Sencha Touch: How to read certain record from the store? - sencha-touch

I have an application that has 3 level of data depth:
list of presentations
presentation detail
presentation slides
Right now when user came to the app he's presented with list loaded from JSONP store. He click on one item and the callback function receives the record. It pushes it into new view - the detail and displays it. User can disclose presentation slides from there - data record is passed from detail again.
Problem is when user refreshes the page or came from URL. If he came to url like /presentations/slides/1, he wants to see the slides for presentation id:1. Problem is that as long as he wasn't at the list, data was not loaded and because it was not loaded, it was not passed to the detail and the detail didn't pass it along to the slides view. So I have no data.
But I still have the ID! Comming from the PHP's Zend Framework, I would call something like:, but I can't find any way to do this.
How do I load something from the store based on it's
To add more, store.load() seems to work asyncronously, so when I do:
It wouldn't work with JSONP store, because the data is not loaded yet. But when I use Chrome Debuger and pause the execution to let the data load, it works :(

You are correct the load is asyncronously so all you have to do is use the callback function of the store. You can find an example here How to get data from extjs 4 store


Is it possible to track if a page finished loading with my current implementation of webView?

Picture of WebView
Hello, I am working on a login page for my app. Right now the webView login page works! However, there is one big issue with the current implementation.
Basically for my login I call a series of functions:
Opens hidden website with a webView,
Injects javaScript to login to website,
Changes to page of website containing data,
Extracts data,
Pushes to new view as login was successful
Now this is all working, except I had to hardcode times for each function to take place using DispatchQueue.main.async. This is of course problematic because some of the functions vary in time, for example the time it takes to load the webpage. This means my login is successful 75% of the time. I need a way to track if the webView is finished loading so I can call the next function only when it is done loading. However, every webView I have seen that has something like this, uses a completely different structure. When I have tried these other structures, I could not make certain things work like my login function that uses evaluateJavascript.
Is there anyway to have this feature by adding something to my current implementation? Thanks!

How to detect when there's a new data from API using flat list in React Native?

I am building a react native apps using crna where there's flat list that showing data from API. It's quite like twitter or facebook's status feeds. And I would like to show some badge like this
When there's a new post and to make user aware of new post so they will refresh it.
Could anyone tell me what should I do to make this happen?
Thank you so much.
Not sure if you're using some kind of state management tool like redux, but it would just be a matter of calling the API every so-often and updating the state from there. I'm going to use redux as an example since it's quite popular
You'd prob want state that has the following info:
currentPosts: [] //array of posts that the user already sees
newPosts: [] // array of new posts user can't see until they hit "new posts" button
With redux, you can have a function that gets called every 5 or 10 seconds that checks the API to show where you get new post data from. If there is a new post, add it to the newPosts array. This would update state, and if your component is connected to state, it would update props.
With this logic, you'd be able to determine whether or not you should show the "new posts" button with a simple boolean. If the array is empty, hide it, if it isn't, show the button.
Once the button is clicked, you could update the state so that the newPosts data goes into the currentPosts array and those items will get rendered from there.
Hope this makes sense! There may be quite a lot I'm missing but that's the idea of how it could work. Lemme know if you have any questions

Capture the browser's back button in an MVC4 web application and execute a Controller's Action

We have developed an MVC4 Web Application. Due to the flow of pages (it is a reservation system) we need when the user pressed back button the page to be executed again ie reload data from database as it was called from first time.
May be a solution is to suggest how to Capture the browser's back button in an MVC4 web application and execute a Controller's Action
Kindly consider.
Any assistance is kindly appreciated.
Based on your comments it seems you are building up state over several pages (in a wizard style) and it is when navigating back to an earlier page that you would like the state to be cleared.
You would need to capture the page navigation logic on the server side and not rely on capturing back button events on the client side.
You should use the state you've captured to determine what should be displayed to the user and what should happen to the current state you have.
For example, imagine you have pages A, B, C, D which collect user information. The user has entered information on pages A and B (which has been gathered in the session or the database perhaps) and is now on page C. They then navigate back to page A (via the back button or by modifying the url directly). At this point (in the controller for page A) you can determine from the current state that they have been to page B and therefore deduce that they must have navigated back. You can therefore clear the state at this point or perform whatever logic is required.

How to use/handle a loader in an MVC app?

in a ASP.NET MVC application that I am currently working there are multiple places in a single page that the user can click. So there is a main menu that's in _layout and for each inidividual page there can be links associated with that page.
I am trying to use a loader which will be shown on every click, mainly where the response takes time but for now it's for every click.
For example in the home page, from the main menu the user can click Students and the loader should come up and hide when the page loads completely. On the students page there can be an ajax call that gets data and binds it to the grid.
So from the time the user clicks on a menu link and the page loads the loader is active/shown. It's hidden once the page loads completely.
The grid can have editing functionality and when the user clicks on any of the CRUD links the loader should show and hide.
I am looking at suggestions on implementing this requirement.
If I can hookup any of the MVC events, that would be cool as I want less of Javascript/jQuery stuff but if Javascript/jQuery is the way then that's fine too.
Currently I don't have anything so anypointers are appreciated.
Assuming AJAX is being used
I don't see a way to keep this server-side without a middle page with a redirect being used (which would just be unnecessary bloat). And, since you're not opposed, you can implement this fairly easily using jQuery and something like blockUI.
I'll let you play with refining the binding to only links you care about, but for now we'll assume all links. Also, MVC should be using jQuery for things like Ajax.Actionlink so we can hijack events like $.ajaxStart and $.ajaxStop:
function showLoadingScreen(enabled){
return enabled ? $.blockUI() : $.unblockUI();
Later on you can maybe apply classes to the links you care about and just bind to them (instead of $.ajaxStart) but I'll leave that up to you.

Sencha Touch Last Accessed Pages

I need an option to see the last accessed few pages in Sencha Touch application. I have many panels in my application and at run time I change the view-port item based on different conditions. I need a list of last accessed pages on a button click and from there I should be able to select each pages with the old data on that page.
Thanks in advance!!!
I think you could get it using routes and adding actions or hashes into a localstore.
You could create an Ext.List with that store and change window.location on the ItemTap callback.
Take a look at the history support guide.
hope it helps-