Collision detection with ODE and other physics engines - physics

My boss gave me this source code and let me add rigid body physics simulate support. Basically this source code simulates a large scene with a lot of buildings and traffic in it. I've checked the collision part of the code, it simply uses a bounding box to check for collisions, so here are my questions:
the scene is large, which is more than 500 buildings,if I want to add rigid body physics,do I have to add each bounding box to ode static object? so new object such as a box so it can interact with buildings?
add 500 bounding box to ode,what about the speed? or should I use some tricks to do it?
What if I want to keep old collision stuff such as the car do a ray test to building and keep that result? If I can, this building is also added to ode, would it be unnecessary?because the collision box is already in ode,or should I use ode ray test instead of internal ray check? I mean the question basically is what is the efficient way to work with both of collision stuff?

Yes, you need to add the bounding box (or mesh) of each of the buildings to ODE. Typically, you will use a QuadTree space, or a Hash space, that contains all of the buildings. The buildings do not need a body, unless you want them to actually move.
You're saying "old collision stuff" -- is there already some collision code in the existing source?
ODE can do ray tests. If you want to use the same methods for all tests, you could change the code to use ODE ray tests, assuming that's what your question is about.
ODE doesn't need to generate the collisions at all. if you already have good collision detection, and just want the rigid body simulation, then generate the right dJointContact joints for each frame to represent the interaction beteween a car and its environment, and simulate (step) only the body/bodies of the car/s, based on those contacts.


Concept of Program Making Own Class Instances

This is probably a basic question with a simple answer, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around the logic behind it.
I will start with a simple example with a well-known Java game, Minecraft. A player is put into a world and is allowed to interact with different objects. Say the player wants wood. He sees a tree, walks over, and cuts it down. He sees another tree, walks over, and does the same. He can do this as many times as he wants, and the game will load in more trees if the player explores far enough. But how is this done? In other words, how can a program make an essentially endless amount of trees that the player will always be able to interact with?
I imagine there is a tree class in the code. But obviously, the programmer has not coded in different class instances, such as tree1, tree2, and so on, since he has no idea how many trees will need to be loaded in the game. So how does the program do this without being told how many trees there will be?
In other words, I do not understand how programs can decide on their own to make x number of class instances instead of the programmer having to manually code his/her own class instances. How do game developers and other programmers do this?
Thank you.
Consider how we might generate a random game map. Let's say the environment of the map will be in a forest. What sorts of objects are part of a forest?
Critters (i.e. squirrels, rabbits)
Forest floor texture (i.e. grass or fallen leaves)
We start with a basic 100x100 unit game map. We will have the program generate a number of trees between 10 and 30, and also generate the tree's X and Y coordinates with the condition that no tree can have the same X and Y coordinates. We do the same for the other objects.
Now we tell the program to load the game map with all of these objects in place. Done.
Consider a simple grid where each position on the grid can be occupied
by an object. The object could be a tree, rock, or creature.
In this world, I have areas on the map defined as 'growable'.
In these areas, something will grow if there isn't something there already.
The game would have a set of turns. During each turn, I run a routine to
find all the growable spots, and if there isn't something growing there
randomly determine if something should sprout. This way if someone
chops down a tree, that spot can sprout a new tree later in the game.
Perhaps the game is more complex and a simple grid isn't good enough.
Whatever the case, the game has to track all the objects in some way.

SKPhysicsBody optimization

I have a 2D sidescrolling game. Right now, in order to jump, the player must be touching the ground. Therefor, I have a boolean, isOnGround, that is set to YES when the player collides with a tile object, and no when the player jumps. This generates a LOT of calls to didBeginContact method, slowing down the game.
Firstly, how can I optimise this by using one big physics body for the tiles on the floor (for example clustering multiple adjacent tiles into one single physics body)?
Secondly, is this even efficient? Is there a better way to detect if the play is on the ground? My current method opens up a lot of bugs, for example wall jumping. If a player collides with a wall, isOnGround becomes YES and allows the player to jump.
Having didBeginContact called numerous times should in no way slow down your game. If you are having performance issues, I suspect the problem is probably elsewhere. Are you testing on device or simulator?
If you are using the Tiled app to create your game map, you can use the Objects Layer to create a individual objects in your map which your code can translate into physics bodies later on.
Using physics and collisions is probably the easiest way for you to determine your player's state in relation to ground contact. To solve your wall issue, you simply make a wall contact a different category than your ground. This will prevent the isOnGround to be set to YES.
You could use the physics engine to detect when jumping is enabled, (and this is what I used to do in my game). However I too have noticed significant overhead using the physics engine to detect when a unit was on a surface and that is because contact detection in sprite kit for whatever reason is expensive, even when collisions are already enabled. Even the documentation notes:
For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for
interactions you are interested in.
So I found a better solution for my game (which has 25+ simultaneous units that all need surface detection). Instead of going through the physics engine, I just did my own surface calculation and cache the result each game update. Something like this:
final class func getSurfaceID(nodePosition: CGPoint) -> SurfaceID {
//Loop through surface rects and see if position is inside.
What I ended up doing was handling my own surface detection by checking if the bottom point of my unit was inside any of the surface frames. And if your frames are axis-aligned (your rectangles are not rotated) you can perform even faster checks to see if the point is inside the frame.
This is more work in terms of level design because you will need to build an array of surface frames either dynamically from your tiles or manually place surface frames in your world (this is what I did).
Making this change reduced the cpu time spent on surface detection from over 20% to 0.1%. It also allows me to check if any arbitrary point lies on a surface rather than needing to create a physics body (which is unnecessary overhead). However this solution obviously won't work for you if you need to use contact detection.
Now regarding your point about creating one large physics body from smaller ones. You could group adjacent floor tiles using a container node and recreate a physics body that fits the nodes that are grouped. Depending on how your nodes are grouped and how you recycle tiles this can get complicated. A better solution would be to create large physics bodies that just overlap your tiles. This would reduce the number of total physics bodies, as well as the number of detections. And if used in combination with the surface frames solution you could really reduce your overhead.
I'm not sure how your game is designed and what its requirements are. I'm just giving you some possible solutions I looked at when developing surface detection in my game. If you haven't already you should definitely profile your game in instruments to see if contact detection is indeed the source of your overhead. If you game doesn't have a lot of contacts I doubt that this is where the overhead is coming from.

Using Pathfinding, such as A*, for NPC's & character without Tiles

I've been reading a book called "iOS Games by Tutorials" (recommend it to anyone interested in making iPhone games) & I'm learning how to make Tiled Maps with Sprite Kit with an overhead view (like the legend of zelda link's awakening). So far, I have made a tiled map using tiles that are 32x32, placed the player character & several NPC's into the world. Even made the NPC's randomly move around the map, though the way it teaches in the book is having them move from tile to tile (any of the 8 tiles surrounding the NPC at any time - if a tile has some property such as categoryBitMask then it won't move to that tile).
I am going to change NPC movement to physics-based (which is its own problem) just like the player character has right now (which means NPC's will collide with objects that have a physicsBody like the player character does). It's more fluid & dynamic.
But here is where the question begins. I want to implement Pathfinding (such as the A* algorithm) into the NPC & player character movement due to the map containing buildings, water, trees, etc. with their own physicsBodies. It's one thing to limit NPC's random movement or to force them to walk a predetermined path (which will kill the point of this game), but it's another to have to tap the screen very often to have the player character avoid all the buildings/trees he has to walk past. I don't want to use a grid system. Is it possible to implement some pathfinding algorithm into x,y coordinates? Is this more resource intensive? Could you share your thoughts about this?
Thank you.
This is a very interesting topic.
There are algorithms for finding paths in continuous spaces. For example, you can use a potential based method with the objective having a very low potential and obstacles being "hills" (perhaps infinitely high, although this requires a bit of care). The downside of potential methods is that you have to take special precautions to keep them from getting stuck at a local minimum. Situations like this
| M|
| |
+ ---+
Where M is a monster trying to get to the player, P can occur. In the example, the monster is at a local minimum, and it would have to go to a higher potential in order to get out the door at the lower left of the building. A variant of potential algorithms (in fact, it's often useful to reduce it to one), is to assign anti-gravity to obstacles and gravity to objectives. This is also somewhat non-deterministic and requires special precautions to avoid getting "stuck".
As #rickster points out, SpriteKit provides an SKFieldNode class that can help you implement a potential based solution.
Other approaches include "wall following" (for example, Pledge's algorithm) and are useful for finding your way around in a maze like environment.
One drawback to continuous methods is that NPC movement will often seem a bit unnatural -- for example, even if our monster in the example above is able to decide that it's at a local minimum and increase the "temperature" of it's search (that is, make larger moves, perhaps at random, against the potential gradient), it will bounce around instead of going straight for the door.
An alternative to searching in continuous spaces is to quantize the space. A simple method is to tile it, cover it with polygons, or represent it as a quadtree. Essentially, you want to have a way of mapping every point in the continuous space to a vertex on a graph representing the quantized space. At this point, graph search algorithms like A* and friends are applicable.
Graph search is somewhat resource intensive, but for a 2d zelda like game, it should be doable on a mobile device, especially with various optimizations like only "waking up" NPCs that are within a certain distance of the player (think aggro).
This page is a bit thin on implementation details, but it'll give you the right terms to google.
As always, start simple and iterate. Tiling is incredibly easy, and will let you experiment with the graph search method before optimizing.

Angry bird Physic impact/collision

How do I create a motion impact/collision like angry bird. When the object hit the box and wood, their interaction and the flow of the animation will to the right position. I need to learn from scratch how to build it. I need the basic of physic and concept
Example image:
So far, What i think so far is. Upon impact, I will apply
Law of Restitution
object 1 velocity = e(ball velocity)
I will take the direction of the ball and make the object 1 to rotation 90% against the ball.
if ball ---> direction. my end result for object 1 will be 90 degree against it. so it will become
|____| it will turn into this.
So far it seen right. But I am unsure how to interact with object 2. Do I repeat step and 2. Whereby I passed the velocity and direction to object 2. so it will rotation 90 degree again?
This is what I have gather so far. Any suggest that I am moving to right direction will be good.
For collision part. I intend to use AABB. and rotation AABB.
AngryBirds used Box2D physics when I opened About page inside game.
Box2D is open source physics engine.
Most physics engines are based on impulses. They sum impulses and re-calculate velocities.
The most complex and import part is what happens when collision occur.
Physic Engine detect all collisions and use Solver function. Solver is heart and sole of phsyics engine. Solve adds additional impulses to "solve" collision.
Solver usually has form of function that takes collision island (list of colliding objects: often 2 objects) and return force or impulse to be applied to each object.
Most modern engines are impulse based.
So most important part of physics engine to learn and understand is Solver function. But solver could be more complex entity then function.

Representing the board in a boardgame

I'm trying to write a nice representation of a boardgame's board and the movement of players around it. The board is a grid of tiles, players can move up, down, left or right. Several sets of contiguous tiles are grouped together into named regions. There are walls which block movement between some tiles.
That's basically it. I think I know where to start if all the players were human controlled, but I'm struggling with what happens with a computer controlled player. I want the player to be able to say to itself: "I'm on square x, I want to go to region R a lot, and I want to go to region S a little. I have 6 moves available, therefore I should do..."
I'm at a loss where to begin. Any ideas? This would be in a modern OO language.
EDIT: I'm not concerned (yet) with the graphical representation of the board, it's more about the route-finding part.
I'd say use a tree structure representing each possible move.
You can use a Minimax-type algorithm to figure out what move the computer should take.
If the problem is with pathfinding, there are quite a few pathfinding algorithms out there.
The Wikipedia article on Pathfinding has a list of pathfinding algorithms. One of the common ones used in games is the A* search algorithm, which can do a good job. A* can account for costs of passing over different types of areas (such as impenetrable walls, tiles which take longer to travel on, etc.)
In many cases, a board can be represented by a 2-dimensional array, where each element represents a type of tile. However, the requirement for regions may make it a little more interesting to try to solve.
Have a Player class, which has Map field associating Squares to probability of moving there, that is, Map<Square, Double> if you'll represent them as a 0..1 double.
Have a Board class encapsulating a series of Squares. Each Square will have four booleans or similar to mark where it has a wall, its coordinates, and which Player, if any, is on it.
I can tell you what worked for me on a commercial board game style product.
Break your representation of the board and core game logic into it's own module, with well defined interfaces to the rest of the game. We had functions like bool IsValidMove(origin, dest), and bool PerformMove(origin, dest), along with interfaces back to the GUI such as AnimateMove(gamePieceID, origin, dest, animInfo).
The board and rules only knew the state of the board, and what was valid to do. It didn't know anything about rendering, AI, animations, sound, input, or anything else. Each frame, we would handle input from the user at the GUI level, send commands to the board/game state code, and then be done. The game state code would get commands, resolve if they were valid or not, update the game state and board, then send messages back to the GUI to visually represent the new state of teh board. These updates were queued by the visual representation system, so we could batch a bunch of animations to happen in sequence.
The good thing about this is that the board doesn't know or care about human vs. AI players. Your AI can be a separate submodule that acts on it's turn. It can send the same commands as the human player, and the game logic and visual results will be the same. You'll need to either have a local per-AI bit of info about the game board state, or expose some BoardSnapshot() functionality from the game logic that lets the AI "see" the board, but that's it. Alternately, you could register each AI as an Observer Pattern on the game state, so they get notified when the board updates as well, in case they need to do any complex realtime planning.
Keeping each section of your game separate and isolated will help with unit testing, and provide a more robust system. Well defined interfaces are your friend.
If you are looking for in-memory representation of the games (and it's state), a matrix is the simplest. However, depending on the complexity of the board, the strategy, you may have to maintain a list of states.
If you mean on-screen representation, you'd need some graphics library to begin with.