Including a module more than once - module

Suppose I have a module which defines some basic constants such as
integer, parameter :: i8 = selected_int_kind(8)
If I include this in my main program and I also include a module which does some other things (call this module functions) but functions also uses constants, then am I essentially including constants twice in my main program?
If so, is this bad? Can it be dangerous at all to include a module too many times in a program?

No, it is fine to do this. All you are doing with the use statement is providing access to the variables and functions defined in your module via use association. It is not like declaring variables each time they are use'd (they are in fact redeclared however).
The only thing to be wary of are circular dependencies, where module A uses module B and module B uses module A. This is not allowed.
Edit: From Metcalf et al. Fortran 95/2003 explained, pg. 72:
A module may contain use statements that access other modules. It must not access itself directly or indirectly through a chain of use statements, for example a accessing b and b accessing a.
Whilst this quote doesn't directly answer your question, it reiterates that really the only thing you can't do is have a circular dependency. So the following is perfectly valid:
module one_def
implicit none
integer, parameter :: one=1
end module one_def
module two_def
use one_def, only : one
implicit none
integer, parameter :: two=one+one
end module two_def
program test
use one_def, only : one
use two_def, only : two
implicit none
print*, two == one+one ! This prints .True.
end program


Explicit interface in Fortran [duplicate]

I'm very new to Fortran, and for my research I need to get a monster of a model running, so I am learning as I am going along. So I'm sorry if I ask a "stupid" question.
I'm trying to compile (Mac OSX, from the command line) and I've already managed to solve a few things, but now I've come across something I am not sure how to fix. I think I get the idea behind the error, but again, not sure how to fix.
The model is huge, so I will only post the code sections that I think are relevant (though I could be wrong). I have a file with several subroutines, that starts with:
! This subroutine simply updates the budget variables. !
subroutine update_budget(csite,lsl,ipaa,ipaz)
use ed_state_vars, only : sitetype ! ! structure
implicit none
!----- Arguments -----------------------------------------------------------------------!
type(sitetype) , target :: csite
integer , intent(in) :: lsl
integer , intent(in) :: ipaa
integer , intent(in) :: ipaz
!----- Local variables. ----------------------------------------------------------------!
integer :: ipa
!----- External functions. -------------------------------------------------------------!
real , external :: compute_water_storage
real , external :: compute_energy_storage
real , external :: compute_co2_storage
do ipa=ipaa,ipaz
! Computing the storage terms for CO2, energy, and water budgets. !
csite%co2budget_initialstorage(ipa) = compute_co2_storage(csite,ipa)
csite%wbudget_initialstorage(ipa) = compute_water_storage(csite,lsl,ipa)
csite%ebudget_initialstorage(ipa) = compute_energy_storage(csite,lsl,ipa)
end do
end subroutine update_budget
I get error messages along the lines of
real , external :: compute_co2_storage
Error: Dummy argument 'csite' of procedure 'compute_co2_storage' at (1) has an attribute that requires an explicit interface for this procedure
(I get a bunch of them, but they are essentially all the same). Now, looking at ed_state_vars.f90 (which is "used" in the subroutine), I find
! Site type:
! The following are the patch level arrays that populate the current site.
type sitetype
integer :: npatches
! The global index of the first cohort in all patches
integer,pointer,dimension(:) :: paco_id
! The number of cohorts in each patch
integer,pointer,dimension(:) :: paco_n
! Global index of the first patch in this vector, across all patches
! on the grid
integer :: paglob_id
! The patches containing the cohort arrays
type(patchtype),pointer,dimension(:) :: patch
Etc etc - this goes one for another 500 lines or so.
So to get to the point, it seems like the original subroutine needs an explicit interface for its procedures in order to be able to use the (dummy) argument csite. Again, I am SO NEW to Fortran, but I am really trying to understand how it "thinks". I have been searching what it means to have an explicit interface, when (and how!) to use it etc. But I can't figure out how it applies in my case. Should I maybe use a different compiler (Intel?). Any hints?
Edit: So csite is declared a target in all procedures and from the declaration type(site type) contains a whole bunch of pointers, as specified in sitetype. But sitetype is being properly used from another module (ed_state_vars.f90) in all procedures. So I am still confused why it gives me the explicit interface error?
"explicit interface" means that the interface to the procedure (subroutine or function) is declared to the compiler. This allows the compiler to check consistency of arguments between calls to the procedure and the actual procedure. This can find a lot of programmer mistakes. You can do this writing out the interface with an interface statement but there is a far easier method: place the procedure into a module and use that module from any other entity that calls it -- from the main program or any procedure that is itself not in the module. But you don't use a procedure from another procedure in the same module -- they are automatically known to each other.
Placing a procedure into a module automatically makes its interface known to the compiler and available for cross-checking when it is useed. This is easier and less prone to mistakes than writing an interface. With an interface, you have to duplicate the procedure argument list. Then if you revise the procedure, you also have to revise the calls (of course!) but also the interface.
An explicit interface (interface statement or module) is required when you use "advanced" arguments. Otherwise the compiler doesn't know to generate the correct call
If you have a procedure that is useed, you shouldn't describe it with external. There are very few uses of external in modern Fortran -- so, remove the external attributes, put all of your procedures into a module, and use them.
I ran into the same problems you encountered whilst I was trying to install ED2 on my mac 10.9. I fixed it by including all the subroutines in that file in a module, that is:
module mymodule
subroutine update_budget(csite,lsl,ipaa,ipaz)
other subroutines ecc.
end module mymodule
The same thing had to be done to some 10 to 15 other files in the package.
I have compiled all the files and produced the corresponding object files but now I am getting errors about undefined symbols. However I suspect these are independent of the modifications so if someone has the patience this might be a way to solve at least the interface problem.

How to explicitely use inherited variables in Fortran?

I have a question regarding best practices of model/variable usage:
Let's assume I have a module containing a few variable/parameter definitions and some subroutines that use these variables.
I do not need to explicitly use these variables in the subroutines since they are inherited from the parent module - but would it be better practice to do so?
module test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: a = 1
real :: x
subroutine idk(y,z)
real, intent(in) :: y
real, intent(out) :: z
if(a .eq. 1) then
z = x*y + 5.
z = x*y - 5.
end if
end subroutine idk
end module test
The above example should work just fine but would it be better to add
use test, only: a,x
to the declaration part of subroutine idk?
In my reasoning, there are two main points here:
1) Pro: Explicitly adding this line let's me easily see which variables are actually needed in the subroutine.
In many cases, the module contains quite a number of variables but only a few are needed in each subroutine. So for reasons of better comprehensibility, it would be beneficial to add this line.
2) Contra: In quite a few cases, one needs a lot of the variables/parameters declared above (sometimes numbering more than 100 parameters). Explicitly using these at the beginning of the subroutine just unnecessarily clutters the code, reducing the readability of the code.
Point 1 matters mostly if only a few variables need to be included, whereas point 2 is only important if many variables need to be included. But I think it would be silly to do one thing for few variables and another for many - once you have picked a convention, you should stick to it IMHO...
Is there a best practice regarding this?
Alternatively, one could declare the subroutine as
subroutine idk(b,w,y,z)
and then call it as idk(a,x,y,z).
On the one hand, this would give me greater flexibility if I later decide that I want to use idk with other variables.
On the other hand, it also increases the risk of mistakes if I change something later (say, I realize I don't need parameter a as a condition but parameter c. In the first cases, I simply switch out a -> c in the subroutine. But in the last case, I need to change every call to idk(c,...). If there are a lot of these calls, this is prone to mistakes)
I would really appreciate your input! Thank you!
There is absolutely no reason to use the module currently being defined. It is illegal. It may happen to compile if the module was compiled before and the compiler can find the .mod file, but file, but other than that it is wrong.
You should expect error such as
ifort -c assoc.f90
assoc.f90(10): error #6928: The module-name on a USE statement in a program unit cannot be the name of any encompassing scoping unit. [TEST]
use test
The module subroutine gets the variables from the host module through host association and the use statement is for use association. These are two different things and should not be mixed.
If you want to avoid global variables, pass them as arguments. This is a general advice. What is best depends on each case and the programmer and cannot be answered generally.

Host Association vs Use Association in Fortran

Are there any "general rules" as to when one is preferable to the other?
The context of this question is: I asked a different question regarding host association yesterday (link) and in the comments, I was advised to use host association with caution. The reason being that through host association, it is easy to inadvertently modify variables since the subroutines have unrestricted access to all variables that are declared in the module.
To illustrate this, I will use the following code example:
module mod
implicit none
real :: x
subroutine sub(y)
use other_mod, only: a
real, intent(out) :: y
y = a + x
a = a + 1.
x = x + 1.
end subroutine sub
end module mod
Both aand x are modified in sub. But for x, I need to go through all the code to see this. That a is used in sub (and possibly modified) can be seen easily by looking at the declaration part of sub.
In this sense, it seems preferable to have two kinds of modules:
A module or modules only containing variable declarations (which are then used when needed)
Modules that only contain procedures and possibly parameter declarations but no variable declarations
This gets rid of host association for variables altogether.
But this doesn't seem practical for a number of reasons:
I might have a dozen subroutines using (and modifying) the same variables in one module. Having to use these variables everytime clutters the code, especially if there are a lot of them (say a few hundred).
Seperating the declaration of a variable from where it is actually used seems to make the code less comprehensible:
Either, one creates one giant control file containing all the declarations. This could be quite confusing if the code is large and uses many variables.
Or, one creates a seperate control file for every module (or group of modules, if they depend on the same content). This would make the code itself better comprehensible, since using the variables immediately shows where they are coming from. But it would complicate the structure of the code, creating a vastly more complicated file structure (and accompanying dependency structure).
In the end, all of this boils down to: When is it more sensible to put the declaration of variables in the same module in which they are used (so that they are used by host association) and when is it more sensible to outsource the declaration to a seperate module (so that the variables will be used via use association when they are needed)?
Are there any general guidelines or should this be decided on a case by case basis? And if it is case by case, what are the reasons to go for one over the other?
Fortran provides several ways to create, store, use, and pass data between different "program units": the main program, external procedures, and modules.1 As you know, each program unit can contain internal procedures - which, through host association, have access to any variable or procedure contained within the host. This is often seen as an advantage. As mentioned already by #HighPerformanceMark in his comment, the general guideline for when to use host-association or use-association is:
use host-association when variables are only (or mainly) used by routines declared in the same module, and use use-association when you want to define variables to be used in many modules
From your comments, it sounds like most or all of the host variables in your main program are accessed by each internal procedure (about a dozen or so subroutines). If that's the case, then host-association seems like a very reasonable option, and there's really no need to pass in arguments to each subroutine explicitly. On the other hand, if each subroutine actually uses only a subset of the variables, then it might be reasonable to get more explicit about it.
Like you, I am generally uncomfortable with using variables within a procedure that haven't been declared in an argument list. This is partly because I like how the list of args is self-documenting, and it helps me to reason about the code and how data is manipulated within it. This is even more true when collaborating with other workers, or if I've spent some time away from the code and my memory of it has faded. However, I've discovered there is little reason to avoid host association altogether, as long as you are aware of how it works and have a strategy.
In fact, I tend to use internal procedures and host-association quite often, especially for short functions/subroutines. I find it helpful to loosely think of the host as the "object", its variables as "attributes", and any internal procedures very much like the object's "methods" that do the work. Of course, that's simplifying things, but that's really the point.
For more complex programs I reduce the amount of host-association from the "main" program itself, which then exists primarily to call the various subroutines in the proper order and context. In this case, we can take advantage of use-association and choose to use module entities (such as procedures, variables, types, parameters) directly within the program unit that needs them. We can further restrict access to only those module entities that are needed with only:. This aids readability, the data flow is clearly indicated, and I find that updating the code later is more straightforward. You know, inheritance, encapsulation, and whatnot...but Fortran style. Which is actually pretty good.
Here's an example program structure that works for me and the moderately-sized projects I've worked on in Fortran. I like to keep my widely-used (static) parameters in a separate module (or modules, if grouped according to function). I keep derived types and type-bound procedures in another separate module(s). If it's useful, I make certain module entities private, so that they are not accessible from other program units. And I guess that's it.
module params
implicit none
public !! All items public/accessible by default.
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.d0)
integer, parameter :: nrows = 3
real(dp), parameter :: one=1.0_dp, two=2.0_dp
end module params
module types
use params, only: dp, nrows
implicit none
public !! Public by default.
private :: dim2
integer, parameter :: dim2 = 3
type :: A
integer :: id
real(dp), dimension(nrows,dim2) :: data
procedure, pass :: init
end type A
subroutine init(self, ...)
end subroutine init
end module types
module utils
implicit none
private !! Private by default.
public :: workSub1, workSub2, subErr
integer,save :: count=0 !! Accessible only to entities in this module.
subroutine workSub1(...)
end subroutine workSub1
subroutine workSub2(...)
end subroutine workSub2
subroutine subErr(...)
end subroutine subErr
end module utils
program main
!! An example program structure.
use params, only: dp
implicit none
real(dp) :: xvar, yvar, zvar
integer :: n, i
logical :: rc
call execute_work_subroutines()
contains !! Internal procs inherit all vars declared or USEd.
subroutine execute_work_subroutines()
use types, only: A
type(A) :: DataSet
!! begin
call DataSet%init(i)
do i = 1,n
call workSub1(xvar,yvar,zvar,A,i,rc)
if (rc) call subErr(rc)
call workSub2(A,rc)
if (rc) call subErr(rc)
end subroutine execute_work_subroutines
end program main
1There are also submodules, but I am not familiar with them and don't want to give misleading info. They do seem useful for logically separating large modules.

Extending derived types in separate module without changing the type's name

I can extend a program by adding a module file in which I extend originally defined derived types like e.g.:
module mod1
type type1
real :: x
end type
end module
module mod2
use mod1
type,extends(type1) :: type2
procedure,pass :: g
end type
function g(y,e)
class(type2), intent(in) :: y
real,intent(in) :: e
end function
end module
program test
use mod2
type(type2) :: a
write(*,*) a%g(5e0)
end program
But with this solution I need to change the declaration of 'a' (type1->type2) in the calling program, each time when I'm adding another module. So my question is if there is a way around this, i.e. I can add a type bound procedure to a derived type in another module without changing the original name of the type.
I totally understand that this might not work since I could then declare a variable and extend its type later, what sounds problematic for me. So, I thought about the deferred statement. But this isn't really what I want, since I first have to ad it to the original definition and second I need to provide an interface and thus need to know about the variables of the later coming function (here g) already. However, maybe someone has a nice solution for this.
All this is of course to bring more structure in the program, especially when I think about different people working on one program at the same time, such a possibility to split workpackages seems rather useful.
You can rename entities that are use associated by using the renaming capability of the USE statement.
USE m1, chicken => type1
TYPE, EXTENDS(chicken) :: type1
type1 in module m2 is a different type to type1 in module m1.
You could also do this renaming in the USE statement in your main program, or via some intermediate module.
If both type1 names are accessible in another scope and you reference the name type1, then your compiler will complain.
If you use this trick and other programmers read your code, then they might complain.
To some extent submodules would help you, but they are implemented in the most widely used compilers. You could defer the implementation of the procedure to the submodule, but you would have to specify the interface anyway.
It isn't possible in any other way as far as I know.

How do you USE Fortran 90 module data

Let's say you have a Fortran 90 module containing lots of variables, functions and subroutines. In your USE statement, which convention do you follow:
explicitly declare which variables/functions/subroutines you're using with the , only : syntax, such as USE [module_name], only : variable1, variable2, ...?
Insert a blanket USE [module_name]?
On the one hand, the only clause makes the code a bit more verbose. However, it forces you to repeat yourself in the code and if your module contains lots of variables/functions/subroutines, things begin to look unruly.
Here's an example:
module constants
implicit none
real, parameter :: PI=3.14
real, parameter :: E=2.71828183
integer, parameter :: answer=42
real, parameter :: earthRadiusMeters=6.38e6
end module constants
program test
! Option #1: blanket "use constants"
! use constants
! Option #2: Specify EACH variable you wish to use.
use constants, only : PI,E,answer,earthRadiusMeters
implicit none
write(6,*) "Hello world. Here are some constants:"
write(6,*) PI, &
E, &
answer, &
end program test
Hopefully someone says something like "Fortran? Just recode it in C#!" so I can down vote you.
I like Tim Whitcomb's answer, which compares Fortran's USE modulename with Python's from modulename import *. A topic which has been on Stack Overflow before:
‘import module’ or ‘from module import’
In an answer, Mark Roddy mentioned:
don't use 'from module import *'. For
any reasonable large set of code, if
you 'import *' your will likely be
cementing it into the module, unable
to be removed. This is because it is
difficult to determine what items used
in the code are coming from 'module',
making it east to get to the point
where you think you don't use the
import anymore but its extremely
difficult to be sure.
What are good rules of thumb for python imports?
dbr's answer contains
don't do from x import * - it makes
your code very hard to understand, as
you cannot easily see where a method
came from (from x import *; from y
import *; my_func() - where is my_func
So, I'm leaning towards a consensus of explicitly stating all the items I'm using in a module via
USE modulename, only : var1, var2, ...
And as Stefano Borini mentions,
[if] you have a module so large that you
feel compelled to add ONLY, it means
that your module is too big. Split it.
I used to just do use modulename - then, as my application grew, I found it more and more difficult to find the source to functions (without turning to grep) - some of the other code floating around the office still uses a one-subroutine-per-file, which has its own set of problems, but it makes it much easier to use a text editor to move through the code and quickly track down what you need.
After experiencing this, I've become a convert to using use...only whenever possible. I've also started picking up Python, and view it the same way as from modulename import *. There's a lot of great things that modules give you, but I prefer to keep my global namespace tightly controlled.
It's a matter of balance.
If you use only a few stuff from the module, it makes sense if you add ONLY, to clearly specify what you are using.
If you use a lot of stuff from the module, specifying ONLY will be followed by a lot of stuff, so it makes less sense. You are basically cherry-picking what you use, but the true fact is that you are dependent on that module as a whole.
However, in the end the best philosophy is this one: if you are concerned about namespace pollution, and you have a module so large that you feel compelled to add ONLY, it means that your module is too big. Split it.
Update: Fortran? just recode it in python ;)
Not exactly answering the question here, just throwing in another solution that I have found useful in some circumstances, if for whatever reason you don't want to split your module and start to get namespace clashes. You can use derived types to store several namespaces in one module.
If there is some logical grouping of the variables, you can create your own derived type for each group, store an instance of this type in the module and then you can import just the group that you happen to need.
Small example: We have a lot of data some of which is user input and some that is the result of miscellaneous initializations.
module basicdata
implicit none
! First the data types...
type input_data
integer :: a, b
end type input_data
type init_data
integer :: b, c
end type init_data
! ... then declare the data
type(input_data) :: input
type(init_data) :: init
end module basicdata
Now if a subroutine only uses data from init, you import just that:
subroutine doesstuff
use basicdata, only : init
q = init%b
end subroutine doesstuff
This is definitely not a universally applicable solution, you get some extra verbosity from the derived type syntax and then it will of course barely help if your module is not the basicdata sort above, but instead more of a allthestuffivebeenmeaningtosortoutvariety. Anyway, I have had some luck in getting code that fits easier into the brain this way.
The main advantage of USE, ONLY for me is that it avoids polluting my global namespace with stuff I don't need.
Agreed with most answers previously given, use ..., only: ... is the way to go, use types when it makes sense, apply python thinking as much as possible. Another suggestion is to use appropriate naming conventions in your imported module, along with private / public statements.
For instance, the netcdf library uses nf90_<some name>, which limits the namespace pollution on the importer side.
use netcdf ! imported names are prefixed with "nf90_"
similarly, the ncio wrapper to this library uses nc_<some name> (nc_read, nc_write...).
Importantly, with such designs where use: ..., only: ... is made less relevant, you'd better control the namespace of the imported module by setting appropriate private / public attributes in the header, so that a quick look at it will be sufficient for readers to assess which level of "pollution" they are facing. This is basically the same as use ..., only: ..., but on the imported module side - thus to be written only once, not at each import).
One more thing: as far as object-orientation and python are concerned, a difference in my view is that fortran does not really encourage type-bound procedures, in part because it is a relatively new standard (e.g. not compatible with a number of tools, and less rationally, it is just unusual) and because it breaks handy behavior such as procedure-free derived type copy (type(mytype) :: t1, t2 and t2 = t1). That means you often have to import the type and all would-be type-bound procedures, instead of just the class. This alone makes fortran code more verbose compared to python, and practical solutions like a prefix naming convention may come in handy.
IMO, the bottom line is: choose your coding style for people who will read it (this includes your later self), as taught by python. The best is the more verbose use ..., only: ... at each import, but in some cases a simple naming convention will do it (if you are disciplined enough...).
Yes, please use use module, only: .... For large code bases with multiple programmers, it makes the code easier to follow by everyone (or just use grep).
Please do not use include, use a smaller module for that instead. Include is a text insert of source code which is not checked by the compiler at the same level as use module, see: FORTRAN: Difference between INCLUDE and modules. Include generally makes it harder for both humans and computer to use the code which means it should not be used. Ex. from mpi-forum: "The use of the mpif.h include file is strongly discouraged and may be deprecated in a future version of MPI." (
I know I'm a little late to the party, but if you're only after a set of constants and not necessarily computed values, you could do like C and create an include file:
inside a file,
e.g., constants.for
real, parameter :: pi = 3.14
real, parameter :: g = 6.67384e-11
program main
use module1, only : func1, subroutine1, func2
implicit none
include 'constants.for'
end program main
Edited to remove "real(4)" as some think it is bad practice.