Protobuf-net Extension interfaces - serialization

I have a problem understanding protobuf-net extensions and how they exactly work. I need to serialize a 2D custom class array and so I decited to wrap it into a class something like:
class CustomData : IExtension
private CustomClass[,] data;
public CustomClass this[int index_X, int index_Y]
return data[index_X, index_Y];
data[index_X, index_Y] = value;
public Stream BeginQuery()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
int pos = 0;
byte[] packedData = SomeStaticClass.ConvertToByteArray(data)
using(var writer = new ProtoWriter(stream, null, null))
ProtoWriter.WriteFieldHeader(1, WireType.String, writer);
ProtoWriter.WriteBytes(packedData, writer);
return stream;
public void EndQuery(Stream stream)
//... and the other 3 implemented funcs from IExtension
So this ofcourse is in a custom IExtensible which has GetExtensionObject() returning an instance of the CustomData object. The problem comes when I try to append extension data to an instance. Here is what I'm doing:
public void DoAppend()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (ProtoWriter writer = new ProtoWriter(stream, null, null))
var test = new CustomExtensibleClass(300, 300);
ProtoWriter.AppendExtensionData(test, writer);
var result = stream.ToArray();
The problem is that "result" contains no data. I expected that the data I appended and written via BeginQuery() will be transfered to the stream of the ProtoWriter but I suppose this is not the case.
Can somebody explaing what I am doing wrong or at least how can use the appended data?


Blazor Server create link to download file from byte array

I have a method in my code behind to retrieve a get a pdf file from an API and return the byte[]
byte[] byteArray = response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result; ;
using (MemoryStream pdfStream = new MemoryStream())
pdfStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
pdfStream.Position = 0;
return new FileStreamResult(pdfStream, "application/pdf");
How in Blazor server to I create a link in my .razor component to consume this byte[] so that when the user clicks the link, it triggers the file download?
Your solution is close because you're creating the appropriate result, but you simply need the method that returns it.
Set up your API controller like the following:
public class DownloadController : ControllerBase {
public ActionResult Get() {
byte[] byteArray = response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result; ;
using (MemoryStream pdfStream = new())
pdfStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
pdfStream.Position = 0;
var result = FileStreamResult(pdfStream, "application/pdf");
result.FileDownloadName = "sample.txt";
return result;

PushStreamContent in core - video start playing only when whole file is buffered

i have problem with PushStreamContent in core.
It display video on the website but my problem is that it will buffer whole file and then play it when my goal is to buffer small part of it and play on the website. Code i have:
My endpoint for playing video in browser
public IActionResult Play(string file)
var fileName = "C:\\repo\\trailer1.mp4";
var video = new VideoStream(fileName);
var response = new PushStreamContent(video.WriteToStream, new MediaTypeHeaderValue("video/mp4"))
var objectResult = new ObjectResult(response);
objectResult.ContentTypes.Add(new Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("video/mp4"));
return objectResult;
Ive got VideoStreamClass to help with displaying video
public class VideoStream
private readonly string _filename;
public VideoStream(string filename)
_filename = #"C:\\repo\\trailer1.mp4";
public async Task WriteToStream(Stream outputStream, HttpContent content, TransportContext context)
var buffer = new byte[65536];
using (var video = File.Open(_filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var length = (int)video.Length;
var bytesRead = 1;
while (length > 0 && bytesRead > 0)
bytesRead = video.Read(buffer, 0, Math.Min(length, buffer.Length));
await outputStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
await outputStream.FlushAsync();
length -= bytesRead;
catch (Exception)
{ return; }
And here is my VideoOutputFormatter added to bootstraper
public class VideoOutputFormatter : IOutputFormatter
public bool CanWriteResult(OutputFormatterCanWriteContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
if (context.Object is PushStreamContent)
return true;
return false;
public async Task WriteAsync(OutputFormatterWriteContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
using (var stream = ((PushStreamContent)context.Object))
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (context.ContentType != null)
response.ContentType = context.ContentType.ToString();
await stream.CopyToAsync(response.Body);
I've tried to add atributes to controller "UseBufferedOutputStream" and "UseBufferedInputStream" setted to false but this still dosent work for me
ObjectResult is intended for holding an in-memory object as a response. If you want to return an existing file, then PhysicalFileResult is probably your best bet.
If you're interested in PushStreamContent, I believe the one you're using is for HttpClient, not ASP.NET. If you want a PushStreamContent equivalent, I have a FileCallbackResult that would work once it's updated for the latest .NET Core.

How can i send the output of an NAudio WaveMixerStream32 to an ApiController FileStreamResult

Does anyone have any idea how you would send the output of WaveMixerStream32 to a FileStreamResult? I want to process some audio but then access it in a browser.
In NAudio all Wav classes derive from WavStream class, and WavStream class derives from System.IO.Stream.
Here is a sample:
var inFile = #"c:\test.wav";
var inFileFormat = WaveFormat.CreateALawFormat(8000,1);
using (var inStream = File.OpenRead(inFile))
using (var reader = new RawSourceWaveStream(inStream, inFileFormat))
using (var waveMixerStream = new WaveMixerStream32(new List<WaveStream>() { reader }, true))
using (var fsResult = new FileStreamResult(waveMixerStream, "audio/wav"))
/* any custom here */
Also needs to modify the dispose method from WaveMixerStream32 class, as following:
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
/* no need to dispose each inputStream,
let all inputStreams released by GC
/* lock (inputsLock)
foreach (WaveStream inputStream in inputStreams)
} */
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "WaveMixerStream32 was not disposed");
Hope this helps.

autodesk design automation

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0008 Exception at 1d8257a5h
Failed missing output
I finally made it work with HostApplicationServices.getRemoteFile in local AutoCAD, then migrated it to Design Automation. It is also working now. The below is the command of .NET plugin.
To have a simple test, I hard-coded the URL in the plugin. you could replace the URL with the workflow at your side (either by an json file, or input argument of Design Automation)
My demo ReadDWG the entities from the remote URL file, then wblock the entities to current drawing (HostDWG), finally save current drawing.
Hope it helps to address the problem at your side.
.NET command
namespace PackageNetPlugin
class DumpDwgHostApp: HostApplicationServices
public override string FindFile(string fileName,
Database database,
FindFileHint hint)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string GetRemoteFile(Uri url,
bool ignoreCache)
//return base.GetRemoteFile(url, ignoreCache);
Database db =
string localPath = string.Empty;
if (ignoreCache)
localPath =
GetSystemVariable("STARTINFOLDER") as string;
string filename =
localPath += filename;
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.DownloadFile(url, localPath);
return localPath;
public override bool IsUrl(string filePath)
Uri uriResult;
bool result = Uri.TryCreate(filePath,
UriKind.Absolute, out uriResult)
&& (uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp ||
uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps);
return result;
public class Class1
public void MyPluginCommand()
try {
string drawingPath =
DumpDwgHostApp oDDA = new DumpDwgHostApp();
string localFileStr = "";
if (oDDA.IsUrl(drawingPath)){
localFileStr = oDDA.GetRemoteFile(
new Uri(drawingPath), true);
//source drawing from drawingPath
Database source_db = new Database(false, true);
FileOpenMode.OpenTryForReadShare, false, null);
ObjectIdCollection sourceIds =
new ObjectIdCollection();
using (Transaction tr =
BlockTableRecord btr =
foreach (ObjectId id in btr)
//current drawing (main drawing working with workitem)
Document current_doc =
Database current_db = current_doc.Database;
Editor ed = current_doc.Editor;
//copy the objects in source db to current db
using (Transaction tr =
IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping();
mapping, DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, false);
catch(Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)

What is the best way of saving List<Object> in Windows 8 app

I have a List<class> of data. And I want to save it and retrieve it every time my app starts and exits respectively. What is the equivalent of IsolatedStorage (WP7) in Windows 8. How can I save these settings?
In windows 8, you have to use the LocalFolder for your app, which you can access using:
StorageFolder folder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
and then reference files saved there by using:
var fileToGet = await folder.GetFileAsync("nameOfFile.fileType");
I am currently in a similar situation in a project I am working on, where I want to store a List of custom objects to my Apps LocalFolder and have it reloaded later.
My solution was to serialize the list to an XML string, and store this in the App Folder. You should be able to adapt my methods:
static public string SerializeListToXml(List<CustomObject> List)
XmlSerializer xmlIzer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<CustomObject>));
var writer = new StringWriter();
xmlIzer.Serialize(writer, List);
return writer.ToString();
catch (Exception exc)
return String.Empty;
Now that you have the string you can save it a text file and put this in LocalStorage:
//assuming you already have a list with data called myList
await Windows.Storage.FileIO.WriteTextAsync("xmlFile.txt", SerializeListToXml(myList));
Now when you load your app again you can use the loading method mentioned above to get the xmlFile from LocalStorage, and then deserialize it to get your List back.
string listAsXml = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadTextAsync(xmlFile.txt);
List<CustomObject> deserializedList = DeserializeXmlToList(listAsXml);
Again, adapt this to your needs:
public static List<CustomObject> DeserializeXmlToList(string listAsXml)
XmlSerializer xmlIzer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<CustomObject>));
XmlReader xmlRead = XmlReader.Create(listAsXml);
List<CustomObject> myList = new List<CustomObject>();
myList = (xmlIzer.Deserialize(xmlRead)) as List<CustomObject>;
return myList;
catch (Exception exc)
List<CustomObject> emptyList = new List<CustomObject>();
return emptyList;
You can use this class to store and load settings:
public static class ApplicationSettings
public static void SetSetting<T>(string key, T value, bool roaming = true)
var settings = roaming ? ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings : ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
settings.Values[key] = value;
public static T GetSetting<T>(string key, bool roaming = true)
return GetSetting(key, default(T), roaming);
public static T GetSetting<T>(string key, T defaultValue, bool roaming = true)
var settings = roaming ? ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings : ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
return settings.Values.ContainsKey(key) &&
settings.Values[key] is T ?
(T)settings.Values[key] : defaultValue;
public static bool HasSetting<T>(string key, bool roaming = true)
var settings = roaming ? ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings : ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
return settings.Values.ContainsKey(key) && settings.Values[key] is T;
public static bool RemoveSetting(string key, bool roaming = true)
var settings = roaming ? ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings : ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(key))
return settings.Values.Remove(key);
return false;
But you can only save and load primitive types (bool, int, string, etc.). This is why you have to serialize your list to XML or another format which can be stored in a string. To serialize and deserialize an object to and from XML you can use these methods:
public static string Serialize(object obj)
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
serializer.Serialize(sw, obj);
return sw.ToString();
public static T Deserialize<T>(string xml)
using (var sw = new StringReader(xml))
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
return (T)serializer.Deserialize(sw);
See also Is there a way to store instances of own classes in the ApplicationSettings of a Windows Store app?