"Could not find installable ISAM" error in VB.NET - vb.net

Im new to visual basic.. I would like to ask on how to fixed the problem "Could not find installable ISAM.". I used Visual Basic as programming language. I used MS access as the database. My program is to fetch data from access. This would be my code.
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Main
Dim mDataPath As String
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Function GetConnection() As OleDb.OleDbConnection
'return a new connection to the database5
Return New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Database Password=oNer00FooR3n0 " & "Data Source=" & "C:\Users\ERICO YAN\Desktop\MSaccessDB\MSaccessDB\oneroofccp.mdb")
End Function
Public Function GetPupils() As DataSet
Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection = GetConnection()
Dim ds As New DataSet 'temporary storage
Dim sql As String = "select * from SESSIONS" 'query
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, conn) 'connection
da.Fill(ds, "SESSIONS") 'fetch data from db
da.Dispose() 'in case something goes wrong
End Try
Dim startVal = 0 'first record
Dim endVal = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count 'total number records
For var = startVal To endVal - 1 'display records
Console.WriteLine(ds.Tables(0).Rows(var).Item(0).ToString() + " " + ds.Tables(0).Rows(var).Item(1).ToString() + " " + ds.Tables(0).Rows(var).Item(3).ToString() + " " + ds.Tables(0).Rows(var).Item(3).ToString()) 'code for display id and name
Return ds
End Try
End Function
End Module
I would like to know what is the cause of the error so that I can proceed to my program.. Thank you so much for the feedback..

You seem to be missing a delimiter after your password attribute.
I think you also need to use Jet OLEDB:Database Password=... instead (if indeed you have an access database protected with a password):
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source=" & "C:\Users\ERICO YAN\Desktop\MSaccessDB\MSaccessDB\oneroofccp.mdb;" _
& "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=oNer00FooR3n0;"

Missing ; delimiter here:
...Password=oNer00FooR3n0 " & "Data Sourc...
Needs to be
...Password=oNer00FooR3n0 " & ";Data Sourc...
Also just Password instead of Database Password.

Initially, i too got this sort of error, but when i wrote the connection string in a single line (i mean without using [& _] or breaking in 2 lines, then this worked properly.
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\USER1\Desktop\MSaccessDB\MSaccessDB\my_database_file.mdb;Database Password=MyPassword"
Hope this helps.
Mukesh L.


Issue with data type importing csv file into sql in vb.net (SqlBulkCopy)

I'm trying to automate the import of csv data into sql. All files, but one are imported ok, so there is no issue with the code. This particular file has a mixed data type column. And when importing data, it loads data as Double, instead of String. As a result, the values that have words, are imported as null. I tried to convert that column into String (ds.Tables(0).Columns(4).DataType), but it makes no difference. When I try to check the type right after the conversion attempt, it shows runtime type, not a string. I have spent a few days researching similar issues and tried everything I could find. Hopefully someone here can offer help on converting the column properly, as it doesn't work for me. Please see the code below. Thanks!
Private Sub ImportIntoSqlBulk(SqlConnString As SqlConnection, ConnStringSql As String, TableNameSql As String, Filenmcsv As String)
SqlConnString.ConnectionString = ConnStringSql
Using bulkCopy As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(SqlConnString)
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = TableNameSql
bulkCopy.WriteToServer(GetCsvData(PathImpt, Filenmcsv))
Catch ex As Exception
Email_Subject = "Financial Data Import from Excel Error"
successflag = "N"
Email_Body = "There was an error importing data into " & TableNameSql & " from excel. Error message: " & ex.Message
Exit Sub
End Try
End Using
End Sub
Public Function GetCsvData(ByVal strFolderPath As String, ByVal strFileName As String) As DataTable
Dim strConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFolderPath & ";Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"""
Dim strConnString2 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFolderPath & ";Extended Properties=""Text;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;MaxScanRows=0"""
Dim conn2 As New OleDbConnection(strConnString2)
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(strConnString)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" & strFileName & "]", conn)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter()
da.SelectCommand = cmd
Dim ds As New DataSet()
If strFileName = "CheckRegister.csv" Then
End If
Return ds.Tables(0)
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function

OleDb exception System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80004005): System resource exceeded

VB2013: I am getting the exception System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80004005): System resource exceeded. When I query an MS Access database.
Here is what I do in my code:
'Make the connection to connDB
Public connDB As OleDbConnection
connDB = New OleDbConnection
With connDB
.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & DbFile & ";Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=xxxxxx;"
End With
'iterate through some 2500 obects. each object has a set of codes and we will get their description here
GetSysDefinitions (list of codes for an object)
'Close the connection to connDB;
Public Function GetSysDefinitions(sysCodes As List(Of String)) As String
'check to see if the db is available
If connDB Is Nothing Then Return ""
'set up the SQL to get the System Codes and Definitions
Dim sCodes As String = "'" & String.Join("', '", sysCodes) & "'"
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM SYS_Codes " & _
"WHERE CODE IN(" & sCodes & ") ; "
Dim daLs As New OleDbDataAdapter(sql, connDB)
Dim dsLs As New DataSet
Dim dtLs As New DataTable
daLs.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 60 '60 seconds for the command to timeout
daLs.Fill(dsLs, "Sys") '<=== Exception here at some point
dtLs = dsLs.Tables(0)
'do something with records returned
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
This all works great. At some point however I get the exception System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException (0x80004005): System resource exceeded at the line daLs.Fill. I just am not sure why resources are being exceeded and what I need to do to avoid this exception. Seems like I make one connection and then use it to make many queries. Should work right?
Thanks Çöđěxěŕ and Andrew Morton. Dont remeber where I got the code snippet but have been using it for years. I guess the difference is this time Im using that routine in a large number of calls. here is my updated code which I tested and no exceptions:
Using daLs As New OleDbDataAdapter(sql, connDb)
Using dtLs As New DataTable
'fill in the DataTable
dtLs.TableName = "CoreSys"
'check for how many rows were returned
'parse out rows
End Using
End Using

System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteReader requires an open and available connection. The connection's current state is closed

I am having a problem with a customer service module which is in a different solution. the problem I think is in my method of calling or getting a connection
here is my class called DBConnForAccess
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Public Class DBConnForAccess
Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim Trans As OleDbTransaction
Public Function DBConnect(ByVal filePath As String, pass As String)
' open Database
'Conn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" + ServerName + "\" + DBName + ";User ID=" + DBUsername + ";Password=" + DBPassword + ";Initial Catalog= '" + TB + "'")
Conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + filePath + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + pass + ";")
' "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;"
If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
' create transaction
Trans = Conn.BeginTransaction
Return "Ok"
Catch ex As Exception
Return ex.Message
End Try
End Function
Public Sub ExecuteSQL(ByVal sql As String, ByVal ParamArray Obj() As Object)
' command Object
Dim CMD As New OleDbCommand(sql, Me.Conn, Me.Trans)
'add the parameters to the sql command
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To Obj.Length - 1
CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("#" & I, Obj(I))
'execute the sql
End Sub
Public Sub commit()
Me.Trans = Me.Conn.BeginTransaction
End Sub
Public Sub rollback()
Me.Trans = Me.Conn.BeginTransaction
End Sub
Public Sub CloseDB()
End Sub
Public Function ReadData(ByVal sql As String, ByVal ParamArray Obj() As Object)
' command Object
Dim CMD As New OleDbCommand(sql, Me.Conn, Me.Trans)
'add the parameters to the sql command
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To Obj.Length - 1
CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("#" & I, Obj(I))
Dim R = CMD.ExecuteReader()
'Do While R.Read
Return R
End Function
End Class
Here is the Sub I use to fetch Data:
Dim connection As String = txt_util.readFromTextFile("ConnStr_2.txt", 0) + "Billing.mdb"
'connection string is in a text file with text at line 0 as "C:\BILLSERV\"
Private Sub searchAccnt(ByVal SIN As String)
'clear other fields
'Dim RS = AccntDetail.ReadData("Select * From AllAccounts Where SIN=#0", txtSIN.Text.Trim)
Dim RS = AccntDetail.ReadData("Select * From viewCSFAccnt Where SIN=#0", SIN)
If RS.Hasrows = 0 Then
MsgBox("Accounts not found. Check the SIN you Enter.", MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Records not found.")
Exit Sub
'MsgBox("Accounts correct.", MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Records found.")
txtZoneNo.Text = RS.Item("Zone").ToString
txtSeq.Text = RS.Item("SeqNo").ToString
txtAccntName.Text = RS.Item("AccountName").ToString
txtAccntAddress.Text = RS.Item("HouseNo").ToString + " " + RS.Item("BLDGName").ToString + " " + RS.Item("Street").ToString + _
" " + RS.Item("BRGY").ToString
txtMeterNo.Text = RS.Item("MeterNo").ToString
txtAccntStatus.Text = varA.AccntStatus(RS.Item("Status").ToString)
'Dim con = AccessAccnt.DBConnect(connection, "")
'If con <> "Ok" Then
' MsgBox("Cannot establish a Connection to the server.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Connection Lost...")
'End If
Dim ZoneNo = "Z" + GetChar(txtZoneNo.Text, 1) + GetChar(txtZoneNo.Text, 2) + "B" + GetChar(txtZoneNo.Text, 3) + GetChar(txtZoneNo.Text, 4)
AccessAccnt.DBConnect(connection, "")
Dim Acc = AccessAccnt.ReadData("SELECT * FROM " & ZoneNo & " WHERE AcctNo3=#1", txtSeq.Text)
txtLastReading.Text = Acc.Item("LastReading").ToString
End If
Dim result = dbCounter.ReadData("Select Top 1 CSFNo From CSFMaster WHERE (CSFNo LIKE '%" & ctrDate() & "%') order by CSFNo Desc")
If result.hasrows = 0 Then
txtTrackingNo.Text = ctrDate() & "-" & "000001"
txtTrackingNo.Text = counter.CtrLastItemWithChar("ConcessionairesAccnt", "CSFNo", "CSFMaster", "WHERE (CSFNo LIKE '%" & ctrDate() & "%') ORDER BY CSFNo DESC", 5)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
The Error is thrown here:
Dim Acc = AccessAccnt.ReadData("SELECT * FROM " & ZoneNo & " WHERE AcctNo3=#1", txtSeq.Text)
It Says:
System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteReader requires an open and available connection. The connection's current state is closed.
The Other Parts of the Sub Works fine, The part where I fetch Data on my MSSQL Server database. The Problem lies in the Access data-Fetching Code.
I tried Using the code on another project (just the code where i fetch access data) I worked on other solutions. But I copy and paste my code on any form in this solution I keeps giving the Error.
I thought Maybe I closed the connection somewhere but this is the only instance I used this code in this entire project. (Just to get the last reading record.)
The Database is in the correct place (C:\BILLSERV)
I've Tried searching it here on SE but all I can see where suggestions about maybe forgetting to open the connection. I used this code before and this code works on my other solutions. I just cant seem to have it work here on this particular project. I wonder Why..
I tried running another project using this code and it works fine.
Is there a bug about Access connection on VB.net 2012, I have been using this code (DBConnForAccess Class) for about a year now and this is the first time I have encountered this error. btw I use Access 2003 because this database used to be for an old system created in VB6.
Lastly could this be because the solution came from another computer using a VB.Net Program same as mine. Because We work as a team here. Hope someone with a better knowledge on these systems could help. Thanks in advance.
If a connection has been made, there should be a .ldb file in access which should appear. (I tested this on another project and an ldb file appear once a connection has been made, as we all know ldb file contains the data of the user using the db file.) I tried to re-run the system and while I'm using the system no ldb file was created.
Also,I thought Maybe I closed the connection somewhere but this is the only instance I opened a connection in access and which I used the code in this entire project. (Just to get the last reading record.)
So this is NOT a duplicate of “There is already an open DataReader…” Reuse or Dispose DB Connections? Just for clarifications
After a week of debugging and reading articles in the web.
We have found the culprit of the Error.
Seems that the Target CPU Option in Advance compiler Settings was change to AnuCPU.
We noticed this after we checked the other application projects we used.
Changing it Back to x86 solves the connection problem.
I wonder why this affected the connection to the access.
All is working fine now. thank you Plutonix and Steve for all your suggestions we'll be having a change in our codes.

OleDB Exception: Could not find installable ISAM

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Sub connecttodatabase(ByVal fileselected As String)
Dim databasepassword
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & fileselected
Catch e As OleDb.OleDbException
If e.Message = "Not a valid password." Then
Console.WriteLine("Database has a password. Please enter password to continue.")
databasepassword = Console.ReadLine()
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & fileselected & ";JetOLEDB:Database Password=" & databasepassword & ";"
End If
errorid = 1
End Try
End Sub
The error I am encountering occurs at the second con.Open() when I try to connect to a .mdb database file which I created in access, the function correctly tells me I have a password, but then once I enter my password I get the error defined in the title, and I have no idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try this instead:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=YOURPASS;
Also, what exception are you getting from the first call to open the db? Maybe it's same problem: the ISAM isn't present. Try reinstalling MDAC:

vb.net generalized write of data to excel

I need to create an excel file from scratch in VB.NET given a DataTable from asp.net.
I can do this for a specific file, but I don't know how to do it for a general database.
That is, where I use the "CREATE TABLE ..." I don't know how to tell it what types to use for the data in the table.
The DataTable is derived from a FoxPro database. (I don't know if that matters.)
I invoke the table similar to as follows:
return_value = make_excel( sql_table, excel_filename)
make_excel is defined as
Option Explicit On
'Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.Page
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class clsCommon
Inherits Page
' buncha other stuff defined in here.
Public Shared Function make_excel(ByVal sqlTable As DataTable, ByVal xls_fn As String) As Boolean
Dim conn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet
Dim cmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand()
conn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" & xls_fn & "';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;")
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MyTable ( Admin char(20), first_name char(20));"
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable ( Admin, first_name ) VALUES ('true', 'Bob')"
Return True
End Function
End Class
What I need to be able to do is run through the values in sqlTable above, check their type and then build the sql to write them. Pointers?
Have you looked into the copyfromrecordset function? You'll need to do a bit of work and its a bit of a change of approach but it might be something you can look into. An MS article is available here (Sorry, the article is based around VBA, but it should help as a guide).
I have a solution to the problem. I'm not happy about it as a general solution, but it works well enough for the cases I'm currently dealing with.
In this solution, I create a template of the excel file that has the column headings I want to use. When I do the select in the forward code, I change the name of the fields as appropriate (or drop whatever fields I don't want).
Public Shared Function TestXL(ByVal resp As HttpResponse, ByVal sqlTable As DataTable, ByVal xls_template_fn As String, ByVal xls_fn As String) As Boolean
Dim conn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet
Dim cmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand()
Dim r As DataRow
Dim c As DataColumn
Dim i As Integer
Dim sql As String
dim str as string
If File.Exists(xls_template_fn) Then
If File.Exists(xls_fn) Then
File.Copy(xls_template_fn, xls_fn)
End If
catch ex1 as Exception
File.Copy(xls_template_fn, xls_fn)
End Try
resp.Write("Unable to locate template file: " & xls_template_fn)
Return False
End If
conn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" & xls_fn & "';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;")
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = sql
For Each r In sqlTable.Rows
sql = "INSERT INTO MyTable ("
For i = 0 To sqlTable.Columns.Count - 1
sql = sql & " " & sqlTable.Columns(i).ColumnName & ","
sql = Left(sql, sql.Length - 1) & " ) VALUES ( "
For i = 0 To sqlTable.Columns.Count - 1
str = r(i).toString()
dim str2 as string = str.replace("'", "''")
sql = sql & " '" & str2 & "',"
sql = Left(sql, sql.Length - 1) & " );"
'resp.Write(sql & "<br/>")
cmd.CommandText = sql
Return True
End Function
Note the name of the the worksheet is the name of the table for the oledb call.
There's a link to other ways of doing this:
If I have to revisit this problem I'll probably start there.