sql stored procedure not working(no rows affected) - sql

trying to get this stored procedure to work.
ALTER PROCEDURE [team1].[add_testimonial]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#currentTestimonialDate char(10),#currentTestimonialContent varchar(512),#currentTestimonialOriginator varchar(20)
#keyValue int
--Get the Highest Key Value
SELECT #keyValue=max(TestimonialKey)
FROM Testimonial
--Update the Key by 1
SET #keyValue=#keyValue+1
--Store into table
INSERT INTO Testimonial VALUES (#keyValue, #currentTestimonialDate, #currentTestimonialContent, #currentTestimonialOriginator)
yet it just returns
Running [team1].[add_testimonial] ( #currentTestimonialDate = 11/11/10, #currentTestimonialContent = this is a test, #currentTestimonialOriginator = theman ).
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [team1].[add_testimonial].
and nothing is added to the database, what might be the problem?

There may have problems in two place:
a. There is no data in the table so, max(TestimonialKey) returns null, below is the appropriate way to handle it.
--Get the Highest Key Value
SELECT #keyValue= ISNULL(MAX(TestimonialKey), 0)
FROM Testimonial
--Update the Key by 1
SET #keyValue=#keyValue+1
b. Check your data type of the column currentTestimonialDate whether it is char or DateTime type, if this field is datetime type in the table then convert #currentTestimonialDate to DateTime before inserting to the table.
Also, check number of columns that are not null allowed and you're passing data to them.
If you're not passing data for all columns then try by specifying columns name as below:
--Store into table
INSERT INTO Testimonial(keyValue, currentTestimonialDate,
currentTestimonialContent, currentTestimonialOriginator)
VALUES (#keyValue, #currentTestimonialDate,
#currentTestimonialContent, #currentTestimonialOriginator)
After getting the comment from marc_s:
Make keyValue as INT IDENTITY, If multiple user call it concurrently that wont be problem, DBMS will handle it, so the ultimate query in procedure might be as below:
ALTER PROCEDURE [team1].[add_testimonial]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#currentTestimonialDate char(10),
#currentTestimonialContent varchar(512),#currentTestimonialOriginator varchar(20)
--Store into table
INSERT INTO Testimonial VALUES (#currentTestimonialDate,
#currentTestimonialContent, #currentTestimonialOriginator)

Two issues that I can spot:
SELECT #keyValue=max(TestimonialKey)
should be
SELECT #keyValue=ISNULL(max(TestimonialKey), 0)
To account for the case when there are no records in the database
Second, I believe that with NOCOUNT ON, you will not return the count of inserted rows to the caller. So, before your INSERT statement, add


Generate a unique column sequence value based on a query handling concurrency

I have a requirement to automatically generate a column's value based on another query's result. Because this column value must be unique, I need to take into consideration concurrent requests. This query needs to generate a unique value for a support ticket generator.
The template for the unique value is CustomerName-Month-Year-SupportTicketForThisMonthCount.
So the script should automatically generate:
and so on as support tickets are created. How can ensure that AcmeCo-10-2019-1 is not generated twice if two support tickets are created at the same time for AcmeCo?
insert into SupportTickets (name)
select concat_ws('-', #CustomerName, #Month, #Year, COUNT())
from SupportTickets
where customerName = #CustomerName
and CreatedDate between #MonthStart and #MonthEnd;
One possibility:
Create a counter table:
create table Counter (
Id int identify(1,1),
Name varchar(64)
Count1 int
Name is a unique identifier for the sequence, and in your case name would be CustomerName-Month-Year i.e. you would end up with a row in this table for every Customer/Year/Month combination.
Then write a stored procedure similar to the following to allocate a new sequence number:
create procedure [dbo].[Counter_Next]
#Name varchar(64)
, #Value int out -- Value to be used
set nocount, xact_abort on;
declare #Temp int;
begin tran;
-- Ensure we have an exclusive lock before changing variables
select top 1 1 from dbo.Counter with (tablockx);
set #Value = null; -- if a value is passed in it stuffs us up, so null it
-- Attempt an update and assignment in a single statement
update dbo.[Counter] set
#Value = Count1 = Count1 + 1
where [Name] = #Name;
if ##rowcount = 0 begin
set #Value = 10001; -- Some starting value
-- Create a new record if none exists
insert into dbo.[Counter] ([Name], Count1)
select #Name, #Value;
commit tran;
return 0;
You could look into using a TIME type instead of COUNT() to create unique values. That way it is much less likely to have duplicates. Hope that helps

SQl trigger after insert error

I'm trying to update/insert a value after I inserted a new row into my SQL table. I'm using a trigger to accomplish this but I get an error which I do understand what it means but I don't know how to fix it. I was under the impression that I could get the inserted row from the inserted table based on the #id I declared, that part seems to work but why do I get the error that I'm not allowed to enter a NULL value into my "invoicenumber" field (I know it's the PK but I don't wont to enter anything into this field (it's already filled with correct data from the insert itself).
So, can anyone explain to me what I did wrong?
The table I used:
table delivery_invoice
id - int
invoicenumber(PK) - varchar(50)
amount6 - money
amount21 - money
distributor - int
payed - char(3)
deliverycosts - money
deliverydate - datetime
deliverytime - datetime
VATamount6 - calculated field
VATamount21 - calculated field
VATamountdelivery - int
The trigger I used
USE TestDelivery
-- =============================================
-- Author: James
-- Create date: 11-08-2017
-- Description: change VATamountdelivery field after a new row is inserted
-- =============================================
ON dbo.delivery_invoice
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Declare #id int
Declare #amount money
Declare #invoice varchar(50)
Select #id = id from inserted
Select #amount = VATamount21 from inserted
IF #amount > 0
insert into dbo.delivery_invoice(VATamountdelivery)
insert into dbo.delivery_invoice(VATamountdelivery)
And last but not least the error I got:
Error. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'invoicenumber', table
'TestDelivery delivery_invoice'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
Any help would be appriciated!
You don't want to insert a new row with the value. I think you just want to change the value.
However, your trigger has other issues. In particular, never assume that inserted contains only one row. That is just a bug waiting to happen.
CREATE TRIGGER trgVATAmountDelivery ON dbo.delivery_invoice
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
update di
set VATamountdelivery = (case when i.VATamount21 > 0 then 21 else 6 end)
from dbo.delivery_invoice di join
inserted i
on i.id = di.id

FIM - SQL Triggers for updating records in Delta table

I'm writing a DML trigger when change (update or Insert) happens in one table (Master table), I want to write the whole row into another table (Delta table).
The Master and Delta tables contains the same column with same datatype, except that Delta table contains an additional column called 'change_type', which should say either 'INSERT' OR 'MODIFY', depending on which trigger is updating the delta table.
The difficulty I'm having is I want to use the inserted table to update the Delta table row but its giving me errors.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Update]
ON [dbo].[People_Master]
AFTER Update
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Declare #RowCount int
Declare #ID int
Declare #Email nvarchar(50)
Declare #ct nvarchar(10)
select #ID = ID from inserted
Select #RowCount=COUNT(*) from People_Delta where People_Delta.ID = #ID and People_Delta.change_type = 'Modify';
if(#RowCount = 0)
Insert into People_Delta (ID,Email,uac,Department,FirstName,change_type)
values (iserted.ID,inserted.Email,inserted.uac,inserted.Department,inserted.Firstname'Modify');
My table has 5 columns.
ID (primary key)
You are missing a , in your INSERT statement.
And because the number of columns you have specified does not match with the number of values you are inserting, you get an error.
inserted.Firstname , 'Modify'
Insert into People_Delta (ID,Email,uac,Department,FirstName,change_type)
values (iserted.ID,inserted.Email,inserted.uac,inserted.Department,inserted.Firstname,'Modify');

SQL Table Locking

I have an SQL Server locking question regarding an application we have in house. The application takes submissions of data and persists them into an SQL Server table. Each submission is also assigned a special catalog number (unrelated to the identity field in the table) which is a sequential alpha numeric number. These numbers are pulled from another table and are not generated at run time. So the steps are
Insert Data into Submission Table
Grab next Unassigned Catalog
Number from Catalog Table
Assign the Catalog Number to the
Submission in the Submission table
All these steps happen sequentially in the same stored procedure.
Its, rate but sometimes we manage to get two submission at the same second and they both get assigned the same Catalog Number which causes a localized version of the Apocalypse in our company for a small while.
What can we do to limit the over assignment of the catalog numbers?
When getting your next catalog number, use row locking to protect the time between you finding it and marking it as in use, e.g.:
set transaction isolation level REPEATABLE READ
begin transaction
select top 1 #catalog_number = catalog_number
from catalog_numbers with (updlock,rowlock)
where assigned = 0
update catalog_numbers set assigned = 1 where catalog_number = :catalog_number
commit transaction
You could use an identity field to produce the catalog numbers, that way you can safely create and get the number:
insert into Catalog () values ()
set #CatalogNumber = scope_identity()
The scope_identity function will return the id of the last record created in the same session, so separate sessions can create records at the same time and still end up with the correct id.
If you can't use an identity field to create the catalog numbers, you have to use a transaction to make sure that you can determine the next number and create it without another session accessing the table.
I like araqnid's response. You could also use an insert trigger on the submission table to accomplish this. The trigger would be in the scope of the insert, and you would effectively embed the logic to assign the catalog_number in the trigger. Just wanted to put your options up here.
Here's the easy solution. No race condition. No blocking from a restrictive transaction isolation level. Probably won't work in SQL dialects other than T-SQL, though.
I assume their is some outside force at work to keep your catalog number table populated with unassigned catalog numbers.
This technique should work for you: just do the same sort of "interlocked update" that retrieves a value, something like:
update top 1 CatalogNumber
set in_use = 1 ,
#newCatalogNumber = catalog_number
from CatalogNumber
where in_use = 0
Anyway, the following stored procedure just just ticks up a number on each execution and hands back the previous one. If you want fancier value, add a computed column that applies the transform of choice to the incrementing value to get the desired value.
drop table dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator
create table dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator
id varchar(100) not null ,
current_value int not null default(1) ,
constraint PrimaryKeyGenerator_PK primary key clustered ( id ) ,
drop procedure dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey
create procedure dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey
#name varchar(100)
set nocount on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
set xact_abort on
#uniqueValue int
-- put the supplied key in canonical form
set #name = ltrim(rtrim(lower(#name)))
-- if the name isn't already defined in the table, define it.
insert dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator ( id )
select id = #name
where not exists ( select *
from dbo.PrimaryKeyGenerator pkg
where pkg.id = #name
-- now, an interlocked update to get the current value and increment the table
update PrimaryKeyGenerator
set #uniqueValue = current_value ,
current_value = current_value + 1
where id = #name
-- return the new unique value to the caller
return #uniqueValue
To use it:
declare #pk int
exec #pk = dbo.GetNewPrimaryKey 'foobar'
select #pk
Trivial to mod it to return a result set or return the value via an OUTPUT parameter.

Replication Custom resolver changes empty strings to NULLs

We have an C# application which posts to a database which is replicated to another database (using merge-replication) and has one custom resolver which is a stored procedure.
This was working fine under SQL Server 2000 , but when testing under SQL Server 2005 the custom resolver is attempting to change any empty varchar columns to be nulls (and failing cos this particular column does not allow nulls).
Note that these varchar fields are not the ones which cause the conflict as they are current empty on both databases and are not being changed and the stored procedure does not change them (all it is doing is attempting to set the value of another money column).
Has anyone come across this problem, or has example of a stored procedure which will leave empty strings as they are?
The actual stored procedure is fairly simply and and re-calculates the customer balance in the event of a conflict.
ALTER procedure [dbo].[ReCalculateCustomerBalance]
#tableowner sysname,
#tablename sysname,
#rowguid varchar(36),
#subscriber sysname,
#subscriber_db sysname,
#log_conflict INT OUTPUT,
#conflict_message nvarchar(512) OUTPUT
set nocount on
#CustomerID bigint,
#SysBalance money,
#CurBalance money,
#SQL_TEXT nvarchar(2000)
Select #CustomerID = customer.id from customer where rowguid= #rowguid
Select #SysBalance = Sum(SystemTotal), #CurBalance = Sum(CurrencyTotal) From CustomerTransaction Where CustomerTransaction.CustomerID = #CustomerID
Update Customer Set SystemBalance = IsNull(#SysBalance, 0), CurrencyBalance = IsNull(#CurBalance, 0) Where id = #CustomerID
Select * From Customer Where rowguid= #rowguid
Select #log_conflict =0
Select #conflict_message ='successful'
You have a few options here, each are a bit of a workaround from what my research seems to show is an issue with SQL Server.
1- Alter this statement: Select * From Customer Where rowguid= #rowguid to explicitly mention each of the columns, and use an "isNull" for the offending fields
2- Alter the column in the table to add a default constraint for ''. What this will do, is if you attempt to insert a 'null', it will replace it with the empty string
3- Add a 'before insert' trigger which will alter the data before the insert, to not contain a 'null' anymore
PS: Are you positive that the replication system has that column marked as "required"? I think if it is not required, it will insert 'null' if no data exists.