Table style border- outlook 2010 adds an extra space - html-table

I created an HTML for email marketing. I placed a table, and applied a border around it:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px solid #982676; margin:0 16px;">
For some reason I am getting 1 pixel extra white space inside when I test it in OUTLOOK 2010. I see it around images that are aligned to the top and to the left, and I see it around other cells that have a solid background color.
See image at this link:screenshot
The top triangle is an image in a cell by itself. The bottom rectangle is a cell with a background color. These were supposes to stick to the border. This is a recurring problem. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

Campaign monitor has a really great solution on how to solve this type of problem. Simple add this style code to your table elements. The code below solved my problem (same as OP) on Outlook 2010
<table align="left" style="border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;"> ... </table>
EDIT: Links have been replaced with wayback machine since both are gone. I also included a gif of the Email on acid version.
If that doesn't work, try this.

I found this here:
" Table element margins and padding in Outlook 2007 and 2010 can cause issues
If you add margin or padding properties to your TABLE element, it will add that same margin and padding to every nested TD in Outlook 2007 and 2010. Cellpadding and cellspacing attributes are safe but it's best to avoid CSS margins and padding within the containing TABLE element."
So I guess your margin on the table could be causing this.I m not sure.

In case you haven't found a solution to this problem yet:
Make sure you set border="0" for those images within the table cells.

Add border-collapse:collapse; to the table style.

I solved this problem going into the table properties section and then clicking on "Options". Once the options box appears, change the default cell margins for Left and Right to 0" and then click OK.

For borders of 1 and 3 pixel width, the right border has a 1 pixel space behind it. One solution for this (weird...) kind of problem is a "ghost table" behind the current table, with the width of the current table minus 1 and border of 1.
For example:
<!--[if mso]><table border="1" width="699">
<tr style="display:none;"><td> </td></tr>
Good luck...


Table Width not being respected in outlook

I have an email message that the width of a table is being respected in all email clients except outlook (surprise).
The table should be shrinking everything under the picture header and above the picture footer to 90% like shown in this codepen:
In outlook, it is not being set to 90% as shown in the below picture
Here is the portion of the code is not working.
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="deviceWidth" width="90%">
Where the width = 90% is the part that is not working. See the whole code in the codepen. Thanks for your help.

How to change padding on cells within a DataGrid - VB.NET

I am trying to add padding to all of the cells within my DataGrid (not DataGridView). I want there to be space between the walls of the cell and the text within the cells. Is there any way to do this? I have looked into this and all I see is how to do it with DataGridView and not DataGrid...
Here is a picture of the DataGrid with no padding:
Notice how the the text is pushed tight to the line on the right side.
Please help! Thank you!
This is what worked for me:
I created a CSS file and added left and right padding to td:
td {
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
I then added a reference to that CSS file into the same markup file where my DataGrid is located:
<link href="YourFolderNameHere/YourCSSFileNameHere.css" rel="stylesheet" />
I did try what #TnTinMn suggested in his comment with CellPadding but had no luck.
NOTE: I am unsure if this method will work in all cases or only in my own. By doing this all td elements will take this style, which in my case is fine because I wanted all td elements within every table to have this padding style.

pdf2htmlEX text selection issue

I have converted the pdf into html using pdf2htmlEX. While selecting more than one lines, when cursor goes between two lines the selection jumps upwards. Some one please help to get this fixed.
The issue is already raised here but the solutions didn't solve the problem. Need help to fix this.
As workaround I have created this styling:
.t {
/* making selection to behave nicer when selecting text between multiple text lines (to avoid element gaps which can cause weird selection behavior) */
padding-bottom: 100px;
margin-bottom: -25px;
/* making selection to behave nicer when selecting text between multiple columns (useful for pages with 2 or more text columns) */
padding-right: 2000px;
Problem is that all text elements are absolute positioned and whenever mouse (during selection) leaves text element it fires mouse events on page element (which causes to select text from beginning of page to the starting point) until other text element is reached.
This styling/workaround "fills" those gaps so mouse never reaches page element.
Document should look the same.
Edit: Be aware that this solution relies on proper DOM structure (text elements are ordered). In some scenarios text can become unselectable (eg. when page contains 2 text columns and first text block is actually placed as last child in DOM).
If you get into such problem, try adjusting values to fit nicely in your document, like below:
.t {
/* making selection to behave nicer when selecting text between multiple text lines (to avoid element gaps which can cause weird selection behavior) */
padding-bottom: 40px;
margin-bottom: -10px;
/* making selection to behave nicer when selecting text between multiple columns (useful for pages with 2 or more text columns) */
padding-right: 0px;
Selection might jump here and there (again depends on document structure and used values), but still it will be a lot better compared to original state.

Prevent resizing textarea in <td> from resizing entire table

I have a textarea in a td element. Currently, when the text area is resized to a width beyond the width of the td element, the entire table resizes to keep the textarea element within the td.
Is there a way to allow the textarea to resize beyond the containing td?
You can add a div with fixed size inside the td around the textarea:
(reposting comment as answer)
You can use the max-width and max-height style properties on the textarea. Take a look at:
You can also set them dynamically with javascript if the width and height of the containing row or column is not known in advanced.
I found that applying the style table-layout:fixed to the table fixed this problem.

Dragging table rows between tables with scriptaculous

I have several similar tables inside a page, and, using scriptaculous, I would like to drag and drop one row from one table to another. I can already do this with the code:
new Draggable('some-id').
Where 'some-id' is the table row id.
However, there is no visible drag, which is bad for user interaction...
Applying the same code to a simple div works fine, which makes me believe that it is a problem with dragging a table row.
For example:
<tr id="drag_tr"><td>Drag</td></tr>
<div id="drag_div">some content</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Draggable("drag_tr")
new Draggable("drag_div")
In this code, the div will have a visual drag (i.e. the div will follow the cursor), while the table row won't, even though I know it's being dragged.
So this is a problem with <div>s vs <tr>'s
a <div> can have an absolute position which allows the div to move wherever the mouse is but a tr lives within a table and thus cannot be moved about on the page
here is a jsfiddle to illustrate (tr is green, div is red)
no matter what coordinates you put in for the tr it will not move from the top left corner of the page - but the div will go where ever you put it