All keyboard events for my NSTableView are disabled - objective-c

All keyboard events for my NSTableView are disabled. I can't use arrows or select a row with space bar.
The NSTAbleView belongs to a NSPanel, which is the current key Window, and the NSTableView is the first responder of the panel:
print (int) [self isKeyWindow] $1 = 1
po [self firstResponder] <NSTableView: 0xa7c6cc0>
If I remove the table from my panel (and also the other table) the ESC button works again. I guess something is wrong with the table event handling.

Your table view has lost its first responder status. Do you have any other controls in the window that are responding to key events? Try setting your window's intital first responder, making other controls refuse first responder, setting up your nextKeyView paths, or manually setting the table as the first responder by calling [window makeFirstResponder:tableView].
First responder issues can be a PITA, but if you read the documentation and go through your code with logging statements you can get an idea of where those key events are going.


UITextField losing focus after button press and text field switch (keyboard remains visible)

I've got a UITableViewCell subclass here that manages a UITextField setup on the right side of the table view cell. Anywhere from 4 to 8 of these cells are displayed at any given time depending on the table; I use them for unit data entry (ie, entering in distances, temperatures, etc) so there's quite a bit of logic bolted to the cell subclass.
For whatever reason, I've noticed that if I perform the following steps:
1) Tap on a text field to begin editing and bring up the keyboard
2) Enter in some text
3) Tap the clear button (which is enabled on the text field)
4) Tap on another textfield in the same table view
Then the current UITextField loses focus, but the second text field does not gain it. This means that no UITextField currently has focus, but the keyboard is still being displayed on-screen... but without any active text field, it does nothing, and cannot be dismissed (presumably because there's no first responder to resign?).
I can then tap on another text field again, and it will take focus and begin editing- at which point the keyboard becomes operable again and pressing the return/done key will dismiss it and end editing as usual.
If I simply tap on another UITextField without first hitting a button, then the second UITextField will gain focus immediately (as I'd expect it to). But it seems like button presses outside of the UITextField will cause this behaviour to occur if you try to switch fields after tapping any kind of button other than the text field.
Does anyone know what is causing this? It almost sounds like there's something wrong with the responder chain, but I'm not sure what the problem would be or how to fix it.
Firstly,you are sure the textfiled in the table has a unique identifier ,such as tag.
Secondly,you should make another textfiled become first responder if you want a textfiled lost first responder but the keyboard still appear.
Figured out what it was...
The problem was that I was reloading the table data in the delegate method that my custom cell was calling upon edit completion. Apparently reloading the tableview data while you're in the middle of switching UITextFields will cause the second text field to not gain focus (but the keyboard won't get dismissed), hence causing the issue I was seeing.

NSDatePicker becomeFirstResponder

I have a data entry form where the first field the user wants to enter is an NSDatePicker.
I wish this field to be highlighted when the user clicks a button (labelled 'New')
I have tried putting in [myDatePicker becomeFirstResponder] but this has no effect.
Can anybody show me how to set the focus to myDatePicker?
Unfortunately, becomeFirstResponder does not work that way.
As mentioned in the docs, you should send makeFirstResponder: to the window that contains the control you wish to become the first responder. In your case the window that holds your NSDatePicker.
becomeFirstResponder can be overridden in a control to return false if you do not want it to become the first responder.
Is your picker linked to a textfield for the output? I have linked custom pickers to my textfields keyboard property before. If the output is set to the textfield, you can make the textfield the first responder and the picker will come up in place of the keyboard.

How to force an NSWindow to be always active/focused?

I have a transparent NSWindow that follows the user's screen everywhere he goes (the NSWindowstays in front of every app, no matter what, even fullscreen apps).
In that NSWindow i have a mouseDown event that shows a popup. Let's say i'm on safari in fullscreen mode and i have my Window in front of it, i click on safari and i click again on my Window: nothing happens, the mouseDown doesn't occur. I have to click again so the mouseDown event is triggered.
How can i force my NSWindow to be always active so i don't have to click it 2x to trigger the mouseDown when i click on a background app and click in my window again?
Thank you!
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want (it's not quite a window wide setting), but, from the documentation:
By default, a mouse-down event in a window that isn’t the key window
simply brings the window forward and makes it key; the event isn’t
sent to the NSView object over which the mouse click occurs. The
NSView can claim an initial mouse-down event, however, by overriding
acceptsFirstMouse: to return YES.
The argument of this method is the
mouse-down event that occurred in the non-key window, which the view
object can examine to determine whether it wants to receive the mouse
event and potentially become first responder. You want the default
behavior of this method in, for example, a control that affects the
selected object in a window.
However, in certain cases it’s
appropriate to override this behavior, such as for controls that
should receive mouseDown: messages even when the window is inactive.
Examples of controls that support this click-through behavior are the
title-bar buttons of a window.
Or you could try fiddling with
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
and see if you can handle events in a custom way.
If you add a borderless NSButton instance to your window's view and set your image as the button's image (and as its alternate image, to make it more beautiful), it will work out of the box: Just connect the button's action method to your app delegate (or the object where you want to process the click action). A click on the image (i.e. the button) will then trigger the button's action method, no matter which window is active.
This worked for me, hope that will be helpful, This will keep your window always on Top of all applications
[self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[self.window setLevel:NSStatusWindowLevel];
I think what you really should do is use an NSPanel (a floating palette -- a special kind of NSWindow) that will do exactly what you want in a way that's consistent with the OS rather than trying to fight intended behavior.
Here's the NSPanel documentation:
And here's some helpful and pithy information:
By default, an NSPanel will disappear when the application is inactive, but you can turn this off.
I apologize for not laying it out more fully ... pressed for time.
Note that you can probably get your window to behave as desired simply:
"The NSView can claim an initial mouse-down event, however, by overriding acceptsFirstMouse: to return YES."
You'll need to do this with any NSView subclass to skip the "activation click".

NSTextField in status bar doesn't want to receive focus

For some reson sometimes a NSTextField I'm using in Status Bar menu doesn't always allow me to input text. I click it and nothing happens as if it was disabled. Upon restarting program it works again. I don't do anything with it, it's just created in the interface builder.
That's because no NSWindow contains the NSTextField. The NSWindow sets the first responder when the window gets the main window. The NSStatusBar is global. It's never focused so your textfield only will be focused in the very beginning.
I'm not sure if there's a way to solve this problem in a nice way. You might try to set the first responder manually. You could also add a global event monitor
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask handler:^(NSEvent* incoming) {
[textfield setStringValue:[incoming characters]];
Note: This is a very bad way to fix this problem. I'd first try to set the NSTextField manually as a first responder if this is possible.

IPad dismiss Keyboard without knowing which Textfield opened it

Is there a way to do a general resignFirstResponder to hide the keyboard regardless of what textfield/view/etc calls it?
Reason is I have a lot of textfields on my view and don't want to have to resignFirstResponder for all textfields to hide the keyboard. Just want a general
[self resignFirstResponder].
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
I know that this has already been marked as answered, but for those that run into this like I did you can just use the following method on the view that contains the textfields.
- (BOOL)endEditing:(BOOL)force
This method looks at the current view and its subview hierarchy for the text field that is currently the first responder. If it finds one, it asks that text field to resign as first responder. If the force parameter is set to YES, the text field is never even asked; it is forced to resign. UIView Documentation
[self.view endEditing:YES];
it will hide keyboard when we click on view.
You can dismiss the keyboard without any reference to UITextfield / UITextView with help of below code:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] endEditing:YES];
this will dismiss the keyboard globally without the reference.
hope this will help you.
The easiest way to do this is to have a method for whenever you want to dismiss the keyboard that looks like this:
-(void)dismissKeyboard {
[firstField becomeFirstResponder];
[firstField resignFirstResponder];
You can check these questions:
Is it possible to make the iPhone keyboard invisible / remove it without resigning first responder?
Hide Input Keyboard on iPhone Without Knowing First Responder?
In summary:
You can call becomeFirstResponder on some other thing that you choose. It could be a UIViewController or a UIView. I had a similar problem before, I needed to make my keyboard go away when I was pushing my view controller back to its caller, without knowing which textfield was the first responder. Then, on viewWillAppear of my view controller which I was returning back, I called [self becomeFirstResponder] and the keyboard of the pushed view was gone. Because this made whichever text field was it loose being the first responder
In my own app when I had more than one text field and would like to make the keyboard go away regardless which of the fields called it, I would just wrote a method and let each and every of them resignFirstResponder.
I assume that as a programmer, you should have the clear knowledge how many text fields are on your view controller and how you can access them, otherwise it'll get messed up and you app won't look good... :-P