SQL Server - Archiving Data (Strategy/Stored Procedure) - sql

Currently we have 100+ databases, some about 10GB in size with millions of records and they are growing at an alarming rate. We need to evaluate our archiving strategy.
Does anyone have any suggestions and sample scripts that go through all the tables and archives the data into an ARCHIVED database - with everything being audited (in regards to number of records imported etc..) and in case of failure it rolls back everything?

Partitioning can help a lot to archive within single database. Sliding window scenario is a particular tool.
Let me suggest setting up an Admin database. It will handle all setting and information about archiving.
There may be 2 SQL Server instances: Current Server and Archive Server. They will have same structure.
Process copies data from remote server to archive server using settings from Admin DB. There may be need in writing Dynamic SQL. Check Sp_MSForEachDB.

+1 to partitioning idea. To add - I think you can use it also if you have Developers edition


Best way to set up a new database on a new server which periodically refreshes tables from a live SQL Server?

I need to create a database solely for analytical purposes. The idea here is for it to start off as a 1:1 replica of a current SQL Server database but we will then add in additional tables. The idea here is to be able to have read-write access to a db without dropping anything in production inadvertently.
We would ideally like to set a daily refresh schedule to update all tables in the new tb to match the tables in the live environment.
In terms of the DBMS for the new database, I am very easy - MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL would be great -- I am not hugely familiar with the Google Storage/BigQuery stack but if this is an easy option, I'm open to it.
You could use a standard HA/DR solution with a readable secondary (Availability Groups/mirroring /log shipping).
then have a second database on the new server for your additional tables.
Cloud Storage and BigQuery are not RDBMS services themselves, but could be used in this case to store the backups/exports/dumps from the replica, and then have the analytical work performed on those backups.
Here is an example workflow:
Perform a backup and restore in a different database
Add the new tables in the new database
Export the database as a CSV file on your local machine
Here you could either directly load the CSV file in BigQuery, or upload that file in a Cloud Storage bucket previously created
Query the data
I suggest to take a look at the multiple methods for loading data in BigQuery, as well as the methods for querying against external data sources which may help to determine which database replication/export method might be best for your use case.

Progress DB: backup restore and query individual tables

Here is the use-case: we need to backup some of the tables from a client server, copy it to our servers, restore it, then running some queries using ODBC.
I managed to do this process for the entire database by using probkup for backup, prorest for restore and proserve to make it accessible for SQL queries.
However, some of the databases are big (> 8GB), so we are looking for a solution to do the backup for only the tables we need. I didn't find anything with the documentation of probkup how this can be done.
Progress only supports full database backups.
To get the effect that you are looking for you could dump (export) the tables that you want and then load them into an empty database.
"proutil dump" and "proutil load" are where you want to start digging.
The details will vary depending on exactly what you want to do and what resources and capabilities you have available to you.
Another option would be to replicate the tables in question to a partial database. Progress has a product called "pro2" that can help with that. It is usually pointed at SQL targets but you could also point it at a Progress database.
Or, if you have programming skills, you could put together a solution using replication triggers (under the covers that's what pro2 does...)
probkup and prorest are block-level programs and can't do a backup or restore by table.
To do what you're asking for, you'll need to do a dump the data from the source db's tables and then load it into the target db.
If your object is simply to maintain a copy of the DB, you might also try incremental backups. Depending upon your situation, that might speed things up a bit.
Other options include various forms of DB replication, which allow you to keep real- or near-real-time copies of your database.
OpenEdge Replication. With the correct license, you can do query-only access on the replication target, which is good for reporting and analysis.
Third-party replication products. These can be more flexible in terms of both target DBs and limiting the tables to be replicated.
Home-grown replication (by copying and applying AI files). This is not terribly complicated, but you have to factor the cost of doing the work and maintaining the system. There are some scripts out there that can get you started.
Or, as Tom said, you can get clever with replication via triggers.

How to insert data from one Azure SQL Database into a different Azure SQL Database?

I realize that Azure SQL Database does not support doing an insert/select from one db into another, even if they're on the same server. We receive data files from clients and we process and load them into a "load database". Once the load is complete, based upon various rules, we then move the data into a production database of which there are about 20, all clones of each other (the data only goes into one of the databases).
Looking for a solution that will allow us to move the data. There can be 500,000 records in a load file and so moving them one by one is not really feasible.
Have you tried Elastic Query? Here is the Getting Started guide for it. Currently you cannot perform remote writes, but you can always read data from remote tables.
Hope this helps!
Silvia Doomra

How to mend specific records in a live SQL Azure instance? Best Practice?

I am trying to work out the best practice for recovering specific records that get corrupted in a live SQL Azure DB.
I have got the automatic BacPac reports working.
Currently I would import the relevant BacPac into a recovery DB instance and then compare this instance with the live instance using MS SQL Data Tools or Red Gate Data Compare, and then create a sync script for the required records. Not sure if this is the best practice approach though.
This is also part of a slightly bigger question which is how to do deal with certain backup situations ie
1) Complete DB corruption
Recover using complete BacPac
2) Significant number of records damaged
difficult to answer!!
3) Small number of corrupt records to mend, using user specific records.
Use Data compare tools such as MS SQL Data Tools or RedGate Data Compare.
A colleague also mentioned to me about "periodic transaction log backups". Not sure if SQL Azure does these?
Thanks in advance.

Database Filegroups - Only restore 1 filegroup on new server

Is there a way to backup certain tables in a SQL Database? I know I can move certain tables into different filegroups and preform a backup on these filegroup. The only issue with this is I believe you need a backup of all the filegroups and transaction logs to restore the database on a different server.
The reason why I need to restore the backup on a different server is these are backups of customers database. For example we may have a remote customer and need to get a copy of they 4GB database. 90% of this space is taken up by two tables, we don’t need these tables as they only store images. Currently we have to take a copy of the database and upload it to a FTP site…With larger databases this can take a lot of the time and we need to reduce the database size.
The other way I can think of doing this would be to take a full backup of the DB and restore it on the clients SQL server. Then connect to the new temp DB and drop the two tables. Once this is done we could take a backup of the DB. The only issue with this solution is that it could use a lot of system restores at the time of running the query so its less than ideal.
So my idea was to use two filegroups. The primary filegroup would host all of the tables except the two tables which would be in the second filegroup. Then when we need a copy of the database we just take a backup of the primary filegroup.
I have done some testing but have been unable to get it working. Any suggestions? Thanks
Basically your approach using 2 filegroups seems reasonable.
I suppose you're working with SQL Server on both ends, but you should clarify for each which whether that is truly the case as well as which editions (enterprise, standard, express etc.), and which releases 2000, 2005, 2008, (2012 ? ).
Table backup in SQL Server is here a dead horse that still gets a good whippin' now and again. Basically, that's not a feature in the built-in backup feature-set. As you rightly point out, the partial backup feature can be used as a workaround. Also, if you just want to transfer a snapshot from a subset of tables to another server, using ftp you might try working with the bcp utility as suggested by one of the answers in the above linked post, or the export/import data wizards. To round out the list of table backup solutions and workarounds for SQL Server, there is this (and possibly other ? ) third party software that claims to allow individual recovery of table objects, but unfortunately doesn't seem to offer individual object backup, "Object Level Recovery Native" by Red Gate". (I have no affiliation or experience using this particular tool).
As per your more specific concern about restore from partial database backups :
I believe you need a backup of all the filegroups and transaction logs
to restore the database on a different server
1) You might have some difficulties your first time trying to get it to work, but you can perform restores from partial backups as far back as SQL Server 2000, (as a reference see here
2) From 2005 and onward you have the option of partially restoring today, and if you need to you can later restore the remainder of your database. You don't need to include all filegroups-you always include the primary filegroup and if your database is simple recovery mode you need to add all read-write filegroups.
3) You need to apply log backups only if your db is in bulk or full recovery mode and you are restoring changes to a readonly filegroup that since last restore has become read-write. Since you are expecting changes to these tables you will likely not be concerned about read only filegroups, and so not concerned about shipping and applying log backups
You might also investigate some time whether any of the other SQL Server features, merge replication, or those mentioned above (bcp, import/export wizards) might provide a solution that is more simple or more adequately meets your needs.