(Fluent) NHibernate progress events for lengthy transactions? - fluent-nhibernate

We've hooked up the ISaveOrUpdateEventListener event and hoped we could tie it to a progress bar update for each node being visited during the save traversal of a pretty big model, BUT the event only fires once when the save operations starts (only on the node on which the Save( ) was inititated and not on any subnodes).
Are there any other events that are more appropriate to listen to for this?
We've also tried breaking up the save operation (of a hierarchical model) by doing the traversal ourselves, but that seems to degrade the performance even further.
Perhaps we're trying to solve a problem for which FNH wasn't aimed to be used. We're new to it.
We've also set up an alternative solution using SqlBulkCopy, as recommended elsewhere.
We've seen the comments that FNH is primarily supposed for smaller transactions (OLTP) and not the type of exhaustive model we're bound to by our problem (signal processing of huge data volumes).
We're trying to use Fluent NHibernate on a larger database project with data gathered from fairly complex real time analysis (high frequency, multiple input signals, long experiment times etc). In a prototype we've built we see pretty scary wait times for the moment, and need to hook in some sort of reliable progress indicator.

Yes, now confirmed - as mentioned in my comment above. One (possible) solution to this is to simply turn of Cascades and do the model traversal manually and do explicit Save( ) calls.
This works, although it's not as neat as just handling an event. Still, given the genuin design of NHibernate, I bet there's certainly an event somewhere that could be intercepted - the question is just under what name. ... I bet someone on here knows more.
Also to improve performance we used a Stateless Session, experiemented with differnet batch size, and periodically/explicitly call Flush() and Clear(). See articles below for further details:
Hope this helps.


Use cases of Event Sourcing, when we don't care about past states

I have been reading about Event Sourcing pattern, I have seen it used in the projects I have worked on, but I am still yet to see any benefit of it, while it makes the design much more complicated.
That is, many sources mention that Event Sourcing is good if you want to see Audit Log, be able to reconstruct the state of 15 days ago and I see that Event Sourcing solves all of that beautifully. But apart from that, what is the point?
Yes, I can imagine that if you are in relational world, then writes are comparatively slow as they lock the data and so on. But it is much easier to solve this problem, by going no-sql and using something like Cassandra. Cassandra's writes are super fast, as they are append-only (kinda temporary event source), it scales beautifully as well. Sources also mention that Event Sourcing helps scaling - how on earth it can help you to scale, when instead of storing ~1 row of data per user, now you have 9000 and instead of retrieving that single row, now you are replaying 9000 rows (or less, if you complicate the design even more and add some temporal snapshots of state and replay the current state form the last snapshot).
Any examples of real life problems that Event Sourcing solves or links would be much appreciated.
While I haven't implemented a distributed, event-sourced sub-system as yet (so I'm no expert), I have been researching and evaluating the approach. Event sourcing provides a number of key benefits:
I'm sure there are more. To a large extent, the benefits of event sourcing depend on the baseline you are comparing it against (CRUD, event-driven DDD, CQRS, or whatever), and the domain.
Let's look at each of those in turn:
With event driven systems that fire events whenever the system is updated, you often have a problem: how do you both update the system state and fire the event in one go? If the 2nd operation fails, your system is in a broken, inconsistent state. Event sourcing provides a neat solution to this, since the system only requires a single operation for the state change, which will either succeed or fail atomically: the writing of the event. Other solutions tend to be more complex and less scalable - 2 phase commit, etc.
This is a big benefit in a large, high transaction system, where components are failing, being updated or replaced all the time while transactions are going on. The ability to terminate a process at any time without any worry about data corruption or consistency is a big benefit and helps you sleep at night.
In many domains you won't have concurrent writes to the same entities, or you won't require events since a state change has no knock-on effects, in which case event sourcing is unlikely to be a good approach, and simpler approaches like CRUD may be fine.
First of all, event streams make consistent writes very efficient - it's just an append only log, which makes replication and 'compare and set' simple to optimise. Something like Cassandra is quite slow in the scenario where you need to protect your invariants - that is, you need to validate a command against the current state of a 'row', and reject the update if the row changes before you have a chance to update it. You either need to use 'lightweight transactions' to ensure consistency, or have a single writer thread per partition, so that you can be sure that you can successfully validate a command against the current state of the system before allowing the update. Of course you can implement an event store in Cassandra, using either of these approaches (single thread/lightweight transactions).
Read scalability is the biggest performance benefit though - since you can build as many different eventually consistent projections (views) on the data as you want by reading from event streams, and horizontally scale query services on these views as much as you want. These views can use custom databases (Cassandra, graph databases) as necessary to allow queries to be optimised as much as you want. They can store denormalised data, to allow all required data to be fetched in a single (non-joined) database query. They can even store the projected state in memory, for maximum performance. While this can potentially be achieved without event sourcing, it is much more complex to implement.
If you don't have complex querying and high scalability requirements, event sourcing may not be the right solution.
If you need to look at your data in a new way, say you create a new client app or screen in an app, it's very easy to add new projections of the event streams as new, independent services. If you need to add some data to an existing read view that you missed, or fix a bug in the read view, you can just rebuild the views using the event streams and throw away the old ones. The advantages here vs. the non-event sourced case are:
You don't need to write both DB migration code and then code to keep the view up to date as events come in. Instead, you just write the code to keep it up to date, and run it on the events from the start of time.
Related to this, you can do the update without having to bring down the query service to do a schema change - instead, just leave the old service version running against the old DB, generate a new DB with the new service version, and when it's caught up with the event streams, just atomically switch over then clean up the old service and DB once you're happy the new one is stable (noting that the old service will be keeping itself up to date in the meantime, if you need to roll back!). This is likely to be extremely difficult to achieve without event sourcing.
If you need any temporal information to be added to your views (e.g. when was the last update, when was this created), that's already available and easy to add, but impossible to add retrospectively without event sourcing.
Note that the above isn't about modifying event streams (which is tricker, see my comment on challenges below) - it's about using the existing event streams to enhance a view or create a new one.
There are simple ways to do this without event sourcing, such as using database views (with an RDBMS), but they aren't as scalable.
Event sourcing also has some challenges for evolvability - you need to take care of event versioning, probably using a combination of weak event schema (so you can add properties with default values) and stream replacement (when you want to do a bigger change to your events). Greg Young is writing a good book on this.
As you mentioned, you're not interested in this.

nhibernate lazy loading uses implicit transaction

This seems to be a pretty common problem: I load an NHibernate object that has a lazily loaded collection.
At some later point, I access the collection to do something.
I still have the nhibernate session open (as it's managed per view or whatever) so it does actually work but the transaction is closed so in NHprof I get 'use of implicit transactions is discouraged'.
I understand this message and since I'm using a unit of work implementation, I can fix it simply by creating a new transaction and wrapping the call to the lazy loaded collection within it.
My problem is that this doesn't feel right...
I have this great NHibernate framework that gives me nice lazy loading but I can't use it without wrapping every property access in a transaction.
I've googled this a lot, read plenty of blog posts, questions on SO, etc, but can't seem to find a complete solution.
This is what I've considered:
Turn off lazy loading. I think this is silly, it's like getting a full on sports car and then only ever driving it in eco mode. Eager loading everything would hurt performance and if I just had ids instead of references then why bother with Nhibernate at all?
Keep the transaction open longer. Transactions should not be long lived and keeping one open as long as a view is open would just be asking for trouble.
Wrap every lazy load property access in a transaction. Works but is bloaty and error prone. (i.e. if I forget to wrap an accessor then it will still work fine. Only using NHProf will tell me the problem)
Always load all the data for the properties I might need when I load the initial object. Again, this is error prone, both with loading data that you don't need (because the later call to access it has been removed at some point) or with not loading data that you do
So is there a better way?
Any help/thoughts appreciated.
I has had the same feelings when I first encountered this warning in NHProf. In web applications I think the most popular way is to have opened transaction (and unit of work) for the whole duration of request. For desktop applications managing transactions (as well as sessions) may be painful. You can use automatic transaction management frameworks (e.g. Castle) and declare with attributes service methods that should be run within transaction. With this approach you can wrap multiple operations into single transaction denending on your requirements. Also, I was using session-per-view approach with one opened session per view and manual transaction management (in this case I just ignored profiler warnings about implicit transactions).
As for your considerations: I strongly don't recommend 2) and 3). 1) and 4) are points to consider. But the general advice is: think, then try different approaches and find a solution that suits better for your particular situation.

When should one avoid using NHibernate's lazy-loading feature?

Most of what I hear about NHibernate's lazy-loading, is that it's better to use it, than not to use it. It seems like it just makes sense to minimize database access, in an effort to reduce bottlenecks. But few things come without trade-offs, certainly it slightly limits design by forcing you to have virtual properties. But I've also noticed that some developers turn lazy-loading off on certain often-used objects.
This makes me wonder if there are some definite situations where data-access performance is hurt by using lazy-loading.
So I wonder, when and in what situations should I avoid lazy-loading one of my NHibernate-persisted objects?
Is the downside to lazy-loading merely in additional processing time, or can nhibernate lazy-loading also increase the data-access time (for instance, by making additional round-trips to the database)?
There are clear performance tradeoffs between eager and lazy loading objects from a database.
If you use eager loading, you suck a ton of data in a single query, which you can then cache. This is most common on application startup. You are trading memory consumption for database round trips.
If you use lazy loading, you suck a minimal amount of data in a single query, but any time you need more information related to that initial data it requires more queries to the database and database performance hits are very often the major performance bottleneck in most applications.
So, in general, you always want to retrieve exactly the data you will need for the entire "unit of work", no more, no less. In some cases, you may not know exactly what you need (because the user is working through a wizard or something similar) and in that case it probably makes sense to lazy load as you go.
If you are using an ORM and focused on adding features quickly and will come back and optimize performance later (which is extremely common and a good way to do things), having lazy loading being the default is the correct way to go. If you later find (through performance profiling/analysis) that you have one query to get an object and then N queries to get the N objects related to that original object, you can change that piece of code to use eager loading to only hit the database once instead of N+1 times (the N+1 problem is a well known downside of using lazy loading).
The usual tradeoff for lazy loading is that you make a smaller hit on the database up front, but you end up making more hits on it long-term.
Without lazy loading, you'll grab an entire object graph up front, sucking down a large chunk of data at once. This could, potentially, cause lag in your UI, and so it is often discouraged. However, if you have a common object graph (not just single object - otherwise it wouldn't matter!) that you know will be accessed frequently, and top to bottom, then it makes sense to pull it down at once.
As an example, if you're doing an order management system, you probably won't pull down all the lines of every order, or all the customer information, on a summary screen. Lazy loading prevents this from happening.
I can't think of a good example for not using it offhand, but I'm sure there are cases where you'd want to do a big load of an object graph, say, on application initialization, in order to avoid lags in processing further down the line.
The short version is this:
Development is simpler if you use lazy loading. You just traverse object relationships in a natural OO way, and you get what you need when you ask for it.
Performance is generally better if you figure out what you need before you ask for it, and ask for it in one trip to the database.
For the past few years we've been focusing on quick development times. Now that we have a solid app and userbase, we're optimizing our data access.
If you are using a webservice between the client and server handling the database access using nhibernate it might be problematic using lazy loading since the object will be serialized and sent over the webservice and subsequent usage of "objects" further down in the object relationship needs a new trip to the database server using additional webservices. In such an instance it might not be too good using lazy loading. A word of caution, be careful in what you fetch if you turn lazy loading of, its way to easy to not think this through and through and end up fetching almost the whole database...
I have seen many performance problems aring from wrong loading behaviour configuration in Hibernate. The situation is quite the same with NHibernate I think. My recommendation is to always use lazy relations and then use eager fetching statemetns in your query - like fetch joins - . This ensures you are not loading to much data and you can avoid to many SQL queries.
It is easy to make a lazy releation eager by a query. It is nearly impossible the other way round.

NHibernate latency is very high

I am using NHibernate for ORM and have consolidated the loading of lots of entities into one big query.
I am actually loading a word dictionary, around 500K entries, and each word relates to others. Running the loading process in the background could be very tricky in our application, as we would have to manually load an entry that has not been loaded on time, as any word could be asked for at any time. Our only requirements are that all the data be loaded as fast as possible.
I also tried using a stateless session, but got an exception that stateless sessions can't fetch collections (for some reason, maybe it has to do with the fact there is no cache for stateless sessions?)
The problem is that although the query takes no more than 25 seconds in SQLServer, it takes well over 3 minutes for ICriteria.List().
I used NHProf to profile the loading process and found that the creation of the entities is a costly affair, which takes up most of the loading time in NHibernate.
Is there anything I could do to reduce this latency? Is the memory allocation expensive, or is it the "filling in" of the data?
Perhaps you should consider the fact that NHibernate (like most ORMs) is not particularly suited (or intended) for these types of bulk-loading scenarios. How many rows are you trying to load, give or take? What are you trying to do? Pre-populate a cache? Do batch-like processing?
My gut feeling is that you should seriously consider the purpose of your app and choose the underlying technologies accordingly. Perhaps you can shed some light on your intentions/requirements?
EDIT OK, from your comments I understand what it is you're trying to do here. The first thing I'd do is create a simple prototype using raw ADO.NET to load the same data, to get a feel for the best performance attainable using standard data access and in-memory collections. Next, fiddle around with different collection types to see what performs well when populating and searching. If loading data like this is still too slow, it's time to start looking at other methods of loading the data: file-based from a local data file, hydrating pre-serialized objects, some form of fast on-demand loading, etc.
Loading 500k entities into an NHibernate session is not a good idea. The session is made to be short lived and hold a relatively small number of entities.
If you want to do this kind of batch processing in NHibernate you should take a look at the StatelessSession instead of the ordinary session. Using a stateless session would most likely drastically improve performance in this scenario. However, when using a stateless session you lose the benefits of the NHibernate first level cache, such as change tracking.
More information about the StatelessSession can be found in this article and in the NH docs at nhibernate.info.
In this scenario I would also recommend that you consider using straight ADO.NET instead of NHibernate. I am not saying that you should switch you whole data access strategy to ADO.NET but you might want to consider using ADO.NET for the batch operations and using NHibernate for the other cases.
Profiling the creation process (for example with the VS performance analyser) should tell you exactly what is the costly operation. If you have played already with lazy loading tuning then I think the only good solution is to encapsulate the returned list to enable paging an return smaller chunks in a few iterations. I am not sure whether NHibernate support lazy result lists like JPA does (i.e. not loading entities from data reader until needed).

Is Lazy Loading really bad?

I hear a lot about performance problems about lazy loading, no matter if at NHibernate, Linq....
The problem is N+1 selects. Example, I want all posts and its users, at foreach I lazy Load Users, them I need one select for posts, plus N select for each user.
Lazy Loading:
1 - select ....from post
N - select ....from user
The "good" approach is do a join:
1 - select .....from post inner join user on post.UserId = user.Id
But seeing EF generated SQL, I realized that a lot of data is wasted. Imagine that all posts are the same User. Inner Join will bring all users columns for each post row.
In performance, which approach is best?
Lazy loading is neither good nor bad. See this for a more lengthy explanation:
When should one avoid using NHibernate's lazy-loading feature?
In general, lazy loading is a good default behavior for an ORM, but as an ORM user you need to be conscious of when to override the default and load data eagerly. Profiling the performance of your application is the best way to make decisions about using lazy loading or not using it. Be wary of spending too much effort on premature optimization.
The issue with Lazy Loading is being aware of what it is and when it can bite you. You need to be aware of how many potential trips could be made to the database, and how to work around that. I don't view LL as being bad. I just need to be aware of the ramifications of it.
Most of my applications involve a service boundary (web service, WCF, etc) and at that point lazy loading at the OR/M is pointless, and implementing lazy loading in your entities that sit on top of your service is kind of a bad idea (the entities now must know about the service).
There's no bad and good for lazy loading.
You have to decide if you prefer to load resources on run time or application loading times.
For example - Real time usually uses a buffer to avoid allocating resources on runtime. That's the opposite of lazy loading and is beneficial for Real Time software.
Lazy loading is beneficial if you have an application that runs for long duration and you don't want to allocate resources on startup.
Old thread, but search turned it up so I am adding my two cents. In addition to having to be aware of potential performance issues, the issue of accessing fields after a data context has been disposed stops me from ever using LL now. If you return an instance of an entity from a method where a data context was created and disposed, which is how they are designed to be used, accessing those virtual fields will exception fault. The solutions to this are to either include the fields in the queries (i.e. .Include), never return entity classes from your data layer/service, or keep data contexts alive for much longer. Including the fields is the best option, and that is just as easy without lazy loading enabled.