NSIS Find files in silent mode not working - permissions

I have the following function to recursively search for dll files.
Function ProcessDLLFiles
Exch $0
Push $1
Push $2
FindFirst $1 $2 "$INSTDIR\*.dll"
IfErrors end
DetailPrint 'Found "$0\$2"'
FindNext $1 $2
goto loop
FindClose $1
FindFirst $1 $2 "$0\*.*"
IfErrors dirend
IfFileExists "$0\$2\*.*" 0 dirnext
StrCmp $2 "." dirnext
StrCmp $2 ".." dirnext
Push "$0\$2"
call ${__FUNCTION__}
FindNext $1 $2
goto dirloop
FindClose $1
Pop $2
Pop $1
Pop $0
When I run the installer normally, it works as expected and finds all dll files in the associated folder.
However, it does not find these files in silent mode, even though I can navigate to the directory it is searching in and see that the files are there. I already request admin privileges during installation, and Administrators have full permissions on the dll files in the folder.
Any ideas why it may not be finding the files?

When calling the nxs plugin to create a banner, needed to use /end parameter.


How can I send the output of an AWK script to a file?

Within an AWK script, I'm needing to send the output of the script to a file while also printing it to the terminal. Is there a nice and tidy way I can do this without having a copy of every print redirect to the file?
I'm not particularly good at making SSCCE examples but here's my attempt at demonstrating my problem;
print "This is an awk script"
# I don't want to have to do this for every print
print "This is an awk script" > thisiswhack.out
# data manip. stuff here
# ...
print "%s %s %s" blah, blah blah
# I don't want to have to do this for every print again
print "%s %s %s" blah blah blah >> thisiswhack.out
print "Yay we're done!"
# Seriously, there has to be a better way to do this within the script
print "Yay we're done!" >> thisiswhack.out
Surely there must be a way to send the entire output of the script to an output file within the script itself, right?
The command to duplicate streams is tee, and we can use it inside awk:
awk '
BEGIN {tee = "tee out.txt"}
{print | tee}' in.txt
This invokes tee with the file argument out.txt, and opens a stream to this command.
The stream (and therefore tee) remains open until awk exits, or close(tee) is called.
Every time print | tee is used, the data is printed to that stream. tee then appends this data both to the file out.txt, and stdout.
The | command feature is POSIX awk. Also the tee variable isn't compulsory (you can use the string).
Of course, we can use tee outside awk too: awk ... | tee out.txt.
GNU AWK's Redirection allows sending output to command, rather than file, therefore I suggest following exploit of said feature:
awk 'BEGIN{command="tee output.txt"}{print tolower($0) | command}' input.txt
Note: I use tolower($0) for demonstration purposes. I redirect print into tee command, which does output to mentioned file and standard output, thus you should get lowercase version of input.txt written to output.txt and standard output.
If you are not confined to single awk usage then you might alternatively use tee outside, like so
awk '{print tolower($0)}' input.txt | tee output.txt
awk '
function prtf(str) {
printf "%s", str > "thisiswhack.out"
printf "%s", str
function prt(str) {
prtf( str ORS )
# to print adding a newline at the end:
prt( "foo" )
# to print as-is without adding a newline:
prtf( sprintf("%s, %s, %d", $2, "bar", 17) )
' file
In the above we are not spawning a subshell to call any other command so it's efficient, and we're using fflush() after every print to ensure both output streams (stdout and the extra file) don't get out of sync with respect to each other (e.g. stdout displays less text than the file or vice-versa if the command is killed).
The above always overwrites the contents of "thisiswhack.out" with whatever the script outputs. If you want to append instead then change > to >>. If you want the option of doing both, introduce a variable (which I've named prtappend below) to control it which you can set on the command line, e.g. change:
printf "%s", str > "thisiswhack.out"
printf "%s", str >> "thisiswhack.out"
and add:
if ( !prtappend ) {
printf "" > "thisiswhack.out"
then if you do awk -v prtappend=1 '...' it'll append to thisiswhack.out instead of overwriting it.
Of course, the better approach if you're on a Unix system is to have your awk script called from a shell script with it's output piped to tee, e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk '
print "foo"
printf"%s, %s, %d", $2, "bar", 17
' "${#:--}" |
tee 'thisiswhack.out'
Note that this is one more example of why you should not call awk from a shebang.

How to move/copy a file to a sub-directory using awk in shell scripting

Take a look at this Picture.
Here I have tried to check whether the value of P is <90 and if so then I want to move this file to good sub-directory(good is a sub-directory of RF2.0 directory)...
But unfortunately it copies the entire RF2.0 folder into the good sub-folder, after running this below code, which I don't want.
Here is my code:
for i in *.SAC
P=`saclhdr -USER5 $i`
`echo $P $i|awk '{if ($1<90) print $2}'|cp -R /home/sushrat/Downloads/RFevents/RUMJ/RF2.0/$2 /home/sushrat/Downloads/RFevents/RUMJ/RF2.0/good`
Any help to solve the issue is appreciated.
You can't just treat $2 in your awk as $2 in cp command. assign output of awk to a variable x then do whatever you want with $x as a filename "I guess".
for i in *.SAC
P=`saclhdr -USER5 $i`
x=`echo $P $i|awk '{if ($1<90) print $2}'`
cp -R /home/sushrat/Downloads/RFevents/RUMJ/RF2.0/$x /home/sushrat/Downloads/RFevents/RUMJ/RF2.0/good`

NSIS close process by glob

I have a code for nsis which show you a message if specified process is run
nsProcess::_FindProcess "NCover.exe"
Pop $0
${If} $0 = 0
ifSilent +1 +3
SetErrorLevel 3
MessageBox MB_OK "Process NCover is running please close."
Goto Recheck
But it's not work with a glob pattern like "*.res". What can i use to do this with glob?

Trying to modify awk code

awk 'BEGIN{OFS=","} FNR == 1
{if (NR > 1) {print fn,fnr,nl}
fn=FILENAME; fnr = 1; nl = 0}
{fnr = FNR}
/ERROR/ && FILENAME ~ /\.gz$/ {nl++}
cmd="gunzip -cd " FILENAME
cmd; close(cmd)
END {print fn,fnr,nl}
' /tmp/appscraps/* > /tmp/test.txt
the above scans all files in a given directory. prints the file name, number of lines in each file and number of lines found containing 'ERROR'.
im now trying to make it so that the script executes a command if any of the file it reads in isn't a regular file. i.e., if the file is a gzip file, then run a particular command.
above is my attempt to include the gunzip command in there and to do it on my own. unfortunately, it isn't working. also, i cannot "gunzip" all the files in the directory beforehand. this is because not all files in the directory will be "gzip" type. some will be regular files.
so i need the script to treat any .gz file it finds a different way so it can read it, count and print the number of lines that's in it, and the number of lines it found matching the pattern supplied (just as it would if the file had been a regular file).
any help?
This part of your script makes no sense:
{if (NR > 1) {print fn,fnr,nl}
fn=FILENAME; fnr = 1; nl = 0}
{fnr = FNR}
/ERROR/ && FILENAME ~ /\.gz$/ {nl++}
Let me restructure it a bit and comment it so it's clearer what it does:
{ # for every line of every input file, do the following:
# If this is the 2nd or subsequent line, print the values of these variables:
if (NR > 1) {
print fn,fnr,nl
fn = FILENAME # set fn to FILENAME. Since this will occur for the first line of
# every file, this is that value fn will have when printed above,
# so why not just get rid of fn and print FILENAME?
fnr = 1 # set fnr to 1. This is immediately over-written below by
# setting it to FNR so this is pointless.
nl = 0
{ # for every line of every input file, also do the following
# (note the unnecessary "}" then "{" above):
fnr = FNR # set fnr to FNR. Since this will occur for the first line of
# every file, this is that value fnr will have when printed above,
# so why not just get rid of fnr and print FNR-1?
/ERROR/ && FILENAME ~ /\.gz$/ {
nl++ # increment the value of nl. Since nl is always set to zero above,
# this will only ever set it to 1, so why not just set it to 1?
# I suspect the real intent is to NOT set it to zero above.
You also have the code above testing for a file name that ends in ".gz" but then you're running gunzip on every file in the very next block.
Beyond that, just call gunzip from shell as everyone else also suggested. awk is a tool for parsing text, it's not an environment from which to call other tools - that's what a shell is for.
For example, assuming your comment (prints the file name, number of lines in each file and number of lines found containing 'ERROR) accurately describes what you want your awk script to do and assuming it makes sense to test for the word "ERROR" directly in a ".gz" file using awk:
for file in /tmp/appscraps/*.gz
awk -v OFS=',' '/ERROR/{nl++} END{print FILENAME, NR+0, nl+0}' "$file"
gunzip -cd "$file"
done > /tmp/test.txt
Much clearer and simpler, isn't it?
If it doesn't make sense to test for the word ERROR directly in a ".gz" file, then you can do this instead:
for file in /tmp/appscraps/*.gz
zcat "$file" | awk -v file="$file" -v OFS=',' '/ERROR/{nl++} END{print file, NR+0, nl+0}'
gunzip -cd "$file"
done > /tmp/test.txt
To handle gz and non-gz files as you've now described in your comment below:
for file in /tmp/appscraps/*
case $file in
*.gz ) cmd="zcat" ;;
* ) cmd="cat" ;;
"$cmd" "$file" |
awk -v file="$file" -v OFS=',' '/ERROR/{nl++} END{print file, NR+0, nl+0}'
done > /tmp/test.txt
I left out the gunzip since you don't need it as far as I can tell from your stated requirements. If I'm wrong, explain what you need it for.
I think it could be simpler than that.
With shell expansion you already have the file name (hence you can print it).
So you can do a loop over all the files, and for each do the following:
print the file name
zgrep -c ERROR $file (this outputs the number of lines containing 'ERROR')
zcat $file|wc -l (this will output the line numbers)
zgrep and zcat work on both plain text files and gzipped ones.
Assuming you don't have any spaces in the paths/filenames:
for f in /tmp/appscraps/*
n_lines=$(zcat "$f"|wc -l)
n_errors=$(zgrep -c ERROR "$f")
echo "$f $n_lines $n_errors"
This is untested but it should work.
You can use execute the following command for each file :
gunzip -t FILENAME; echo $?
It will pass print the exit code 0(for gzip files) or 1(corrupt/other file). Now you can compare the output using IF to execute the required processing.

NSIS: Problem to copy 1 file to another excluding a line

I want to replace the file 1.txt with its original contents except the line in R1, for which I wrote the following code:
FileOpen $0 "1.txt" "r"
GetTempFileName $R0
FileOpen $1 $R0 "w"
FileRead $0 $2
IfErrors done
strcmp $R1 $2 loop here
FileWrite $1 $2
Goto loop
FileClose $0
FileClose $1
Delete "1.txt"
CopyFiles /SILENT $R0 "1.txt"
Delete $R0
But its not working properly, it keeps 1.txt as it is. Can somebody please help me to find out where is the problem?
I have just ran into the same problem. Fixed it by inserting a
command before "loop:"