Replace array with another array in C - objective-c

Out of pure curiosity, I started playing with array's in ways that I have never used before. I tried making a data structure array, and set it equal to another:
typedef struct _test {
float value;
} test;
Simple enough struct, so I tried this:
test struct1[10];
test struct2[20];
struct1 = struct2;
I didn't think this would work, and it didn't even compile. But, this interests me a lot. Is it possible to take an array of 10 and increase the size to 20, while copying the data?
I am actually doing this with Objective-C, so I'd like to hear from the Objective-C people as well. I want to see if it is possible to change the size of struct1 in this file.
#interface Object : NSObject {
test struct1;
Remember: This is only out of curiosity, so everything is open to discussion.

Something else that is not exactly pertinent to your question but is interesting nonetheless, is that although arrays cannot be assigned to, structs containing arrays can be assigned to:
struct test
float someArray[100];
struct test s1 = { /* initialise with some data*/ };
struct test s2 = { /* initialise with some other data */ };
s1 = s2; /* s1's array now contains contents of s2's array */
This also makes it possible to return fixed-length arrays of data from functions (since returning plain arrays is not allowed):
struct test FunctionThatGenerates100Floats(void)
struct test result;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
result.someArray[i] = randomfloat();
return result;

As others have said, arrays allocated like that are static, and can not be resized. You have to use pointers (allocating the array with malloc or calloc) to have a resizable array, and then you can use realloc. You must use free to get rid of it (else you'll leak memory). In C99, your array size can be calculated at runtime when its allocated (in C89, its size had to be calculated at compile time), but can't be changed after allocation. In C++, you should use std::vector. I suspect Objective-C has something like C++'s vector.
But if you want to copy data between one array and another in C, use memcpy:
/* void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
note that the arrays must not overlap; use memmove if they do */
memcpy(&struct1, &struct2, sizeof(struct1));
That'll only copy the first ten elements, of course, since struct1 is only ten elements long. You could copy the last ten (for example) by changing &struct2 to struct2+10 or &(struct2[10]). In C, of course, not running off the end of the array is your responsibility: memcpy does not check.
You can also you the obvious for loop, but memcpy will often be faster (and should never be slower). This is because the compiler can take advantage of every trick it knows (e.g., it may know how to copy your data 16 bytes at a time, even if each element is only 1 byte wide)

You can't do this in C with static arrays, but you can do it with dynamically allocated arrays. E.g.,
float *struct1, *struct2, *struct3;
if(!(struct1 = malloc(10 * sizeof(float))) {
// there was an error, handle it here
if(!(struct2 = realloc(struct1, 20 * sizeof(float))) {
// there was an error, handle it here
// struct1 will still be valid
if(!(struct3 = reallocf(struct2, 40 * sizeof(float))) {
// there was an error, handle it here
// struct2 has been free'd

In C, I believe that's a good place to use the realloc function. However, it will only work with dynamically allocated arrays. There's no way to change the memory allocated to struct1 by the declaration test struct1[10];.

In C arrays are constants, you can't change their value (that is, their address) at all, and you can't resize them.

Clearly if you declare your array with a fixed size, test struct1[10] then it cannot be resized. What you need to do is to declare it as a pointer:
test *struct1;
Then you must use malloc to allocate the array and can use realloc to resize it whilst preserving the contents of the original array.
struct1 = malloc(10*sizeof(*struct1));
//initialize struct1 ...
test *struct2 = realloc(struct1, 20*sizeof(*struct1));

If you're using Objective C, you know you can just use NSMutableArray, which automatically does the realloc trick to reallocate itself to store however many objects you put in it, up the limit of your memory.
But you're trying to do this with struct? What would that even mean? Suppose you increase the amount of memory available to struct1 in Object. It's still a struct with one member, and doesn't do anything more.
Is the idea to make Object be able to contain an expanded struct?
typedef struct _test2 {
float value;
NSObject *reference;
} test2;
But then you still can't access reference normally, because it's not a known part of Object.
Object *object2;
NSLog(#"%#", object2.struct1.reference); // does not compile
If you knew you had one of your modified objects, you could do
Object *object2;
NSLog(#"%#", ((test2)(object2.struct1)).reference);
And also you could still presumably pass object2 to anything that expects an Object. It only has any chance of working if struct1 is the last member of Object, and don't mess with subclassing Object either.
Some variety of realloc trick might then work, but I don't think realloc in particular, because that's intended to be used on objects that are allocated with malloc, and the details of what C function is used to allocate objects in not exposed in Objective C, so you shouldn't assume it's malloc. If you override alloc then you might be able to make sure malloc is used.
Also you have to watch out for the fact that it's common in Objective C for more than one pointer to an object to exist. realloc might move an object, which won't be semantically correct unless you correct all the pointers.


Expanding an array within a structure in C

I've got a question about what I think boils down to C syntax and memory considerations. I have a callback in an Objective-C class that processes some audio, and one of the arguments is bufferListInOut. It represents a mono audio signal that I'd like to convert to stereo. Here's my code:
static void tap_ProcessCallback(MTAudioProcessingTapRef tap,
CMItemCount numberFrames,
MTAudioProcessingTapFlags flags,
AudioBufferList *bufferListInOut,
CMItemCount *numberFramesOut,
MTAudioProcessingTapFlags *flagsOut){
// Retrieve mono audio data into bufferListInOut
MTAudioProcessingTapGetSourceAudio(tap, numberFrames, bufferListInOut, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Copy the mono channel's data
float *channelLeft = malloc(numberFrames * sizeof(float));
channelLeft = bufferListInOut->mBuffers[0].mData;
// Attempt to create a second channel which is (currently) a copy of the first
bufferListInOut->mNumberBuffers = 2; // 2 for stereo, 1 for mono
bufferListInOut->mBuffers[1].mNumberChannels = 1;
bufferListInOut->mBuffers[1].mDataByteSize = numberFrames * sizeof(Float32);
bufferListInOut->mBuffers[1].mData = channelLeft;
// Set number of frames out
*numberFramesOut = numberFrames;
Some notes:
In this code, the new channel is just a copy of the original, but in practice it will undergo some processing.
The naming is a little weird, but mNumberBuffers is indeed meant to be 2 and mNumberChannels is meant to be 1.
This crashes with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on a rendering thread down the line. So, my question is what is the right way to add a new buffer to this struct? I don't delve into C too often, so I'm sure I'm missing some basics here. Any pointers on this would be great. Thanks for reading.
You cannot do what you are attempting, at least in the way you are trying to do it. The type AudioBufferList is declared as:
struct AudioBufferList { UInt32 mNumberBuffers; AudioBuffer mBuffers[1]; };
This is a classic C pattern for a variable sized struct. To create a struct for N buffers a single block of memory is allocated with the size:
sizeof(UInt32) + N * sizeof(AudioBuffer)
The address of that block is assigned to a AudioBufferList * variable and the field mNumberBuffers set to N. You cannot simply increase the mNumberBuffers to increase the size of the array, instead you must either allocate a new complete struct, or realloc the existing one - realloc increases the size of memory block if possible or allocates a new one and copies the existing data into it if not.
Given your tap_ProcessCallback() function is passed a AudioBuuferList * value and does not return one, there is no way it can change the size of the struct (i.e. the number of buffers) it is passed.
As pointed out in comments you are also doing pointer assignment when you intend to copy memory - see memcpy and friends.
So you need a redesign - your goal is possible, just not how and where you've attempted it.

Pointer to specified number of values

How can I specify that a method should take as parameter a pointer to a location in memory that can hold a specified number of values? For example, if I have:
- (void)doSomethingWith:(int *)values;
I'd like to make it clear that the int * passed in should point to an allocated space in memory that's able to hold 10 such values.
To directly answer your question, use an array argument with a bounds, e.g.:
- (void)takeTenInts:(int[10])array
Which specifies that the method takes an array of 10 integers.
Only problem is the C family of languages do not do bounds checking, so the following is valid:
int a[10], b[5];
[self takeTenInts:a]; // ok
[self takeTenInts:b]; // oops, also ok according to the compiler
So while you are specifying the size, as you wish to do, that specification is not being enforced.
If you wish to enforce the size you can use a struct:
typedef struct
int items[10];
} TenInts;
- (void)takeTenInts(TenInts)wrappedArray
Now this doesn't actually enforce the size at all[*], but its as close a you can get with the C family (to which the word "enforcement" is anathema).
If you just wish to know the size, either pass it as an additional argument or use NSArray.
[*] It is not uncommon to see structures in C following the pattern:
typedef struct
// some fields
int data[0];
} someStruct;
Such structures are dynamically allocated based on their size (sizeof(someStruct)) plus enough additional space to store sufficient integers (e.g. n * sizeof(int)).
In other words, specifying an array as the last field of a structure does not enforce in anyway that there is space for exactly that number of integers; there may be space for more, or fewer...
Why use "(int *)" when you have the power (and "count") of "NSArray" to work with?
But anyways, looking at this potentially related question, couldn't you just do a "sizeof(values)" to get the size of a statically/globally allocated pointer?
If that doesn't work (which would be in the case of a dynamically allocated array), you really would probably need some kind of "count:" parameter in your "doSomethingWith:" method declaration.
There are a several ways. You could just name the method appropriately:
- (void)doSomethingWithTenInts:(int *)tenInts;
Or you could use a struct:
typedef struct {
int values[10];
} TenInts;
- (void)doSomethingWithTenInts:(TenInts *)tenInts;
Or you could make the user tell you how many ints he is giving you:
- (void)doSomethingWithInts:(int *)ints count:(int)count;

Objective-C ARC and passing C arrays of objects

I'm sorry if this is a bit of a C-noob question: I know I need to swot up on my pointers. Unfortunately I'm on a deadline so don't have time to work through a whole book chapter, so I'm hoping for a bit more targeted advice.
I want to store some objective-C objects in a C array. I'm using ARC. If I were on the Mac I'd be able to use NSPointerArray instead, but I'm on iOS and that's not available.
I'll be storing a three-dimensional C array: conceptually my dimensions are day, height, and cacheNumber. Each element will either be a pointer to an objective-C object, or NULL.
The number of caches (i.e. the size of the cacheNumber dimension) is known at compile time, but the other two are not known. Also, the array could be very large, so I need to dynamically allocate memory for it.
Regarding ownership semantics, I need strong references to the objects.
I would like the whole three-dimensional array to be an instance variable on an objective-C object.
I plan to have a method that is - tableForCacheNumber:(int)num days:(int*)days height:(int*)height. That method should return a two-dimensional array, that is one specific cache number. (It also passes back by reference the size of the array it is returning.)
My questions:
What order should I put my dimensions so that I can easily return a pointer to the subarray for one specific cache number? (I think it should be first, but I'm not 100%.)
What should the return type of my method be, so that ARC doesn't complain? I don't mind if the returned array has an increased reference count or not, as long as I know which it's doing.
What type should my instance variable that holds the three dimensional array be? I think it should just be a pointer, since that ivar just represents the pointer to the first item that's in my array. Correct? If so, how do I specify that?
When I create the three-dimensional array (for my ivar), I guess I do something like calloc(X * Y * Z, sizeof(id)), and cast the result to the type for my ivar?
When accessing items from the three-dimensional array in the ivar, I believe I have to dereference the pointer each time, with something like (*myArray)[4][7][2]. Correct?
Will the two-dimensional array I return from the method be similarly accessed?
Do I need to tag the returned two-dimensional array with objc_returns_inner_pointer?
I'm sorry once again that this is a bit of a bad Stack Overflow question (it's too long and with too many parts). I hope the SO citizens will forgive me. To improve my interweb karma, maybe I'll write it up as a blog post when this project has shipped.
First off: while you don't have NSPointerArray, you do have CFMutableArrayRef and you can pass any callbacks you want for retain/release/description, including NULL. It may be easier (and performance is something you can measure later) to try that first.
Taking your points in order:
you should define your dimensions as [cacheNumber][days][height], as you expect. Then cache[cacheNumber] is a two-dimensional array of type id *[][]. As you've said performance is important, be aware that the fastest way to iterate this beast is:
for (/* cacheNumber loop */) {
for (/* days loop */) {
for (/* height loop */) {
it should be of type __strong id ***: that's a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to id, which is the same as array of (array of (pointer to id)).
your ivar needs to be __strong id **** (!), because it's an array of the above things.
you guess incorrectly regarding allocating the array.. If you're using a multidimensional array, you need to do this (one dimension elided for brevity):
- (__strong id * * *)someArray {
__strong id * * *cache = (__strong id * * *)malloc(x*y*sizeof(void *));
id hello = #"Hello";
cache[0] = (__strong id * *)malloc(sizeof(void *)); //same for cache[1..x-1]
cache[0][0] = &hello; // for all cache[x][y]
return (__strong id * * *)cache;
correct, that is how you use such a pointer.
yeah, the two-D array works in the same way, sans the first dimension.
I don't think so, you're handing out __strong object pointers so you should be grand. That said, we're at about the limit of my ability with this stuff now so I could well be wrong.
Answering my own question because this web page gave me the missing bit of info I needed. I've also upvoted Graham's answer, since he was very helpful in getting my head round some of the syntax.
The trick I was missing is knowing that if I want to refer to items in the array via the array[1][5][2] syntax, and that I don't know the sizes of my array at compile time, I can't just calloc() a single block of data for it.
The easiest to read (although least efficient) method of doing that is just with a loop:
__strong Item ****cacheItems;
cacheItems = (__strong Item ****)calloc(kMaxZooms, sizeof(Item ***));
for (int k = 0; k < kMaxZooms; k++)
cacheItems[k] = (__strong Item ***)calloc((size_t)daysOnTimeline, sizeof(Item **));
for (int j = 0; j < daysOnTimeline; j++)
cacheItems[k][j] = (__strong Item **)calloc((size_t)kMaxHeight, sizeof(Item *));
I'm allocating a three dimensional array of Item *s, Item being an objective-C class. (I have of course left out the error handling code in this snippet.)
Once I've done that, I can refer to my array using the square brackets syntax:
cacheItems[zoom][day][heightToUse] = item;
The web page I linked to above also describes a second method for performing the memory allocations, that uses only one call to calloc() per dimension. I haven't tried that method yet, as the one I've just described is working well enough at the moment.
I would think of a different implementation. Unless it is a demonstrable (i.e. you have measured and quantified it) performance issue, trying to store Objective-C objects in plain C arrays is often a code smell.
It seems to me that you need an intermediate container object which we will call a Cache for now. One instance will exist for each cache number, and your object will hold an NS(Mutable)Array of them. Cache objects will have properties for the maximum days and height.
The Cache object would most easily be implemented with an NSArray of the objects in it, using simple arithmetic to simulate two dimensions. Your cache object would have a method -objectAtDay:Height: to access the object by its coordinates.
This way, there is no need at all to worry about memory management, ARC does it for you.
Given that performance is an issue, I would use a 1D array and roll my own arithmetic to calculate offsets. The type of your instance variable would be:
__strong id* myArray;
You can only use C multilevel subscripts (array[i][j][k]) if you know the range of all the dimensions (except the first one). This is because the actual offset is calculated as
(i * (max_j * max_k) + j * max_k + k) * sizeof(element type)
If the compiler doesn't know max_j and max_k, it can't do it. That's precisely the situation you are in.
Given that you have to use a 1D array and calculate the offsets manually, the Apple example will work fine for you.

Struct Pointer Not Providing the Correct Size in sizeof() method

I'm having a issue getting the size of a struct pointer after allocating the memory using malloc or realloc. I've worked around this by keeping track of the memory in a separate counter, but I would like to know if this is a bug or if there is a way to properly query the size of a struct pointer.
Sample code demonstrates that no matter how much memory I allocate to the struct pointer it always returns 4 when querying using the sizeof() method.
typedef struct {
int modelID;
int bufferPosition;
int bufferSize;
} Model;
Model *models = malloc(10000 * sizeof(Model));
NSLog(#"sizeof(models) = %lu", sizeof(models)); //this prints: sizeof(models) = 4
4 is the correct answer, because "models" is a pointer, and pointers are 4 bytes. You will not be able to find the length of an array this way. Any reason you're not using NSArray?
If I understand you correctly you want to get at the size of the allocated buffer.
sizeof if the wrong way to go since it is evaluated at compile time. The size of the buffer is a runtime concept.
You would need a way to query you C library to return the allocation size for the pointer to the buffer.
Some systems have a way to get that kind of information, for instance malloc_size on Mac OS.
4 is the correct answer.
Pointers point to a memory location which could contain anything. When you are querying the size of a pointer, it gives the size of the memory location which holds the pointer, which in your case is 4.
For example
int *a = pointing to some large number;
int *b = pointing to a single digit number;
In the above case, both a and b have the same size irrespective of where they are pointing to.
For more information, have a look at this post size of a pointer
sizeof(myvar) will return size of pointer. in 32bit environment it equals to 4(bytes).
why don't you use sizeof (Model) instead?

Objective-C pointer values

I'm compiling an application using X-Code 3.2.6 (64-bit). The application is compiling against the 10.5 SDK and in 32 Bit Intel Architecture.
I've declared a character array as:
char iptmp[ARRAY_SIZE];
so I'm calling a function thus:
Where myfunc is declared:
void myfunc(char** value)
With the intention of loading the character array with the contents of another string with strncpy. When you see what's below you might appreciate why I don't simply do something like: strcpy(iptmp, myfunc()); but here is the problem:
Value of iptmp prior to function call: 0xb0206f5a
Value of *value in function: 0xffffb020
I've tried various things to resolve this problem, but the only thing that seems to stick is to receive a UINT32 value and cast:
myfunc((UINT32) &iptmp);
void myfunc(UINT32 value)
char* target = (char*) value;
This is causing havoc in my code. What is going on with the pointer value?
What happens here is that iptmp is a location in memory. If you write iptmp you will get the address of the aray. However, you will also get the address of it if you write &iptmp. However, you assume that you will get a pointer to a pointer to the array.
The best way to handle this is simply doing:
void myfunc(char * value)
The pointer value will point to the array, which you can modify anyway you like.
When you derefence *value, you're saying "take the pointer stored in value, and load the bytes at that location as if they were a char *". But the bytes at the location pointed to by value aren't a char * - they're the first bytes of iptmp[] itself (in your case, the first 4 bytes).
The root cause is that you're passing &iptmp, which has type char (*)[ARRAY_SIZE], to a function that expects a char ** parameter. These types are not interchangeable, as you've found. The correct declaration for the function would be:
void myfunc(char (*value)[ARRAY_SIZE])
/* ... */
You can then pass &iptmp, and you will find that *value has the value that you expect.
Why not just
void myfunc(char *value)
strncpy(value, ...);
Remember, arrays and pointers in C are not the same things, although you may have heard the opposite many times. An array is an object whose size is equal to its length multiplied by the size of each of its elements, while a pointer is just like a single int but with special semantics.
Hence, the two expressions iptmp and &iptmp yield the same result, namely the starting address of the array. iptmp yields a pointer value for convenience, but that doesn't mean that the object iptmp is a pointer itself.
By attempting to get the address of the address of the array, you really intend to perform &(&iptmp), which is a meaningless, erroneous operation.