Enabling like button comment field for secure browsing users - ssl

We've been having trouble with inconsistent display of the like button comment field on our external sites (i.e. some people see it pop up after clicking the like button, and some people don't). We searched around and made sure that the app id referenced when loading the HTML5 version of the like button code matched the website domain in the app settings (per this thread), and finally determined that the "problem" is the user's security settings: if they have enabled "secure browsing" in their security settings, then they won't see the comment field pop up unless the page is also hosted securely. (only other place I could find this discussed is on this site)
Has anyone figured out a workaround for this? It appears that the iframe version doesn't have this problem (though it does make the user click a link to see the comment field), but it requires 400px of minimum width which busts our layouts. We want to always make the comment field appears after the user clicks the like button, but it isn't feasible for us to host every page on the site securely. Any suggestions?


Odoo - redirect to external link without modifying source code

A friend of mine has an Odoo website linked to many other functionalities but that I don't think are relevant for the case. His problem is that he would like to change the URL of one of the button on its website to an external link. I looked around and can only see developper's solution and his eternal dev deprioritized it so he is a stuck. I looked around and saw the possibility to maybe change things on the website builder, what I did sequentially:
activated developer mode
went to "Website"
Clicked "Modify" (or maybe "Edit" with the English settings) at the top right corner
clicked on the button he wants to change the redirect link of
a modal appears and then asks me for relative URL only
Is there any way, without going into the code, to make this modal accept absolute URL instead of relative ones

iTunes Connect: app’s developer support website

It used to be one can update developer’s support website for an existing app. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Any suggestions?
Click on the current version of the app (probably says "Ready For Sale") to show its details page. The Support URL field you're looking for is about 1/4 of the way down, on the right. Make a change and hit the Save button at the top.

Google Play Game Services - Welcome Back Popup not shown

I want to show "Welcome Back" popup after auto-signIn process as stated in the following documentation(FAQ part) :
I have tried some methods like reconnecting etc. but it couldn't work. How can I show Welcome popup without signing out the user and showing account selection popup again?
What you are asking does not appear to be possible. According to the documentation at Google Developer
public GamesClient.Builder setShowConnectingPopup (boolean showConnectingPopup)
Sets whether a "connecting" popup should be displayed automatically at the start of the sign-in flow. By default this is enabled.
Note that this call will use the default gravity for the "connecting" popup, which will display the popup at the center of the screen. If you prefer that the popup appear in a different section of the screen, you can use setShowConnectingPopup(boolean, int), and provide a Gravity value.
showConnectingPopup Whether or not to show a "connecting" popup at the beginning of the sign-in flow. Default behavior is for this to be true.
This Builder.
In watching the log output during a reconnect, I can find no discernible difference if performing it after backing out and immediately reconnecting (without logging out the user). Only if the user if forcibly disconnected.
Yet, looking at the flow, and this documentation, and the branding guidelines, the behavior Should be to show the "Welcome" popup as long as the setShowConnectingPopup is set to true.
It would be nice if Bruno (hint hint) or any other Google Play Services could weigh-in on this, as it would appear we are violating the branding guidelines if we DON'T have the "Welcome" on each sign in (even though this is a new requirement as worded by Google, along with some of the other branding stuff)
As far as I can tell my original answer StackOverflow link is still the only way to do this "Every" time, but if a user has multiple accounts, then yes the account selection will popup.
(my tests are on multiple devices, running from 4.1.32 and before.)

Adding a review box to site that posts to G+ Local page

I was wondering if it was possible to add a review box to my site that would automatically post to my Google+ Local page, and in turn eventually show as a Google review.
I just want the simple functionality of leaving a comment and star rating to my site to avoid having to travel to another page.
Is this functionality available?
I have found a slight shortcut by adding the query parameter ?review=1 to the end of the url which automatically brings up the review box once the Google places page loads, and have customized a message to try and entice a click but feel that the easier you make it on someone to leave a review the more successful it will be.
I'm sorry but we don't have that functionality.

Back button overriding in windows phone for webbrowser/view

I am implementing a simple webview application with only one url. I have over ridden back button function for webview navigation (which is working fine). Now my app has only one screen with webview and user visits the links inside main url and navigates using back button.
I want to know that, What is Microsoft Certification Policy as my application has only one screen so should it Close when user press back button anytime? Or Microsoft allows implementing of webview with over ridden back button functionality.
If question is still unclear Kindly tell me. I'll explain more but I need to know answer to this question.
You shoulld be fine, I have submitted applications which works like that myself which passed certification.
As long as the application quits when pressing the back button when there is no more "history" for the webbrowser control it shouldn't be a problem because the user still get the experience of moving "backward" in his use and can finally quit the app.
Regarding WebBrowser control and content of the app please consider this requirement:
"Your app and metadata must have distinct, substantial and legitimate content and purpose. Your app must provide functionality other than launching a webpage."
So, the application's sole functionality must not be only to launch a website.
This is not releated to back button but very important thing that need to be considered!
Best regard