Can you attach a drawer to another application in Cocoa? - objective-c

Is there a way for one Cocoa application to attach drawer-like windows to another application? We might for example want a terminal drawer that followed around a particular Finder window.
There is a program called DTerm that opens little transparent windows over Finder windows, but one might prefer persistence.

You may want to checkout SIMBL. It allows you to write nifty bundles that are loaded into the application your targeting. If you go along with it I'd reccomend using class dump to gather more information on the application your working with (although Im not sure it would work with Finder)


How can i keep focus on my own application or regain it when lost in delphi? [duplicate]

I need to create a simple Delphi application, kiosk style.
It is a very simple thing, a single form where the user writes some personal info to register to an event. 4 TEdit and a TButton.
What I want to achieve is to avoid the user does any action different then typing in TEdit or clicking on the TButton. For example I don't want he does ALT TAB (switchin applications), pressing windows key on keyboard, doing ctrl-alt-canc, etc...
I can add a passowrd protected Button that enables/disables this "Kiosk mode", in this way as I need to exit the kiosk mode I simply press that button and exit.
How to achieve this "kiosk mode" in Delphi without intercepting all the keystrokes manually? Or did anyone already develop this so it can be shared?
I think you'd better create a new desktop, and run your app in there. When your app is done, you can bring back user's desktop. That is how Windows login screen works. Of course Windows login screen uses a special secure desktop. Your app in a separate desktop would be isolated. You will have a desktop background with no start menu, taskbar, or desktop icons because explorer.exe is not running there automatically. Of course a can start a new process, using Task Manager, but desktops in Windows are securable objects; therefore, you can make restrictions if you want. Of course if your app has sufficient permissions.
To create a new desktop, you can use CreateDesktop Windows API, and to switch to the newly created desktop, you can use OpenDesktop function.
You can try Change the Windows Shell.
When you start windows, you don't execute the default shell (explorer.exe), you can execute your application.
Al internet you can find alternative Shell (more attractive) to default windows like:
BlueBox or
This option is used for purposes similars at the application that you are developing. Kiosks or TPV.
For change the default applicacion you must modify a registry key:
In Win3.x and Win9x, SYSTEM.INI file:
In Win2k and WinXP, use Registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
If you test this option, think the mode to turn the configuration to the original value (button or option). You must reboot to test changes.
ADDED: In addition, if you search on the web some similar at this "Delphi Change default windows shell", you can find more code, samples and information about this.
P.D: Excuse me for mistakes with english.
Well but if someone can open the taskmgr he could just create a new task and run explorer.exe from there so its not really secure though...
Ok Taskmgr can be stopped with policies...
Well and for disabling the cad sequence you can use saslibex which Remko Weijnen had created you can find it here: SASLibEx
kindest regrads,

How can I make a copy of an already created window?

So I am making an xcode application for OS X, and so far things have gone well. However, right now I am at a roadblock. My app is mostly one window, and I need that window to be created multiple times, in the way that apps like Safari, TextEdit, and all those ones have the File>New function. I am new at Xcode, and I was wondering if there was an easy way (hopefully 3-4 lines of code) to do this. If someone could explain that to me that would be great.
Start a new OS X project and choose "Create Document Based Application" . This will create a NSDocument subclass.
If you want to use Core Data , choose that also. This will create a NSPersistentDocument subclass.
This will give you the basis of your application with all the functionality you ask for.
Have a look at Document Based App Programming guide and NSPersistentDocument Class Reference
Whatever you do, dont try to bake your own. There lies madness.
The project template sets up the info.plist correctly to make this work.
Whatever I tell you, it won't involve only "3-4 lines of code," unfortunately.
If you're working from a non-document-based application, you'll want to factor out the code that creates your one window. If you're not using a window controller in concert with your window, you should implement one. Then you can implement an action that will create a new instance of your window controller, and so a new window. Of course, you'll need to add more infrastructure if you're interested in saving information associated with a window to a file.
Which leads me to your other option, which is to create a document-based application. The big advantage here is that, if you're interested in saving the window contents to a file, the infrastructure for doing so is provided. This involves starting over to some extent, but since you've already got the guts of your application working, you'd simply transfer those guts to the document subclass that is provided for you. You'd also need to provide to your project meta information describing the kind of document it is, including the file extension describing it.
Best wishes to you in your endeavors.

possible to modifer the properties of windows in Objective C?

These are windows besides those that belong to the application. For example, how could I change the title of an open application, for example, TextEdit
You could use mach_inject and mach_override to load code into the target application and then simply use the Objective-C API's to access the window.
You could also try using applescript, but no idea if or how that is done.

Document-based app in one window

I need to develop a simple document-based application but using only one window, the documents should open in views separated by tabs.
How can I achieve it?
The answer is you can achieve what you want with a lot of hackery to shoehorn the Cooca NSDocument architecture into a single-window style. But you really don't want to do that. It's much easier to write your own system for document handling from scratch. Start with the Non-document based application template and go from there. NSDocument expects to have its own window (and associated NSWindowControllers).

Multiple windows or "pages" in an application

I am a newbie in Mac application development. I want to write a GUI application in Cocoa using Interface Builder. I want multiple screens i.e. when one button on a screen is clicked, another screen should be displayed. How can I activate a new screen at button click event?
I would heartily recommend Aaron Hilegass's book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. It took me from feeling like everything was impossible to being relatively competent in the space of a few short weeks. I was very impressed with it.
Apple's documentation is amazingly good, but it takes a while to get used to the style, and you will need to know which objects actually exist before you can look up how to use them, which is where Aaron's book comes in.
Your library may have a copy of it, or be able to order one for you if they don't.
I think you mean windows, not screens. Screens are the displays (monitors) on which all the user's windows from all the user's applications appear.
And I second Jonathan's recommendation of the Hillegass book.
The button has a target. That should link to the new window. As its action you can tell the window to show itself.
Take a look at:
I think what you want is the type of interface like that seen in Coda, or System Preferences where there is a toolbar on the top of the screen that can be used to select between the content of the window.
The simplest method I have found is to use BWToolkit.
Another method is to use a series of views, and switch between them when the toolbar is clicked. I've found one description here, but that's not the one I used first (which may have been originally in Ruby Cocoa, IIRC).
