addObject to NSMutableArray in NSMutableArray - objective-c

I have my UITableView data organized such that the sections of the table are the array elements of a NSMutableArray. Each element itself is a NSMutablearray of NSMutableDictionary, representing the row of each section and the data for each row.
When I create this, I load all the data and create each section's NSMutableArray, then add them one at a time to the "outer" NSMutableArray. I reference the rows by:
[[[objData objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"name"]
and have had no problems doing this. I think the advantage here is I can have a variable number of sections, which I need, and a variable number of rows in each section, also a requirement.
I do, however, get an error when I try to add a row to a section.
[[objData objectAtIndex:0] addObject:[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: objectID,#"id",nameVar,#"name",nil]];
doesn't work. Is this the problem, or is there a problem with the way I've layed out the array? I'm thinking that the inner NSMutableArray is only alloted so much memory, but I would have thought the array is just an array of references and wouldn't have that issue. I could be wrong - it isn't the first time.
Thanks in advance for wrapping your head around this.

How are you intializing the array and the values inside it? I think you have an array that is not mutable.
Also an NSMutableArray has a variable size, calling initWithSize is completely unnecessary. The array will resize if it needs to.


Add Array with Dictionaries to another Array in Objective-C

I want to add an Array which contains a Dictionary to an other Array. So the first Array contains a few items and each item consists of 4 key/value pairs. Now I want to add the first Array to the second on position [i,1] (so the second Array would be a three dimensional array?). How can I achieve this?
here's my code:
NSMutableArray *routenArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *firstArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSDictionary *firstDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:abfahrt,#"Abfahrt", ankunft, #"Ankunft", dauer, #"Dauer", route, #"Route", nil];
[firstArray addObject:firstDict];
for (int i = 0; i < firstArray.count; i++) {
routenArray [i][1] = firstArray [i];
You know, you really need to learn the basics of "3D" arrays, and indeed arrays / NSMutableArrays generally.
Fundamentally you use addObject to add an item to an NSMutableArray.
The answer to your question is that you use addObject to add objects to your "outside" array.
The things you add, can themselves me complex data objects like arrays - that's the "3D' part as you're thinking about it.
To access elements of an NSArray (or NSMutableArray), you use firstObject, lastObject, or objectAtIndex.
(You don't use braces[1][17].)
I encourage you to read some basic tutorials on NSArray for Xcode.
Click the "tick" sign to mark my answer as correct, closing this question. Then, forget you ever asked this question :) Read some tutorials, then ask new specific questions about NSArray. Also search here for 1000s of examples and QA.
It's possible you're looking for addObjectsFromArray
Generally to solve problems like this.
Go to the dock for the highest class involved in your problem, in this case NSMutableArray ...
no matter how experienced you are, you can always find amazing stuff in there. Just read through each method available to you; often you find just what you want.
In this case addObjectsFromArray is your gift from above. Next, on this site just search on addObjectsFromArray and you'll find lots of great example code and other incidentalia.
There are no "three dimensional arrays". There is NSArray (and NSMutableArray), and they contain objects. Since NSArray and NSDictionary are themselves objects, an NSArray can contain another NSArray which can contain another NSArray. That doesn't make it three-dimensional. And that's where your problem comes from: "routenArray" (wer mixt hier deutsche und englische Namen? ) doesn't contain any objects. routenArray [0] is nil.
What you are writing:
routenArray [i][1] = firstArray [i];
is just a shortcut for
[[routenArray objectAtIndex:i] replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[firstArray objectAtIndex:i]];
So this is very much not what you think it is.

Filling NSMutableArray for later use in obj-c

How do you fill a NSMutableArray with a set capacity for later use?
Basically I want to set up a NSMutableArray to act as a map for my game objects, so I have this line...
gameObjects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:mapWidth*mapHeight];
Which I had hoped would create and fill my MutableArray so I can get then access it with this kind of index...
int ii = (cellY*mapWidth)+cellX;
NSDictionary *currentObject = [gameObjects objectAtIndex:ii];
But I just learned initWithCapacity doesn't fill the array, so should I create blank objects to fill it with, or is there a Null that I can fill it with? Also would I do that with 2 for loops or is there an instruction something like "initWith:myObject" ?
I want to be able to check at a certain index within the array to see if there's an object there or not, so I need to be able to acces that index point, and I can only do that if there's something there or I get an out of bounds error.
I'll be using this NSMutableArray pretty much as a grid of objects, it's a 1 dimensional array organised as a 2 dimensional array, so I need to be able to fill it with mapWidth*mapHeight of something, and then calculate the index and do a check on that index within the array.
I've looked on here and googled but couldn't find anything like what I'm asking.
Thanks for any advice.
I think what you are looking for is [NSNull null]. It is exactly what you want- a placeholder value.
You can find more information on the topic in this question.
initWithCapacity is just a performance optimization -- it has no effect on the array behavior, it just keeps the code "under the covers" from having to repeatedly enlarge the internal array as you add more entries.
So if you want a "pre-allocated" array, you'd need to fill it with NSNull objects or some such. You can then use isKindOfClass to tell if the object is the right type, or simply == compare the entry to [NSNull null]. (Since there's only ever one NSNull object it always has the same address).
(Or you could use a C-style array of pointers with nil values for empty slots.)
But you might be better off using an NSMutableDictionary instead -- no need to pre-fill, and if the element isn't there you get a nil pointer back. For keys use a NSNumber object that corresponds to what would have been your array index.
initWithCapacity only hints to NSMutableArray that it should support this many objects. It won't actually have any objects in it until you add them. Besides, every entry in the array is a pointer to an object, not a struct like you'd normally have in a standard c array.
You need to change how you're thinking about the problem. If you don't add an object to the array, it's not in there. So either you pre-fill the array with "empty" objects as you've said, which is weird. Or you can add the objects as you need them.

Appending NSDictionary to other NSDictionary

I have one NSDictionary and it loads up UITableView. If a user scrolls more and more, I call API and pull new data. This data is again in the form of an NSDictionary. Is it possible to add the new NSDictionary to the existing one?
You looking for this guy:
[NSMutableDictionary addEntriesFromDictionary:]
Make sure your UITableView dictionary is an NSMutableDictionary!
Check it here
Use NSMutableDictionary addEntriesFromDictionary to add the two dictionaries to a new mutable dictionary. You can then create an NSDictionary from the mutable one, but it's not usually necessary to have a dictionary non-mutable.
Is your NSDictionary full of other NSDictionaries? It sounds like you would need an NSMutableArray that you could add NSDictionaries to at the end. Assuming you can control the flow of data coming in and wouldn't run the risk of duplicates in your array, you could certainly append the data.
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
arrayCount = [array count]; // check the item count
[array addObject:dictToAppend];
Without seeing how you are implementing it, I can't provide more detailed code examples. Appending items is easy to do, but know it can only be done with mutable versions of Arrays or Dictionaries. Hope this helps a little.

taking out objects from NSMutableArray

I have an array which contains objects some may be same and some are different.
How can I take each same objects and different objects separately ?
Below is the array
NSMutableArray *items = [[NSMutableArray alloc]
initWithArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"rat", #"rat", #"cat",#"Lion", #"cat", #"dog", #"dog", nil]];
I want to have four arrays which will contains these items :
First array with two rats
2nd array with two cats
3rd array with one lion
4th array with two dogs
What could be the best way to take the objects out ? Identical object should be placed in same array.
Here's a general answer:
Put the array into an NSCountedSet - that will store each object and a count of the number of times it has been added.
Then - for each object in this counted set create an array with that object repeated according to the count of each object.
It will work in your case, because you are using static strings, which are going to be the same if they are the same string. This will take more work if you are using custom objects.
But the real question we have to ask is why you need to create these repetitive structures. If we could know what you are doing with it, we could give you better advice about how to go about it. For example, if you just need to keep a running count of the number of each type of object you have, you could just use the NSCountedSet directly (it descends from NSMutableSet, so it is already mutable) and not bother with creating the arrays.

Quick NSMutableArray Question

I was wondering, would using a NSMutableArray be the best way for making an array that i will be adding objects to? Or, just a regular NSArray? secondly, I'm trying to make something sort of like an ArrayList in java (so there is no limit to the size), and I would like to know how to do that. What I've thought of is to make a bigger array and copy older array into it. My code:
- (void) addAccount:(BankAccount *)b
accountCount = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[accountCount doubleValue] + 1];
NSMutableArray *oldList = accounts;
accounts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] (some code to make bigger and copy over)];
P.S. I taught myself this language yesterday, so I may not understand you response if it's too advanced
NSMutableArrays are what you want. Also, NSMutableArrays are already like ArrayLists or STL vectors, or anything else with "no limit to the size". You can say [myArray addObject:someObject]; until you run out of memory, and it will just keep resizing itself as needed.
The difference between an NSMutableArray and an NSArray lies in the meaning of the word "mutable". i.e.: A mutable array can be modified after it's created whereas a "normal" NSArray is immutable and can't be modified after it's created.
As such, using an NSMutableArray and adding objects to it via the addObject: method would seem an ideal solution.
If you want to be adding objects all at once use NSArray. If you're going to be adding some objects now, then more later, use NSMutableArray.
Your code snippet doesn't make much sense. To make an NSMutableArray, do this:
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
If you don’t need an order (normally you don’t), use a NSSet/NSMutableSet.