Suggestion for DateTimepicker for 2.0 - datetimepicker

Anyone can suggest for DateTimepicker for I have used GMDateTimepicker.But now in website i cant find the dll.Please help me

Hi you can see the following example and use it for your own I hope it will be useful to you.


How to translate language in yii

In my Yii web application, I want to translate the language for entire application. Is this possible in Yii? How to do this easily. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
For Yii1 you can read official documentation with examples -
For Yii2 you can read by this link -

is Searching possible in jTable? if yes then how? any example :)

i am working with jTable
here is demos
but i am not able to find the search option. can you help me.
is it searching possible in jTable, if yes, can anybody provide me example with code.
i am using jTable with VB Web Forms.
I will really appreciate it by marking your suggestion as answer, i really need it. thanks in advance
I'm guessing you're looking for this:
You can filter the table based on a search string.

how to do globalization in a website mvc 4

I want to create a website that supports several languages​​, including Spanish, English and French, but I want the user to select the language with a button and without placing it in the queryString, ie without{lang}.
If you could help me with a tutorial to do it in MVC 4 with RazorEngine I would greatly appreciate
look here: and here for the tutorial.
It may help to give you a start.

Create Calendar Control in Windows Phone 8

How can I use Microsoft Templates to create Calendar Control ?
Can someone provide me a code for this ? or which references should I have to create a calendar.
And one more question, how references are used ?
I`m a beginner, so excuse me :)
You can try free controls at This includes DateTimePicker control, which may fulfill your requirements. There are also samples provided with it. There is also a special Calendar control. Check it out here:
Hope, this helps.
You can see in Telerik libraries that contain calender controluse this.

Sample code to get Siphon application in iphone sdk?

Does anyone have the link for the sorce code of Siphon application to use SIP(VoIP) in my application.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,
here has some steps to follow .