Is there a way to disconnect an event added by dojoAttachEvent - dojo

I have a dojo widget which uses a a custom-library code having a link like this in its template.
Go Back
I need to find a way to disconnect this event from my widget. The only way i know how an event can be disconnected is, using a
I could use this if I had the event connected using dojo,connect() which returns me the handle.
However with dojoAttachEvent i don't have the event handle hence no way to disconnect it.
Note :
Changing this html is not an option for me, since this an external library i am using.
Also, I am not looking for a solution to disconnect all events.
dojo.declare("otherWidget", [], {
templateString : dojo.cache("otherWidget","templates/otherWidget.html"),
_goBack: function(){
destroyWidgetAndRedirect: function(){
//Code to destory and redirect.
Go Back
<!-- Other Widget related code -->
dojo.declare("myWidget", [], {
templateString : dojo.cache("myWidget","templates/myWidget.html"),
this.otherWidget = new otherWidget({}, dojo.byId('otherWidgetContainer'));
<div id="otherWidgetContainer"></div>
<!-- My Widget related code -->
Any thoughts..

Extension points can be used directly on your html, or in javascript. Suppose the widget you are using is called 'my.custom.dojowidget', and that it has an onClick extension point. I will show here the declarative way, in your html. Try this :
<div data-dojo-type="my.custom.widget">
<script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="onClick" data-dojo-args"evt">
console.debug("did this work ?");
Now this depends on the existence of the extension point... if you can't still do what you want, please post the relevant parts of your widget's code.
So... based on the sample code you posted in your edit, I think you should do the following :
<div data-dojo-type="otherWidget">
<script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="destroyWidgetAndRedirect" data-dojo-args="evt">
// do whatever custom code you want here...


Vue v-model input change mobile chrome not work

If i open and edit text - no effect on typing text in mobile chrome. #keyup #input #keypress - v-model does not change when I'm typing
<input v-model="message" #keyup="log" placeholder="Edit">
<p>Edited: {{ message }}</p>
How can i fix it? I need get input value on typing (#keyup #input)
Update: After a lot of discussion, I've come to understand that this is a feature, not a bug. v-model is more complicated than you might at first think, and a mobile 'keyboard' is more complicated than a keyboard. This behaviour can surprise, but it's not wrong. Code your #input separately if you want something else.
Houston we might have a problem. Vue does not seem to be doing what it says on the tin. V-model is supposed to update on input, but if we decompose the v-model and code the #input explicitly, it works fine on mobile. (both inputs behave normally in chrome desktop)
For display on mobiles, the issue can be seen at...
See this github issue.
function doIt(){
var vm = new Vue({
el : '#vueRoot',
data : {message : '',message1 : ''}
<script src=""></script>
<div id='vueRoot'>
<input type='text'
<input type='text'
I tried all solutions I could find on the internet, nothing worked for me. in the end i came up with this, finally works on android!
Trick is to use compositionupdate event:
<input type="text" ... v-model="myinputbox" #compositionupdate="compositionUpdate($event)">
methods: {
compositionUpdate: function(event)
this.myinputbox =;
Ok, I dont know if there is another solution for this issue, but it can be solved with a simple directive:
Vue.directive('$model', {
bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
el.oninput = () => (vnode.context[binding.expression] = el.value)
using it just like
<input v-$model="{toBind}">
There is an issue on the oficial repo, and they say this is the normal behavior (because the composition mode), but I still need the functionality
EDIT: A simpler solution for me was to just use #input.native. Also, the this event has (now?) a isComposing attribute which we can use to either take $ into account, or $
In my case, the only scheme that worked was handling #keydown to save the value before the user action, and handling #keyup to process the event if the value had changed. NOTE: the disadvantage of this is that any non-keyboard input (like copy/paste with a mouse) will not work.
#keydown="keyDownValue = $"
With handleKeyUp in my case being:
if( !== this.keyDownValue){
this.$emit('edited', evt);
My use case was the following:
I requested a search endpoint in the backend to get suggestions as the user typed. Solutions like handling #compositionupdate lead to sending several several requests to the backend (I also needed #input for non-mobile devices). I reduced the number of requests sent by correctly handling #compositionStarted, but there was still cases where 2 requests were sent for just 1 character typed (when composition was left then, e.g. with space character, then re-entered, e.g. with backspace character).

Dojo1.9: Custom widget inherited from another custom widget template string update not reflected

I have a custom widget which extends _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin with template
<div dojoAttachPoint="widget">
<div dojoAttachPoint="title">${name}</div>
<div dojoAttachPoint="dnmschart"></div>
and another widget which extends above widget
], function (declare, AbstractWidget) {
return declare("my.widget.view.AbstractChart", [AbstractWidget], {
buildRendering: function(){
var gridDiv = document.createElement("div");
gridDiv.setAttribute("dojoAttachPoint", "gridPlaceHolder");
//Here I could not get newly created node gridPlaceHolder
console.log(" POST CREATION");
When I print in console (Break point in post create method)
It shows newly created node at last in document(last node in above template)
<div dojoattachpoint="gridPlaceHolder"></div>
But I could not access gridPlaceHolder attach point in post create method.
Is there anything else need to configure?
Please help me on this:)
data-dojo-attach-point (which you should use for 1.6+ instead of dojoAttachPoint) allows you to have handles for dom nodes in your template.. It is parsed by _TemplatedMixin's buildRendering(), so it will be available in your buildRendering method just after this.inherited line.
You can not set data-dojo-attach-point using setAttribute, it can only be defined in templates to be parsed by TemplatedMixin. If you need your child widget to add some markup in addition to what there is in its parent's template, you can define a variable in your parent's markup, and overwrite it in your child widget:
Your AbstractWidget template:
<div data-dojo-attach-point="widget">
<div data-dojo-attach-point="title">${name}</div>
<div data-dojo-attach-point="dnmschart"></div>
And then you need to add your additional markup in child's buildRendering, before this.inherited:
], function (declare, AbstractWidget) {
return declare("my.widget.view.AbstractChart", [AbstractWidget], {
buildRendering: function(){
this.childMarkup = '<div data-dojo-attach-point="gridPlaceHolder"></div>';
As stafamus said, the primary problem here is that you're attempting to assign data-dojo-attach-point or dojoAttachPoint to a node after the template has already been parsed (which happens during the this.inherited call in your buildRendering.
Going beyond that, given the code in the original post, it also appears you're never actually adding the markup you create in buildRendering to your widget's DOM at all - you've only created a div that is not attached to any existing DOM tree. I'm a bit confused on this point though, since you claim that you are seeing the markup for the node you added, which shouldn't be possible with the code above, or the code in stafamus' answer.
Rather than attempting to dump extra markup into your template, you might as well do the programmatic equivalent to what an attach point would be doing in this case anyway: create your DOM node, attach it to your widget's DOM, and assign it to this.gridPlaceHolder. e.g.:
buildRendering: function () {
this.gridPlaceHolder = document.createElement('div');

Dojo NodeList-traverse - order of nodes returned

<div id="outer-container" class="container">
<div id="inner-container" class="container">
<div id="some-node"></div>
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-traverse"], function(query){
This will log an array with two DOM nodes - the one with the id "outer-container", and the one with the id "inner-container".
What I want to know is, is there a way to know in what order will parent nodes appear in the array returned? My testing showed that there isn't, but that doesn't make sense, the method goes through the DOM structure either upwards or downwards, right?
I tested your code in JSFiddle and always got the same result:
[div#inner-container.container, div#outer-container.container]
If you really want to know what happens, check the "dojo/Nodelist-traverse" class in the Dojo source.
This is what the "parents()" method does:
parents: function(/*String?*/ query){
return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){
var pary = [];
node = node.parentNode;
return pary;
}); // dojo/NodeList
I haven't gone through the "_getRelatedUniqueNodes" method, but it seems that the "closest" parent is added to the list first, following it's parent .... and so on. This is exactly what happened in my JSFiddle.

How to define dojo module for reference by onClick in HTML?

I'm trying to follow the latest Dojo1.9 best AMD practices when defining a separate javascript module to be referenced by the JSP markup. I used to have a large javascript section in the same JSP file, MyJayEsspEe.jsp, where the javascript section defined functions that were called by various element onClick properties. Now I am separating the javascript into a new file called MyCallbacks.js using the Dojo define mechanism.
The format of the MyCallbacks.js looks like:
define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/has", "dijit/registry", "dojo/on"],
function (dom, domStyle, dojoHas, registry, on) {
function clickedOnButton1() {
console.log("Clicked on button1");
function clickedOnLinkTwo() {
console.log("Clicked on second link");
return {
clickedOnButton1: clickedOnButton1,
clickedOnLinkTwo: clickedOnLinkTwo
and in the MyJayEsspEe.jsp file I currently have working ugly markup that includes:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="require(['commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(mycallbacks) {mycallbacks.clickedOnButton1();});">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="require(['commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(mycallbacks) {mycallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo();});">Link Two</a>
but I'm hoping there's a way to define the module and require it such that in the markup I could have cleaner callbacks like so:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="mycallbacks.clickedOnButton1();">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="mycallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo();">Link Two</a>
I've been reviewing the Dojo reference documentation for defining modules and callbacks but so far haven't found a pointer to the clean solution that I'm looking for. Is there a cleaner solution than the one I've been using?
Thanks for your time,
If you cannot create a full widget on the JS side and use the template to attach events,
using your current example you can write it like that:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="require('commonjs/MyCallbacks').clickedOnButton1();">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="require('commonjs/MyCallbacks').clickedOnLinkTwo();">Link Two</a>
Your JS look a bit strange through, in how you return your functions. Usually it would be written like that:
define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/has", "dijit/registry", "dojo/on"],
function (dom, domStyle, dojoHas, registry, on) {
var MyCallbacks={};
MyCallbacks.clickedOnButton1 = function() {
console.log("Clicked on button1");
MyCallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo = function() {
console.log("Clicked on second link");
return MyCallbacks;
As a best practice it is always advised to encapsulate the behaviour of a widget in itself. All callbacks that a widget is supposed to handle should be defined within the widget. Defining all the callbacks in a single module breaks the modularity and portability of your modules.
To answer your question:
require(['dojo/dom', 'dojo/on', 'commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(dom, on, MyCallbacks) {
// register all event handlers here
on(dom.byId('testLinkId'), 'click', MyCallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo);
<a id="testLinkId" href="#">Link Two</a>

Calling magnific-popup on button element instead of an anchor

I'm using magnific-popup to show a form getting the contents via ajax. This code works fine:
<a href="/entry-form" class="ajax-popup-link">
<button class="green">Enter Now</button></a>
type: 'ajax'
But according to HTML5 rules a <button> tag can't be in an <a> tag.
So I changed the html code to:
<button class="green" href="/entry-form" class="ajax-popup-link">Enter Now</button>
But the magnific-popup code doesn't recognize the href attribute on the <button> element.
How should I do this?
Probably too late to initial asker, but might help someone else...
No href attribute to button, you need to use "mfp-X" class names instead.
For me "mfp-inline" did the trick, but for ajax you need probably something like this:
<button class="ajax-popup-link mfp-ajax green" data-mfp-src="#div_element">Enter Now</button>
(Not sure if in ajax you need this, but there is also "data-mfp-src" attr that shows where dialog div is...)
I have another solution. You can make use of magnific-popup API for popup loaded via ajax:
<button data-ajax-popup-url="URL">Изменить</button>
$('[data-ajax-popup-url]').click(function() {
url: $(this).data('ajax-popup-url')
.success(function(response, textStatus, request){
var popup = $(response);
items: {
src: popup, // can be a HTML string, jQuery object, or CSS selector
type: 'inline'
return false;
Not sure how to do this with Magnific. Have you considered/Are you using a Bootstrap template? If so, it has a nice modal dialog. Simple demo here. Hope this helps!