Closure's SeamlessField is covering text with a scrollbar - contenteditable

I'm trying to use Google's Closure library for the HTML editor. I created a goog.editor.SeamlessField but if I enter a word that is too long for the width, it puts a scrollbar in and covers the text. How do I fix this?
This appears to be happening only in Firefox. Here is some HTML that demos the problem:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/closure-library/closure/goog/base.js'></script>
function init() {
var d = goog.dom.getElement('div1');
var f = new goog.editor.SeamlessField(d);
<div style='width:150px;'>
<div id='div1'>
<button onclick='init();'>Create editor</button>

DOM fragments generated by this SeamlessField component differ for Chromium and Firefox. The former gets an classic div element, the later issues an iFrame. The scheme has something to do with how Firefox handles content-editable elements. By styling the iFrame, you should be able to avoid the scrollbar.


I'm trying to change the text of my div dynamically but it is not working

I'm trying to do something as simple as changing the text in my <p> tag from "hello" to "goodbye: but I can't get it to work.
Here is my html
<div id="passwordBox">
<!-- <div id="title">
</div> -->
<p id="password">Hello</p>
here is my js
document.getElementById('password').innerHTML = "goodbye";
My js is linked correctly in my head. Other functions that I had in there were working correctly. So I'm wondering what the issue is. I'm sure it's something simple that I am just not seeing but I can't figure it out.
HTML execution happens top-down. HTML calls each script it finds while parsing the HTML document. Since you placed your script in "head" the script gets called immediately. When the script is called, your DOM is not yet ready and your script accesses your DOM element returning a null. So load the script after your DOM is loaded completely ie., after body or just before ""
So the ideal code should look like:
<p id="password">Hello</p>
Or you can still load your script from the head, but just add a button along with event listener (onClick) which calls the JavaScript function when the button is clicked.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function changeContent() {
<p id="password">Hello</p>
<button onclick="changeContent()">Try it</button>

Getting xpath or CSS for element of Body within iframe tag

Given the following html markup structure:
<div id=Body>
<iframe>//Data within iframe is generated dynamically
<div id="abcdef">
I want to access the xpath and CSS Selector for <div id="abcdef"> but I am not able to, as it is referring to the internal <html> tag as different frame.
<div id="Body">
<iframe>//Data within iframe is generated dynamically
<div id="abcdef">
I was able to successfully select that element with:
//iframe//div[#id = 'abcdef']
Try it out here:
However, this is not going to work in the DOM, because of iframe security restrictions. This xpath is correct, but you can test in the chrome dev console with
$x("//iframe//div[#id = 'abcdef']")
and see that you do not get any results. When dealing with HTML documents, your browsers are going to restrict your access to iframes, so you will need to actually grab the iframe, read the html, and then search that html. You will not be able to use an xpath or css selector, as far as I am aware, without getting the content of the iframe and then searching through it as it's own document/element.
Grabbing the iframe like below worked,
To refer more methods,
Here's a link
Switching to frame, enables you to access all the elements directly.
for above example xpath will be:

Inserting MathJax into ContentEditable div

I am trying to insert some MathJax code into a contentEditable div, like so:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<script src=""> </script>
<div id="editor" contentEditable="true" style="width:400px;height:400px;">
and the JS
$(document).ready(function () {
var code = "\\alpha";
var html = '<span id="_math"><script type="math/tex;mode=in-line">'+ code +'</script></span>';
document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html);
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, '_math']);
Which renders OK, but once this is inserted, the element freezes and further input is not possible. Can someone point out the problem here.
You need to call MathJax when the content changes. See this fiddle: (note, I had to escape the < and > in html).
This was achieved with a few things:
1) move the MathJax logic into its own function, refreshMathJax which will re-populate the tag and code.
2) call this function when first loading the page, and again onBlur.
3) Clear the editable element onFocus. Without this, the editable element can't be reused easily. You can change the onFocus callback function to instead replace the contentEditable html with the original LaTeX content.

Add Dynamically Links to jQuery Mobile

I read a lot about how to add stuff dynamically in jquery mobile, but I couldn't figure out how to add links.
Currently my solution looks like this:
Add a new Page - with id (id="list-1")
Creating a Link for it (href="#list-1")
This solution works perfectly in static pages, but I want to do it dynamically. I have tried a lot with page() and stuff like that but nothing helped me.
My questions are:
How do I add dynamic links & pages?
Did I choose the right way to use ids & anchors (#list-1) as links or is there another solution for jquery mobile?
Let me know if you need more information
To add dynamic links, I have found the easiest way is to just have an event listener waiting for a click on those links. This event listener then saves any parameters you want to pass into the next page you are visiting. You pass the parameters from the list element to the event listener by just specifying parameters within each "li" element.
(create the HTML for a list dynamically & store it into list-1-html)
$("div#my-page div[data-role=content]").html(list-1-html);
$("div.list-1 ul").listview();
$("div.list-1 ul").listview('refresh');
Then your event listener would look something like:
$('#my-page').delegate('li', 'click', function() {
passedParameter = $(this).get(0).getAttribute('passed-parameter');
When jQuery Mobile loads your next page, you'll probably want to load this page dynamically and you'll have this passedParameter variable available to you. To load the page dynamically, just add a listener that waits for JQM to try to load the page:
$('[data-role=page]').live('pageshow',function(e, ui){
page_name =;
if (page_name == 'my-page-2'){
(do something with passedParameter)
This is the workflow I use with jQuery Mobile and it has been working just fine. I'm guessing in future releases, though, that they'll build in some kind of support for passing dynamic parameters to pages.
Any new enhancement to the DOM should be done before the page initializes. But by default JQM automatically initializes the page once the page is load in browser.
Hence first you need to set autoInitializePage property to false and then call initializePage() method after the new page and links are add to the document. Hope this helps.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.autoInitializePage = false;
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
//add a link.
$("#page1 div[data-role='content']").append('Next Page');
//add a page.
$('body').append(' <div data-role="page" id="page2" data-title="next page"><header data-role="header" class="header"> <h5>Page 2</h5></header><div data-role="content"><h3>Good Morning...</h3>Back</div><footer data-role="footer" data-position="fixed"><h5>© All rights reserved</h5></footer></div>');
window.onload = function() {
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<header data-role="header" class="header">
<h5>jQuery Mobile</h5>
<div data-role="content">
<form method="get" action="" data-transition="slideup">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" value=""/>
<footer data-role="footer" data-position="fixed"><h5>© All rights reserved</h5></footer>

how to remove the margin below a textarea inside a div wrapper (webkit) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I fix inconsistent Textarea bottom margin in Firefox and Chrome?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div style="background-color:#f09;">
Result in Chrome:
removed dead ImageShack link
Result in FF:
removed dead ImageShack link
Try display:block on the textarea:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
textarea {display:block;}
<div style="background-color:#f09;">
The issue is that the textarea is inline and it is using the text height to add a bit of extra padding. You can also specify:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div style="background-color:#f09;line-height:0px;font-size:1px;">
Another option which is helpful if you want to keep the textarea inline and don't want to mess with the parent block's font properties (I suggest this over the previous method with line-height):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
textarea {vertical-align:middle;}
<div style="background-color:#f09;">
Finally, if you're really worried about consistency between browsers keep in mind margins and other things like that can be defined with different defaults in different browsers. Utilizing something like YUI-Reset can help bring all new browsers to a consistent standard from which you can build.
Setting the display mode to block did the trick for me. Just to clarify, here is the declaration that you need to add to your stylesheet. I would recommend adding it to your reset or normalize stylesheet, in the first place.
textarea {
I usually have a "first line" in every global.css file I make.
font-familiy:"my sites default font";font-size:10px;
After this, I feel that I have full control of the browsers behaviour, when testing on 5 different platforms: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and ... doh... Microsoft Internet Extracrap..
Then you can easily do something similar for < input > and < textarea > too.
if the first line does too much, then just make a second line for the "special cases" alone.
textarea {margin:0; padding:0; border:none; display:block;}
Remember that CSS inherits, so you can have multiple declarations of different classes.
Does this remove your problem?