Books / tutorials for further understanding OOP [closed] - oop

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been programming with OOP for a year. But I think sometimes, my solutions to the problem, code quality and so on, is not the best as it could be. Are there any good books on writing good and quality OOP code (programming language doesn't matter) for advanced programmers? What would you recommend?

I'm reluctant to suggest a "patterns" book, but Design Patterns is pretty good. It's much more descriptive than proscriptive -- and some of the patterns won't make any sense at all, until you've fought the underlying problem that leads to the patterns -- but if you read the book with the mindset that they are trying to provide a grammar that programmers can use to talk about problems rather than tools that are the Best Possible Solutions, then it is an excellent book.


Learning Objective-C as a first language [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Do you think that its a good practice to learn Objective-C as a first language/library, or should I just jump back a little and start learning in another C type language?
I've been self-learning Objective-C for about 4 months now. I absolutely love it, my friends and family also support it as well.
So, what do people here think about Objective-C as a first language to learn? Is it worth it to continue with my work with Objective-C?
I think Objective-C can be a fine first language, particularly if you're interested in doing Mobile programming. I wouldn't necessarily recommend switching to learn a different language, but if you really want to learn how to program I would recommend learning as many languages as you are comfortable learning. Many different languages have different ways of thinking about problems, different benefits, and different cultures, and exposing yourself to the different ways of doing things in other languages will make you better in whatever language you end up in long term.

Why no functional programming languages became mainstream [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Given so much praise for languages such as haskell, erlang, why none of them can become a mainstream language?
Is it due to their learning curve? Or too much symbol notation?
Because most people don't know how to program functionally.
Because overcoming a dominant paradigm is difficult and takes time.
Because "nobody ever got fired for choosing Java" (corollary of above, from FUD).
Because real-world programming isn't always perfectly functional–we love our side-effects.
Much more info in this older SO answer, and unlike mine, it includes machine guns and aliens.

PHP OOP - Should I use a framework? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been learning PHP OOP for quite a while and I've loved getting to know the language, finding solutions to problems and so forth.
Although, quite often, people keep recommending different frameworks for me to start using. I can imagine using a framework is more efficient, time effective and so forth but It seems to take quite a lot of the fun out of things.
My next challenge is to create a fully functional tutorial website and blog.
My question is, do you use a PHP framework and should I really start using one?
I was also debating whether to use CodeIgniter or CakePHP...

Data Visualisation Algorithm Books [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am looking to buy a good book on data visualisation and would love to here your recommendations. My background is mathematical and I am currently working on a data analysis tool for my employer. The two books that have intrigued me so far are
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Tufte
Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques, and Applications by Ward
I'm more interested in algorithms and efficient ways to analyse the data. I'd like a book that could explain how to make graphs similar to the ones on this website.
The list post suggested by #gary comtois is great, but if you are looking for algorithms I would suggest looking at:
It assumes programming knowledge but isn't the most challenging of books. However it covers plotting graphs, treemaps and other things.
The bibliography is also quite good.
Hope it helps.

Good reference for Object Oriented Design [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I find myself rarely using object oriented principles when I design applications. I am looking for a good reference for Object Oriented design. I'm using C# as my programming language and would like to have a reference which helps to make use of the OO contructs provided by C#. But basically I need a good book to derive some inspiration.
Here goes: two milestones
Design Patterns: Elements of
Reusable Object-Oriented
Head First Design
I think a book on Design Patterns may be what you want. The classic one would be Deisgn Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Orientated Software.
Check out Evan's DDD