SharePoint2010 content editor? - sharepoint-2010

I am building a website that will make heavy use of the content editor webparts to allow for content to be added. The drawback to this is that by default the content editor provides a "Rich Text Editor" which is good for adding data but bad because it has the potential to break styling. I have two solutions :
First is to do some coding to somehow have predefined css styles added to the styles menu of the Rich text editor.
Second which should be quicker is to simply disable the Rich text editor i.e disabling the fonts, styles, etc from the Rich Text editor so that users can only enter data and not mess around with the styling.
For soultion two, is this possble and what would be the quickest way to achieve this?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance

The whole point of the rich text editor is to allow the user to enter styled content as they see fit. If you don't want any styling to be applied through the RTE either create style rules in your CSS to overrride anything the user enters or else use content fields based on multiple lines of text rather than rich text.

Core Technology Systems has recently released a how to video on content management on SharePoint 2010. I have included a link to the website which has the link to the video and their YouTube channel.


Force CK editor to save everything as it is

I am using CK editor on a text area. It is working fine but there is one problem and it is when I save content it removes some attributes and doesn't recognize all HTML tags. For example it is removing class attribute from ul li and also doesn't recognize many of HTML tags. Is there any way to modify CK editor so as to make to save everything. Removing it is not an option because CK editor is needed to make some customizations if a user is saving text. Thanks.
This should be the option you are searching for:
I couldn't get around this so I found another solution for this which I think might help others in similar situations. I now provide two options (using radio buttons) to users to save their data, through simple text box or through a fully CK editor loaded text box. If a user has already formatted text like containing lots of HTML tags, CSS classes, scripting etc they can simply select simple text box and it will save everything as it is without applying or removing anything. If they need to apply some formatting to simple text they can select loaded text box and format their text.

Creating RTF text for clipboard and sharing DataPackage in WinRT

I'm sure this is just a google search away, but I can't find the right search terms to find what I'm looking for.
I've created a DataPackage that has both HTML annd plain text content. I've used this in my copy and my sharing code and it works fine. I now want to create RTF output as some apps don't seem to accept HTML clipboard content.
I'm looking for a good guide to making RTF text that can be added to the DataPackage. I just need simple formatting including changing the font family, font size, font weight and adding newlines. The data comes from a list of objects taht I want to serialise as RTF, not from a text control on the screen.
WordPad outputs fairly clean RTF and some other text editors do as well. If that's not enough, you can download the RTF Specification 1.9.1 although like any specification that's probably overkill for what you're doing.
You can also use the SaveToStream method on the Document property of a RichEditBox from a Metro style app to share out as well.

Dojo dijit.Editor tabbing

I want to provide javascript editing with highlighting in my web page. I am looking around for a good text area and I found dijit.Editor, however, I also need to have tabbed browsing for different files (a.js , b.js , c.js , ... , z.js). dijit.Editor seems to have tabs along the top (see here) but I can't tell if those are built in, or if they can be assigned.
Can someone please either answer my question, or recommend a different editor to use.
If you're referring to the "Demo, Copy&Paste, Javascript" tabs in the demo windows, those are not part of dijit.Editor. They're merely part of the demonstration engine Dojo uses for its widgets. The Editor widget is just the toolbar of buttons and textarea beneath it.
The tabs in those demos are most likely a dijit.layout.TabContainer tab widget.
I've used dijit.Editor in a few projects and find it to be extremely flexible. The other major benefit is its close integration to the rest of the Dojo toolkit and Dijit widgets. The API is very consistent and well-organized across the Dojo platform, and you won't muchfind yourself searching for plugins of varying quality as with jQuery.
see discussion here
dijit.Editor is based on contentEditable and while that's great for rich text editing and short snippets of text, it is not the ideal text editor for code. The underlying browser mechanism for contentEditable doesn't scale particularly well for long files, and there's unnecessary wiring for rich text, variable spacing and such. I have seen a couple of people build an editor out of dijit.Editor and dojox.highlight and you may find that sufficient (sorry, I don't remember exactly where ATM)

Develop a custom editable Visual Web Part (WebPart) for SharePoint 2010

I want to develop a webpart that allows editors to amend its content using Sharepoint's Ribbon-based formatting controls, and then display that content in a nicely formatted way. The built-in content editor webpart isn't sufficient because I want to wrap the content in hardcoded HTML so as to enforce my site's graphical design. Also, I would like the web part to potentially contain more than one editable area, and the standard Content Editor webpart only has one.
My ideal would be a visual web part with a predefined HTML layout, with some editable "content areas" to allow modification in edit mode. When the webpart is saved it will just render its content areas as HTML. I have tried using <SharePoint:RichTextField> blocks in a visual web part ascx template but I don't think this is correct. Can anyone give advice?
Okay, nobody had an answer so I had to do it myself :)

how to disable the default toolbar of pdf page

I need to provide some security of pdf page by disable the toolbar, no right click, no text selection, no cope-paste. Can anyone please tell me how to achieve this ?
I don't think you can do it. To my knowledge there is now way to programatically disable the toolbars or any of the features you are describing. And it is certainly the wrong way of providing security to a document. Maybe you should look at alternative formats.
As a general rule of thumb, if someone can see it on their computer, they can duplicate it.
It is not possible to disable the toolbar or right-click functionality in Adobe Reader (or any other reader) -- this is not a feature of the PDF specification . However, it is possible to disable content (text, images, etc) copying using a number of different PDF libraries. You can also prevent printing, page extraction, document modifications, etc.
Two PDF developer libraries that would offer you this functionality are:
Quick PDF Library
Solid Framework