enum values: NSInteger or int? - objective-c

tl;dr Version
How are the data types of an enum's constants guaranteed to be NSUInteger instead of unsigned int when declaring an enum thusly:
enum {
NSNullCellType = 0,
NSTextCellType = 1,
NSImageCellType = 2
typedef NSUInteger NSCellType;
The typedef to NSUInteger does not appear to be tied to the enum declaration in any way.
Full Version
I was reading through Apple's 64-Bit Transition Guide for Cocoa for some guidance on enum values and I came away with a question. Here's a (lengthy) quote from the Enumeration Constants section, emphasis mine:
A problem with enumeration (enum) constants is that their data types are frequently indeterminate. In other words, enum constants are not predictably unsigned int. With conventionally constructed enumerations, the compiler actually sets the underlying type based on what it finds. The underlying type can be (signed) int or even long. Take the following example:
type enum {
MyFlagError = -1,
MyFlagLow = 0,
MyFlagMiddle = 1,
MyFlagHigh = 2
} MyFlagType;
The compiler looks at this declaration and, finding a negative value assigned to one of the member constants, declares the underlying type of the enumeration int. If the range of values for the members does not fit into an int or unsigned int, then the base type silently becomes 64-bit (long). The base type of quantities defined as enumerations can thus change silently size to accord with the values in the enumeration. This can happen whether you're compiling 32-bit or 64-bit. Needless to say, this situation presents obstacles for binary compatibility.
As a remedy for this problem, Apple has decided to be more explicit about the enumeration type in the Cocoa API. Instead of declaring arguments in terms of the enumeration, the header files now separately declare a type for the enumeration whose size can be specified. The members of the enumeration and their values are declared and assigned as before. For example, instead of this:
typedef enum {
NSNullCellType = 0,
NSTextCellType = 1,
NSImageCellType = 2
} NSCellType;
there is now this:
enum {
NSNullCellType = 0,
NSTextCellType = 1,
NSImageCellType = 2
typedef NSUInteger NSCellType;
The enumeration type is defined in terms of NSInteger or NSUInteger to make the base enumeration type 64-bit capable on 64-bit architectures.
My question is this: given that the typedef doesn't appear to be tied explicitly to the enum declaration, how does one know if their data types are unsigned int or NSUInteger?

There is now NS_ENUM starting Xcode 4.5:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NSCellType) {
NSNullCellType = 0,
NSTextCellType = 1,
NSImageCellType = 2
And you can consider NS_OPTIONS if you work with binary flags:
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MyCellFlag) {
MyTextCellFlag = 1 << 0,
MyImageCellFlag = 1 << 1,

I run a test on the simulator so the intention of the test is check the size of different integer types. For that, the result of sizeof was printed in the console. So I test this enum values:
typedef enum {
TLEnumCero = 0,
TLEnumOne = 1,
TLEnumTwo = 2
} TLEnum;
typedef enum {
TLEnumNegativeMinusOne = -1,
TLEnumNegativeCero = 0,
TLEnumNegativeOne = 1,
TLEnumNegativeTwo = 2
} TLEnumNegative;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, TLUIntegerEnum) {
TLUIntegerEnumZero = 0,
TLUIntegerEnumOne = 1,
TLUIntegerEnumTwo = 2
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TLIntegerEnum) {
TLIntegerEnumMinusOne = -1,
TLIntegerEnumZero = 0,
TLIntegerEnumOne = 1,
TLIntegerEnumTwo = 2
Test Code:
NSLog(#"sizeof enum: %ld", sizeof(TLEnum));
NSLog(#"sizeof enum negative: %ld", sizeof(TLEnumNegative));
NSLog(#"sizeof enum NSUInteger: %ld", sizeof(TLUIntegerEnum));
NSLog(#"sizeof enum NSInteger: %ld", sizeof(TLIntegerEnum));
Result for iPhone Retina (4-inch) Simulator:
sizeof enum: 4
sizeof enum negative: 4
sizeof enum NSUInteger: 4
sizeof enum NSInteger: 4
Result for iPhone Retina (4-inch 64 bit) Simulator:
sizeof enum: 4
sizeof enum negative: 4
sizeof enum NSUInteger: 8
sizeof enum NSInteger: 8
A generic enum can be an int or unsigned int types of 4 bytes for 32 or 64 bits.
As we already know NSUInteger and NSInteger are 4 bytes for 32 bits and 8 bytes in 64 bits compiler for iOS.

These are two separate declarations. The typedef guarantees that, when you use that type, you always get an NSUInteger.
The problem with an enum is not that it's not large enough to hold the value. In fact, the only guarantee you get for an enum is that sizeof(enum Foo) is large enough to hold whatever values you've currently defined in that enum. But its size may change if you add another constant. That's why Apple do the separate typedef, to maintain binary stability of the API.

The data types of the enum's constants are not guaranteed to be NSUInteger, but they are guaranteed to be cast to NSUInteger every time you use them through NSCellType.
In other words, the declaration decrees that although the enum's values would currently fit into an unsigned int, the storage reserved for them when accessed through NSCellType should be an NSUInteger.


Different Objective-C enums with the same literals

I wish to have two different enums, but they might have the same literal; for example:
typedef enum {ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR,FIVE,SIX} NumbersEnum;
typedef enum {ONE,TWO,THREE,FIVE,EIGHT} FibonacciEnum;
This will raise a compile error because ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE are repeated in both enums.
Is there a way to make this work as-is (not changing the literals' names or adding a prefix or suffix)?
Is there any way my code using the literals can look like this: int num = NumbersEnum.SIX; and not like this int num = SIX;?
No. That's part of the C and Objective-C language from the beginning of time. You're not going to change it, and nobody is going to change it for you.
You cannot do this with enums; their members are global and the names must be unique. There is, however, a neat technique you can use to make pseudo-namespaces for constants with structs.
Declare your "namespace" in the appropriate header:
extern const struct _FibonacciNumbers
int one;
int two;
int three;
int five;
} FibonacciNumbers;
Then initialize the values in an implementation file:
const struct _FibonacciNumbers FibonacciNumbers = {
.one = 1,
.two = 2,
.three = 3,
.five = 5
You now access a constant as, e.g., FibonacciNumbers.one, and other struct types can use the same names since the names are private to each of them.
So that's "No" for your first option, but "Yes" to the second.

Does the latest enum value will always be higher than the first enum value?

I have a question about enum : when I create an enum, does the latest value will always be higher than the first value of the enum ?
Maybe an exemple will be helpful to understand what I mean :
Imagine I am developing a RPG game, in which there are weapons. Each weapon has a type :
typedef enum
Now I want to check the difference of power between the weapons (supposing the WoodenSword is the weakest weapon and the GoldenSword is the strongest weapon). Is it possible de check the power of a weapon doing a simple :
WeaponType type = GoldenSword;
if(type > WoodenSword)
//Do something
In other words, I don't want this but is it possible for an enum value to be like this (if you don't force the value) :
typedef enum
WoodenSword, //-> equals 40
IronSword, //-> equals 0
SteelSword, //-> equals 42
GoldenSword //-> equals 5
Or it will be this way by default :
typedef enum
WoodenSword, //-> equals 0
IronSword, //-> equals 1
SteelSword, //-> equals 2
GoldenSword //-> equals 3
Hope to be clear enough. Please, feel free to tell me if I am not precise enough.
For C:
From the C99 standard section Enumeration specifiers:
The identifiers in an enumerator list are declared as constants that have type int and may appear wherever such are permitted.98) An enumerator with = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression. If the first enumerator has no =, the value of its enumeration constant is 0. Each subsequent enumerator with no = defines its enumeration constant as the value of the constant expression obtained by adding 1 to the value of the previous enumeration constant. (The use of enumerators with = may produce enumeration constants with values that duplicate other values in the same enumeration.) The enumerators of an enumeration are also known as its members.
So, if the value of an enum enumerator is not explicitly set it is guaranteed to be one greater than the previous value.
C/C++ guarantees that if you don't force values, any next non-forced value in enum will be previous + 1.
Yes, the default behavior is how you describe. To get the other behavior, you need to set values like this:
typedef enum
WoodenSword = 40, //-> equals 40
IronSword = 0, //-> equals 0
SteelSword = 42, //-> equals 42
GoldenSword = 5 //-> equals 5
} WeaponType;
If you don't force subsequent values you can rely on it, unless ...
root#debian:/home/david# cat demo.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
enum {a = INT_MAX, b};
int main(void)
printf("a=%d b=%d\n", a, b);
return 0;
root#debian:/home/david# clang -o demo demo.c
demo.c:4:20: warning: overflow in enumeration value
enum {a = INT_MAX, b};
1 warning generated.
root#debian:/home/david# ./demo
a=2147483647 b=-2147483648
Or just use defines instead of enumaration
#define IronSword 0
#define GoldenSword 5
#define WoodenSword 40
#define SteelSword 42
if(type > WoodenSword)
//Do something

Large number of bitwise enums

I've got a question regarding bitwise enums that I just can't seem to resolve. I've got a number of flags that are represented by a bitwise enum as in the following example:
EnumOne = 1<<0,
EnumTwo = 1<<1,
EnumThree = 1<<2,
EnumFour = 1<<3
typedef NSUInteger MyEnum;
All is fine with the above example. Based on my research and various helpful posts in stackoverflow (this for example), I've concluded that, using the above example, I'm essentially given 32 options (or shifts if you will), each option representing 1 bit in a 32-bit series of options, which basically tells me that I can go all the way to EnumThirtyTwo = 1 << 31.
My question is this:
Suppose I've more than 32, say 75 flags for example, to represent using a bitwise enum. How would that best be represented?
EnumOne = 1<<0,
EnumTwo = 1<<1,
EnumThree = 1<<2,
EnumFour = 1<<3,
EnumSeventyFive = 1<<75
typedef NSUInteger MyEnum;
Would it be a simple matter of changing the declaration of my enum type, say, to: typedef long int MyEnum; or typedef long MyEnum?
You can use a few simple macros/functions and a struct containing a char array of sufficient size - gives you call-by-value semantics, i.e. just like real enums. E.g. something along the lines of (typed directly into answer):
typedef struct
char bits[10]; // enough for 80 bits...
} SeventyFiveFlags;
typedef enum
EnumOne = 0,
EnumSeventyFive = 74
} SeventyFiveFlagNames;
NS_INLINE BOOL testFlag(SeventyFiveFlags flags, SeventyFiveFlagNames bit)
return (flags.bits[bit >> 3] & (1 << (bit & 0x7))) != 0;
However you can also use the bitstring(3) functions/macros if you are OK with call-by-reference semantics. These create (heap or stack) bit strings of any length. Use your enum to provide symbolic names for the bit numbers rather than masks, e.g.:
#include <bitstring.h>
typedef enum
EnumOne = 0,
EnumSeventyFive = 74,
SeventyFiveFlagsSize = 75
} SeventyFiveFlagNames;
typedef bitstr_t *SeventyFiveFlags;
// local (stack) declaration & use
SeventyFiveFlags seventyFive;
bit_decl(seventyFive, SeventyFiveFlagsSize); // declare
bit_nclear(seventyFive, EnumOne, EnumSeventyFive); // set all false
if( bit_test(seventyFive, EnumFortyTwo) ) // test
You can always wrap this up as a class if heap allocation only is OK.
Maybe I am talking about something irrelevant.
I think having too much flag in an enum is not a good practise. Having this large amount of flag, there must be ways to group them up like:
EnumOne = 1<<0,
EnumTwo = 1<<1,
EnumThree = 1<<2,
EnumFour = 1<<3
typedef NSUInteger widthRelated;
EnumOne = 1<<0,
EnumTwo = 1<<1,
EnumThree = 1<<2,
EnumFour = 1<<3
typedef NSUInteger heightRelated;

c, obj c enum without tag or identifier

im learning cocos2d [open gl wrapper for objective C on iPhone], and now playing with sprites have found this in a example,
enum {
easySprite = 0x0000000a,
mediumSprite = 0x0000000b,
hardSprite = 0x0000000c,
backButton = 0x0000000d,
magneticSprite = 0x0000000e,
magneticSprite2 = 0x0000000f
-(id) init
/second sprite
TSprite *med = [TSprite spriteWithFile:#"butonB.png"]; //blue
[med SetCanTrack:YES];
[self addChild: med z:1 tag:mediumSprite];
[TSprite track:med];
so the variable defined in the enum is used in the tag name of the created sprite object,
but i don understand
why give values in hexa to the tags to use
the enum with out tags
as I knew this enum in obj C and C
typedef enum {
} kImageType;
Usually, when you are creating an enum, you want to use it as a type (variable, method parameters etc.).
In this case, it's just a way how to declare integer constants. Since thay don't want to use the enum as type, the name is not necessary.
Hexadecimal numbers are commonly used when the integer is a binary mask. You won't see any operators like +,-,*,/ used with such a number, you'll see bitwise operators (!, &, |, ^).
Every digit in a hexadecimal number represents 4 bits. The whole number is a 32-bit integer and by writing it in hexadecimal in this case, you are saying that you are using only the last four bits and the other bits can be used for something else. This wouldn't be obvious from a decimal number.
Enums are automatically assigned values, incremented from 0 but you can assign your own values.
If you don't specify any values they will be starting from 0 as in:
typedef enum {
} kImageType;
But you could assign them values:
typedef enum {
JPG = 0,
PNG = 1,
GIF = 2,
PVR = 3
} kImageType;
or even
typedef enum {
JPG = 100,
PNG = 0x01,
GIF = 100,
PVR = 0xff
} kImageType;
anything you want, repeating values are ok as well.
I'm not sure why they are given those specific values but they might have some meaning related to use.
Well, you seem to be working off a terrible example. :)
At least as far as enums are concerned. It's up to anyone to define the actual value of an enum entry, but there's no gain to use hex numbers and in particular there's no point in starting the hex numbers with a through f (10 to 15). The example will also work with this enum:
enum {
easySprite = 10,
And unless there's some point in having the enumeration start with value 10, it will probably work without specifying any concrete values.

Is the following syntax is correct for an enum?

enum {
typedef int ValidationStatusCodes;
please help me out.
In your code, ValidationStatusCodes means int, not your anonymous enum type. So they aren't actually connected in any way.
However, since your enum contains int values, you could say that there's some sort of relation. You can pass the names of the enumerated values and they will be considered of the int or ValidationStatusCodes type.
By the way, Apple does something similar to what you do, except they typedef their collective names to NSInteger or NSUInteger instead of int or uint. See this question for an example.
With all that said, a more common practice is to typedef your custom type name directly to the anonymous enum, like this:
typedef enum {
ValidationLoginFailed = 2000,
ValidationSessionTokenExpired = 2001,
ValidationSessionTokenInvalid = 2002,
ValidationEmailNotFound = 2003
ValidationSuccessMIN = ValidationLoginFailed,
ValidationSuccessMAX = ValidationEmailNotFound,
ValdationValidSuccessCode = 9999,
ValdationInvalidCode = 10000
} ValidationStatusCodes;