User authentication design, are users people? - authentication

The application is written in Ruby on Rails but the problem I am facing is more a design matter than language related.
the system provides service to a number of users to maintain a registry. So it relates persons to things. As such it has a model called Person representing owners and it has a model called User representing those who manage the registry.
Now a new requirement has arisen to allow People to log in and be able to change personal details which it was not required for the original design.
The question is how to refactor the application to allow this new requirement in?
One easy solution is to create Users for each person who request login credentials and link user to person entity but that is not very DRY as some fields such as firstname, surname etc. are in both classes and in particular, that is precisely the data people will be able to change. Besides User and Person are stored in separate tables.
The other possibility I was considering is to make one to extend the other but having data in separated tables it makes it a bit messy. Additionally the logical extension would be User <- Person as an user is (generally) a person but thinking on the implementation Person <- User is quite a lot easier.
One last option could be to scrap User and move login credentials into Person leaving logon fields empty for those who won't log in and half of the fields empty for those just login in.
Can you think of a better solution?

You could think about how this should ideally work if you were to write the application bottom-up, and then figure out how to make a reasonable compromise between that and your current setup. Here are some generic inputs.
As authentication is involved, you need an "Identity" that can be authenticated. This can be e.g. an email address and an associated password, with email verification.
An Identity can potentially be associated to multiple "Roles" and someone authenticated with the identity can choose which role to perform, e.g. "I am now an administrator" vs. "I am now a regular site user", and the role defines the user's current rights for the logged in identity. Or if you don't need that level of complexity, you can say that an Identity is a (single) Role.
You need some tracking between possible "Rights" and the Role the user is performing. E.g. the simplest setup could be the Identity or Role has some boolean can_edit_profile or can_modify_registry properties.
Whenever a user attempts to perform an action which requires certain Rights, it is simply a matter of looking up the corresponding rights set for the Role being performed by the user, to check whether the user is allowed to proceed.
For your application this may just involve adding a 'can_change_registry' property for your user objects, and check whether that property is True for any code accessing that part of the site.


Authorization permissions and UI element visibility - how to implement it cleanly?

I have developed a pretty standard and common authorization permission system for an internal business web application.
There are some roles with permission sets; system administrator can create new roles and assign permissions to them; every web controller method has an attribute to check for specific permission. So far so good.
But then I have the following conversation with the customer:
Customer: "Please, make it possible to hide specific form fields in specific forms for a specific role".
I: "Ok, so the users of this role shouldn't have permissions to modify these fields, right? I can also add a permission check to the method that saves the data."
Customer: "No, no, it's not a permission issue as such, it's just about convenience - this role doesn't need to work with these fields and we want to make the UI less cluttered. The users of this role shouldn't see these fields in this form only; however, there are other forms where it's totally OK to see these fields. Of course, we might later create new roles that will need to see these fields in this form, but by default the fields should be hidden."
And so the permission system gets cluttered with "pseudo-permissions", such as "See field X in form Y". They exist for UI convenience purposes only and have nothing to do with authorization for performing activities on data.
Is it a good practice to control UI through roles & permissions, even when the specific permission has nothing to do with data processing authorization? Is there a clean solution to avoid cluttering the permission system implementation with such UI-only pseudo-permissions and still provide the customer with granular control to achieve cleaner UI for specific roles?

Web App: How is administrator access usually done

Currently I'm building a web app. So far I only have regular users. However, due to some requirements I need to have special admin accounts for the app administrators. I'm wondering now how these are usually implemented. The requirement is, that they use the same login mask as regular users and behave the same except for the additional capabilities. To differentiate I could put an admin flag into the users' profile or put the admins into a separate table in my DB. Maybe the the second option scales better for potential additional user groups. Also, how could these admins be signed up? I don't want to use predefined usernames I check against in the login handler. I know the question is rather general. I'm just looking for some directions.
Since you didn't give information about the platform(s) you are using, I can only give theoretical answer. While a simple "isadmin checkbox" will do the job for only separating normal users and admins, but if you will need another user type such as "power users" etc. you will keep adding new columns to your table, which is not ideal. Basically you can use a "Role Based" or a "Permission" based approach. In Role based, as the name implies, you assign each user a role and give access to specific resources depending on the role. In the "Permissions" approach you define for each user the permissions they have (resources to access, actions they can perform). Also you could combine these two approaches, where you assign each user his role and define permissions for each role.

What is a good practice when setting up a users table? Looking at some newbie tutorials, but not sure how to "really" do it right

I'm tinkering around with building a rest API that connects to a database. I'm following tutorials, but the table set ups are all really basic and one of my issues has been that in the "real world" the way its done is a lot more complex and different :(
However, I'm wondering for my actual application (really small) how can I properly set up the User table?
For example, I have set the primary key to userid because that should never be changing. Is it fine to use long for the userid?
Also, is it fine to lump a bunch of things together that are related to the user.. in the User table? I know its a stupid question.. For example, I want to know if the user has signed up for the service, so isMember. Or, is the user signed up for fast service, so hasFastService. Or, should these things be put into a UserAttributes table by the userid?
Finally, I looked up UUIDs and I'm wondering where those fit in, in which scenarios, etc.
I'll try to answer this based on my own experience of creating users table in a project recently. The things you have to take care are basically these:
Authentication: Determine your login process and things like credential fields, user types (admin/guest/normal), whether OAuth is required or not, etc. before creating the users table. For example, whether you need a username/password to authenticate or email/password or either "username or email" with a password. The modern practice is to do away with a "username" since its redundant - an email is unique and acts as a username for all intents.
OAuth: If you are giving facebook/google/twitter logins, make provisions for that in your users table. How will you determine whether the user was a normal signup or a social login signup? A field such as "login_method" or something is useful in this regard. A second field called "user_type" maybe created for identifying the type of user account: admin/guest/employee/etc.
Profile fields: Its upto you to determine profile variables. In my last project, I used a few fields like FirstName, LastName, Theme, Timezone, etc. for the profile, but your mileage may vary.
For user-ids, it is usually best to have an auto generated integer primary key which is available in all modern databases.
Needless to say, never store the actual password in the password field. Just has your password and store the has instead. When the user logs in, you can hash the user-input and compare with the user table value.
Finally, DON'T confuse the user table by including related data like clients, employees, etc. All clients are users, but all users are not clients! Keep your design flexible, so as to include all kinds of users like admins, employees, etc.

Claims-based auth and circles of users

Let's think of a simple REST-based web service to store and retrieve JSON objects. Without any authentication, every user can access any data.
Now let's add usage of JWTs to authenticate users. Of course, since we are not doing authorization, still every user can access anything, but at least now we know who accesses what.
Next step: When storing an object, save the user's sub claim with the object, and verify that the user's sub claim matches the one of the requested object, and if so, deliver it. Now we have authorization on a per-user basis. So far, so easy.
Now let's add the possibility to let users share objects with other users. For the sake of simplicity, say, we want to have predefined groups (i.e., roles) and we want to let the user choose which group (role) has access to the objects they create. This is still easy, as you have a predefined list of groups, so you can let the user choose one or more, and attach them to the object. Additionally, the identity provider needs to be configured in a way that it put a groups claim into every user's token, so we can match them. As we can already see from the length of this paragraph, things become more complex.
Question 1: Am I right so far, that handling "static" groups this way it the way to go?
Now, let's give the users the opportunity to create groups on their own. This is still not complicated, but how do we make the identity provider use the dynamically created groups? For sure we do not want to make an administrator update the identity provider's configuration every day ;-).
Question 2: How do we handle dynamically created groups?
Now, finally, let's forget about groups, and let's say, that we want to allow the users to be able to simply share their objects with other users. This should be configurable for every object individually. How do we do this? Do we save a list of users on the object? If so, what exactly do we save? The sub claim? If so, how does the owner user know the appropriate values? Or ...?
And: Supposed the users want to put their friends dynamically into dynamically generated circles, how would we do that?
Question 3: How do tokens and dynamically created groups with dynamically assigned users work with each other?
In my opinion the tokens should only include identity-information(-claims) you'll need to identify the user on your ressource server or that wont change when refreshing, since you wouldn't want your user (or your app in place) to have to refresh his access tokens each and every time his permissions change (since access tokens grant access for a specific amount of time you wouldn't want your user to have access to certain ressources that he's lost the access rights to since his last token refresh by not refreshing the token and simply using the old one either). The more security related information you append to your token, the more vulnerability you may add to your system (depending on your token lifetime).
Stating so, I would (and always do) identify the users roles or groups by his user-id (which is included in the jwt-token) on the ressource server. To achieve this, I always attach the users identity-information to the current request on my ressource server and attach "dynamic"-claims like the users role or group to the identity.
By adding only the identity information I need to identify the user and the user's rights on my ressource server, I tend to use my identity providers across multiple applications without handling application scope on the identity provider, so I can use the exact same access token for multiple independent ressource servers.

Storing a Windows SID in a Database for Lookup

I have an ASP.NET MVC application where I need to allow to customers configure MembershipProviders based on their environment, but still be able to map that MembershipUser to a concrete User model in our database.
Membership.GetUser() will give me access to the logged-in user's Membership.ProviderUserKey. I can use this to relate to a User record. Our custom SQL provider will just return the User.Id, but AD is a different story. In that case, ProviderUserKey is an IdentityReference.
These lookups will happen very frequently, as you can imagine (although caching can assist in reducing the lookups at the database level).
I can't decide which route is better to go: Storing the SID as a varbinary or varchar column. This column would not be a primary key and would not have a clustered index. Knowing that I can index strings pretty well, and reading a SID in string format is certainly nicer than binary. Anyone willing to share how they solved such a situation?
I don't know how I missed this SO question when I was searching before I posted, but it seems pretty clear that ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and ActiveDirectoryMembershipUser are not quite cut out for the task at hand, as they exist today.
An answer in that SO question linked the following article, where the following was stated:
The relative identifier portion of a
SID is unique relative to the domain,
so if the domain changes, the relative
identifier also changes.
Thus when a User object moves from one
domain to another, a new SID must be
generated for the user account and
stored in the Object-SID property.
However, each group and user has an Object-GUID, which will never change, even if the account is moved. Therefore, it would behoove me to use Object-GUID in my User class, and not Object-SID. Otherwise, someone's User record will be abandoned if they are moved and therefore breaking the relationship between their principal and the data they created.
Unfortunately, ActiveDirectoryMembershipUser doesn't let me get at Object-GUID. So, I'll either have to translate the SID to a GUID after ActiveDirectoryMembershipUser does its work, or create my own MembershipProvider that does everything I need on the spot. Unfortunately, this means I might have to duplicate effort already done for me by ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider.
Microsoft stores SIDs as varbinary(85) in sys.server_principals
This is also a unique column, so it must have an index...
username is the LAST thing you want to index on.
SIDs only change in an AD when you change a user from one domain to another. RIDs are split into 2 groups - inbuilt (< 1000) and user RIDs. Pre-defined users such as Administrator, Guest etc always have the same RID.
If you want to handle movement of users etc, then GUID is the way to go.
username can be changed at any time in Users and Groups management.
this is different to the object name, which is invariant, but I don't believe is mandated unique across a forest. You can have any number of John Smith users.
I'd look into the ADSI objects. These are COM objects which should be accessible from ASP. MSDN explains pretty well. an ADSearch object can be used to return user attributes (e.g. including DN) from a GUID.
Sounds like you're making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be. What do you need a SID or GUID for? You already have a unique, perfectly readable identifier for the users account maintained in ActiveDirectory.
It's called "the username". Hopefully it's the same username as stored in your apps "user" table.
Your app just needs to know if that username successfully authenticated with ActiveDirectory. So if they successfully log in - you just store the fact that they are authenticated in your Session variables.
If they are configured to use the db user login, if successful set the same Session variable indicating that they successfully logged in.
No fancy GUIDs or SIDs ... simple.