UIViewController and UIImagePickerController: Unable to create and managing views as expected - objective-c

I have a UIViewController subclass that contains an instance of UIImagePickerController. Let's call this controller CameraController. Among other things, the CameraController manages the UIImagePickerController instance's overlayView, and other views, buttons, labels etc. that are displayed when the UIImagePickerController, let's call this instance photoPicker, is displayed as the modal controller.
The photoPicker's camera overlay and the elemets that are part of the CameraController view hierarchy display and function as expected. The problem I'm having is that I cannot use UIViewController's default initializer to create the CameraController's view heirarchy.
I am initializing CameraController from within another UIViewController. Let's call this controller the WebViewController. When the user clicks on a button in a view managed by WebViewController, the launchCamera method is called. It currently looks like this:
- (void) launchCamera{
if (!cameraController) {
cameraController = [[CameraController alloc] init];
// cameraController = [[CameraController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CameraController"
// bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
cameraController.delegate = self;
[self presentModalViewController:cameraController.photoPicker animated:NO];
I want to be able to create CameraController by calling initWithNibName:bundle: but it's not working
as I'll explain.
CameraController's init method looks like this:
- (id) init {
if (self == [super init]) {
// Create and configure the image picker here...
// Load the UI elements for the camera overlay.
nibContents = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"CameraController" owner:self options:nil];
[nibContents retain];
photoPicker.cameraOverlayView = overlay;
// More initialization code here...
return self;
The only way I can get the elements to load from the CameraController.xib file is to call loadNibNamed:owner:options:. Otherwise the camera takes over but no overlay nor other view components are displayed. It appears that a side-effect of this problem is that none of the view management methods on CameraController are ever called, like viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear etc.
However, all outlets defined in the nib seem to be working. For example, when the camera loads a view is displayed with some instructions for the user. On this view is a button to dismiss it. The button is declared in CameraController along with the method that is called that dismisses this instructions view. It is all wired together through the nib and works great. Furthermore, the button to take a picture is on the view that servers as photoPicker's overlay. This button and the method that is called when it's pressed is managed by CameraController and all wired up in the nib. It works fine too.
So what am I missing? Why can't I use UIViewController's default initializer to create the CameraController instance. And, why are none of CameraController's view mangement methods ever called.

Your problem is easy but need some steps.
Well... First, if overlay is an IBOutlet, it can not be loaded at init time. So move picker and co in viewDidLoad. Place also here all other items that your say that they are not loaded. They should be loaded there (viewDIDLoad). Check that outlets are connected.
Second, call
cameraController = [[CameraController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CameraController"
and ensure that CameraController contains (just) a view, and CameraController inherits UIViewController. Check also file's owner.
And at some time, you may consider that calling :
[self presentModalViewController:cameraController.photoPicker animated:NO];
does not make the CameraController control your picker. Does that make sense to you ?
What does that do regarding your problem ?
It seems you are confusing some things. I try to explain in another way :
The one that controls the picker is the one that is its delegate. Your may consider creating in a MAIN view.
The controller of the overlay (added as subview) is the one that own its view in File's Owner. That may be created from the MAIN view, adding its view as subview of the controller. Basically, it is loaded just to get the overlay, but viewDidLoad, ... won't be called.
That's all and I belive those steps are not ok in your code.
That should give something like :
Loadcamera {
self.picker = [UIImagePicker alloc] init.....];
self.picker.delegate = self;
SecondController* scnd = [[SecondController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SecondController" bundle:nil];
[self.picker addOverlay:scnd.view];
[self presentModalViewController:self.picker animated:NO];
/// And here manage your picker delegate methods
// Here manage your IBActions and whatever you want for the overlay


Replacing Storyboard Segue with pushViewController causes strange behaviour

I can't seem to figure this out for the life of me. I have a custom table view cell, in that cell I have a few buttons configured. Each button connects to other view controllers via a storyboard segue. I've recently removed these segues and put a pushViewController method in place. Transition back and forth across the various views works as expected however the destination view controller is not displaying anything! I have some code below as an example.
Buttons have this method set:
[cell.spotButton1 addTarget:self action:#selector(showSpotDetails:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
// etc...
[cell.spotButton4 addTarget:self action:#selector(showSpotDetails:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
// etc...
showSpotDetails Method contains this code:
- (void)showSpotDetails:(id)sender
// determine which button (spot) was selected, then use its tag parameter to determine the spot.
UIButton *selectedButton = (UIButton *)sender;
Spot *spot = (Spot *)[spotsArray_ objectAtIndex:selectedButton.tag];
SpotDetails *spotDetails = [[SpotDetails alloc] init];
[spotDetails setSpotDetailsObject:spot];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:spotDetails animated:YES];
The details VC does receive the object data.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"spotDetailsObject %#", spotDetailsObject_.name);
The NSLog method below does output the passed object. Also, everything in the details view controller is as it was. Nothing has changed on the details VC. It just does not render anything ever since I removed the segue and added the pushViewController method. Perhaps I am missing something on the pushViewController method? I never really do things this way, I try to always use segues...
Any suggestions?
Welcome to the real world. Previously, the storyboard was a crutch; you were hiding from yourself the true facts about how view controllers work. Now you are trying to throw away that crutch. Good! But now you must learn to walk. :) The key here is this line:
SpotDetails *spotDetails = [[SpotDetails alloc] init];
SpotDetails is a UIViewController subclass. You are not doing anything here that would cause this UIViewController to have a view. Thus you are ending up a with blank generic view! If you want a UIViewController to have a view, you need to give it a view somehow. For example, you could draw the view in a nib called SpotDetails.xib where the File's Owner is an SpotDetails instance. Or you could construct the view's contents in code in your override of viewDidLoad. The details are in the UIViewController documentation, or, even better, read my book which tells you all about how a view controller gets its view:
The reason this problem didn't arise before is that you drew the view in the same nib as the view controller (i.e. the storyboard file). But when you alloc-init a SpotDetails, that is not the same instance as the one in the storyboard file, so you don't get that view. Thus, one solution could be to load the storyboard and fetch that SpotDetails instance, the one in the storyboard (by calling instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:). I explain how to do that here:

View Controller behaves differently when set as 'initial view controller' vs. loading with presentModalViewController

My app has a map that tracks the user's location. This map will only appear under certain circumstances, and will dominate the user's attention until a particular task is complete, which is why the map isn't part of a navigation or tab bar UI.
If my map VC is set as the initial view controller in storyboard, it works fine. But if I try to load the map VC from elsewhere like this;
MapViewController *mapVC = [[MapViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:mapVC animated:YES];
I just get a black screen.
I can confirm with NSLog that the VC is calling viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear, but the 'map' property of the VC is (null). I don't understand why (or how) I need to create the map property manually when using this technique, but it gets done for me when it is the initial VC.
The MapViewController instance in your storyboard is configured with a view hierarchy, including an MKMapView, and whatever else you did to configure that particular instance in the storyboard.
Now in this code which you show here, you are creating a completely new instance of MapViewController. It has no relationship to the instance in the storyboard other than they happen to be of the same class. So the one you create here with [[MapViewController alloc] init] has no view hierarchy (which is why you see a black screen), and none of the outlets or other configuration you may have made to the other MapViewController in your storyboard.
So what you want is to load that MapViewController that you've already set up from the storyboard. Assuming you are doing this from within a method in another view controller loaded from the same storyboard already, you can just do this:
// within some method on another vc from a scene in the same storyboard:
// given an identifier for the map view controller we want to load:
static NSString *mapVCIdentifier = #"SomeAppropriateIdentifier";
NSLog(#"Storyboard: %#",self.storyboard); // make sure this vc(self) was loaded from a storyboard
MapViewController *mapVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:mapVCIdentifier];
[self presentModalViewController:mapVC animated:YES];
And then back in the storyboard, just make sure you set the identifier for this map view controller to "SomeAppropriateIdentifier".
Hope that helps.

Creating views programmatically

I set views programmatically. Here is how I do that. Let's say I have SettingsViewController.m
In this file I have two methods
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame];
self.view = view;
[view release];
// In that method I create some buttons labels etc
Is my approach correct ? To create the view in loadView method and buttons, labels etc in viewDidLoad method
To be honest it doesn't really matter if you put the code for creating views in viewDidLoad or loadView. viewDidLoad is called after the view is loaded, so will even be called if you are instantiating from a XIB. So that's a good place to add extra views if you're using a XIB. If you're programatically creating the view like you are in loadView then you can put the creation of your buttons, labels, etc in loadView or viewDidLoad and it won't really make a difference - viewDidLoad is pretty much called straight after loadView runs anyway.
Personally if I'm creating a view programatically using loadView then I will put all of the view creation code in there rather than in viewDidLoad.

UIView transitionWithView a subview with multiple xib files

I'm attempting to create a subview inside a regular view. When a button is clicked that is contained in this subview, it will flip over and show a new subview. This will is meant to simulate a card flipping over on a table. I have a DetailViewController that is an empty xib, but when it's loaded it loads another controller called CardFrontViewController that actually contains the subview (front of the card) all contained in a xib. Once the button inside the subview, it should load the subview that is contained inside the CardBackViewController xib.
Inside DetailViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
if (!self.cardFrontViewController)
self.cardFrontViewController = [[CardFrontViewController alloc] initWithNibName: #"CardFrontViewController" bundle: nil];
[self.view addSubview: self.cardFrontViewController.view];
[self configureView];
Inside CardFrontViewController
- (IBAction)flipToAnswerCard:(id)sender
if (!self.cardBackViewController)
self.cardBackViewController = [[CardBackViewController alloc] initWithNibName: #"CardBackViewController" bundle: nil];
[UIView transitionWithView: self.cardFrontContainerView
duration: 1.0
options: UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromTop
animations: ^{ [self.cardFrontSubView removeFromSuperview];
[self.cardFrontContainerView addSubview: self.cardBackViewController.cardBackSubView]; }
completion: nil];
When I click the button to flip over the card, the card flips, but the view that is displayed is empty, meaning that the self.cardBackViewController.cardBackSubView is not loaded inside.
If I do [self.cardFrontContainerView addSubview: self.cardBackViewController.view] inside the flip card method it loads the entire xib inside, but I really just want a view inside. I'm not sure what to do here.
You don't need a UIViewController if all you want is just to load a view, with some IBOutlets.
Just use [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"myViewNib" owner:self options:nil] from your DetailViewController, and if IBOutlets corresponding to ne 'card' NIB exist, they will automatically be linked (to the owner).
If you really want a different class to handle this 'card' (and 'own' the IBOutlets) does it necessarily need to inherit from UIViewController? NSObject can sometimes be a good candidate too.
Finally, If you really really want to nest UIViewControllers, this will only work in iOS5.
To support previous iOS versions, you would eventually have to manually call some UIViewController's life-cycle methods (willAppear, didAppear...), pass certain events from you master UIViewController to its detailViewController (like willAnimateToRotation), and maybe some other tricks.
If you just want to flip subviews within a main view, the answer that worked for me was found here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9028156/1319615

Why is this iPhone program not calling -loadView?

I am trying to work my way through basic iPhone programming and I have a good basic understanding of how Interface Builder works, so I decided to try my hand at doing the views programmatically. I have gone through the ViewController Apple guide and searched everywhere and I cannot seem to find a solution to my problem. This leads me to believe it is a very simple solution, but I am just really banging my head against the wall. Basically all I am trying to do is create a view that gets main window as a subview. I know that if self.view is not defined then the loadView method is supposed to be called, and everything is supposed to be set up there. Here is the current state of my code:
The delegate:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
StartMenuViewController *aViewController = [[StartMenuViewController alloc] init];
self.myViewController = aViewController;
[aViewController release];
UIView *controllersView = [myViewController view];
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
[window setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[window addSubview:controllersView];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
The view controller:
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.title = #"Start Menu";
return self;
// Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.
- (void)loadView {
UIView *startView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame];
[startView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth];
[startView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor greenColor]];
self.view = startView;
[startView release];
Thanks for the help in advance!
Are you sure that you're inheriting from UIViewController and not overriding the implementation of - (UIView*)view?
EDIT: More info:
UIViewController has a special implementation of the "-(UIView*) view" message so that when it's called, the loadView method is called if the view member variable is not set. So, if you provide an implementation of "- (id)view" in your subclass, (or a property named view) it will break the auto-calling of "- loadView".
Just to document a "loadView is not called" case:
I wrote a 2 UITableViewController(s) to handle detail data for a master ViewController. Since the devil was in #2, I made a simple UITableViewController for #1, and referenced it in the XIB for the "master" ViewController.
When I was done with #2, I could simply copy the code to #1, remove the complicated code, and go on with life.
But to my dismay and several days work, no matter what I did, viewLoad was not being called for my simple #1 UITableViewController.
Today I finally realised that I was referencing the UITableViewController in the XIB to the master ViewController program. - and of course, loadView was never being called.
Just to help some other dork that makes the same mistake....
Best Regards,
viewDidLoad only if the view is unarchived from a nib, method is invoked after view is set.
loadView only invoked when the view proberty is nil. use when creating views programmatically. default: create a UIView object with no subviews.
(void)loadView {
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen
[view setBackgroundColor:_color];
self.view = view;
[view release];
By implementing the loadView method, you hook into the default memory management behavior. If memory is low, a view controller may receive the didReceiveMemoryWarning message. The default implementation checks to see if the view is in use. If its view is not in the view hierarchy and the view controller implements the loadView method, its view is released. Later when the view is needed, the loadView method is invoked
again to create the view.
I would strongly recommend you use interface builder for at least your initial Window/View.
If you create a new project in XCode you should be able to select from one of many pre-defined iPhone templates that come with everything setup.
Unless I am reading this wrong, you did not associate any view with the the controller's view property like this
myViewController.view = controllersView;
So as far as Cocoa is concerned the view you are setting in the window has no controller to call loadView on. loadView is a View controller, not view, method. The view you assign to the window is not associated with any view controller. So your view controller loadView method is never called. Get it? The view you are trying to display, has no view controller associated with it.
When you use interface builder to create views you can link the UIView object you created in IB to the view property in the controller in IB which the framework automatically
But if not done in IB you have to set it