Using initWithObjects: causes crash, but initWithCapacity: followed by addObject: does not - objective-c

A really strange problem. I have to init an array in - (void)viewDidLoad.
The array, prjMemberArray is declared as a property:
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* prjMemberArray;
If I use this
prjMemberArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"someone",#"someone",#"someone" ,nil];
with release called in viewDidUnload,
then when the view loaded , it will crashes immediately But when I use this:
prjMemberArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
[prjMemberArray addObject:#"someone"];
it works well. Can anyone explain this? I use a storyboard to present the current view controller, like this:
UIStoryboard* sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil];
prj_Detail = [sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ProjectDetailVC"];
[self presentModalViewController:prj_Detail animated:YES];
Where prjMemberArray is a property of prj_Detail.

Are you sure you have not misspelled items and written e.g. "someone" instead of #"someone" in the crashing scenario?

Don't forget to use self when referring to properties. Here's the a safe way to declare that without having to worry about leaks:
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* prjMemberArray;
#synthesize prjMemberArray=_prjMemberArray;
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSMutableArray *prjMemberArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"someone", #"someone", #"someone" ,nil];
self.prjMemberArray = prjMemberArray;
[prjMemberArray release];
- (void) dealloc {
[_prjMemberArray release];
[super dealloc];
#property creates the getter and setter for your variable but is often confused for a variable itself. When they released XCode4 I believe they added the ability to set what you want the instance variable to be named by doing:
#synthesize prjMemberArray=_prjMemberArray;
Before XCode4 you simply did:
#synthesize prjMemberArray;
So what #property is doing behind the scenes is a little something like this:
-(NSMutableArray*) prjMemberArray {
return _prjMemberArray;
-(void) setPrjMemberArray:(NSMutableArray *) val {
if( _prjMemberArray != nil )
[prjMemberArray release];
_prjMemberArray = [val retain];
So don't think of #property as a variable itself and remember to always use self when referring to them. That should save you a lot of pain and a few memory leaks as well.


NSMutableArray as instance variable alway null

After many hours wasted, I officially turn to the experts for help!
My problem lies with using a NSMutableArray as an instance variable, and trying to both add objects and return the array in a method in my class. I am obviously doing something fundamentally wrong and would be grateful for help...I have already tried all the suggestions from other similar questions on stackoverflow, read apples documentation, and basically all combinations of trial and error coding I can think of. The mutable array just alway returns (null). I've even tried creating properties for them, but still the array returns (null) and then I also am running into memory management problems due to the retain while setting the property, and the init in the init method for the class.
Here is what I am trying to do:
1) Loop through a series of UISwitches and if they are 'switched on', add a string to the NSMutableArray
2) Assign this mutable array to another array in another method
Any help much appreciated,
And for some code...
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface fruitsViewController : UIViewController
NSMutableArray *fruitsArr;
UISwitch *appleSwitch;
UISwitch *orangeSwitch;
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *fruitsArr; // ADDED ON EDIT
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UISwitch *appleSwitch;
#property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UISwitch *orangeSwitch;
- (IBAction)submitButtonPressed:(id)sender;
#import "fruitsViewController.h"
#implementation fruitsViewController
#synthesize fruitsArr; // ADDED ON EDIT
#synthesize appleSwitch, orangeSwitch;
if (self = [super init]) {
// Allocate memory and initialize the fruits mutable array
fruitsArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)viewDidLoad
self.fruitsArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- (void)viewDidUnload
self.fruitsArr = nil;
self.appleSwitch = nil;
self.orangeSwitch = nil;
- (void)dealloc
[fruitsArr release];
[appleSwitch release];
[orangeSwitch release];
[super dealloc];
- (IBAction)submitButtonPressed:(id)sender
if ([self.appleSwitch isOn]) {
[self.fruitsArr addObject:#"Apple"; // 'self.' ADDED ON EDIT
if ([self.orangeSwitch isOn]) {
[self.fruitsArr addObject:#"Orange"; // 'self.' ADDED ON EDIT
NSLog(#"%#",self.fruitsArr); // Why is this returning (null) even if the switches are on?!
[fruitsArr addObject:#"Hello World";
NSLog(#"%#",self.fruitsArr); // Even trying to add an object outside the if statement returns (null)
It seems like your init function is never called. If you're initializing this view controller from a NIB, you need to use initWithCoder. If not, just declare your fruitsArr in viewDidLoad.
Use view did load instead of init...
- (void)viewDidLoad
fruitsArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Change that init for viewDidLoad and see what happens
Is your init method ever being called (in complicationsViewController). Add a NSLog to check this, you might be calling initWithNib: maybe.
At viewDidUnload you should remove self.fruitsArr = nil;, or, if you want to keep it, then initialize the fruitsArr in viewDidLoad (and remove it from init).
because fruitsArr don't be init.
you should do this first:
fruitsArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
so, I think you don't run - (id)init before you use fruitsArr.

a puzzle on Objective-C memory management

This is one segment of codes used in one of my project for managing one of my class instance:
#interface C: NSObject
NSMutableArray *myArr;
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *myArr;
#implementation C
#synthesize myArr;
myArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//version 1 of dealloc method
self.myArr = nil;
//version 2 of dealloc method
[myArr release];
here the version 1 dealloc method doesn't work and Xcode says something like "EXC_BAD_ACCESS..." and the app crashed.
if I modified the dealloc method as version 2, it works.
Does anybody have any idea why?
Thx in advance.
As Duncan said, the EXEC_BAD_ACCESS error means that the object doesn't exist anymore.
This is probably due to the fact that myArr is being released before the dealloc gets called.
To facilitate memory management and to keep track of reference counts, I like to make it clearer in the init methods, for example:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
self.myArr = array;
[array release];
By using the generated setter self.myArr = array; you are ensuring that the reference count is being delt with correctly, it will release the old value and retain the new one for you.
#MadhavanRP : if the property is a retained property:
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *myArr;
self.myArr = nil
is exactely the same as calling
[myArr release];
myArr = nil;
Edit: #Sylvain beat me to it :)
This is OK even if it's bad idea/confusing to have same name for iVar and property. I removed the iVar declaration.
#interface C: NSObject
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *myArr;
Generate your iVar using #synthetize.
#implementation C
#synthesize myArr = _myArr;
Your init is all wrong. You are assigning the iVar without using the setter method.
// You were doing
// _myArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// You should do
NSMutableArray array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.myArr = array;
[array release];
// You could avoid the temporary variable but this confuse XCode static analyzer
This is OK. I guess that #synthetize generated another iVar to back your property.
This other iVar was not properly assign.
You would not notice this if you do not user self.myArr (or the equivalent [self myArr]).
This confusion is main reason why hardcore ObjC programmer do not like the new property thing. :) This confuse new programmers.
//version 1 of dealloc method
self.myArr = nil;
This is not good as you bypass the setter, as in init method. This was working anyway.
//version 2 of dealloc method
[myArr release];
It looks like your myArr object is being messaged when it should not be, in the first case you hide the problem by setting it to nil, in the second you don't. Either method should not crash. When do you call [super dealloc]; (you should call it at the end of the dealloc implementation).

NSMutableString returning (null)

What's wrong with this? The NSMutableString returns (null).
NSMutableString *aMutableString;
#property (assign) NSMutableString *aMutableString;
#synthesize aMutableString;
- (void)aMethod {
[self setAMutableString:[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"message: "]];
if (someCondition) {
[[self aMutableString] appendString:#"woohoo"];
- (void)anotherMethod {
NSLog(#"%#", [self aMutableString]);
[[self aMutableString] release];
First of all, your code has a couple of problems. First, you should define your aMutableString #property as retain, not assign. assign is generally for primitive, non-object types, like ints, etc., and for some special cases of objects. You appear to want to take ownership of aMutableString in such a way that it persists after the event loop returns. In your posted code, you end up accomplishing that because of how you incorrectly set the aMutableString in the following line:
[self setAMutableString:[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"message: "]];
By creating an NSMutableString with alloc/init, you're creating a potential memory leak situation, though in your situation, it actually makes up for your defining the property as assign rather than retain.
Your second -anotherMethod is also potentially dangerous in that:
1) it releases an instance variable you defined as assign
2) after releasing it, it doesn't set it to nil. If you try to access that instance variable elsewhere in that class at a later point in time, you will likely get a crash because the pointer is no longer valid, if the instance variable has been dealloced.
So, the code should most likely look something like this:
NSMutableString *aMutableString;
#property (retain) NSMutableString *aMutableString;
#synthesize aMutableString;
- (void)dealloc {
[aMutableString release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)aMethod {
[self setAMutableString:[NSMutableString stringWithString:#"message: "]];
if (someCondition) {
[aMutableString appendString:#"woohoo"];
- (void)anotherMethod {
NSLog(#"%#", aMutableString);
// the following is potentially unsafe!
// [[self aMutableString] release];
// it should be one of the following:
[aMutableString release]; aMutableString = nil;
// or
// [self setAMutableString:nil];
That said, without more information, it's a little hard to say what the problem is. I assume you mean the NSLog() call is printing (null)? If so, that means that aMutableString is still nil. Are you calling -aMethod before calling -anotherMethod?
If you want to make sure that aMutableString is initialized to an empty string, you could override -init:
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
aMutableString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
return self;
Make sure you have #synthesize aMutableString; in your .m file

I wonder about releasing variables

UIView *view; //1
UISegmentedControl *scopeBar; //2
NSMutableArray *array; //3
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView *view;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UISegmentedControl *scopeBar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *array;
#synthesize view, scopeBar, array;
for (id subView in [view subviews]) {
if ([subView isMemberOfClass:[UISegmentedControl class]]) {
scopeBar = (UISegmentedControl *)subView;
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- (void)dealloc {
I think that only the third of the variables has to be released in the dealloc method.
Is that right?
Yes, (array needs to be released) because you alloc it. So, it's programmer's responsibility to release it. So -
- (void)dealloc {
[ array release ] ;
// Any other resources alloc, init, new should be released
For more info on what to release, Memory management - ObjectiveC
And I think you will find good suggestions in this question about your query
Why should we release?
Contrary to some of the answers, you have to release your outlet (view) as well, and not only in the dealloc but also in the viewDidUnload, the easiest way is to set it to nil :
self.view = nil;
Also note that if you don't access your properties but your instance variables (i.e. without self. prefix) your retain attribute won't help you and you are not retaining the object. That means that as soon as scopeBar would be removed out of the subViews of the view, it will be released and you end up accessing a zombie.
As a rule of thumb, it's best to use the properties accessor everywhere except in the init methods so that you don't have to deal with the memory management explicitly. Setting them to nil in the dealloc and viewDidUnload in case of outlets should be enough then.
Also, don't do what Jenifer suggested and once you've called a release on a variable, don't set the property to nil, that would overrelease it.
I think that only the third of the variables has to be released in the dealloc method. Is that right?
// no. your dealloc should look like this:
- (void)dealloc {
// note: *not* using accessors in dealloc
[view release], view = nil;
[scopeBar release], scopeBar = nil;
[array release], array = nil;
[super dealloc];
// your assignment of `scopeBar` should look like this:
self.scopeBar = (UISegmentedControl *)subView;
// you want to retain the view, as advertised.
// consider avoiding an ivar if you can easily access it.
// your assignment of `view` should look like this:
self.view = theView;
// you want to retain the view, as advertised.
// consider avoiding an ivar if you can easily access it.
// your assignment of `array` should look like this in your initializer:
// note: *not* using accessors in initializer
// identical to `array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];`
array = [NSMutableArray new];
// and the assignment of `array` should look like this in other areas:
self.array = [NSMutableArray array];
// you're likely to be best suited to declare your array as
// follows (assuming you really need a mutable array):
NSMutableArray *array; // << the declaration of the ivar
// the declaration of the public accessors.
// note the array is copied, and passed/returned as NSArray
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *array;
// finally, the implementation manual of the properties:
- (NSArray *)array {
// copy+autorelease is optional, but a good safety measure
return [[array copy] autorelease];
- (void)setArray:(NSArray *)arg {
NSMutableArray * cp = [arg mutableCopy];
// lock? notify?
NSMutableArray * prev = array;
array = cp;
[prev release], prev = nil;
// unlock? notify? update?
other answers assume that dangling pointers (e.g., you still hold a pointer to view, although the view may have changed behind your back) are allowable.
they should not be allowed in real programs. they are extremely dangerous, and it can very difficult to reproduce errors they cause. therefore, you must ensure you own a reference to the pointers you maintain/hold.
you should also use the accessors in the public interface for the subclasser's sake - in case they override them. if you don't want to allow/support that, consider simply using a private variable.
As i think you should release and set them nil because you have made them properties so do this:-
in your dealloc
[array release];

Having trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C

I am using the iPhone SDK and have an issue doing something simple. I am trying to add an NSNumber object to an NSMutableArray instance variable. I tried adding NSNumber card to NSMutableArray viewedCardsArray, however without breaking, it does not get added to the array. Here is the code.
// Inside the header file Class.h
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
NSMutableArray *viewedCardsArray;
//snip ...
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *viewedCardsArray;
// Inside the methods file Class.m
#import "StudyViewController.h"
#implementation StudyViewController
#synthesize viewedCardsArray
//snip ...
- (IBAction)doShowCard {
//snip ...
NSNumber *cardIdObject = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:(int)[self.currentCard cardId]];
[viewedCardsArray addObject: cardIdObject];
[cardIdObject release];
So this code executes, and does not seem to leak (according to the Leaks performance tool). However when stepping through the code, at no point does CardIdObject appear in viewedCardsArray.
Looking through SO, I know these basic questions are pretty common to ObjC newbies (like me) so apologies in advance!
Have you initialized your viewedCardsArray? If not you need to somewhere - this is usually done in the init method for your class:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if(self) {
viewedCardsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
Then it is released in the dealloc method:
- (void)dealloc
[viewedCardsArray release];
[super dealloc];
Perspx has outlined one way of initializing the array. However, you can also use the class methods provided by NSArray:
self. viewedCardsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
This can go in init or elsewhere.
Note: The object will be autoreleased.