Redrawing an NSView - objective-c

Sorry if this has been asked before or it's a really dumb question, but I can't figure it out. I have an NSView in my interface, and I have created a subclass of NSView in Xcode. Then using the identity inspector, I set my NSView's class to be the newly created NSView subclass. The view draws fine, but now I need to redraw it to change a string inside the view. I'm pretty sure this has to do with setNeedsDisplay, but what do I send the message to? I don't have a particular instance of my view in the code, since it's in Interface Builder, so what do I do?
Again, sorry if this is dumb. I haven't done much with NSView yet. Ask for more info if you need it. Thanks!

In the view controller subclass you have, add an ivar with type of your NSView subclass. Declare a property on it, and mark it as an outlet.
// ViewControllerSubclass.h
ViewType *myView;
#property(readwrite, assign) IBOutlet ViewType *myView;
// ViewControllerSubclass.m
#synthesize myView;
Now you have an outlet, connect it to the view you designed via IB. To do so, right click in IB on your view controller subclass (the file's owner), you should see the outlet in the list.
Once you have done that, you are now able to send messages to the view in your code.
To mark the view as needing redraw :
[myView setNeedsDisplay:YES];


Custom view from NSWindowController Cocoa

I have an application with two windows, the main window opens the second window that is a NSWindowController and in its xib file there is a custom view, is there any way to draw in this custom view from NSWindowController?
Override - (void) drawRect:(NSRect) dirtyRect in your custom NSView to do the drawing.
If you need to inform this drawRect method from your (custom) NSWindowController, you can use delegate or data source patterns by setting an outlet from the view to the NSWindowController.
solved, I have declared two IBOutlets, one on NSView:
IBOutlet MyNSWindowController *wc;
and one on NSWindowController:
IBOutlet MyNSView *view;
then, I have to connected them to custom view.
Now I can to use its methods simply calling its IBOutlets.

NSTableView reloadData external class

I have an NSTableview in class "spielplan", which I can reload easily with reloadData, but how can I reload the Table from my AppDelegate.m???
I think, there is a simple solution, but I don't get it!
Short answer: You shouldn't.
You class spielplan (which should be renamed to PMGameBoard) is probably a controller class that manages views, including the tableView. So it's the responsibility of this controller to reload the tableView's data should need be.
The external event from your app delegate, whatever it is, should be made available to the spielplan instance by some means of notification. The exact method of communication depends on the type of event (NSNotification, ...). See this article.
Create property or outlet (depends on do you use storyboard or not) in your spielplan.h file, for example
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlets UITableView *myTableView;
and in the AppDelegate file get reference to spielplan object and call reload method:
[spielplan.myTableView reloadData];
If spielplan is subclass of UITableViewController you don't have to create outlet or property to the table view in your AppDelegate call:
[spielplan.tableView reloadData];
Bear in mind that when you try to get reference to your view controller from AppDelegate and the view controller is not in view hierarchy it can be deallocated or maybe it hasn't been allocate yet and call reloadData it doesn't make sense.

Can I load nib contents in to UIView using only Interface Builder?

Does anyone know a way to, in a storyboard, load a UIView's contents from another nib? I know I can do this easily with code, but I am trying to figure out how to do more in IB.
I have a storyboard with my main UI layout, I have a UIScrollView and I want to design its contents in IB. The only way I could figure out how to do this was to design the UIView in its own .nib, but then my issue is, how do I load the nib without coding it to do so? Is this even possible? It doesn't seem too far fetched to me.
I'm assuming you simply want to lay out your UIScrollView in IB, that a .nib is mentioned because that was an approach you were exploring, but if you could do this strictly in your storyboard that would be acceptable, if not preferable:
First, create a new file in Xcode that is a subclass of UIScrollView.
In your storyboard, drag a UIScrollView out to the scene (viewcontroller) where you want to display this scroll view.
In the Identity inspector, set the Custom Class of the UIScrollView to your subclass of UIScrollView.
Create an outlet for this UIScrollView by ctrl+dragging the UIScrollView into the .h file of the ViewController subclass it's displayed in. Name it something like myScrollView
In your ViewController's -viewDidLoad method, set the contentSize property of the UIScrollView to whatever size you want it to be. So it will look something like:
self.myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(800,800);
Now, drag out UI objects to your UIScrollView and design.
IMPORTANT: To create outlets to these objects is a little tricky. Let's say you've dragged out a UILabel. You need to manually go into your UIScrollView subclass and add to the .h
#property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UILabel* myLabel;
and to the .m
#synthesize myLabel = _myLabel;
Now you need to get your outline view on screen along with your storyboard and ctrl+drag FROM YOUR SCROLL VIEW TO YOUR LABEL to create an outlet. This is kind of the reverse of what you're used to.
Now you can reference that outlet from within the viewcontroller or the scrollview subclass . For instance, in the viewcontroller -viewDidLoad you could say:
self.scrollView.myLabel.text = #"Hello World";
If what you want is to edit inside a scrollview from IB, it's a pain, but doable.
Have a look at my answer on this question.
Add a generic UIView in the IB, setting its custom class to the name of your nib file.
Replace GradientControl with the name of your nib file (minus the '.xib').

(BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender doesn't work in view that i set as contentview of mainmenu's window

I set a NSViewController's view as contentview of mainmenu's window,now how should i use - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender ?
i use <NSWindowDelegate> in #interface and put - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender on .m but doesn't work
-(BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender only gets sent to the delegate of the window that will be sending the message. (if you're not crystal clear on what delegates are, they're kind of like the army commander that everybody reports to)
Here, in order to be able to use -windowShouldClose: in your NSViewController, you need to set the NSViewController as the window's delegate. There's two steps to this:
Make it possible for the 'NSViewController' to be the window
delegate. Usually the window's delegate is the NSWindowController
(it's named that for a reason), but if you want to make
'NSViewController' the delegate you need to use the
<NSWindowDelegate> protocol, which you've already done.
Actually set the view controller as the delegate. As Ken Thomases
noted in his comment, you can do this in Interface Builder by
dragging the window's delegate outlet and connecting it to your
NSViewController. Or you could do it programmatically:
[self.view.window setDelegate:self] as you mentioned should work.

Associating a UITableView with a TableViewController

Can anyone describe how it is possible to have a TableViewController with its xib file having a at its root and the uitableview as a subview?
I believe the TVController somehow assumes that UITableView will fill the entire area.
Why is that?
I have a really specific need to build a kind of side and bottom tabbed interface with a UITableView as its main area. Pressing tabs changes the predicate for the fetchedresultscontroller etc etc.
The reason I want this is because of the breadth and depth of the data categories in the data model. I rally need to flatten the menu structure a lot...other wise with a table and navbar controller structure, user experience will be akin to sinking to ever deeper depths of a cavern!
My idea is tried and true in other iOS it almost looks like it's Apple's way or the highway. I am OK with APPLE of course no gripe.
But I really would like to create this.
I tried adding a new tableviewcontroller complete with xib and then removing the UITableView in IB and replacing with a UIView and a UITableView as a subview, hooking up (I believe) the delegate to the file's owner.
I created an IV tableView for when I want to reference it and again used IB to hook it up in IB
Try to run it and it whines that...
[UITableViewController loadView] loaded the "TabbedTableController" nib but didn't get a UITableView.'
Really can't seem to get my head around what the issue is here.
There doesn't appear to be anymore I can do to hook the UITableView up!
Any help would be terrific. I'll send you a Christmas card in desperation :^)
Also...why should it be so and how strict is this UITableView fullscreen thing?
Enlighten me if you can. The docs I have read don't want to.
A UITableViewController does assume that the root view (i.e. the controller's view property) will be a UITableView, thus the table view fills the screen. When you need a view that combines UITableView with other top level views, you will need to do a little more work but it's not hard:
Your view controller will not subclass UITableView. Instead, do this:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
<UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>
#property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITableView* tableView;
In Interface Builder, drop in a UITableView and whatever other controls you need. The table view can be any size and in any location in the view hierarchy. Also in Interface Builder, ctrl-drag from the table view to your VC and set the delegate and dataSource outlets, and ctrl-drag from your VC to the table view to set the tableView outlet.
Your view controller implementation should be the typical table view controller implementation: cellForRowAtIndexPath, etc.
A UITableViewController is more or less just all of the above work packaged up into a single unit for you.