How do I edit atoms.js when using Selenium RC? - selenium

I have the same Firefox 8 upload issue with Selenium as described here: Selenium IDE 1.4.1 throwing security error when uploading a local file
The solution to the problem is to edit the atoms.js file, which I can do for Selenium IDE.
However, I'm also using Selenium RC, and want to know how to do the equivalent thing there.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.

Found the atoms.js file.
It's here:
Happy times.


I am trying to use webdriver in the selenium module but I keep getting an error no matter what I'm doing

As stated, I am trying to use webdriver.Chrome in this sample project I'm doing but I am completely lost on what to do. This is the error I get error. But when I look at the version of chrome I installed, it seemed to match up. Chrome Version. Does anyone know what's happening? Sorry if the post is too unspecific.
You have to update your chrome browser. Try to update the installed chrome version to latest version.
To overcome this problem, use WebDriverManager: refer - and
If you are using Python with selenium, refer to this post for sample code:
Chrome with WebDriver--Why is it disappearing as soon as I hit "run"? Chrome Driver version 106 but Chrome can only be 105.0.9
If you are using Java with selenium, refer to this post for sample code:
element click intercepted in Selenium wedriver

How to replace Chrome with PhantomJS for use with Selenium and Conductor?

I am successfully using the Conductor framework to scrape data off a website. I use the Chrome browser and therefore I have installed chromedriver.exe in the root of my project.
To speed things up I want to replace Chrome with the headless PhantomJS browser. I installed PhantomJS as explained in the answer to this Stackoverflow question: PhantomJS & Conductor Framework and have changed the browser to Browser.PHANTOMJS in #Config.
Whatever I do however, I get no results.
I found no documentation how to setup PhantomJS for use with Selenium or PhantomJS.
The question How to Implement Selenium WebDriver with PhantomJS and Can we Use Sikuli with PhantomJS? did not help either.
How to replace Chrome with PhantomJS for use with Selenium and Conductor?
The trouble you are having appears to be due to an older version of the PhantomJS library included in Conductor. The error when running PhantomJS can be found in this imported issue on the Selenium Github. The remedy is to import a fork of PhantomJS which works with the newer releases of Selenium.
You can easily implement this by editing the pom.xml file and swapping
You can use a headless chrome driver with selenium, as showed here:

How to run the selenium code on linux using firefox without GUI?

I had redhat Linux server command line but there is no GUI for that and I need to run selenium code on this server with firefox. As I am new to selenium so I am not sure whether it will work or not.
For achieving this I had install Firefox on my Redhat linux machine successfully but not able to trigger that as it is showing no display found.
Is there any other way to achieve this for headless browsing, where virtually a firefox will be opened and selenium code can be executed without GUI. Is it possible to do??
You can use HtmlUnitDriver of selenium to use headless browsing but it will not open firefox and may be not loading all content to it's cache as same as firefox
Refer Below:-
Another thing you can use is Phantomjs with selenium Webdriver. This is most using pattern by industries for headless browsing
Refer below:-
Yes you can trigger selenium file using command line
Bash file is running fine in windows for testng but it is not working in linux/mac
Now if still your firefox is not opening then it is basically issue of some setting with your OS with firefox
Refer that too :-
May be you have problem with some permission in red hat
Hope it will help you :)

Error using SelBlocks extension with Selenium server

I've been recording/writing Selenium html scripts using the SelBlocks extension. Now we're going to use Selenium server to run the tests in different browsers.
I tried getting the javascript from the SelBlock xpi by extracting it and reference that javascript in my selenium server bat file. When I try to run my bat file with referencing the javascript, i got the error "Line: 777 Error: 'XML' is undefined" when I run it in Internet explorer. This happens as the test script is loaded in TestRunner.
When I try to run it in Firefox, TestRunner hangs just prior to running the script.
i'm using Selenium Server 2.1, Firefox 5 and IE8.
Selblocks is only supported for Selenium IDE. See note about "no language translation" here: Selblocks documentation. Although automated translation would be an interesting area of investigation...
I've tried the same thing (Firefox 4.0, Firefox 7.0, selenium-server-2.0.5.jar, SelBlocks 1.3 installed as a firefox plugin).
Since the -userExtensions way didn't work for me, I installed SelBlocks 1.3 in the firefox profile I use with -firefoxProfileTemplate and -htmlSuite. It looks like selenium server doesn't do anything.
After more than a minute I have:
so even the selenium elapsed timer doesn't tick, and no line gets executed.
My simple test case is here.
Looks like I can't use SelBlocks with selenium-server[version].jar for now?
ANNOUNCEMENT: SelBlocks 2.1 now includes support for Selenium Server. Get the extension file here:
Initial browser support is for firefox, googlechrome, and opera.

Selenium not working with Firefox 3.x on linux

I am using selenium-server , selenium rc for UI testing in my application . My dev box is Windows with FireFox 3.5 and every thing is running fine and cool. But when i try to run selenium tests on my build server which is a linux box , i get this error
Caution: '/usr/bin/firefox': file is a script file, not a real executable. The browser environment is no longer fully under RC control
basically the selenium-rc is not able to find the firefox executable on linux(actually its a .sh file here), which is present in the case of Windows .
Has anyone faced this error before. Please let me know for any pointers.
Thanks for any help
This is occurring because Selenium wants to start the FireFox binary directly, rather than delegate to the normal launch script. Before checking for "firefox" (which is a script on many installations), it checks for "firefox-bin". You can circumvent this problem by creating a link named "firefox-bin" that points directly at your desired version of the firefox binary.
This is described under "Ubuntu fix" (though it actually applies to other Linux'es as well) in the Cucumber Wiki at:
Hey, I have Selenium running on Karmic with no issues. I can't quite remember how I did it, but I think it was a case of grabbing a more recent version ot the selenium-rc-serve.jar.
I also remember looking at this post:
Hope something there points you in the right direction!