NSMutableArrays - can I do this? - objective-c

In my app, the singleton class (SharedData) allocates memory for a NSMutableArray:
[self sharedMutableArray] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Class A populates the this sharedMutableArray:
NSObject *obj = [NSObject alloc] init];
[sharedMutableArray addObject];
obj = nil;
Class B does this - and that's my question:
NSMutableArray *tmpArray = sharedMutableArray;
... uses the tmpArray locally
[tmpArray removeAllObjects];
tmpArray = nil;
This is an inherited code and my hunch is that this is a NO-NO. Can some one confirm that assigning nil to tmpArray will release memory for sharedMutableArray also.... I guess the author wanted to release tmpArray only...

Assigning nil to tmpArray only sets your pointer to the object to nil. It does not affect the object itself (or its lifecycle) at all. In this case, setting the objects you've created to nil does nothing, since their variable declaration is in local scope - if you want the objects to be deallocated from memory you need to send them release before setting the pointer to the object to nil.
However, sending removeAllObjects is affecting your original sharedArray, because you didn't copy the array, you simply set a new pointer to point to the 'singleton'. You probably want this:
NSMutableArray *tmpArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:sharedMutableArray];
You won't need to use removeAllObjects in the above case because it will be autorelease'd. I suggest you read this.

tmpArray is a pointer, and it's initialized to point to the same mutable array that sharedMutableArray points to. For that reason, the line:
[tmpArray removeAllObjects];
will empty out the array, and anyone using sharedMutableArray will see that change. In other words, the assignment
NSMutableArray *tmpArray = sharedMutableArray;
doesn't make a copy of the array itself, it only copies the pointer. Any messages you send using that pointer will go to the shared array. Likewise, assigning nil to tmpArray sets the pointer tmpArray, but doesn't do anything to the array itself.
Finally, setting a variable to nil never releases memory. Setting a property to nil, on the other hand, will release memory under some conditions (e.g. when the property is declared to retain its contents). You're setting a variable here, not a property, so there's no chance that the array will be released.


Setting elements in NSMutableArray to nil

I have a NSMutableArray holding a whole bunch of UITextFields which I have created and allocated memory.
In my viewDidUnload method I need to release this memory. How do I do it?
for(int i = 0; i < [arr count]; i++){
UITextField* txtField = [arr objectAtIndex i];
txtField = nil;
arr = nil;
Will this work? or do I just need to set arr = nil;?
I am using ARC so i set to nil not release.
If the array is an instance variable of the view controller, as long as you're using ARC it will automatically be deallocated when the view controller leaves memory.
If you need to manually remove the array, set it to nil.
arr = nil;
If you need to reuse the array later, you will need to reallocate it after setting it to nil.
Assuming your array is an #property of your object, a good trick is to allocate the array in the getter:
-(NSMutableArray*)arr {
if (!_arr) {
_arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return _arr;
This way you always get an array when you try to access it, even if it's previously been set to nil.
Let's see what your code does to understand what happens:
UITextField* txtField = [arr objectAtIndex i];
that makes a copy of the value in the array, and values in an NSMutableArray are references, and stores that value in a variable txtField. As txtField is defined, implicitly, to hold strong references ARC will (subject to any optimisations) register an ownership interest in the reference (aka "retain"). Your next line:
txtField = nil;
stores the nil reference value in txtField. As txtField holds strong references any store causes ARC to relinquish ownership interest (aka "release") in the previous reference value stored in the variable.
The array is never changed. You've iterated over its contents, copied each value, retained that value, released that value. Finally you write:
arr = nil;
which stores the nil reference value in arr. As arr holds strong references any store causes ARC to relinquish ownership interest (aka "release") in the previous reference value stored in the variable - and that previous value was your reference to your NSMutableArray. If there are no other owners of the array it is destroyed, and when an array is destroyed it relinquishes its ownership of any values it contains - which in this case are your UITextField instances, and if there is no other owner of those then they are destroyed...
So at most all you need is:
arr = nil
but you may not even need that. As arr holds strong references when its lifetime ends - at the end of the block or method containing its declaration if a local variable, or when the instance is destroyed if an instance variable - then ARC will relinquish its ownership interest, etc...
When using ARC, you release a variable by setting it to nil just as you have done with arr = nil. Note that the memory will only be freed when all pointers to the object have been set to nil, so make sure you aren't holding on to them anywhere else.
Secondly, if you are running into memory issues you should be handling this in the didReceiveMemoryWarning method, as viewDidUnload is no longer supported on iOS 6.

Why Do I Have to Create An Object and Assign It to A Property in Objective C?

So I had this code, and it did not work:
for (NSDictionary *item in data){
[self.resultsArray addObject:item];
self.resultsArray is nil. But then I changed it to this:
NSMutableArray *myDataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *item in data){
[myDataArray addObject:item];
self.resultsArray = myDataArray;
[myDataArray release];
and now it worked. self.resultsArray is now populated
So I'm a beginner in Objective C and I was wondering why can I not just directly use it in the property's addObject. Why did I have to create another mutable array, populate it, assign it to the resultsArray property and release the mutable array I made?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Also, in a lot of books I've been working on, this is done a lot.
simple answer
You didn't initialize self.resultArray before adding objects to it. It is just a pointer to the value which is nil until you alloc it.
self.resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; before adding objects to it will solve the issue.
However, this way of alloc'ing will create a memory leak, therefore it is not shown in books and examples. Memory leak can happen if the self.resultArray property is marked as retain and by calling alloc it will be retained 2 times.
If self.resultsArray is nil, then [self.resultsArray addObject:item] will NOT add an object to the array, it will just do nothing (because the array will be nil by default, and sending messages to nil is a no-op in Objective-C). When you create a mutable array as a local variable, you can add things to it — then if you assign it to the property, well, everything works as you expect and self.resultsArray will no longer be nil.
Typically when you have properties like this, you'd set them up in your init method:
- (id)init {
// ...
self.resultsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
// or access the ivar directly:
// _resultsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// ...
Then as soon as your object is initialized you'll be able to add things to the array. Again, if you don't do this, it will be nil by default, and [self.resultsArray addObject:item] will have no effect.
Chances are you are not initializing the array (I'm going to assume myDataArray is an NSMutableArray).
In your init method, call myDataArray = [NSMutableArray array]; and it'll work
The important thing to note is that you're not creating another mutable array as you didn't have an array to start with. Merely declaring a property or variable does not create an object to go along with it. That's why self.resultsArray starts out as nil.
The working code you have is designed to allow you to explicitly release the array as you are retaining it twice: once when you alloc it and once when you assign it to your property. You only want one of those retains, so you release once.
You could just do:
self.resultsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self.resultsArray release];
for (NSDictionary *item in data){
[self.resultsArray addObject:item];
This is less code, but it's not as clear. Clarity is important.

Can I reuse my pointer after it's been added to a mutable array?

Let's say I've got an array with strings.
NSArray *names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: #"One", #"Two", #"Three", nil];
What I want is to initiate objects of some custom class and them add them to a mutable array. I'm using a custom init method that takes a string argument.
To be more specific, I want to [SomeClass alloc] initWithName: aName] and add the resulting object to a NSMutableArray.
I'm thinking of using Objective-C fast enumeration. So what I get is:
NSMutableArray *objects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [names count];
for (NSString *name in names) {
[objects addObject: [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease]];
The problem is that I can't add nil to the array and I don't like exception handling. However, my initiation method may return nil. So I decide to check first before adding (prevention). My new for-in-loop is:
SomeClass *someObject;
for (NSString *name in names) {
someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease];
if (someObject) {
[objects addObject: someObject];
Now, instead of immediately passing the new object to the array, I'm setting up a pointer someObject first and then passing the pointer to the array instead.
This example raises a question to me. When I someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] initWithName: name] autorelease] in the loop, do the existing objects (which are added using the same pointer) in the array change too?
To put it in other words: does the addObject: (id)someObject method make a new internal copy of the pointer I pass or do I have to create a copy of the pointer — I don't know how — and pass the copy myself?
Thanks a lot! :-)
It's fine to reuse someObject; if you think about it, you're already reusing name each time you go through the loop.
-addObject: may or may not copy the object that you pass in. (It doesn't -- it retains the object rather than copying it, but it's conceivable that some NSMutableArray subclass could copy instead.) The important thing is that this code really shouldn't care about what -addObject: does.
Also, don't lose sight of the distinction between a pointer and the object that it points to. Pointers are just references, and a pointer is copied each time you pass it into a method or function. (Like C, Objective-C passes parameters by value, so passing a pointer into a method results in putting the value of the pointer on the stack.) The object itself isn't copied, however.
Short answer: no, you don't have to worry about reusing someObject.
Slightly longer answer: the assignment—someObject = ... assigns a new pointer value to the someObject variable; addObject: is then getting that value, not the address of someObject itself.
I think you're getting confused in the concept of pointer here. When you say someObject = [[[SomeClass alloc] init... you are basically pointing the someObject pointer to a new object. So to answer your question- your current code is fine.
As for whether arrays maintain copies of the objects added to them - NO, the array retains the object you add to it. However, that doesn't matter to your code above.
Three20 provides the answer!

Set an object to nil after added them to a container?

I thought that NSArray/NSDictionary/NSSet and their mutable subclasses just added the pointer to the object, and not the object it self.
So if set my "simple" object to nil after I added it to the container, why isn't the reference nil also in the Array (container)?
Here is the code:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Simple *simple = [[Simple alloc] init];
[array addObject:simple];
//Array sends retain, lets release
[simple release], simple = nil;
NSLog(#"Simple = \"<Simple: %p>", simple);
NSLog(#"Array: %#", array);
[array release], array = nil;
Here is the output:
2011-02-16 20:00:03.149 Allocations[5433:207] Simple = <Simple: 0x0>
2011-02-16 20:00:03.150 Allocations[5433:207] Array: (
<Simple: 0x4d3d4e0>
NSArray adds a pointer to the object. In order to track changes to variable, the array would have to add a pointer to the variable itself (remember, you're just setting the variable to nil, not the object). There can be many variables all pointing to the same object, and reassigning them won't change any others.
Remember: Pointers aren't magic. They're just ordinary variables whose value is a memory address — in this case, the memory address of an object. Two pointers to the same object aren't "linked" any more than two ints with the value 5. Changing the pointer doesn't affect the object; in order to affect the object, you have to either send it a message that causes it to change (e.g. [object setValue:6]) or dereference the pointer to access the object's members directly (e.g. object->value = 6).
PS: Don't access an object's members directly. It's bad and fragile and very prone to bugs. I just mentioned it here to explain how pointers work.
Setting simple = nil just makes that pointer point to nothing. It doesn't delete the object that the array still has a pointer to. At the point of your NSLog statements, the retainCount of the Simple instance that simple pointed to would be one.
Create simple
simple => (Simple instance: retain count 1)
Add to array
simple => (Simple instance: retain count 2)
[array objectAtIndex:0] => (Simple instance: retain count 2)
Release simple
simple => (Simple instance: retain count 1)
[array objectAtIndex:0] => (Simple instance: retain count 1)
Set simple = nil
simple => nil
[array objectAtIndex:0] => (Simple instance: retain count 1)
Release array
(Simple instance: retain count 0, subsequently destroyed)
NSArray does contain only a pointer to the object that is added, but that's ok -- it's not pointing to the simple pointer itself, but rather to the Simple object that simple pointed to. Thus in your example, after you change what simple points to, the array is still pointing at the original Simple object.

Deallocating NSMutableArray of custom objects

I need help with deallocation of my NSMutableArray of custom objects. I need to retain the array and so I have added a property in .h and I release it in dealloc in .m file. When I add objects to the array, I do the following:
myarray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[myarray addObject:[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj1]];
[myarray addObject:[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj2]];
Now, I don't know how to release mycustomobject. If I do the following:
[myarray addObject:[[[mycustomObject alloc]initWithObject:obj1] autorelease]];
I run in to problems when I access the array later. Please advice.
I don't think you understand how memory management in Cocoa works. The array will retain the objects you add to it, and it will release them by itself when the array no longer needs them (such as when you release the array).
In other words, add the autoreleased object to the array, and don't worry about its retain count after that. If you want to remove it from the array simply remove it (using removeObjectAtIndex: or something similiar). If you think you want to release the object without removing it from the array then you are doing something wrong, since that may leave a dangling pointer in your array that will cause you to crash later.
You should really really go over the documentation again, particularly the section on Object Ownership and Disposal.
The proper way to do this is to let the array maintain ownership of the custom object:
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutabelArray alloc] init];
for (id obj in anArrayOfObjects) {
mycustomObject * customObj = [[mycustomObject alloc] initWithObject:obj];
[array addObject:customObj];
[customObj release];
If you're having difficulties accessing your array later, then you're doing something wrong with the memory management of the array.