cacti: Display how much % one data source item has of an other datasource item - cacti

I want to create a graph template in which it is displayed how much percentage a data source item has of another data source item.
I assumed I'd need to use CDEF functions for that and according to that question CDEF Function to find % value in Cacti it isn't even a difficult one.
However, I have no idea how to actually use the given CDEF function within the graph template web interface, how to choose which data source items should serve as input for the CDEF function, how to get the CDEF functions output as input for drawing a graph item of (e.g of type LINE1).
Nowhere does the documentation mentions such things, or if, I didn't find or get it.

The way to find out what datasource is what letter value is by going into Console -> Graph Management -> Pick the Graph you are working on -> Turn On Debug Mode
What you are looking for are the lines that start with DEF a=, b= etc.
From there you build the CDEF function using reverse polish notation as shown in my question you have referenced above.
To use the value in a graph eg a LINE add a new item in the graph template then just dont select a datasource and select your prebuilt CDEF function like below.
That should do exactly what you are looking for. In my example I used an AREA but that is just what was best suited for the graph in question.


Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code (I am a newbie in programming, pls do cooperate )

I am trying to write a code which calculates the HCF of two numbers but I am either getting a error or an empty list as my answer
I was expecting the HCF, My idea was to get the factors of the 2 given numbers and then find the common amongst them then take the max out of that
For future reference, do not attach screenshots. Instead, copy your code and put it into a code block because stack overflow supports code blocks. To start a code block, write three tildes like ``` and to end it write three more tildes to close. If you add a language name like python, or javascript after the first three tildes, syntax highlighting will be enabled. I would also create a more descriptive title that more accurately describes the problem at hand. It would look like so:
Title: How to print from 1-99 in python?
for i in range(1,100):
To answer your question, it seems that your HCF list is empty, and the python max function expects the argument to the function to not to be empty (the 'arg' is the HCF list). From inspection of your code, this is because the two if conditions that need to be satisfied before anything is added to HCF is never satisfied.
So it could be that hcf2[x] is not in hcf and hcf[x] is not in hcf[x] 2.
What I would do is extract the logic for the finding of the factors of each number to a function, then use built in python functions to find the common elements between the lists. Like so:
num1 = int(input("Num 1:")) # inputs
num2 = int(input("Num 2:")) # inputs
numberOneFactors = []
numberTwoFactors = []
commonFactors = []
# defining a function that finds the factors and returns it as a list
def findFactors(number):
temp = []
for i in range(1, number+1):
if number%i==0:
return temp
numberOneFactors = findFactors(num1) # populating factors 1 list
numberTwoFactors = findFactors(num2) # populating factors 2 list
# to find common factors we can use the inbuilt python set functions.
commonFactors = list(set(numberOneFactors).intersection(numberTwoFactors))
# the intersection method finds the common elements in a set.

How to serialize data in example-in-example format for tensorflow-ranking?

I'm building a ranking model with tensorflow-ranking. I'm trying to serialize a data set in the TFRecord format and read it back at training time.
The tutorial doesn't show how to do this. There is some documentation here on an example-in-example data format but it's hard for me to understand: I'm not sure what the serialized_context or serialized_examples fields are or how they fit into examples and I'm not sure what the Serialize() function in the code block is.
Concretely, how can I write and read data in example-in-example format?
The context is a map from feature name to tf.train.Feature. The examples list is a list of maps from feature name to tf.train.Feature. Once you have these, the following code will create an "example-in-example":
context = {...}
examples = [{...}, {...}, ...]
serialized_context = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=context)).SerializeToString()
serialized_examples = tf.train.BytesList()
for example in examples:
tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=example))
example_in_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
'serialized_context': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[serialized_context])),
'serialized_examples': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=serialized_examples)
To read the examples back, you may call,
context_feature_spec = context_feature_spec,
example_feature_spec = example_feature_spec)
where context_feature_spec and example_feature_spec are maps from feature name to or
First of all, I recommend reading this article to ensure that you know how to create a tf.Example as well as tf.SequenceExample (which by the way, is the other data format supported by TF-Ranking):
Tensorflow Records? What they are and how to use them
In the second part of this article, you will see that a tf.SequenceExample has two components: 1) Context and 2)Sequence (or examples). This is the same idea that Example-in-Example is trying to implement. Basically, context is the set of features that are independent of the items that you want to rank (a search query in the case of search, or user features in the case of a recommendation system) and the sequence part is a list of items (aka examples). This could be a list of documents (in search) or movies (in recommendation).
Once you are comfortable with tf.Example, Example-in-Example will be easier to understand. Take a look at this piece of code for how to create an EIE instance:
1) bundle context features together in a tf.Example object and serialize it
2) bundle sequence(example) features (each of which could contain a list of values) in another tf.Example object and serialize this one too.
3) wrap these inside a parent tf.Example
4) (if you're writing to tfrecords) serialize the parent tf.Example object and write to your tfrecord file.

Reading Fortran binary file in Python

I'm having trouble reading an unformatted F77 binary file in Python.
I've tried the method and the NumPy.fromfile method, both to no avail. I have also read the file in IDL, which works, so I have a benchmark for what the data should look like. I'm hoping that someone can point out a silly mistake on my part -- there's nothing better than having an idiot moment and then washing your hands of it...
The data, bcube1, have dimensions 101x101x101x3, and is r*8 type. There are 3090903 entries in total. They are written using the following statement (not my code, copied from source).
open (unit=21, file=bendnm, status='new'
. ,form='unformatted')
write (21) bcube1
close (unit=21)
I can successfully read it in IDL using the following (also not my code, copied from colleague):
The returned data (bcube) is double precision, with dimensions 101x101x101x3, so the header information for the file is aware of its dimensions (not flattend).
Now I try to get the same effect using Python, but no luck. I've tried the following methods.
In [30]: f ='bcube.0000000', header_dtype='uint32')
In [31]: b = f.read_record(dtype='float64')
which returns the error Size obtained (3092150529) is not a multiple of the dtypes given (8). Changing the dtype changes the size obtained but it remains indivisible by 8.
Alternately, using fromfile results in no errors but returns one more value that is in the array (a footer perhaps?) and the individual array values are wildly wrong (should all be of order unity).
In [38]: f = np.fromfile('bcube.0000000')
In [39]: f.shape
Out[39]: (3090904,)
In [42]: f
Out[42]: array([ -3.09179121e-030, 4.97284231e-020, -1.06514594e+299, ...,
8.97359707e-029, 6.79921640e-316, -1.79102266e-037])
I've tried using byteswap to see if this makes the floating point values more reasonable but it does not.
It seems to me that the np.fromfile method is very close to working but there must be something wrong with the way it's reading the header information. Can anyone suggest how I can figure out what should be in the header file that allows IDL to know about the array dimensions and datatype? Is there a way to pass header information to fromfile so that it knows how to treat the leading entry?
I played a bit around with it, and I think I have an idea.
How Fortran stores unformatted data is not standardized, so you have to play a bit around with it, but you need three pieces of information:
The Format of the data. You suggest that is 64-bit reals, or 'f8' in python.
The type of the header. That is an unsigned integer, but you need the length in bytes. If unsure, try 4.
The header usually stores the length of the record in bytes, and is repeated at the end.
Then again, it is not standardized, so no guarantees.
The endianness, little or big.
Technically for both header and values, but I assume they're the same.
Python defaults to little endian, so if that were the the correct setting for your data, I think you would have already solved it.
When you open the file with, you need to give the data type of the header. So if the data is stored big_endian, and you have a 4-byte unsigned integer header, you need this:
from import FortranFile
ff = FortranFile('data.dat', 'r', '>u4')
When you read the data, you need the data type of the values. Again, assuming big_endian, you want type >f8:
vals = ff.read_reals('>f8')
Look here for a description of the syntax of the data type.
If you have control over the program that writes the data, I strongly suggest you write them into data streams, which can be more easily read by Python.
Fortran has record demarcations which are poorly documented, even in binary files.
So every write to an unformatted file:
integer*4 Test1
real*4 Matrix(3,3)
write(78) Test1
write(78) Matrix
Should ultimately be padded by an np.int32 values. (I've seen references that this tells you the record length, but haven't verified persconally.)
The above could be read in Python via numpy as:
input_file = open(file_location,'rb')
datum = np.dtype([('P1',np.int32),('Test1',np.int32),('P2',np.int32),('P3',mp.int32),('MatrixT',(np.float32,(3,3))),('P4',np.int32)])
data = np.fromfile(input_file,datum)
Which should fully populate the data array with the individual data sets of the format above. Do note that numpy expects data to be packed in C format (row major) while Fortran format data is column major. For square matrix shapes like that above, this means getting the data out of the matrix requires a transpose as well, before using. For non square matrices, you will need to reshape and transpose:
Matrix = np.transpose(data[0]['MatrixT']
Transposing your 4-D data structure is going to need to be done carefully. You might look into SciPy for automated ways to do so; the SciPy package seems to have Fortran related utilities which I have not fully explored.

In tensorflow serving, how to store a list in feature dictionary?

I'm pretty new with tensorflow serving, now I'm working with client-end coding.
With the basic tutorial, I know I need to build a feature dictionary like:
Now, my question is, how can I put a list into the feature_dict?
Like, I have a 10 dimension list, I want to set it as the 'input_content', how can I get that?
A tf.train.Feature contains lists which may hold zero or more values. The lists could be of type BytesList, FloatList, or Int64List.
The following code adds a single float element (float_element) to the tf.train.Feature
Notice that the float_element is surrounded by square brackets ([]), i.e., a list is being created with a single element.
While trying to add a list (float_list), one should not use square brackets like the following code snippet.

How to get Elemwise{tanh,no_inplace}.0 value

I am using Deep learning Theano. How can I see the content of a variable like this: Elemwise{tanh,no_inplace}.0. It is the input data of logistic layer.
Suppose your variable is called t. Then you can evaluate it by calling t.eval(). This may fail if input data are needed. In that case you need to supply them by providing a dictionary like this t.eval({input_var1: value1, input_var2: value2}). This is the ad-hoc way of evaluating a theano-expression.
The way it works in real programs is to create a function taking the necessary input, for example: f = theano.function([input_var1, input_var2], t), will yield a function that takes two input variables, calculates t from them and outputs the result.
Right now, you don't seem to print values but operations. The output Elemwise{tanh,no_inplace}.0 means, that you have an element wise operation of tanh, that is not done in place. You still need to create a function that takes input and executes your operation. Then you need to call that function and print the result. You can read more about that in the graph-structure part of their tutorial.