How can I add an entire folder to Velocity and use the files inside as resource bundles?
Currently in my velocity.xml I have this code:
<bean id="messageSource" class="">
<property name="parentMessageSource">
<ref bean="globMessageSource"/>
<property name="basenames">
I need to add i18n folder to the classpath so that its containing files can be seen by the VelocityTools version 1.4 in the toolbox.xml:
<parameter name="bundles" value="i18n.ss_messages"/>
<parameter name="locale" value="en_US"/>
The code is giving me an error message: "java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name i18n.ss_messages, locale en_US"
This question relates to VelocityTools error - "java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name WEB-INF.conf.resources.ss_messages, locale en_US"
Sorry if it's a silly question, but I can't find anywhere describing how to add an entire folder to the classpath and be available as a bundle so it can support Velocity template localization.
IMPORTANT NOTE!! If I place my and files in /WEB-INF/classes/i18n then it works, but I want to place them in a different folder ideally in /WEB-INF/templates/i18n. How do I do that?
Do you use maven? You could tell maven to use that directory as a resource:
<!-- Velocity requires to be in classpath -->
I am trying to apply a persistence framework to an eclipse rcp e4 application. For this purpose, I created an example of a feature project, almost following the tutorial, but adapting for rcp. However I got the error "Persistence provider for EntityManager named xxx not found". I have searched for a week but found no solution. Could someone please tell me, what the error really is and how to resolve it?
The persistence.xml is located in project tasks.model folder META-INF. The eclipse.jar and javax.persistence.jar are in another plugin project (Earlier I defined maven dependencies in pom.xml. Although eclipse reports no compilation errors, but running rcp product would result in an error that ClassDefNotFoundException for persistence, so putting javax.persistence.jar in a separate plugin removed this error). Some answers suggested that the persistence.xml should be in the folder src/resources/META-INF. But in a plugin project the folder META-INF is already in its default place. I even created an extra folder resources/META-INF and put the persistence.xml in that, but it did not help. If I created a normal maven project, then things work properly, also when I change the database to mysql in localhost. The errors appear when I convert the project into a plugin project for building rcp applications.
The error "No Persistence provider for EntityManager" occurs when I invoke the command:
factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("todos");
My persistence.xml file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<persistence xmlns:xsi=""
version="2.0" xmlns="">
<persistence-unit name="todos" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:derby:/tempGeo/simpleDB" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="test" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="test" />
<!-- EclipseLink should create the database schema automatically -->
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables" />
<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database" />
I want to add my Titanium app to VCS.
However, I do not want to share any production keys or other important stuff that should be kept secret and thus should not added to a VCS.
Things like:
<property name="acs-password-development" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-oauth-secret-development" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-oauth-key-development" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-api-key-development" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-authbase-url-development" type="string"></property>
<property name="acs-base-url-development" type="string"></property>
<property name="acs-username-production" type="string">appc_app_user</property>
<property name="acs-password-production" type="string">XXX</property>
<property name="acs-oauth-secret-production" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-oauth-key-production" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-api-key-production" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="acs-authbase-url-production" type="string"></property>
<property name="acs-base-url-production" type="string"></property>
<property name="appc-org-id" type="string">XXXX</property>
<property name="appc-creator-user-id" type="string">XXXX</property>
(Is there any other important stuff I missed out?)
How would I deal with this issue?
Well, I think you can use a small script to build the application with a custom file configuration per environment (it's not in VCS). For example:
The configuration file could use the yaml format (or another one):
configuration_variable: value
configuration_variable: value
configuration_variable: value
The build script (you can use nodejs, python, etc) reads the configuration file and environment option to modify the tiapp.xml file. In this way you can keep out of VCS the production configuration.
To build your script, there are many libraries available in nodejs and python to modify xml files. You can check:
I am using the Checkstyle plugin in IDEA. I want to set up different checkstyle configurations to my different modules. I am using gradle as build tool-version 4- and I want to write a task that modifies the corresponding .iml files of the modules. Any idea how to do that?
My very first attempt in modifying the iml file looking over here
apply plugin: 'idea'
task setCheckStylePluginSettings {
group = "Idea"
description = "Copies CheckStyle plugin settings to Idea workspace."
println "Step 1."
idea.module.iml {
withXml {xmlProvider ->
// Get root node.
println "Step 2."
def project = xmlProvider.asNode()
However, I am stuck just at the beginning that I cant event see the Step 2 printed on the Console.
A "module" in IntelliJ is a one-to-one mapping to a SourceSet in Gradle, assuming you imported the project with the "Create separate modules per source set" option checked.
By default, the Checkstyle plugin adds tasks for each source set that is added to the build. So, you should already have the tasks checkstyleMain and checkstyleTest when you apply the java plugin. These tasks are effectively what you're looking for.
Now, to customize them, in your build.gradle, configure them like so:
checkstyleMain {
configFile = file("${rootDir}/checkstyle/main.xml")
checkstyleTest {
configFile = file("${rootDir}/checkstyle/test.xml")
This assumes that you have different Checkstyle configuration files in your project at ${rootDir}/checkstyle/.
So the problem is solved. I have tried the solution proposed by Thomas Jansen in this question.
But I will give more information on how to do it.
In order to give different checkstyle modules to different sourcesets you need to define id tag in the module. Shown below:
<module name="ConstantName">
<property name="id" value="ConstantNameMain"/>
<property name="severity" value="error"/>
<property name="applyToPrivate" value="false"/>
<property name="format" value="^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*(_[A-Za-z0-9]+)*$"/>
<module name="ConstantName">
<property name="id" value="ConstantNameTest"/>
<property name="severity" value="error"/>
<property name="applyToPrivate" value="false"/>
<property name="format" value="^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$"/>
Then we define SuppressionFilter module for suppression.xml which can be located at the same folder with your checkstyle.xml. One important thing is to locate the SuppressionFilter module as Checker module.
<module name="Checker">
<property name="severity" value="warning"/>
<module name="SuppressionFilter">
<property name="file" value="./suppressions.xml"/>
<module name="TreeWalker">
Then, we define the suppression.xml file as below:
<!-- >Test sources suppressions</!-->
<suppress files="[\\/]src[\\/]test[\\/].*" id="ConstantNameMain" />
<!-- >Main sources suppressions</!-->
<suppress files="[\\/]src[\\/]main[\\/].*" id="ConstantNameTest" />
Aaaaaand lastly, configure your Checkstyle-IDEA plugin, activate real time scan from Settings>Editor>Inspections>Checkstyle and you are done.
I am running Kundera 2.8.1 . when i'm configuring ehcache in my persistence.xml its not being picked up. I have a ehcache-test.xml file configured in my classpath. On inspecting i'm finding that Kundera is not picking up the properties from persistence.xml.
In the constructor for EntityManagerFactoryImpl the Map properties is null.
Is this a bug in this release?
Did you define
<property name="kundera.cache.provider.class"
value="com.impetus.kundera.cache.ehcache.EhCacheProvider" />
<property name="kundera.cache.config.resource" value="/ehcache-test.xml" />
I created a project using Netbeans and selected Glassfish 3.1 as a server, it also uses Derby database. Now I want to migrate to Apache Tomcat 7, I just did the following:
Stopped Glassfish
Changed the Netbeans project's properties to use Apache 7 instead of Glassfish
Added Apache to Netbeans and started it
When I try to build the project, several error messages appear like:
error: cannot find symbol
import javax.persistence.Basic;
although I ensured that /bin path of Java is set correctly in Apache server properties in Netbeans and that path is also set.
I think there are some steps that must be followed to have a successful migration, can any one guide me?
Apache Tomcat does not come with the JPA specification. It is a Servlet container only.
You must add JPA specification plus Hibernate (implementation) to your project and make sure it will be deployed on your WEB-INF/lib.
Then, make sure your Persistence Unit is of transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL", and configure all necessary properties to create a connection.
<persistence-unit name="bookmark-ds" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sa" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:mem:." />
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />
<property name="" value="create-drop" />
Obs: this is an HSQLDB example. Adjust for Derby. ;-)
UPDATE: there's a great tutorial for Tomcat+JPA+EclipseLink here.