Defining a route for a method in rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm new to Rails and currently using Rails 3, so please bear with me. I have a basic app, with a basic scaffolded controller/model e.g Contacts.
Amongst the methods for Show/Edit etc.. i have added a method called newcontacts (i have also added a newcontacts.html.erb), which will eventually show the last 5 contacts imported , but at the moment i am using the same code one would find in the basic Index method of a controller (i intend to filter the data at a later point), the method in the controller is -
def newcontacts
#contacts = Contact.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
I can access localhost:3000/contacts which displays the index method action from the contact controller, but when i try and access this method (newcontacts) using localhost:3000/contacts/newcontacts it returns the error
Couldn't find Contact with id=newcontacts
I have looked at the routes.rb file as i believe this is what needs editing, and have added the following line to routes.rb
match 'newcontacts', :to => 'contacts#newcontacts'
but this only works when i call localhost:3000/newcontacts.
So my question is, how do i get the url localhost:3000/contacts/newcontacts to work?
Any help would be great.

I think what you're trying to do is add another RESTful action.
resources :contacts do
# This will map to /contacts/newcontacts
get 'newcontacts', :on => :collection # Or (not and; use only one of these)...
# This will map to /contacts/:id/newcontacts
get 'newcontacts', :on => :member # ... if you want to pass in a contact id.

Try this in your routes.rb file:
resources :contacts do
member do
put 'newcontacts'
That will add in a new action for the contacts controller.


ruby on rails - routes error porting from 3.x to 4.x

i've started porting one of my apps from rails 3.x to rails 4.x....
when i start the app in development, i receive a route definition related error:
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 4.2.5 application starting in development on http://localhost:3000
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
/home/francesco/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2#Best-i-gest_v2/gems/actionpack-4.2.5/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:549:in `add_route': Invalid route name, already in use: 'app_settings' (ArgumentError)
You may have defined two routes with the same name using the `:as` option, or you may be overriding a route already defined by a resource with the same naming. For the latter, you can restrict the routes created with `resources` as explained here:
here part of my routes.rb file containing the routes marked as double defined:
get 'app_settings' => 'admin/app_settings#index', :as => 'app_settings'
put 'app_settings' => 'admin/app_settings#index', :as => 'app_settings'
post 'app_settings' => 'admin/app_settings#index', :as => 'app_settings'
post 'app_settings/upload' => 'admin/app_settings#upload_logo', :as => 'app_settings/upload'
i've defined these routes because i'm going to manage all actions related to application setting using the 'index' action only (the app has a single db record storing all settings, this record is automatically created at the first time the user will load page, then updated when it saves) as you can see here:
# only one record here! it will store all the application settings
def index
# manages all the controller actions inside the index...
if request.get?
# this is a get request... returns the first settings record or a new one if none exists!
#app_settings = !AppSettings.all.first.nil? ? AppSettings.all.first :
# this is a post request, the settings record will be created
#app_settings =[:app_settings])
elsif request.put?
# this will update the existing app_settings record
#app_settings = AppSettings.find_by_id(params[:app_settings][:id].to_i)
# renders the index page
render "index"
i'm looking for a way to correct the routes.rb file (keeping my controller and view as is!!) or an alternative way to manage this issue!!
waiting your suggestions,
many thanks in advance for your time,
Seems like you have way too much logic in one method. I'm fairly sure even in rails 3 that wasn't acceptable.
What about using rest route ( resources as described in the rails routing guide )
resources :app_settings, only: [:index, :update, :create]
This will create three routes for index (geT), update (patch), create (post).
Your controller will now look like this:
def index
#app_settings = !AppSettings.all.first.nil? ? AppSettings.all.first :
def create
#app_settings =[:app_settings])
def update
#app_settings = AppSettings.find_by_id(params[:app_settings][:id].to_i)
There will also be no need to use render 'index' ... rails will automatically look for /app/app_settings/index.html.erb
ok guys,
i've solved...
many thanks to Alexandre and Ryan who guided me in solving this issue.....
Alexandre sure you're right!! too much logic inside a single action so...
here is the new version of my files:
post 'app_settings/upload' => 'admin/app_settings#upload_logo', :as => 'app_settings/upload'
# site admin area
namespace :admin do
resources :app_settings, only: [:index, :update, :create]
resources :users
as you can see, i've inserted app_settings route inside the admin namespace ..
# app_settings security settings - used for declarative authorization
filter_access_to [:index, :create, :update], :require => :manage
filter_access_to :upload_logo, :require => :manage
# app_settings index method (this replaces the show method so all actions will be managed in the index view page)
def index
# this is a get request... returns the first settings record or a new one if none exists!
#app_settings = !AppSettings.first.nil? ? AppSettings.first : 1)
# app_settings create method
def create
# this is a post request, the settings record will be created
#app_settings =
# renders the index page
render "index"
# app_settings update method
def update
# this will update the existing app_settings record
#app_settings = AppSettings.find_by_id(params[:app_settings][:id].to_i)
# renders the index page
render "index"
as you can see, i've implemented your solution keeping the index view as only view used by the app, just for not changing too much inside the app....
i've fixed the declarative_authorization section accordingly with the modifications you've suggested and simplified the creation of the new record as Ryan suggested but adding a little extra (i've specified the record id and then saved the record itself) all to prevent another issue in my view where the form_for is declared as follows:
<!-- application settings edit form -->
<%= form_for [:admin, #app_settings] do |app_sett| %>
<% end %>
so many thanks again to you all!!
hoping to continue learning from you all the times i read a page of this site!!

how can I make a simple route on rails and can I use it for an ajax form?

Ive been trying to create a simple route on rails, following this instructions
my problem is that when I want to enter to my method I get a weird error.
I have a controler user and on my routes I wrote something like this
resources :users do
match "/custom/" => "user#custom"
So, at my controller I add this code
def custom
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
but when I try to enter doing localhost:3000/users/1/custom I get an error like
uninitialized constant UserController
doing rake routes I can see
user_custom /users/:user_id/custom(.:format) user#custom
Any idea how to solve this problem?
I want this route to submit a form... is it possible to use this route (if i make it run) for use ajax? I want to submit a form.
Change your route to:
resources :users do
match "/custom/" => "users#custom"
You should avoid the use of match though, since it will be deprecated in Rails 4. Try this instead
resources :users do
get :custom, on: :member
get is the verb, :custom the route and on: :member means that you are looking for a /users/:id/custom route instead of a /users/custom one. If you are looking for the latter, do this:
resources :users do
get :custom, on: :collection
Another way to do it is like this, which I prefer:
resources :users do
get 'custom', on: :collection
That gives you a route of /users/custom. If you were do use on: :member, then it would give you a route of /users/:id/custom.
You can also use a block for defining multiple custom actions for collections or members.
For example:
resources :users do
collection do
get 'custom'
post 'some_other_method'
member do
get 'some_action'

How to use a custom action in Rails' controller, called by a nested route

I want to add a custom action named "campaign" acting in a similar fashion like REST's "new" in the same controller, but it's purpose is different, so I wanted to separate them. Because, this campaign form will have some additional fields. One other alternative would be a passing an extra parameter to "new" action and render different templates for regular "new" action and custom "campaign". But, I wanna figure out why it didn't work out.
So, I come up with the following route ("messages" is the controller having both "new" and "campaign" actions):
get 'users/:user_id/messages/campaign', as: :campaign_user_message
resources :users do
resources: messages do
member do
get 'campaign'
At the console output, I'm getting ActiverRecord:RecordNotFound since it does this:
Started GET "/users/1/messages/campaign" for at 2012-12-22 00:14:38 -0800
Processing by MessagesController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"user_id"=>"1", "id"=>"campaign"}
I'm calling the action in this way:
link_to campaign_user_message_path(#user)
if you want to have route such as "/users/1/messages/campaign" you should write smth like that:
resources :users do
resources :messages do
collection do
get 'campaign'
If you write in your way(with member do ... end) you code will generate url "/users/:user_id/messages/:id/campaign". and you should pass #user and #message:
link_to campaign_user_message_path(#user, #message)
I've did something like this overcome to the mentioned issue:
resources :users do
get 'messages/new_campaign' => 'messages#new_campaign'
post 'messages/create_campaign' => 'messages#create_campaign'
So, I can use the url helper "user_messages_new_campaign" to GET the action /users/:user_id/messages/new_campaign"

REST Routes and overriding :id with to_param

My controller is using the default RESTful routes for creating, adding, editing etc
I want to change the default :id to use :guuid. So what I did was:
# routes.rb
resources :posts
# Post Model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param # overridden
This works but my modifed REST controller code has something like this
def show
#post = Post.find_by_guuid(params[:id])
#title = "Review"
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
When I see this this code ..
it would seem wrong but it works.
I don't understand why I can't write it out like this:
Why do I still have to pass in the params[:id] when I'm not using it?
Looking for feedback on whether my approach is correct or anything else to consider.
Even though it works it doesn't always mean it's right.
Type rake routes in your console, and check the output of the routes. You'll see the fragment ':id' in some of them, that's where the params[:id] comes from. It's a rails convention : when you use resources in your routes, the parameter is named id. I don't know if you can change it (while keeping resources; otherwise you could just go with matching rules), but you shouldn't anyway : even if it seems not very logic, it actually has sense, once your understand how rails routing works.

Rails 3.1 custom controller action keeps asking for ID even when route is specified

I'm trying to add a custom action ('last_five') to a controller.
My routes are specified as:
people_last_five GET /people/last_five(.:format) {:action=>"last_five", :controller=>"people"}
(i.e. that's the output of rake_routes).
But when I browse to /people/last_five I get the following error.
Started GET "/people/last_five" for XXX.XX.XXX.XXX at Sun May 15 22:03:18 +0000 2011
Processing by PeopleController#last_five as HTML
User Load (1.4ms)^[[0m SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE = 3 LIMIT 1
Completed in 86ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Person without an ID):
I thought this was a problem in my routes.rb
In my routes.rb I currently have:
get 'people/last_five'
resources :people
I've also tried
resources :people do
get 'last_five', :on => collection
but that gives the same results.
Why is rails trying to get an ID when there is no "/:id/" in the route?
This even happens when I specify the route as '/people/:id/last_five' and pass it a dummy id. In that case it still tells me ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Person without an ID).
I have this problem even when I reduce the action itself to a stub for debugging, so I don't think that's the problem. In my controller:
# GET /people/last_five
##people = Person.last_five
#respond_with #people do |format|
# format.json { render :json => #people }
Any idea what's going on here? It seems like rails is being told to get an ID by something outside of routes.rb. I've looked everywhere I can think.
Any leads are HIGHLY appreciated.
My PeopleController begins like so:
before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => []
respond_to :html, :js, :json
Per the discussion on your questions, the cause is a before/around filter interfering rather than an issue with your specific action. Your application is searching for a User, so it may be authentication-related.
Are you sure this goes in Control, and not in Model? Rails doesn't want Model stuff in Control.