Lamp configuration on CentOS - apache

I have installed LAMP on my CentOS server VM, where I want to access my server by the browser of my local machine, but it doesn't work. Please help me find the solution.

Are you sure it's running?
ps ax | grep httpd | grep -v grep
and if you see no output do:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
The server will be accessible on your configured virtual host. Make sure you follow each step in this guide.

Is your VM network bridged or NAT'ted? If bridged, something on the VM is wrong as it should just show as a standard machine on your network. If NAT'ted, you will need to read up on NAT connections in your virtualisation documenation.


Why SSH is not working in kubernetes pods/container?

We have an application which uses SSH to copy artifact from one node to other. While creating the Docker image (Linux Centos 8 based), I have installed the Openssh server and client, when I run the image from Docker command and exec into it, I am successfully able to run the SSH command and I also see the port 22 enabled and listening ( $ lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN).
But if I start a POD/Container using the same image in the Kubernetes cluster, I do not see port 22 enabled and listening inside the container. Even if I try to start the sshd from inside the k8s container then it gives me below error:
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start sshd.service Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted.
Is there any way to start the K8s container with SSH enabled?
There are three things to consider:
Like David said in his comment:
I'd redesign your system to use a communication system that's easier
to set up, like with HTTP calls between pods.
If you put a service in front of your deployment, it is not going to relay any SSH connections. So you have to point to the pods directly, which might be pretty inconvenient.
In case you have missed that: you need to declare port 22 in your deployment template.
Please let me know if that helped.

Docker for Windows with existing hyper-v virtual machine

I have the following setup:
A Windows 10 Pro Laptop ("Win10Laptop") that has a Windows 10 Pro VM ("Win10VM") running on Hyper-V. I have created an nginx container by running the following command on the host machine:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx
While the container is running I can access http://localhost from Win10Laptop and this works fine. My question is what do I need to configure to access nginx from Win10VM? Win10VM has only one network adaptor which is configured to use the "External" Vswitch connected to my Wifi interface.
Let me know if you need any more details. I've tried all sorts and can't figure it out!
You need to connect to the IP the VM has acquired on the External switch. Run ipconfig inside the VM to see what IP it has, then open http://<vm-ip> from your host.

Docker to run X applications while connected through SSH

I have used these instructions for Running Gui Apps with Docker to create images that allow me to launch GUI based applications.
It all works flawlessly when running Docker on the same machine, but it stops working when running it on a remote host.
Locally, I can run
docker --rm --ti -e DISPLAY -e <X tmp> <image_name> xclock
And I can get xclock running on my host machine.
When connecting remotely to a host with XForwarding, I am able to run X applications that show up on my local X Server, as anyone would expect.
However if in the remote host I try to run the above docker command, it fails to connect to the DISPLAY (usually localhost:10.0)
I think the problem is that the XForwarding is setup on the localhost interface of the remote host.
So the docker host has no way to connect to DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 because that localhost means the remote host, unreachable from docker itself.
Can anyone suggest an elegant way to solve this?
One possible way I guess is to use socat to forward the remote /tmp/.X11-unix to the local machine. This way I would not need to use port forwarding.
It also looks like openssh 6.7 will natively support unix socket forwarding.
When running X applications through SSH (ssh -X), you are not using the /tmp/.X11-unix socket to communicate with the X server. You are rather using a tunnel through SSH reached via "localhost:10.0".
In order to get this to work, you need to make sure the SSH server supports X connections to the external address by setting
X11UseLocalhost no
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Then $DISPLAY inside the container should be set to the IP address of the Docker host computer on the docker interface - typically So $DISPLAY will then be
You need to add the X authentication token inside the docker container with "xauth add" (see here)
If there is any firewall on the Docker host computer, you will have to open up the TCP ports related to this tunnel. Typically you will have to run something like
ufw allow from to any port $TCPPORT proto tcp
if you use ufw.
Then it should work. I hope it helps. See also my other answer here for more details.

Apache commands with 2nd instance on Mac OS X

I have a Mac OS X 10.9/Mavericks Mac which I have just installed FileMaker Server v13. The FileMaker Server installer creates its own instance of the Apache web server and configures this web server to use port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS. The document root for this instance is located at:
/Library/FileMaker Server/HTTPServer/htdocs
I'm trying to use the Apache commands via the Mac OS X Terminal to stop/start/restart this instance but it looks like it's trying to use the standard OS X Apache not the FileMaker Server installed instance.
For example I would like to use:
sudo apachetctl restart
When there are 2 instances of Apache installed how do you specify which instance you wish to command?
Finally found the answer. The following syntax will work:
sudo /Library/Filemaker\ Server/HTTPServer/bin/httpdctl graceful
If you want to keep your OS Apache running it needs to be on a different port. FileMaker doesn't really support console commands and wants you to restart the computer to restart apache.
You can try with the launchctl:
sudo launchctl stop com.filemaker.fms
sudo launchctl start com.filemaker.fms
Or you can try to run httpd and specify the 2nd file directly
/usr/sbin/httpd -f /Library/FileMaker\ Server/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf -t
if you you want to restart FileMaker Server you should use this commands in Terminal :
fmsadmin start server
fmsadmin stop server
fmsadmin restart server

Why does running "apachectl -k start" not work, but "sudo apachectl -k start" does?

I'm working on my OS X with the default installation of Apache. For some reason, when I run the "apachectl" command without the "sudo" I get "no listening sockets available / unable to open logs." I'm guessing this is a permissioning thing, so can someone help me out? I'm using Apache 2.2.
Also, side question, where the the Apache script file that is basically the "exe" that linux executes? I'm trying to intergrate my server with Aptana Studio, and it requires the path to the Apache install. I know in Windows, this would be "C:\path\to\httpd.exe", but I don't know how this works in linux.
Is your server listening on port 80? (Usually) only root is allowed to open ports below 1024. Hence the need for sudo.
As you can see, lots of people wonder how to get around this. One possible solution is to perform port-forwarding on your router. (I'm assuming here that you are behind a router...). Then incoming connections on port 80 can be forwarded to e.g. port 8080. Thus only locally does one need to connect to port 8080. (There may be more elegant solutions... somebody else will post them.)
I think generally (on both OS X and Linux - I'm not sure which one you're referring to) the httpd binary is located at: /usr/sbin/httpd
If you need to be able to restart Apache, and you can't do so as root (for whatever reason..), then you may have to settle for a non 'well known' port.
try this
(with php)
$a = shell_exec('sudo -u root -S /etc/init.d/apache2 restart < /home/$user/passfile');
password should stored in passfile