why does release return (oneway void) but autorelease return (id)? - objective-c

If I do this-
SomeObject* someObject = [[SomeObject alloc] init];
[[someObject release] release];
I presume my program wouldn't crash because the second over-release is acting on nothing.
[[someObject autorelease] autorelease];
would crash because the object is released twice by being passed down the chain.
This is a matter of curiousity only, I guess I've never had a problem with it so far.

(See this answer for an explanation what oneway does.)
Your first example doesn't even compile, as void != nil. But if you simply call release two times on an object that has a retain count of 1, it'll for sure crash.
As for why release returns void while autorelease returns id: The first says I don't need this object any more, you may get rid of it. Thus, if it would return something and you would operate on it you're likely to operate on a dead object. By contrast, autorelease more or less says "Soon I won't be needing the object any more but let it stick around until I'm done with the current method."
So as you see they are similar in that they say I won't be needing this object any more, but they differ in the time: release says "you can get rid of the object now", while autorelease says "you may get rid of the object later".

I suppose this is mainly done for ease of use, as one could of course do without (and put every autorelease on its own line):
Whenever you release an object, you're done with it (or at least you should be). There is no need to return the object as it may well have been destroyed already and in any case the caller should not work with the object if it is not yet destroyed (i.e. someone else has a reference to it).
On the other hand autorelease is often used in conjunction with init/alloc and just marks the object for later destruction. Whenever using autorelease one can almost be sure that the object is being used afterwards. Whether you directly return it or work with it on your own (e.g. after [[[SomeClass alloc] init] autorelease]) it is very handy to have the object returned as it saves an explicit line of code for autorelease. It is also helpful to have the autorelease directly in the same line: On return [someObject autorelease] you can directly see, that this is an autoreleased object. If you use it with init/alloc you can directly see that this object does not need another release.

I believe, you've answered your question yourself. Call to autorelease can be in the very beginning of object's life, so probably you'll need to save some code lines by the following statement:
[anotherObject callMethodWithArg: [myObject autorelease]];
Indeed, that's helpful. However, you call a release, in the very end of the code, that uses your object. By saying immediate release, you are saying you don't need this object here anymore. So there's no sense in reusing it's instance. Another option is, that a release call can actually deallocate the object immediately, so returning an invalid pointer will not be a good idea =)


Why dose the NSString become NSZomie in this code?

I just ran into a problem.I use NSMutableArray to keep the Ad ids that need to be loaded. When one id is preloaded, I remove it from the array. Then I find out that, after remove, the unit id became a zombie.
I tried to reproduce this, and I find out that when the Ads id was pulled from array, it is not a zombie.It just become zombie after removed from array. But, there is still a NSString* refer to it, how can this happen? And If it will become zombie at this point, it should become zombie every time. But it only happens occasionally.
if([_allRewardVideoAds count])
NSString* adsName = [_allRewardVideoAds objectAtIndex:0]; //the element is not a zombie here
GADRewardBasedVideoAd* ads = [self ensureRewardVideo:adsName];
if(![ads isReady])
_currentRewardVideoName = adsName;
[_allRewardVideoAds removeObjectAtIndex:0];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
[ads loadRequest:request withAdUnitID:adsName]; //here, adsName is a zombie
_isRewarLoading = YES;
It's worth taking a close look at cocoa's memory management policies. The thing here (it seems to me) is that when your code assigns the string adsName, the object the preloadNextRewardVideo method is part of doesn't take ownership of the string-object that adsName is pointing at ('ownership' in this context means either allocating and initializing space for it through alloc/init, new, copy, etc, or sending it an explicit retain message). All you have is a local variable that points at a string-object owned by the _allRewardVideoAds array. Yes, making the assignment increases the retain count, but that retain is autoreleased, and limited to the scope of this method. As soon as this method ends, nothing is going to own that string-object, and it will deallocate.
This would not be an issue (and would not create the NSZombie flag) except that you just sent adsName to a different object (GADRewardBasedVideoAd* ads) that I'm guessing does not retain it either. Of course, ads is also autoreleased (nothing owns it outside of this method), but what is that, a race-condition over whether ads or adsName is deallocated first? I suspect you do have a race-condition because NSZombie only shows up sometimes, but I don't know enough about the internal mechanisms of autorelease to know how that might work.
I think NSZombie is just telling you that you have an object that is:
in use by an external object, and
due to be destroyed shortly though autorelease.
ARC is anticipating a problem, and using NSZombie to let you know.
You could fix this either by using the property setter (e.g. use self.currentRewardVideoName = adsName) which retains the string-object globally for this object, or by locally copying it (NSString* adsName = [[_allRewardVideoAds objectAtIndex:0] copy]) which makes sure that your object owns the string to the end of the method.
Since you don't enable ARC that means you need to manually manage the memory by yourself. Since you don't enable ARC that means you need to manually manage the memory by yourself. Even though most of APIs will return an auto released object from a method but that's not always be the case.
For this case, NSArray retains the objects contained in itself so it may not need to return an auto released object from objectAtIndex: method since it should be retained by itself as an optimization. In this case I suggest you to call retain the object when you get it from the array and release it before the end of this method. That would help for this case.

How does retainCount work?

I have a problem with retainCount
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
self.albumReceiver = [[[FacebookAlbumsDelegateReceiver alloc] init: self] autorelease];
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
The retain count on the first line is 0 but when it gets to third line is 3.
The property on self.albumReceiver is retain property... But as far as i can see it should be 2 where other later retain count should went to 1 since it was autorelease later.
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
albumReceiver = [[[FacebookAlbumsDelegateReceiver alloc] init: self];
NSLog(#"%i", [self.albumReceiver retainCount]);
the retain count start with 0 and in this case the second retain count print 2....
Can somebody give some idea of how this retain and release work....
I thought without 'self' keyword, it will ignore the setter call is it? But if i put autorelease on the second example, i will have error.
Firstly, the retain count is an implementation detail that you should not be overly concerned with. You should really only care about ownership.
Having said that, the explanation for what you are seeingis as follows:
The retain count on the first line is 0
That's because self.albumReceiver is nil at that point. On real objects, you will never see a retain count of 0 (in the current implementation of Foundation).
when it gets to third line is 3
Normally you would expect the retain count to be 2, +1 for the alloc and +1 for assignment to a retain property. However, the init: method might cause some other object to retain it, so might the setter for the property. Another object observing the property might choose to retain the object too. In short, unless you know the exact implementation of all the methods involved and you know for sure nothing is using KVO on albumReceiver, all you can say about the retain count is that self has ownership of it (NB ownership is not exclusive, other things may also have ownership). This is why you shouldn't pay too much attention to retain counts.
Can somebody give some idea of how this retain and release work
Yes. You need to think in terms of ownership. Certain methods give you an object that you own. These are any method starting with alloc, any method starting with new, any method starting with copy or mutableCopy and -retain. If you receive an object in any other way, you do not own it. That includes receiving them as a return result of a method, ass parameters of a method or as by reference parameters of a method or as global or static variables.
If you own an object, you must relinquish ownership by either releasing or autoreleasing it, or it will leak. If you do not own an object, you must not release or autorelease it.
I find that it is best to think of "you" in the above as meaning "the scope in which the object reference was declared".
Anyway, I recommend you to read Apple's Memory Management Rules for the definitive explanation and not to trust answers here. If you look at the original edit for this answer, you'll see that I got the rules slightly wrong because they have been tightened up since I last read them.
Do not use retainCount. (For situations where it’s appropriate to use it, see this website.) Further reading: blog post by bbum, previous SO thread one, thread two. Also note that retainCount is deprecated in recent SDKs. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the deprecation warnings, and even better idea to turn all warnings into errors.
It is generally a bad idea to pay any attention to the retainCount of an object in Objective-C because it is usually impossible to know which secret parts of the frameworks feel a need to retain the object.
In the case you cite where you are adding the object to the autorelease pool, the autorelease pool will presumably be retaining the object until it comes time to flush the pool (during the runloop). This probably explains why the retain count is higher for the autoreleased object.
Note the use of the words "presumably" and "probably" in the above paragraph. I have no idea if this is actually what is happening inside the Cocoa/Cocoa Touch frameworks. This is the problem with using retainCount, you have no way of knowing what the retain count should be at any moment.
If you retain the object (or create it with a method name that contains alloc, copy, mutableCopy or new), you release it. The frameworks are free to also retain the object and they will release it when they are ready. When the retain count reaches zero it will be dealloced.
Update: Having looked at the GNUStep source code for NSObject and NSAutoreleasePool my possible explanation above probably isn't what is happening. However, I have no way to check for sure because I can't see Apple's implementation of these two objects. Even more reason not to trust retainCount or any inferences from it.
The only rule that really exists in environments with manual memory management is
If you use alloc, copy, mutableCopy, new
release it. Otherwise DON'T. retainCounts don't really work for debugging. See here

Objective C: Memory Leak in non-void instance method

I am getting another memory leak in a non-void instance method that returns a object of class NSMutableArray.
Can someone advise me on how I can fix this leak? I tried to release 'userFollowings' at the end of the method but it's still reporting a leak.
When your are to return an object from a method in which you have either initialized it or retained it, it is common practice to return it autoreleased. That way, the user receiving the object doesn't have to worry about releasing it. So, your final line of code should look like this:
return [userFollowing autorelease];
It probably wouldn't hurt to read a little from the Memory Management Programming Guide to catch up on memory management rules such as this, and there are plenty of other helpful resources out on the web and on this site.
There are a set of conventions used by Cocoa programs that make memory management much less error prone. When a method returns an object, the code that calls it needs to know if it owns it or not.
What it boils down to is that if you are writing a method that returns an object and that method doesn't convey ownership upon the caller by being named something like new, alloc, copy, etc., you need to autorelease it before you return it.
That's what the message you are getting is talking about - "Object returned to caller as an owning reference" means that you're conveying ownership on the calling code. The problem is that your method name indicates otherwise.
If I were to call your method and needed to hang onto the object, I'd call retain on it so that I owned it. I need to do this because your method name implied I wasn't the owner. So long as you are returning an autoreleased object, that's correct. But if you don't autorelease the object, it will end up with a retain count of 2 - once when you allocated it and once when I retained it. When I finally get round to releasing it, it will still have a retain count of 1, and will never be deallocated from memory, resulting in a memory leak.
The problem is that userFollowings never gets released. Try ending with
return [userFollowings autorelease];
Try this:
NSMutableArray* userfollwings = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]

removeObjectForKey: doesn't call dealloc

I was under the impression that removing an object from an NSMutableDictionary using removeObjectForKey:#"someKey" released the object being removed. However, the dealloc method of my objects is not being called when I do this. Do I have to explicitly release them? Thanks for any help.
removeObjectForKey will call release -- assuming, of course, that your #"someKey" does actually match an object in the dictionary. However, calling release doesn't guarantee that the object will then get dealloc-ed. It depends what other ownership claims there are on it.
Since in this case the dealloc message isn't getting sent, we can conclude that something else has a continuing claim. This may or may not be the result of an error -- for example, if you have also passed the object to some system component, it might quite legitimately want to keep your object around longer than you do.
If that isn't the case, the most likely cause would be having done something along these lines:
[dictionary setObject:[[SomeClass alloc] init] forKey:#"someKey"];
That is, never relinquishing the initial ownership granted by alloc. Instead this ought to be done something like:
[dictionary setObject:[[[SomeClass alloc] init] autorelease] forKey:#"someKey];

Memory Management Autorelease vs. Alloc Question

3 correlated questions:
1.Do the code snippets below provide the very same results in terms of memory?
NSBundle *bundle=[[NSBundle alloc] init];
[bundle release];
NSAutoreleasePool *pool=[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSBundle *bundle=[NSBundle mainBundle];
[pool drain];
2.Why in
NSBundle *bundle=[[NSBundle alloc] init];
[bundle release];
the retainCount of bundle is 1, not 0?
3.Which is recommended: always use class methods, or always gain ownership by using alloc?
Yes, those should be equivalent in terms of memory management, from the developer's point of view. The frameworks might be doing something behind the scene to hang on to [NSBundle mainBundle], but that's not your concern.
Ignore retainCount. waves hand That's not the method you're looking for. Once you have relinquished ownership of an object, either by invoking release or autorelease, then it is invalid (bad practice) to send more messages to that object. In your example, you alloc an NSBundle, so you own it. That means it has a +1 retain count (I say +1, because it's relative). When you release the bundle, it now has a "0" retain count, which means you no longer own this object (despite whether or not it may still exist in memory), which means you should not send messages to it, under penalty of stuff blowing up in your face.
What's recommended is to use whatever's appropriate for the situation. If you just need a temporary object, then using a class method that returns an autoreleased object is probably going to be just fine. If you need to be absolutely sure that the object isn't going to go away while you're using it, then you can use an alloc/init approach (or retain an autoreleased object) and then just release it when you're done.
In the second example you will create 1 extra object (the NSAutorealeasePool) and because of that the two are not exactly the same in terms of memory. But after the code runs I believe the memory will return to the same state in both examples. I am not really sure but I believe that in the second example bundle is an autoreleased object, so when the pool is drained it gets released.
I believe that when the object gets dealloc'ed the retainCount isn't changed.
It is usually recommended to avoid class methods when you create a lot of temporary objects because they won't get released until the next AutoreleasePool drain is called (and if you don't have an AutoreleasePool inside your method it won't happen for sure until you return from your method - and maybe even later). Otherwise you should use the one that feels better for you. I personally prefer allocating them. It is also important to remember that if you want the autoreleased object (the one returned from a class method) to stick around even after you return from the function to retain it.