VS10 always links to SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS; CMake+SDL+GLEW - cmake

I'm just trying to set up a simple project that shall be able to compile on every platform, that is supported by CMake. I started my project on a Win7-system and wrote a little main.cpp that includes SDL.h and GL/glew.h. The style of the main-function is simple c++:
int main(int, char**) {}
In my CMakeLists.txt I call find_package(SDL) and find_package(GLEW). The CMake-part works well, so I just opened the vs10-solution-file and tried to compile when I get the LNK2019:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup
This would mean that I chose the wrong subsystem, doesn't it? But if I simply toggle the subsystem from CONSOLE to WINDOWS and back the problem still exists. Has CMake set a hidden option for that? How can I compile my simple program in vs10?

I had this problem tonight. I'm using CMake to create an MSVC project to build my GLFW app. Of course, the age-old trick for getting rid of the console window if you're using MSVC by itself is to go in to the properties and set "Subsystem" to "Windows" and "Entry Point" to mainCRTStartup, which corresponds to adding the /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:"mainCRTStartup" flags to link.exe, but CMake doesn't provide an easy way to do that.
If you just do a straight-up add_executable() command, you'll get /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /ENTRY:"mainCRTStartup" being passed to the linker.
If you do an add_executable(exename WIN32 ...), you'll get /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS.
Gaah! Either option gets us halfway there!
I poked through the .cmake files that CMake ships with (fwiw, I'm using CMake 2.8.10 and Visual Studio 2012 Express), and discovered that the variable that seems to control the /SUBSYSTEM and /ENTRY flags is called CMAKE_CREATE_WIN32_EXE. So to set both parts, we just have to change that variable. Here's what I ended up with, which did the trick:
Hope that helps someone else.


Linking problem when Calling/Including subroutines defined on separated files on Fortran using CMake

We have a quite large Fortran program that's developed and builded using Visual Studio and Ifort for Windows. On the linux side, we used to get the .dep generated on windows side, proccess it using a script, and create a command line call with the files on the order needed for the compilation. Now, I'm trying to rewrite the linux build using CMake.
After many solved problems (casing, enconding, ...) I've encountered some errors on the linking part. We have some subroutines defined on separated files that get called straight from other files like: CALL SUBROUTINE_NAME ()
I guess VisualStudio is somehow handling this linking but when I try to compile it using CMake on linux i get an error "undefined reference to SUBROUTINE_NAME".
My first tought was trying to include the file where this routine is defined but the subroutines are defined on multiple directories and, as far I understand, unless I put all this places on the include path for the compiler they can't be found.
Another option would be rewriting all this as modules and using them where needed. I guess this would be a cleaner solution but also a lot of work that I'm not sure I'd have the time for now.
First of all, I'd like to make sure my reasoning seems right and then what would be the best or some alternatives way to deal with this, like a way to manually include the paths for each occurrence or if there's a way to make CMake work like VisualStudio and resolve this references for example.
Thanks in advance for any insight and don't hesitate to get in touch and ask for more information if needed.
Edit to add more CMake info as requested:
file(GLOB_RECURSE sources ./src/*.for)
add_executable(program_name ${sources}
target_include_directories(program_name PUBLIC "./src/includes")
I've managed to manually compile the file passing the .o of the separated subroutine but couldn't get CMake to include it as needed.
My subroutine file is been processed by CMake and a .o file is been generated for it, as I'm passing it as source.
Whenever I use a module, CMake can automatically add the module as a dependency for the file. But on this cases, where I'm calling the subroutine directly it doesn't generate the correct dependency for the Makefile.


I'm interested in trying out Vulkan for myself, but I'm having difficulty getting CMake to link to it reliably. I decided to use CMake's FindVulkan module... or at least how I think it should work. Here's how I did it:
# Hey CMake. Look for Vulkan.
find_package(Vulkan REQUIRED)
# Alright, no errors? Tell me what you found!
message("Vulkan found? " ${VULKAN_FOUND})
message("Alright, where is it? " ${VULKAN_LIBRARY})
message("And I can include it? " ${VULKAN_INCLUDE_DIR})
And a little later in the file:
# Let's make a library and link vulkan
add_library(myLib myLib.cpp myLib.h)
target_link_libraries(myLib ${VULKAN_LIBRARY})
So, I get my results! First off, my CMake output:
Vulkan found? TRUE
Alright, where is it? VULKAN_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND
And I can include it? C:/VulkanSDK/
-- Could NOT find Vulkan (missing: VULKAN_LIBRARY)
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
-- Using Win32 for window creation
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "TOVE" in directory C:/Users/User/Desktop/TOVE
Odd, looks like you found my include directory, but you can't find my library. The messages in the middle are actually GLFW. I kept them in just incase they meant something more. Finally, CMake stops with an error.
Some additional testing reveals that both ${VULKAN_LIBRARIES} and ${VULKAN_INCLUDE_DIRS} are blank. As expected, swapping them out with their singular counterparts makes Visual Studio 2017 mountains of confused about my vulkan/vulkan.h include.
I can't find any case on the internet where someone gets a VULKAN_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND, but there might be another library that has similar issues. Why am I finding only half of the information here? Is it an issue with Vulkan or CMake, or am I just really bad at writing with CMake. I'm relatively new to CMake, and I'm just experimenting with it so I apologize if it was just me misusing some important function or something among those lines.
I had the same error while trying to compile GLFW 3.2.1 on Windows. The problem is that GLFW CMakeLists uses its own FindVulkan.cmake in "${GLFW_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/modules" which seems a bit outdated.
Taking some code from the FindVulkan.cmake inside CMake distribution (3.10) to modify the GLFW file works as expected and VULKAN_LIBRARY cache var is filled with the path of the .lib file.

How to get CMake to build a Fortran program with MPI support?

I was trying to parallelize a Fortran program using MPI. I use CMake to do the build of my program. It was difficult to find support on getting CMake to create a working makefile for Fortran with MPI support on google, but from what I could gather, I added the following commands to my CMakeLists.txt script:
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
This will locate MPI on my system and then set the variables found in the following three commands. In my linking line, I added the MPI libraries variable to the list of the other libraries that my program needed to build.
target_link_libraries(${exe_name} otherlibs ${MPI_FortranLIBRARY_DIRS})
Doing cmake and then make worked to build the program and the program ran; however, when I tried to add more to the source which required me to include the mpif.h include file, my compilation failed due to not being able to find this header file. I also could not use mpi because the compiler cannot find the mpi.mod file in the path.
I inserted "message" commands into my CMakeLists.txt file and printed out the values of the variables that I was using for including and linking. It turns out that the variables, MPI_Fortran_INCLUDE_DIRS and MPI_FortranLIBRARY_DIRS weren't set to anything. A check of the module that CMake is actually using to set these variables (FindMPI.cmake) showed these variables to be non-existent. I changed my CMakeLists.txt file to use the correct variables:
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${exe_name} otherlibs ${MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES})
Now when I execute make, the compiler could find both mpif.h as well as mpi.mod.
I want to mention that this solution worked for cmake version When I moved my CMakeLists.txt scripts to a different machine that has cmake version 2.8.4, I get the same error about mpi.mod missing during the link stage. I checked the FindMPI.cmake module and, sure enough, there are no variables that specify the language (i.e. there is no MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES variable, just a MPI_LIBRARIES variable, and this variable is not getting set to the correct location of the mpi library on that system. So this solution will be dependent on cmake version.
Sounds like you are not using the mpi compiler. That is fine, but you have to add a lot of flags then. There is not really an mpi compiler but a wrapper that sets the flags to be able to use mpi. With cmake I was able to do this by defining the fortran compiler I was going to use BEFORE the call to cmake. It's not a nice solution since you loose portability, but it works. I'm trying to find a better solution and define inside cmake what compiler to use, but have not been able to do so. In other words, this works for me:
FC=mpif90 cmake ../.
I was having the same problem as you. Hope this solves the issue. If anybody finds how to define the fortran compiler INSIDE cmake please post it!
as you've already noticed, you misspelled the name of two variables, namely MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES and MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES
It is useful also to add:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.10)
at the very beginning of your CMake to be sure that these variables will be defined.

making conditions for linux and windows when linking libraries

Windows VC++ 2008
linux gcc 4.4.3
I have the following problem. When I compile on windows I need the ws2_32 library. However, when I compile on linux, I don't need to link this.
My CMakeLists.txt
# Link the library
# Add the executable
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clt test_clt)
# Link the executable to the client library
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clt client ws2_32)
I have tried unsuccessfully to compile under linux. Using the above conditions. However, It always tries to link the ws2_32 and I get a compile error. I think that the conditions aren't working, as it always falls through the WIN32 condition.
many thanks for any suggestions,
Since the WIN32 thing is such a fundamental part of CMake, I'd guess that there is more to this than what you mention.
Are you doing a clean check out of your code, or just copying up a whole directory on Linux? If you have all your CMake build files cached from the Windows build, maybe (just maybe!) something has snuck in there and "detects" itself as WIN32 on Linux?
Are you sure it is that line and not something else that causes the link to the stray Win-library? Maybe try a MESSAGE(STATUS "I am here")line within the IF(WIN32) just to make sure.
Are you sure the error is caused by linking that library? I can see a typo in your script, it should be IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) - you have an extra X on there. Perhaps you are not linking in what you thing you are, and that is why it fails.

How do I tell cmake not to create a console window?

I can achieve this by gcc :
gcc -mwindows -o simple simple.c
But only find this in cmake:
add_executable(simple WIN32 simple.c)
But it's not exactly the same as -mwindows,
this will require the entry point to be WinMain,
while gcc -mwindows doesn't require this(can be main).
How should I do it properly?
If you use:
add_executable(simple WIN32 simple.c)
then you must provide a WinMain function. That's what the WIN32 flag to add_executable means: it means you're going to make it a Windows program, and provide a WinMain function.
I would recommend doing it this way if you're really writing a Windows application. It's what makes the most sense and fits most naturally with the underlying OS.
However, if you still want to pass gcc the "-mwindows" flag, but use a "main" anyway, then simply add "-mwindows" to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and/or CMAKE_C_FLAGS value. You can do this in the cmake-gui program by adjusting those variables interactively to include "-mwindows" or you can do it with command line CMake, like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-mwindows"
As DLRdave has said saying that the executable will be a win32 one means it will have WinMain as the entry point and be a windows application.
If the application is to be cross platform still then the usual means to suppress the console window but still allow use of main is to write a stub WinMain as found in the SDL or SFML libraries which simply calls the main function with the global variables __argc and __argv as arguments and returns its result.
This prevents the application from having a console window but reduces the disruption to the code of having to use WinMain as the entry point.
You can add target link option (for new versions of Cmake)
target_link_options(simple PRIVATE -mwindows)
In case you need it for both Windows and Linux
if (WIN32)
# /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup keeps the same "main" function instead of requiring "WinMain"
target_link_options(TargetName PRIVATE ${SUBSYSTEM_LINKER_OPTIONS})
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