Syntax error when storing Pig output - apache-pig

I am having some issues with storing my pig output to a file. This is what I am using to store:
'STORE rel INTO 'simple'; '
If I Dump 'rel' I get:
(toy,0.5,(jeep,bunny toy))
>(jeep,0.5,(toy,bunny toy))
What I get in the file is:
<Yulias-MacBook-Pro:~ yuliatolskaya$ /Users/yuliatolskaya/Documents/misc/pig_clustering/simple/part-r-00000 ; exit;
/Users/yuliatolskaya/Documents/misc/pig_clustering/simple/part-r-00000: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/Users/yuliatolskaya/Documents/misc/pig_clustering/simple/part-r-00000: line 1: `car 0.5 (door,tire,jello,truck,random)'
[Process completed] >
I am really not sure what the problem is, as there are no errors in the logfiles...Please Help!


Error loading yelp dataset to postgreSQL

I'm trying to import the Yelp data from their sql file into a postgreSQL 10 database on Windoes by running the code:
psql -U postgres yelp_db < yelp_sql
and getting the errors below. As you can see it is probably due to the ` character. Is there any way to easy fix that? The file is 7.3GB so I'd like to avoid having to read it line by line to change the ` character to '.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "PaxHeader"
LINE 1: PaxHeader/yelp_db.sql17 uid=998889796
ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 1: CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `yelp_db` /*!40100 ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "USE"
LINE 1: USE `yelp_db`;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE `attribute` (

redirecting sql output to a file in a shell script

I am facing an issue while executing the following script snippet.
set pages 0 feedback off
EOF > Err_File.txt
The following error message appears.
./ line 213: warning: here-document at line 206 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF')
./ line 214: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Any help will be appreciated.
Try this:
$ORACLEHOME/bin/sqlplus -s $DBUSER/$DBPASSWORD > Err_File.txt <<EOF
set pages 0 feedback off
That is, specify the output redirection before the input heredoc redirection. The shell expects EOF to be on its own on the line terminating the heredoc.
The error message you are getting is the shell complaining about finding end-of-file (of the script file) before finding EOF. The usage of EOF for the heredoc delimiter might lead to some confusion here!

How to debug the error thrown by Doctrine

What ?
This is the error thrown by my doctrine when writing my query
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 971 near '(\n ': Error: Class '(' is not defined.
How can i detect the exact position where the error occurs in my doctrine style of writing, in short how to read this error ?
my Query pattern
$qb1 = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
count(case when (boolShit) then id end)
Assuming that you have Symfony2, you can debug it with using app_dev.php. If you do so, you are able to press plus button beneath the error output that you've shown. This pus button is on the end of the line starting with [QueryException].
If you'll find this magic "plus button" you will find the exact line of getting result (i.e. getResult(), getArrayResult()...)
Example output with "plus button":

Pig Filter Syntax error, unexpected symbol

inputData = LOAD '$input' AS (line:chararray);
statusLineFilter = FILTER smallData BY (line MATHCES '^.* AppWrite-Dispatcher: Status code: [0-9]+$');
This code, when I run it, yields this error: ERROR - ERROR 1200: Syntax error, unexpected symbol at or near 'line'
The log file says the exact same thing. I'm at a loss, because the exact same syntax is working in other scripts I've written.
In order to avoid misspelling of key words I recommend you to use an IDE or a Text-Editor like emacs with the pig-mode.el which add syntax highlight ;)

GNUstep.csh file will not source

When I try the following in my GNUstep/Makefiles directory:
source GNUstep.csh
I receive the following output:
bash: GNUstep.csh: line 84: syntax error near unexpected token `"${GNUSTEP_USER_CONFIG_FILE}"'
bash: GNUstep.csh: line 84: ` switch ("${GNUSTEP_USER_CONFIG_FILE}")'
Obviously something is wrong, but I don't really know bash and from what I see nothing appears to be mislabled, unless there isn't supposed to be quotes around the variable or something.