Possible to return all books by one individual seller on Amazon through api - api

Anyone know if it's possible, by using Amazon's API, to return all books on sale by one particular seller? For example, if I want to return all books by this seller:
You can see in the url the unique id. However, on Amazon's notes for ItemSearch:
MerchantId - An optional parameter you can use to filter search results and offer listings to only include items sold by Amazon
So I'm thinking 'only include items sold by Amazon' means you can only limit by amazon unless anyone knows a way of doing it?

It used to be be possible by doing a brute force search with the Seller* API calls. However these calls have been deprecated since Nov 1 2011, so you're out of luck. If you happen to be working for this particular seller (instead of being simply a customer or a competitor), you'll want to use the APIs available to the seller (MWS) to download inventory reports.


Is it possible to use GetSellerList to get all the items listed by a different seller?

I am looking for a way to get all the items listed by a different seller. While this is possible to do through the eBay Browse API, there is a delay of a few minutes from when a seller lists an item to when it is visible in the eBay search.
As such, I am looking for a method to return all the items a particular seller (that is not me) has listed that will return the most up to date results.
I have found the https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/GetSellerList.html method, but I am not certain if it is possible to use it on other sellers. Can I use this method or is there another method that can achieve the required functionality
under the title of the linked url it is written:
Use this call to retrieve items listed by the authenticated user, including item data.
therefore it is clearly not possibile
you could use finding API setting in the filter the username of the seller and get the list of (almost) all the item sold by such seller with few details:
if you need full details then you need to call getItem for each itemID retrieved by finding API
but since eBay released some years ago new APis, if you have to start a new project it can be wise not using the old trading APIs (and also Finding??) that though not deprecated yet, they might be soon

How do I find the Item ID for products on eBay?

I am trying to use eBay's RESTful Sell API and Buy API to make an order management application. To test the API calls, I have successfully created seller and buyer accounts. Further, I have uploaded some inventory from my sellers account and published the offer.
Now I wish to place an order from the buyers account on the items in the same listing. From my understanding, I have to specify the items to be ordered by providing the Item IDs. However, I cannot figure out how to find the Item ID required for purchasing these items. Where can I find the Item ID's corresponding to an offer?
In case this is not the correct approach and there is some alternate way to go about doing this, what steps am I required to take?
Apparently, the itemId is the same as the listingId. The newer RESTful API's make use of the variable listingId to represent an identifier for a published listing. The same variable is referred to by the name itemId in the older, Trading APIs. The value for listingId/itemId is generated when publishing an offer and converting it into a listing. Thus, it can be fetched either at the time of publishing the offer (present in the response under the variable named listingId) or it can be fetched through an order (present in the response under the variable legacyItemId.

Product showing up in Amazon MWS API but not Product Advertising API

I'm building an integration for my warehouse and using Amazon's API's to get product information from UPC. I've ran into a number of times where a result comes back accurately from the GetMatchingProduct on MWS API but not from the Product Advertising API. Even Vice Versa has occurred.
Why might this be? Is there a reason I should just use one or the other?
Example: UPC - 363824072463
MWS brings back ASIN - B0057UUHGU which is the relevant one that also comes back when you just search Amazon. However the Product Advertising API does not return this in its list of results at all.
We have found that often times new, or recently changed items take a little while to correctly populate in the Product Advertising API.
Also, for what you say your purposes are, I would be cautious relying on the Product Advertising API. It is a sales tool, so sometimes when given an out-of-stock item, for instance, it will return results of a different item (maybe similar, maybe was variated with it, etc) as the purpose of that API is to drive sales to Amazon.

Bigcommerce API Get All Skus

I'm trying to load all Skus from a Bigcommerce store. I first tried to use the API path /products/skus/count to get a count of the number of skus in the store as outlined in the BC documentation at https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus However, the /products/skus/count endpoint is returning {"count":0}. I know for a fact that I have hundreds of products with a sku. Ultimately I'd like to get a list or array of just the skus in my store. Has anyone else been able to use this API or know a way to load all the skus in my store without loading all the product object graphs as that is too slow of a solution as I don't need all the additional information nor do I want to page through all my products since it's limited to 250 items at a time. All of my other API calls are working great so I'm questioning whether there is an issue with the specific API.
Are you try to get the "sku" property for all products or the SKU resource associated with a product?
The api call at the url that you've given https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus
will return all the SKU resource/object associated with a product. You can either get skus for all products using the resource "products/skus/count" or a specific product using "products/{productid}/skus/count". Both calls works as documented.

eBay API RelistFixedPriceItem vs AddFixedPriceItem when updating quantity

I am building a system that publishes products from our inventory to our eBay seller account. Everything is working fine, but I just keep thinking which call should I use when I update the quantity in our inventory.
RelistFixedPriceItem and AddFixedPriceItem both are working well, except that on eBay I will have same item with two different itemID, one is sold and one is active...
is that ok? Does it have something to do with eBay listing terms?
Any Advice?
AddFixedPriceItem creates a new listing that does not include any data regarding the previous listing's statistics or sales data. RelistFixedPriceItem will create a listing for the product that does include the sales data from the original listing.
The eBay best match search engine uses a listing's sales stats as part of its algorithm to determine search standing. So if your original listing had a good number of views or sales, I would definitely recommend using ReslistFixedPriceItem. However, if your previous listings was stagnant for a long time without many views or sales, it might be more advantageous to use AddFixedPriceItem instead to give the listing a clean slate.
eBay is always changing their search algorithms, so there is no hard and fast rule here. You really just have to find out what works best for your particular products. Experimentation is key.