how the db can auto generate uniqueindentifiers? - sql

I have a sql table with id (guid) column.
how can I force the DB to auto generate a new guid for every new record?

Add DEFAULT(newid()).

Using the DEFAULT(newid()) approach, as #SLaks mentioned, you would allow anyone to alter the Guid value from the Guid column, and that could be bad.
One approach to avoid that would be setting the "Guid" Column as a Persisted Computed Column. That way you couldn't even "force" another value onto the Column. But, since the NEWID() function is Non Deterministic, you couldn't define the Computed Column as Persisted, and the whole approach goes down, since not setting is as Persisted would result as a new Guid everytime you Select that row.
That said, I believe you have 2 choices: Stick with the DEFAULT(newid()) approach or work with Triggers for that.

Please try using the following query:


Avoiding a two step insert in SQL

Let's say I have a table defined as follows:
CompoundKey varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey is a string with the primary key P_Id concatenated to the end, like Foo00000001 which comes from "Foo" + 00000001. At the moment, entries insertions into this table happen in 2 steps.
Insert a dummy record with a place holder string for CompoundKey.
Update the CompoundKey with the column with the generated compound key.
I'm looking for a way to avoid the 2nd update entirely and do it all with one insert statement. Is this possible? I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.
p.s. I agree that this is not the most sensible schema in the world, and this schema will be refactored (and properly normalized) but I'm unable to make changes to the schema for now.
Your could use a computed column; change the schema to read:
CompoundKeyPrefix varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey AS CompoundKeyPrefix + CAST(P_Id AS VARCHAR(10))
This way, SQL Server will automagically give you your compound key in a new column, and will automatically maintain it for you. You may also want to look into the PERSIST keyword for computed columns which will cause SQL Server to materialise the value in the data files rather than having to compute it on the fly. You can also add an index against the column should you so wish.
A trigger would easily accomplish this
This is simply not possible.
The "next ID" doesn't exist and thus cannot be read to fulfill the UPDATE until the row is inserted.
Now, if you were sourcing your autonumbers from somwhere else you could, but I don't think that's a good answer to your question.
Even if you want to use triggers, an UPDATE is still executed even if you don't manually execute it.
You can obscure the population of the CompoundKey, but at the end of the day it's still going to be an UPDATE
I think your safest bet is just to make sure the UPDATE is in the same transaction as the INSERT or use a trigger. But, for the academic argument of it, an UPDATE still occurs.
Two things:
1) if you end up using two inserts, you must use transaction! Otherwise other processes may see the database in inconsistent state (i.e. seeing record without CompoundKey).
2) I would refrain from trying to paste the Id to the end of CompoundKey in transaction, trigger etc. It is much cleaner to do it at the output if you need it, e.g. in queries (select concat(CompoundKey, Id) as CompoundKeyId ...). If you need it as a foreign key in other tables, just use the pair (CompoundKey, Id).

TSQL Auto Increment on Update

SQL Server 2008+
I have a table with an auto-increment column which I would like to have increment not only on insert but also update. This column is not the primary key, but there is also a primary key which is a GUID created automatically via newid().
As far as I can tell, there are two ways to do this.
1.) Delete the existing row and insert a new row with indentical values (plus any updates).
2.) Update the existing row and use the following to get the "next" identity value:
IDENT_CURRENT('myTable') + IDENT_INCR('myTable')
In either case, I'm forced to allow identity inserts. (With option 1, because the primary key for the table needs to remain the same, and with option 2 because I'm updating the auto-increment column with a specific value.) I'm not sure what the locking/performance consequences of this are.
Any thoughts on this? Is there a better approach? The goal here is to maintain an always increasing set of integer values in the column whenever a row is inserted or updated.
I think a column of type rowversion (formerly known as "timestamp") might be your simplest choice, although at 8 bytes these can amount to fairly large integers. The "timestamp" syntax is deprecated in favor of rowversion (since ISO SQL has a timestamp datatype).
If you stay with the Identity column approach, you would probably want to put your logic into an UPDATE trigger, which would effectively replace the UPDATE with the INSERT and DELETE combination you've described.
Note that Identity column values are not guaranteed to be sequential, only increasing.
Does it need to be an integer column? A timestamp column will provide you the functionality you are looking for out of the box.
Columns with an identity property can't be updated. Once the column with an identity property on it has been assigned a value, either automatically, or with identity_insert on, it is an invariant value. Further the identity property may not be disabled or removed via alter column.
I believe what you want to look at is a SQL Server TIMESTAMP (now called rowversion in SQL Server 2008). It is fundamentally an auto-incrementing binary value. Each database has a unique rowversion counter. Each row insert/update in a table with a timestamp/rowversion column results in the counter being ticked up and the new value assigned to the inserted/modified row.

Constrain a table to have only one row

What's the cleanest way to constrain a SQL table to allow it to have no more than one row?
This related question discusses why such a table might exist, but not how the constraint should be implemented.
So far I have only found hacks involving a unique key column that is constrained to have a specific value, e.g. ALWAYS_0 TINYINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (0) CONSTRAINT CHECK_ALWAYS_0 CHECK (ALWAYS_0 = 0). I am guessing there is probably a cleaner way to do it.
The ideal solution would be portable SQL, but a solution specific to MS SQL Server or postgres would also be useful
The cleanest way (I think) would be an ON INSERT trigger that throws an exception (thus preventing the row from being inserted). This also gives the client app a chance to recover gracefully.
I just solved the same problem on SQL Server 2008 by creating a table with a computed column and putting the primary key on that column:
-- rest of the columns go here
Use Grant to remove permissions for anyone to insert into the table after adding the one row
Your dba will be able to insert but the dba should only be running schema changes which are checked so should not be a problem in practice

SQL: No Identity feature workaround using triggers

I'm a little rusty with my triggers and what not and am trying to figure out this problem for a class:
In a database TEST, tables do not have the option of the IDENTITY feature. In other words, when we insert a row into the table “Users”, we would like the primary key “UserID” to auto-increment. Please suggest a workaround to implement this feature without such a built-in functionality.
(Hint: You may still use functions, stored procedures, sequences, triggers, etc)
Use an Int column for the table Primary Key called ID.
You can then use an instead of Insert Trigger, to populate/calculate the value to be inserted for ID.
The trigger will determine what the maximum existing ID is for the table in question (using select MAX ID from TableA) and then increment it by 1 for each record to be inserted.
If there are no records in the table then the ID value is 1.
You use a sequence, and it's very common with Oracle, which does not (or did not once, it may have changed) have identity columns. Since this is homework I'll let you figure out the rest from here.

Can you use auto-increment in MySql with out it being the primary Key

I am using GUIDs as my primary key for all my other tables, but I have a requirement that needs to have an incrementing number. I tried to create a field in the table with the auto increment but MySql complained that it needed to be the primary key.
My application uses MySql 5, nhibernate as the ORM.
Possible solutions I have thought of are:
change the primary key to the auto-increment field but still have the Id as a GUID so the rest of my app is consistent.
create a composite key with both the GUID and the auto-increment field.
My thoughts at the moment are leaning towards the composite key idea.
EDIT: The Row ID (Primary Key) is the GUID currently. I would like to add an an INT Field that is Auto Incremented so that it is human readable. I just didn't want to move away from current standard in the app of having GUID's as primary-keys.
A GUID value is intended to be unique across tables and even databases so, make the auto_increment column primary index and make a UNIQUE index for the GUID
I would lean the other way.
Why? Because creating a composite key gives the impression to the next guy who comes along that it's OK to have the same GUID in the table twice but with different sequence numbers.
A couple of thoughts:
If your GUID is auntoincremental and unique, why not let it be the actual Primary Key?
On the other hand, you should never take semantical decisions based on programmatic problems: you have a problem with MySQL, not with the design of your DB.
So, a couple of workarounds here:
Creating a trigger that would set the GUID to the proper value once it's inserted. That's a MySQL solution to a MySQL problem, without altering semantics for your schema.
Before inserting, start a transaction (make sure auto commit is set to false), find out the latest GUID, increment and insert with the new value. In other words, auto-increment not automatically :P
GUID's are not intended to be orderable, that's why AUTO_INCREMENT for them does not make sense.
You may, though, use an AUTO_INCREMENT for a second column of a composite primary key in MyISAM tables. You can create a composite key over (GUID, INT) column and make the second column to be AUTO_INCREMENT.
To generate a new GUID, just call UUID() in an INSERT statement or in a trigger.
No, only the primary key can have auto_increment as its value.
If, for some reason, you can't change the identity column to be a primary key, what about manually generating the auto-increment via some kind of SEQUENCE table plus a trigger to query the SEQUENCE table and save the next value to use. Then assign the value to the destination table in the trigger. Same effect. The only question I would have is whether the auto-incremented value is going to make it back thru NHibernate without a re-select of the table.