How to stop maven from checking for snapshot updates? - maven-2

From what I understand, in case of maven2, by default maven will check for snapshot updates once per day.
I've attempted to override it in settings.xml [pastebin link] by setting updatePolicy to never, but during mvn clean install it still checks for snaphots updates.
Maven output which lead me to believe it still checks updates:
[INFO] snapshot XXXXXXXX:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from apache.snapshots
Is there something wrong in my setting.xml configuration, or is there some other option? Make note that using RELEASE instead of SNAPSHOT is not an option. I'm aware that using -o as offline mode will work, but that will prevent me from getting new dependencies as well.

You have done this for central but the output above indicates reference to apache.snapshots.


Auto increment appx package version after each build

I am looking for a solution to automatically increment a package version (not to be confused with an assembly version) after each build on CI server (particularly Atlassian Bamboo). Every appx package has a version defined in its manifest file (appxmanifest). Thus in order to increase the version a manifest must be edited before commit. I am considering different approaches to implement this. The first one makes changes in manifest and pushes it back to the repo.
Starts building a plan (in order to lock a build number)
Modifies manifest so that a revision is set to the current build number
Pushes changes to SCM (particularly Atlassian Stash). This step shouldn't trigger the next build.
Continues building the package (invoke MSBuild, UT and other tasks)
Leads to incorrect workflow on Bamboo: checkout -> push -> build
Each build makes a new commit
Another approach is to setup post receive Stash hook which would modify appxmanifest.
Cons Hard to keep a build number in sync with Bamboo.
Is there any other (cleaner and proper) way to achieve this?
ex-Stash developer here (not that it matters),
I would highly recommend not checking in derived/version information or files. It's going to cause you no end of problems (some of which you have pointed out in your question).
My advice - generate what information you need on the build. I don't know anything about appx packaging, but can you use a placeholder/property (like this) which can be resolved on the Bamboo build? For our builds we use the git hash and timestamp as the version, and in the past I've also used the job/build number (timestamp is better though).
As more food for thought - if that appx version is important for developers to see locally, and it becomes hard to match up with the Git version then you can also attach a Git tag/note to the commit in Bamboo as well. The nice thing about that is that anyone fetching from Git can easily see that extra metadata, but it doesn't result in extra commits for every build. If the appx version need to be based off the previous version then this makes it possible for the build scripts to inspect the previous commit and bump the version appropriately.
I hope that helps.

Atlassian Bamboo: don't trigger build if changes were made to a specific file

I have a plan in Bamboo that starts whenever changes are made to the attached repositories (via polling).
Now, on each build, if successful, a CHANGELOG file is updated in the repo, which in turn, triggers another build. How can I omit certain files from Bamboo's polling, so that a build isn't started if changes are found for those files? Because otherwise, I enter in infinite loop, with a change to CHANGELOG triggering another build which in turn updated CHANGELOG and so on.
If this is not possible, what other viable solutions are there? Is it possible to attach a shell script somewhere before the build starts to check whether it's desired to start a new build?
It turned out that this was simpler than I've thought. In Plan Configuration, in the Repositories tab, on each repository, under Advanced, there is an Include / exclude files input where you can Customise what files Bamboo uses to detect changes. By adding a regular expression there, I got everything solved and working as expected.
Bamboo pattern matching reference:
The Bamboo Documentation says:
Bamboo will ignore build triggers if the local working copy and the
repository copy have the same revision numbers.
This might not be the best solution, but you might add an additional task at the end of the job/build which updates the repository again to avoid triggering a new build.
I'm not sure if this would then skip builds from repository updates which occur during the current build.

Why does maven use my internal repository before my local repository?

when I am doing development I often need to change a dependency, but I'm not ready to deploy my changes. For example, I'm working on project Foo and I realize I need to add a method to the common library. Before deploying this change to our internal repository, I would like to install the changes to common library (mvn install) and recompile Foo to use the common library in the local repository (note that I'm using all SNAPSHOT versions).
However, after I mvn install my common library, when I recompile Foo it doesn't use the new common library--it keeps using the latest SNAPSHOT of common library in the internal repository. If I deploy the changed common library, Foo picks it up immediately.
How can I get maven to look first in the local repository?
UPDATE: when the file is installed into the local repository, it gets a name like foo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, but when I deploy it, it gets a timestamp foo-1.0.0-20111104.191316-23.jar. I think this is why the remote artifact gets pulled each time. Any idea why mvn install is not working like mvn deploy? Does it have to do with the fact that I have a snapshot repository set up for deploy?
By default, Maven checks for new versions of SNAPSHOT artifacts once per day. When it does this check, it will download SNAPSHOTS from remote repos that are newer than what you have locally. Either your artifact timestamps are out of sync and you're doing something to override Maven's update policy (like calling it with -U or setting the udpatePolicy to "always"), or else the local repository you're installing the artifact to isn't the same one you're subsequently running Maven against. What you're describing isn't typical Maven behavior. For a better answer, give more details in your question.
One indicator you can look for: after you install your common artifact, when you next compile Foo, does Maven download the common artifact again? If so, then it really is getting it from the remote, and you need to check your update settings. If not, then you have something strange going on locally.
You can try this option. This worked for me.
In your project's main pom.xml change 'snapshots' enabled setting to 'false'.

How do I tell ivy4r to stay offline?

We recently switched from Ant to Buildr for building our projects. We use Ivy for dependency management, using the ivy4r Buildr extension. We have a local repository at the office which is used as a cache for public artifacts and in which we also publish our own artifacts.
Now for the problem: I'd like to be able to build my project when I do not have access to the office repository. Buildr has a flag to tell it to work offline (-o), but ivy4r does not seem to take this into account. Is there any way to make Ivy not try to download artifacts? I have them all available in the cache on my machine already.
Setting the cache timeout to eternal
You can set the cache property ${ivy.cache.ttl.default} to eternal this will set the TTL: so that the repository will not be checked for new revisions.
You could achieve this by calling ant with the following parameter:
ant -Divy.cache.ttl.default=eternal build
This is from the documentation:
Defines a TTL (Time To Live) rule for resolved revision caching. When
Ivy resolves a dynamic version constraint (like latest.integration or
a version range), it can store the result of the resolution (like
latest.integration=1.5.1) for a given time, called TTL. It means that
Ivy will reuse this dynamic revision resolution result without
accessing the repositories for the duration of the TTL, unless running
resolve in refresh mode.
The TTL duration can also be set to 'eternal', in which case once
resolved the revision is always use, except when resolving in refresh
Other references:
IVY-879 Implementation of this feature
Setting UseCacheOnly for the resolve task
The resolve task has the attribute useCacheOnly, which can be used to
force[s] the resolvers to only use their caches and not their actual
<ivy:resolve file="path/to/ivy.xml" useCacheOnly="true/>

maven snapshot repositories

My project depends on a 3rd party library that only has snapshots in its maven repository (no releases, which seems strange, but that's how it is). Every time I do a full build (and clean my local .m2 repository) maven will obviously go and grab the latest build.
My repository proxies the one with the snapshots in it, is there anyway to tell my repository to stop pulling new versions and basically just keep the current version? I really don't want to be pulling a new build every night.
The only thought I had is to manually label the current versions, but there quite a few dependencies and they are all dependent on the SNAPSHOT versions. Is there an easier way to do this?
Take a look at this blog entry from sonatype: Best Practices for 3rd Party Snapshot Dependencies
I usually install the file to my proxy or local repo as a certain version, and then refer to that version. Then you don't risk the snapshot disappearing out from under you.
Do you run the build with the -U ( -update-snapshots ) option ? If so, try without.
Else, if there is only this dependency on the repository, you could just disable this repository, and Maven will keep using the last version it finds on the local repository.
Did you try to specify the <updatePolicy> with the never strategy in the <snapshots> element of your <pluginRepository>? See Plugin Repositories and Repositories.
Use the --no-snapshot-updates option to suppress SNAPSHOT updates.
$ mvn --no-snapshot-updates compile