How to determine the current active view in tabbarcontroller - objective-c

I have a tab bar with three tabs. In one of the viewcontrollers belong to the middle tab, my code needed to determine if the active view is the first viewcontroller's view. Any idea?

You can tell which view controller is the active one by calling the selectedViewController property of your app's UITabBarController(documentation linked for you).
There's also a selectedIndex property as well.


How I can keep the value of a barButton among the views handled by a tab bar?

I have two weeks programing in objective-c. Basically, I have a three views handled by a tab bar. Each view has rounded rect buttons that calls another view with different information. Also, at the top of each view, there is a bar button item. The title of all those bar button items depends of the value of a switch: manual or automatic. If it is automatic, the button's title must be "Trigger". If it is manueal, the button's title must be "Star" and, if you make a click on it must change to "Stop". My problem is, the button's title is changing but if I'm in the fist view and I press "start", it change to "stop", but in the second view it's still "start".
So, could you help me with this, please?
Sorry, I don't understand your problem (it would be easier if you would provide code or pictures). Thus I try to interpret the title of your question:
You have a tab bar controller that controls a few view controllers that have each its own view. These views are independent of each other. If each view has e.g. its own barBottom item but they should all have the same title when you switch from one tab view to another, their titles must be changed by program. Since only the tab bar controller knows when it changes its views, it has to assign the new title to all the barBottom items of its views.
It can do this using its delegate that corresponds to the UITabBarControllerDelegate protocol. This delegate (and the tab bar controller may be its own delegate) can e.g. implement the method tabBarController:didSelectViewController: which is called when one switches from one view to another. In this method, the tab bar controller can set the new title by calling a method in each of its view controllers (which can be accessed via the property viewControllers).

Storyboard with NavigationController and TabController

It seems like this should be easy to figure out, but I haven't had any luck this afternoon. I threw together this quick, simplified storyboard mockup of my problem.
Basically, I would like the table view controllers below to also be in a tab bar controller (in addition to the already present navigation controller). The tabs would switch between the two table view controllers.
Right now, the view controller with the buttons acts as a sort of menu. Each button leads to one of the table view controllers. Ideally this view controller would not have the tab bar visible, and would only be reachable from back buttons on the nav bars of the table view controllers.
I've tried a few different ways of embedding into a tabbarcontrollers but none of them produce the desired result:
-I've tried selecting both table view controllers and embedding those in a tab view controller. The tabbar doesnt show up in simulator, and the 'unreachable scene' warning appears.
-I've tried embedding the initial nav controller into a tabbarcontroller. This creates a tab entry for the first 'menu' page. It also causes issues with push segues once I connect the tableviews to the tabview.
I would be fine implementing some programmatic options on top of the storyboard, I just chose storyboarding for this project since it's a relatively simple presentation of data.
What is the proper way of going about this? Thanks!
A tab bar controller needs to be the root view controller of your view hierarchy. It goes against the HIG and Apple's standards to put a tab bar controller inside of any other type of container controller.
From the Apple docs:
When deploying a tab bar interface, you must install this view as the
root of your window. Unlike other view controllers, a tab bar
interface should never be installed as a child of another view
So, the bottom line here is you need to rethink your design. One option would be to set the UITabBarController as the root view of your window, and then have each of your UITableViewControllers inside of a UINavigationController, which is placed inside of the UITabBarController. In this way, you still get the navigation bar, and stay within Apple's design guidelines (you also won't get those pesky warnings, and Apple may even be throwing an exception nowadays if you try to install a UITabBarController as anything other than the root view of the window).
I accept JMStone answer but we might get into situation where we need to put tab bar controller inside other controller especially table view controller.
Please refer Storyboard navigation controller and tab bar controller
and also the good example by Matthjin:
Hopes it help some one who want to put tab bar controller inside table view controller and wants proper navigation.

Showing Toolbar on 2nd ViewController

I have two view controllers on the same storyboard. What I want to do is send an array of string values to the table view control on another view controller.
ViewController2 *second=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"View2"];
[self presentViewController:second animated:YES completion:nil];
The second view controller has a toolbar control at the top by default. (See below.)
Passing data to another view controller wasn't easy for me, who has been using Xcode for two weeks. I somehow managed it. So an array of strings is sent to the 2nd view controller through an array variable (arrayFromVC1) set on the 2nd implementation file. I suppose experienced Xcode users know what I'm talking about. Anyway, the 2nd view controller does receive a list of values as shown below.
Well, the problems are that the toolbar control on the 2nd view controller will disappear when the user gets to see the list and that the table view control (UITableView) occupies the entire window. I understand that you can control the size of the table view control by specifying values under the viewDidAppear method. But my question is... Is that how things work with iOS and Xcode? So if I want to display that toolbar control at the top, I have to do it programmatically by writing code under the viewDidAppear method as well?
Thank you for your advice.
Tom, are you using interface builder and storyboards? If so, select the ViewController in IB, go to Editor (in the top menu) --> Embed In --> Navigation Controller.
This will embed the chosen VC and any VC it segues to (and so on) into a Nav Controller.

How to access Navigation Bar from a View Controller of a subview ?

I have a View Controller where I select some data into an array and then optionally on clicking of a button I show that data in a TableView added as a subview to previous view with a flip animation.
Now I have the facility to delete data from array I have picked from first view and passed to this one.
Now I have a condition that there is a button on the righthand side on the navigationBar on whose controller the previous view was pushed.
Now that button needs to be disabled until there r atleast X number of elements in the array.
so while I am adding data In my previous view, I keep check on the array and as soon it crosses the required count , I enable the button.
Now in the other view which is a TableView which has been brought in with animation,
Whenever I delete data I need to disable the button again when it goes below the number X.
How can I access the navigationBar's button in this subview's controller ?
shall I set the first view Controller as delegate in the next one ?
If your viewController is inside UINavigationViewController, you can set navigationBar buttons with self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem and self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.
try using superView proprty or loop through all the pushed ViewController and check if it is previous VC. Then make the button enabled or disabled
My opinion is you can create a uinavigationController object in your subview and assign it from your parent view(Where you have the navigation controller object). You can then access the navigation controller in the subview.

Problem tabbing to field when adding and removing view

I have an scope bar containing a NSSearchField. The bar can be shown and hidden using a menu item. I generate this bar by creating a new NSViewController (and loading a new view from the XIB). When the bar is shown, I do a addSubview: to the window's contentView; when the bar is hidden, I do removeFromSuperview to the view within the view controller.
If when I launch the app and the bar is already opened, hitting tab toggles between the main view within the window (a table view) and the search field in the scope bar. If I launch the app and the bar isn't already shown, once I do show the bar I can tab from the table view to the search field, but not the other way.
Once I remove the scope bar for the first time, then show it again, I can no longer tab between the search field and the table view, no matter which view is currently selected.
Is there something I need to be doing besides addSubview: and removeFromSuperview? I can't wrap my head around why this won't work, and especially why I get different behaviors if the bar is shown on launch or not.
You need to set the nextKeyView of both views if you want to control what happens when you hit the tab key.
[yourTableView setNextKeyView:yourSearchField];
[yourSearchField setNextKeyView:yourTableView];
However, you need to be careful because you can break the automatically constructed key-view loop. This article has more detail on how to handle this situation.
I was able to get the desired behavior by setting setAutorecalculatesKeyViewLoop: to true on the views' window.