Table Per Subclass Vs Table Per concrete class in hibernate? - sql

In most of the web application, i have seen one base class consisting common properties and number of subclasses extending base class . So my question here is which strategy we should go for among Table Per Subclass Vs Table Per concrete class. I personally feel we should go for table per subclass because in future if we want to introduce the common column we can do it at one place but in case of concrete class we have to do it in multiple tables. Right?
But yes if we want to fetch all deatils from all child tables i think Table per concrete class will be helpful Because we have to simply union the records from all tables but in case of Table per Sub class along with union we have to introduce the join with parent table which will be extra costlier .Right?

You might be interested in Section 2.12 "Inheritance Mapping Strategies" of the JPA 2.0 specification, as it sums up all possbible inheritance types as well as their advantages and drawbacks. Let me pull out just the most interesting fragments:
2.12.1 Single Table per Class Hierarchy Strategy
This mapping strategy provides good support for polymorphic
relationships between entities and for queries that range over the
class hierarchy. It has the drawback, however, that it requires that
the columns that correspond to state specific to the subclasses be
2.12.3 Table per Concrete Class Strategy
This strategy has the following drawbacks:
- It provides poor support for polymorphic relationships.
- It typically requires that SQL UNION queries (or a separate SQL query per subclass) be issued for queries that are intended to range over the class hierarchy.
2.12.2 Joined Subclass Strategy
It has the drawback that it requires that one or more join operations
be performed to instantiate instances of a subclass. In deep class
hierarchies, this may lead to unacceptable performance. Queries that
range over the class hierarchy likewise require joins.
Also, if you're planning to be JPA-compatible, remember that the JPA-provider doesn't have to support TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy type.
I personally feel we should go for table per subclass because in
future if we want to introduce the common column we can do it at one
place but in case of concrete class we have to do it in multiple
True, but JOINED strategy also provides you the same feature and allows to specify common properties in one table.
Hope that helps!

The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch
In Object Model, while creating object we may require to use inheritance i.e. Generalization as follows:
In Relational Model, the above Generalization(not association i.e. one-to-one or many-to-many) can achieve in Hibernate ORM with the following three inheritance mapping strategies:
Table Per Class i.e. for Hierarchy only one table
Table Per Concrete class i.e. One table for each concrete class not for super class
Table Per Subclass i.e. One table fore each class
In this strategy, we can map the whole hierarchy into single table, here we use one more discriminator column i.e. TYPE.
In this strategy, tables are created as per class but related by foreign key. So there are no duplicate columns.
In this strategy, tables are created as per class but related by foreign key. So there are no duplicate columns.
image source


Class Diagram: In A Composition Relationship Should a Child Class Always Have An ID Field?

I'm having a hard time converting my database tables and foreign keys to a class diagram with classes and associations.
My question is:
"In in a composition relationship, should a child class always should have an ID field?".
In my CD, there are 2 compositor classes: PurchaseItem and PurchaseFinisher, which composite Purchase class. PurchaseItem already comes with an ID field from its table but, PurchaseFinisher doesn't because it is filtered by the id_purchase and id_payment_method foreign keys.
thanks in advance.
This is my DB diagram:
I can't see redundancy in between Purchase or Product, as you said. Could you, please, show me that based on my DB diagram? My tables are well modeled (hope so). My fault is in the classes definition.
In a class diagram, no class requires an id property: each class instance (aka object) has its own identity with or without explicit id property.
In a database, you need of course an explicit id property to uniquely identify the object among others in the database and find it back. By the way, you may annotate such properties with a trailing {id} . UML does not define any semantic for it, but it is in general sufficiently expressive to help database designers.
In the case of composition, the main question is whether a composed object can easily be identified by alternate means. There are several related ORM database techniques, for example:
you can use the owning object’s id together with another property if this is sufficient to identify the element. The two together would make a composite primary key in database.
you can use a unique id to identify the object (surrogate primary key) and use the id of the owning object as foreign key.
For PurchaseItem you have everything that is needed, although the diagram does not tell which of the two approaches you’ll use (e.g is the id unique globally, or unique within the purchase?).
But for PurchaseFinisher it is unclear if you could uniquely identify an occurence. If a payment method can only be used once per purchase, it’s fine as it may be used to identify the object.
If it would be allowed to pay two times the same amount (half of the overall price) in the same currency with the same payment methods, you’d have undistinguishable duplicates. So, some kind of identifier will be needed from the database point of view.

How to code a superclass in sql

Is there to code a superclass in sql oracle or would you code it as a normal class?
this is a part of my er diagram of my super class:
*Sorry, I'm a beginner with sql
There exist several different approaches for this:
store all data in a single table (this table has columns for all parent and child attributes)
use one table per leaf class, store all attributes in this table (no common table)
use one table per class, store only class-specific attributes in this table (use a common table for the base class data, and add FK references to this table in your detail tables)
I'd recommend you grab a copy of Patterns of Enterprise Architecture - it contains exhaustive information on how to handle situations like this.

Dealing with large class inheritance hierarchies in NHibernate

My model looks like this:
... etc
where InsurancePolicy is an abstract class which is the base class for all concrete implementations of insurance policies. AbcInsurancePolicy , DefInsurancePolicy , etc are implementations which correspond to a certain insurance products. Sometimes I define other abstract classes for subgroups of policies with a subset of common fields (like VehicleInsurancePolicy).
I mapped this classes using a "Table per subclass, using a discriminator" strategy. The InsurancePolicy table contains about 60 fields, and each joined table adds from 10 to 30 fields. I used this strategy because:
I have a lot of subclasses with a lot of fields. A table-per-class-hierarchy strategy would end having a single table with a lot of null columns.
I want to be able to extend the application by adding other subclasses without changing the schema of InsurancePolicy table.
The InsurancePolicy is used often as a many-to-one relationship in other entities like Payment, Document etc.
NHibernate generates a lot of left-outer-joins when querying for InsurancePolicy because it doesn't know the type. This is very inefficient as I have a lot of tables to join. The problem becomes even worse when lazy-loading many-to-one properties containing an InsurancePolicy because it is used quite a lot in my model. The concrete implementations are used rarely, only in edit/details scenarios where it is specified the actual type and only the needed tables are joined.
Then I used a combination of discrimator + join. Thus the InsurancePolicy table contains the information about the type. Unfortunately a "join" mapping doesn't support lazy-loading. I tried setting fetch="select", however these generates N+1 selects when querying for multiple insurance policies.
// select from 1 table, "join" class must be lazy-loaded on access
// select includes a join, since we explicitly specified a concrete type
So my questions are:
Is there a way to extend NHibernate to make it work like above?
Is there another way of mapping these large / complex class hierarchies?
Based on this:
The concrete implementations are used rarely, only in edit/details scenarios
I recommend that you break up InsurancePolicy in two:
InsurancePolicy, containing only the properties from the current base class
PolicyDetails, an abstract base class for the hierarchy.
There's a one-to-one relationship between those two classes.
The beauty of this is that you don't have to change anything else (except a minor change in the policy edit views, to point them to the new relationship)

ORM question - JPA

I'm reading Pro JPA 2. The book talks begins by talking about ORM in the first few pages.
It talks about mapping a single Java class named Employee with the following instance variables - id,name,startDate, salary.
It then goes on to the issue of how this class can be represented in a relational database and suggests the following scheme.
table A: emp
id - primary key
table B: emp_sal
id - primary key in this table, which is also a foreign key referencing the 'id' column in table A.
It thus seems to suggest that persisting an Employee instance to the database would require operations on two(multiple) tables.
Should the Employee class have an instance variable 'salary' in the first place?
I think it should possibly belong to a separate class (Class salary maybe?) representing salary and thus the example doesn't seem very intuitive.
What am I missing here?
First, the author explains that there are multiples ways to represent a class in a database: sometimes the mapping of a class to a table is straightforward, sometimes you don't have a direct correspondence between attributes and columns, sometimes a single class is represented by multiples tables:
In scenario (C), the EMP table has
been split so that the salary
information is stored in a separate
EMP_SAL table. This allows the
database administrator to restrict
SELECT access on salary information to
those users who genuinely require it.
With such a mapping, even a single
store operation for the Employee class
now requires inserts or updates to two
different tables.
So even storing the data from a single class in a database can be a challenging exercise.
Then, he describes how relationships are different. At the object level model, you traverse objects via their relations. At the relational model level, you use foreign keys and joins (sometimes via a join table that doesn't even exist at the object model level).
Inheritance is another "problem" and can be "simulated" in various ways at the relational model level: you can map an entire hierarchy into a single table, you can map each concrete class to its own table, you can map each class to its own table.
In other words, there is no direct and unique correspondence between an object model and a relational model. Both rely on different paradigms and the fit is not perfect. The difference between both is known as the impedance mismatch, which is something ORM have to deal with (allowing the mapping between an object model and the many possible representations in a relation model). And this is what the whole section you're reading is about. This is also what you missed :)

Model Heterogeneous Type in Database

I am trying to figure out the best way to model a set of "classes" in my system. Note that I'm not talking about OO classes, but classes of responses (in a survey). So the model goes like this:
A Class can be defined with three different types of data:
A Class of Coded Responses (where a coded responses consists of a string label and an integer value)
A Class of Numeric Responses (defined as a set of intervals where each interval ranges from a min to a max value)
A Class of String Responses (defined as a set of regular expression patterns)
Right now we have: Class table (to define unique classes) and a ClassCoded, ClassNumeric and ClassString table (all with a ClassID as a foreign key to Class table).
My problem is that right now a Class could technically be both Coded and Numeric by this system. Is there any way to define the set of tables to be able to handle this situation??
There are two main ways to handle subtypes, either with sparse columns by adding columns for every possible property (preferrably with check constraints to make sure only one type has values) or to create a table for the supertype and then three tables for the sub-types, each with foreign keys back to the supertype table. Then add a check constraint to ensure that only one of the three possible type columns is not null.
Personally I decide which of the two implementations to use based on how similar the subtypes are. If 90% of the columns are shared I use the sparse columns approach, if very little information is shared I use the multiple tables approach.
Relational databases don't handle this elegantly. Simplest way is to define columns for all different types of data, and only fill the appropriate ones.
I don't understand what the issue is. This is just mixin inheritance. Why can't a Class just have an entry each both ClassCoded and ClassNumeric?
The enforcement of business rules isn't going to be done in the DB anyways, so you can easily enforce these constraints in the business layer code with special rules for Classes that have entries in both these tables.