Is it possible to retrieve a list of WebLogic Domains from Node Manager? - weblogic

Given a connection to NodeManager is it possible to have it tell you what domains it has registered?
I'm thinking of writing an tool for internal use that would list information about the servers running in the domains (up, down, port, etc) and it would be nice to have the tool automatically include new domains as they are created.
I know I could just parse the file, but that means the app has to have access to the server's file system. I'd like to avoid that if possible.

Is JMX an option? If so, just read Accessing WebLogic Server MBeans with JMX.
Building a connection:
JMXServiceURL serviceURL =
new JMXServiceURL(protocol, hostname, port, jndiroot + mserver);
JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, options);
MBeanServerConnection connection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
Getting the domains:
String[] domains = connection.getDomains();
Monitoring changes is also possible.


How user is able to connect with turn server and not directly to webtrc machine?

I was curious on why a client cannot directly to a machine running webrtc server but can do that via turn server. Both turn & webrtc are in same VPC of AWS.
Could be a lot of things.
Assuming you have the TURN configuration file correct, and as you are noting both AWS instances have public IPs, then it's possible that on the instance with the TURN server, you do not have all the firewall ports opened needed related to the TURN server:
Or, maybe it's a DNS issue and the domain of your TURN server is unknown to your peer, so it is not able to access it.
Or, maybe you are attempting to connect via WebRTC but not securely. WebRTC requires a secure connnection (https).

OpenShift v3 connect app with redis. Connection Refused

I have created a redis 3.2 application from the default image catalog.
I'm trying to connect a python app that runs inside the same project with the redis db.
This is what the Python application uses to connect to redis:
REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'
REDIS_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('REDIS_PASSWORD') or 'test'
redis = aioredis.create_redis_pool(
The deployment fails with an ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused.
My guess is that I need to use another value for REDIS_HOST, but I couldn't figure what to use.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
After you deployed from the image catalog a number of objects will have been created for you. One of those objects is a service, which is used to load balance requests to the Pods it fronts. Service names for a project can be retrieved using the client tools via oc get svc.
This service name should be used to connect to your redis instance. If you deploy redis before your Python application, some environment variables should already be populated which can be used, for example REDIS_SERVICE_HOST and REDIS_SERVICE_PORT.
So from your application you can connect via the service ip or service name, where service name is redis then redis.StrictRedis(host='redis', port=6379, password='secret')
The redis password may have been generated for you. In that case it is retrievable from the redis secret which could also be mounted from your python app
Databases in general do not use standard HTTP, but custom TCP protocols. This is why in Openshift we need to connect directly to the service using Openshift's Service hostname or IP address (caution: only Service hostname is predictable), instead of the usual Route, and this applies also to Redis. Bypassing the Routes in Openshift is like bypassing a reverse proxy such as nginx and directly connecting to the db backend.
There is need to use env variables, because service hostnames are auto-generated by Openshift using this predictable pattern:
container_name.project_name.svc , e.g:
More info
"When a web application is made visible outside of the OpenShift cluster a route is created. This enables a user to use a URL to access the web application from a web browser. A route is usually used for web applications which use the HTTP protocol. A route cannot be used to expose a database, as they would typically use their own distinct protocol, and routes would not be able to work with the database protocol."
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Is Weblogic Node Manager SSL setup required while implementiing SSL for Application

In Weblogic, I have more than one Machines created using Node Manager. We have been told to setup SSL implementation for our Application which is deployed across created machines in a single Weblogic Admin Console.
So for the Application we had configured certificate using .jks file and configured SSL listen port by enabling it.
However we have been told to secure Node Manager machines in which application are deployed across as well. While enabling Node Manager type to SSL instead of Plain I am getting SSLException. By the fact we no need to secure Machines which were created using Node Manager, only securing Application is sufficient. Is am I right. Else is it required to Secure Machines -> Node Manager as well.
When I am turning SSL in Machines -> Node Manager, what are the things I have to consider to avoid SSLException. Is the Weblogic restart required If configure this or so. For now I do not have UNIX access, hence I couldn't do that at this moment.
Please advise on this situation. Without securing Machines -> Node Manager I am able run the application. But not able to access it using https. Only http for the Application is working.
Please advise on the situation.
SSL for node manager is optional as there's no application related sensitive data that flows in this layer.
You mention even after configuring jks you can't get the server and hence the application listening on https. Could you elaborate what steps did you follow. Note this has nothing to do with node manager

deepstream is it possible to publish from my server, without opening a client connection in a browser

I am somewhat confused in deepstream, is it possible to communicate to a client from my server? For example, is there any way to do something like this on a server? I am currently opening a client connection in browser that publishes to other clients. I would rather have the code below in my server.
var client = deepstream('localhost:6020').login()
var record = client.record.getRecord('new-record')
#Publish a message to all listeners of 'listen-channel' from my server?
record.set('listen-channel', 'message');
and then have clients listen:
record.subscribe('listen-channel', function(value) {
Sure, just run it from a node process. Deepstream "clients" can be backend and frontend processes alike, permissioning is used to distuinguish between who can do what.

noVNC connecting to VNCServer on private LAN using HTTPS only

Not sure if i'm really up-to-date, but i'm looking in a way to convert my existing project to use HTML5 websockets.
Here's my situation :
- Client runs a modified java vnc applet with extra parameter (CONNECT).
- Modified stunnel listenin on webserver (with both public, private IP) port 443
- Client connects to 443 and sends (prior to RFB) a HTTP packet like :
- Stunnel opens a new stream to using SSL wrapper
- VNC Server (# responds, connection is established.
Now I want to get rid of the Java Applet and switch to Websocket using NoVNC.
I want to be able to :
- Open a single port on the webserver (HTTPS preferably)
- Have client connect using HTML5 only (no more java applet)
I cannot change :
- VNCServer will still be listening on private LAN only.
- VNCServer will still listen to a bunch of ports, each corresponding to
a virtual server
Questions are :
- How to give NoVNC the notion of target HOST:PORT ?
- Is stunnel still be usable ? Or should I change to websocket proxy ?
If anyone has a starting point, i'd really appreciate !
Disclaimer: I created noVNC so my answer may be heavily biased ;-)
I'll answer you second question first:
stunnel cannot be used directly by noVNC. The issue is that the WebSockets protocol has an HTTP-like initial handshake and the messages are framed. In addition, until binary payload support is added to WebSockets, the payload is base64 encoded by the websockets proxy (websockify). Adding the necessary support to stunnel would be non-trivial but certainly doable. In fact noVNC issue #37 is an aspirational feature to add this support to stunnel.
First question:
noVNC already has a concept of HOST:PORT via the RFB.connect(host, port, password) method. The file vnc_auto.html at the top level shows how to get noVNC to automatically connect on page load based on the host, port and password specified as URL query string parameters.
However, I think what you are really asking is how do you get noVNC to connect to alternate VNC server ports on the backend. This problem is not directly addressed by noVNC and websockify. There are several ways to solve this and it usually involves an out-of-band setup/authorization mechanism so that the proxy can't be used to launch attacks by arbitrary hosts. For example, at my company we have a web based management framework that integrates noVNC and when the user wants to connect to the console, an authenticated AJAX call is used to configure the proxy for that particular user and the system they want to connect to. Our web management interface is internal only.
Ganeti Web Manager uses a similar model and the source is available. They have a fork of VNCAuthProxy that has WebSockets support. They use a control channel from the web interface to the VNCAuthProxy to setup a temporary password associated with a specific VNC server host:port.
Also OpenStack (Nova) integrates noVNC uses a similar out-of-band token based model to allow access with their nova-vncproxy.
Some links:
Ganeti Web Manager
Wiki page about how noVNC works in Ganeti Web Manager
Ganeti Web Manager sources
Ganeti Web Manager VNCAUthProxy sources
Using noVNC in Nova/OpenStack
OpenStack fork of noVNC
Old nova-vnc-proxy code
Current nova vnc proxy code