How does Safari's reader feature work? - safari

I want to add a similar feature to a tool I'm making. I'm interested in how it works code-wise. I want to be able get an html page and exclude all but the article.

The Readability project does something similar for chrome and iOS. I'm not sure how it detects the content automatically but I know that Readability has an API for people who want to integrate it's features. You might want to check that out.

If you're working with Ruby, you could use Pismo. It extracts an article from a given document.


Objective C get html page's links

I'm quite new in Objective C programming and I'm trying to make an application that returns all the link addresses in HTML page. In that case i shouldn't just parse the HTML, but get these links intercepting them from the page's network request.
Is it possible to intercept the application's network requests or something?
Coincidentally, Ray Wenderlich's rather AWESOME iOS tutorial site posted this article in the last hour. As you are new to iOS/ObjC, I highly recommend reading it thoroughly.
Let’s say you want to find some information inside a web page and
display it in a custom way in your app.
This technique is called
“scraping.” Let’s also assume you’ve thought through alternatives to
scraping web pages from inside your app, and are pretty sure that’s
what you want to do.
Well then you get to the question – how can you
programmatically dig through the HTML and find the part you’re looking
for, in the most robust way possible? Believe it or not, regular
expressions won’t cut it!
And before you think Regular Expressions might really be an answer, please read this.

Dynamic web page convertible to PDF

I'm thinking about writing a professional CV page that would be easy to update, using a simple backend to add informations and blocks of optional details, and... (feature creap coming)
Anyway, I was thinking of a "simple" web page grpahically, that would easily be convertible to PDF file, using browser functionallity or not.
Assuming that the page have blocks of text that you must ckick a button to see (those are optional details), what should I know or what tools should I use to write this web page?
I'm totally rusted on web code, I used php without ajax a lot before but I understand the idea. I was thinking maybe it would be a good opportunity to try a framework to make a "webapp", like Ruby+ROR or Python+Django? Is that a good idea? I'm ready to learn about those, I'm just not sure if it's worth for such project.
Should I know some things about html code or javascript behaviour that I shouldn't use because it would break any PDF generation tool or something like that?
Any advice on the way to proceed would be helpful.
You'll want to read up on how to create a print stylesheet. This way when you go to print the CV you can choose something like CutePDF Writer and your print stylesheet will automatically be used. You will make your stylesheet show all hidden text blocks and hide things like navigation, buttons, etc.
I can't tell you whether or not it's worth it for you to try a new framework for this project, that's up to you. It's not bad to learn new things. Since I don't know all the details of your project it's hard to answer if it's worth it for this particular project. From your description is sounds like you're just making an HTML resume/CV which sound, to me, like one flat HTML page with some JavaScript. If that's the case you could probably just use a text editor.
If you want my personal opinion, ASP.Net 4 is the way to go if you want to learn something new (or if you just want to use a great framework).
As far as breaking the PDF generation, your print stylesheet will be responsible for showing/hiding things but any JavaScripts should be aware of this as well. Check the link I gave you above for more information.

Script or piece of code to get a quick list of links per page in a website

How can I quickly produce a report of a website in the format:
Page Name.
- Links within the page
Page Name.
- Links within the page
Any programming or scripting language will do.
Although I prefer a solution on Windows, we have all of: Windows, Mac and Linux platforms available in the office.
Just looking for a way to do it without much fanfare.
There might be tools able to do this for you, but it isn't all that hard to put together yourself. One possible solution would be to...
Use wget (can be found for Windows) to download all HTML files, and
use some xpath tool or grep with regexps to get the title and the links from the pages.
There are loads of link analysers that will do exactly that. Here's the first I found in Google.
For something a little more interesting, Don Syme did a great F# demo in which he wrote a really simple asynch URL processing class. I can't find the exact link, but here's something similar from an F# MVP. You would need to adapt it to pull out links, and recursively follow them if you want nesting.

Is there a non-Adobe equivalent of Axiis?

I want something like Axiis, but without using Flex or other Adobe products.
Have a look at the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. Also, maybe the gRaphaël charting library (built on top of Raphaël) can suit your needs.
Google Chart API
Style Chart
JS Charts
DojoX Data Chart
See whether one of these suits your needs best.
The closest I can think off the top off my head is Google Visualization API
Of course, AFAIK, this will only work for on-line applications. And is Google any less evil than Adobe is a question for you to decide :)
This is a pretty open question, as you havent specified any preference for any particular technology or language.
I do a lot of WPF/C# stuff so I immediately start looking on that stack. Assuming that this would be a suitable platform, then Visifire might be worth looking at... I originally found them here on codeplex.
There seem to be a ton of third party paid for components that can do similar things. Telerik has some visualization tools that may also be worth having a look at.
Is thre any specific scenario that you are looking at, or any specific language? I think we may be able to suggest better alternatives if that was provided.
You could try protovis (JavaScript), looks quite similar.
You can use jqChart - HTML5 jQuery Chart Plugin

Google Wave extension for Programmers and their Code

Sorry if this is well known but Googling for my answer only came up with links about making Google Wave gadgets.
My question is, are there any Google Wave gadgets that allow for better collaborative code editing? I mean, I can set the font to fixed width etc., but are their any gadgets designed for it?
Responses shouldn't include anything about git or svn. I use those when I want to use those. This is about Google Wave!
Here is a huge list of robots available for Wave:
Maybe there is one in there?
Don't know how well it works but found an extension called CodeBot.
-- its a work in progress. Let me know if you want the source code.
I will package it and release it or something like it for the next WHIFF