPDATE: Assuming the messages contain some id that lets you associate a message 'A' with the correct associated message 'B', the following code will make sure A goes in the database before B. Note that it does not make sure they are adjacent records in the database - there could be other messages between A and B. Also, if for some reason you get an A or B without ever receiving the matching message of the other type, this code will leak memory since it hangs onto the unmatched message forever.
(You could extract those two 'lock'ed blocks into a single subroutine, but I'm leaving it like this for clarity with respect to A and B.)
static private object dictionaryLock = new object();
static private Dictionary<int, MyMessage> receivedA =
new Dictionary<int, MyMessage>();
static private Dictionary<int, MyMessage> receivedB =
new Dictionary<int, MyMessage>();
public void MessageHandler(MyMessage message)
MyMessage matchingMessage = null;
if (IsA(message))
lock (dictionaryLock)
if (receivedB.TryGetValue(message.id, out matchingMessage))
receivedA.Add(message.id, message);
if (matchingMessage != null)
else if (IsB(message))
lock (dictionaryLock)
if (receivedA.TryGetValue(message.id, out matchingMessage))
receivedB.Add(message.id, message);
if (matchingMessage != null)
// not A or B, do whatever
If you're the only client of those queues, you could very easy add a timestamp as a message header (see IDesign sample) and save the Sent On field (kinda like an outlook message) in the database as well. You could process them in the order they were sent (basically you move the sorting logic at the time of consumption).
Hope this helps,