Simple inline function call equivalent in Objective-C - how? - objective-c

I've been learning Obj-C since getting a MBP about a month ago. I'm fairly comfortable with what I'm learning & things are slotting in to my rusty old brain pretty well. Except there's one thing I'm just not sure if I'm overlooking, or if just going over my head, or I'm looking for something that isn't there.
Most languages I've used have a way of slotting in an inline function call to simplify the coding, & I'm just not sure how this translates in Obj-C. Especially I'm referring to when the function being called is in a separate file, for the coding purposes of keeping similar functions together.
So far, the only way I've seen in Obj-C guides & tutorials is to create a class with methods & then instantiate that class (within the class you're working) to access the method in a [message]. Is this the way it's done in Obj-C? The only way? The best way for some reason? I know classes have their place in many languages & I use them myself, but I'm referring to simple little inline function calls where I usually wouldn't go to the trouble of creating a complete class.
To use a simple C++ console example of my point (only showing the .cpp files):
// example mainFile.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "mainFile.h"
#include "functionsFile.h"
using namespace std;
void theMainFunction () {
int resultBeforeAltering = 100;
// alterTheResult() = simple inline function call I'm referring to
cout << "The result is " << alterTheResult(resultBeforeAltering);
// example functionsFile.cpp - could contain many similar functions
#include "functionsFile.h"
int alterTheResult (int resultToAlter) {
int alteredResult;
if (resultToAlter < 100) {
alteredResult = resultToAlter * 2;
} else {
alteredResult = resultToAlter * 3;
return (alteredResult);
Is there an equivalent approach to do alterTheResult() in Obj-C (assuming mainFunction() was an Obj-C method)?
I've seen reference to functions within Obj-C, but they seem to be C functions being referred to. C functions are not what I'm asking about here.
Thanks in advance, answers much appreciated.

Yes, the way to inline is to use C or C++ inlining -- that's perfectly legal (for C++, that will require compiling as ObjC++). An ObjC method will never be inlined (until LLVM produces a JIT compiler =p).
If you simply want to organize methods in another file, you may want to try an ObjC category:
// NSString_MONStuff.h
#interface NSString (MONStuff)
- (BOOL)mon_isPalindrome;
// NSString_MONStuff.m
#implementation NSString (MONStuff)
- (BOOL)mon_isPalindrome { return ...; }
Again, those will not be inlined.
You can also use C or C++ external functions or classes instead of categories for organization - the benefit is speed, size, reduced dependencies, and safety. The choice is yours, but there's no way to inline an objc method (it's a very dynamic langauge).


Accessing NS_ENUM of objective-C in Swift

I have this NS_ENUM called ObserveType having two properties called Observe and ObserveAll. I can access the ObserveAll property as you can see from the picture, but I can't access Observe.
The NS_ENUM is in a header file of objective-C.
I know that changing Observe to ObserveX or ObserveXYZ will work.
But how do I access Observe without changing the name of the Observe?
Notice that I have to access the Observe on Swift.
In addition to answers above, I'd like to point out that you can give your Objective-C NS_ENUM a Swift name with NS_SWIFT_NAME macro:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, XYZAwesomeEnum) {
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(AwesomeEnum);
Use it later in Swift:
Apple Developer: Renaming Objective-C APIs for Swift
From Language Guide - Interoperability - Interacting with C APIs:
"The prefixes to C enumeration case names are removed when they are imported into Swift, whether they’re defined in system frameworks or
in custom code."
This means your first case in the ObserveType enum have no name after being imported to Swift (which I'm somewhat surprised doesn't yield a compile error). If we were to print out the conversion, it would look something like (conceptually)
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ObserveType) {
Observe = 0
ObserveAll = 1
// imported like ...
enum ObserveType: Int {
case _ = 0 // obviously illegal if applied directly in Swift
case All
You could try to access the nameless case by using its rawValue (0), but I would recommend updating the name of the first case in your Obj-C enum, if possible.
if let empty = ObserveType(rawValue: 0) {
print(empty) // prints ""?
dfri's answer is spot on, and to extend on his answer, it is probably best to name the enum and its cases following the widely adopted conventions. In the following code, I am making certain guesses on your intention.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, XYZObserveType) {
Another tip that I find useful when working with projects contain both Swift and Objective-C code is Generated Interface in the source editor.
When you are viewing an Objective-C class, selecting this option will show you the generated Swift header, which can be helpful in many occasions.

Operator 'overloading' equivalent with #define in C/Objective-C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Operator overloading in C
If I have a struct:
typedef struct myStruct {
} myStruct;
myStruct myStructAdd(myStruct a, myStruct b);
I need something like this:
#define myStruct a + myStruct b myStructAdd(a, b)
// NOTE this code does NOT WORK. This is what the question is asking.
To make this syntax valid:
myStruct a;
myStruct b;
myStruct c = a + b;
Is there any way to use a #define to do this?
I'm not asking for alternatives to the + syntax. What I'm asking is if, and how, the preprocessor can be used to rewrite the plus syntax to standard C syntax on compile.
i.e. something like #define myStruct a + myStruct b myStructAdd(a, b) which turns myStructA + myStructB into myStructAdd(myStructA, myStructB) on compile.
Operator overloading simply isn't a feature of C or Objective-C. C++ allows you to define arbitrary behaviour for operators and custom types. In Objective-C, if two objects can be added together, then usually there is a method for that:
Foo *result = [foo1 fooByAddingFoo:foo2];
Or, if the class is mutable:
Foo *foo1 = [Foo fooWithBar:bar];
[foo1 addFoo:foo2];
If operator overloading is a must-have feature, use C++ instead, or use Objective-C++ (but keep in mind that C++ classes and Objective-C objects are totally and fundamentally different).
The C proprocessor is conceptually very simple, and it knows very, very little about C's syntax, and nothing at all about C's types. If you wanted to overload an operator using the preprocessor, then it would have to learn every type (including custom types) used in your code, and it would have to perform static type checking in order to determine which function to invoke, and this is something that is way out of the scope of the preprocessor.
It's an interesting idea, but it's simply not possible.
There is no way for you to do that using the preprocessor. Also, as far as I known, there is no other feature that would provide this in objective C.
However, if you would use C++ (or objective-C++, which give you all features of both Objective C and C++) you could define an operator+, as follows:
struct myStruct
myStruct operator+(myStruct const & other)
return ...;
If you limit your question to the preprocessor then the answer is that it is impossible due to the fact that to define a macro that takes in arguments you have to have a parentheses macro like
#define __DO_STH(par1,par2)
Operator overloading the way you think of it does not use parentheses so you can not create any such macros
The only way to do that would be to make a simple parser which would be reading your code and whenever it encountered the structs you need being added with a plus sign spit out C code that replaces that with the function, but why do that and not use C++ where it's natively supported?
Also unless you are asking for purely academic purposes, it is my honest opinion that operator overloading always does more bad than good and is better avoided.
The only way I know is to use Objective-C++. To do this, give your implementation file the extension "mm" and you're good to go.

Call Static Method with C Syntax in Obj-C?

I could redo this method using proper Obj-C syntax, but I was wondering how to call this from Obj-C. The method looks like this
#interface YarMidiCommon : NSObject
MIDIPacketList *makePacketList(Byte *packetBuffer, const UInt8 *data, UInt32 size);
but I have no idea how to call that method. I have tried
Byte packetBuffer[size+100];
MIDIPacketList *packetList = makePacketList(packetBuffer, bytes, size);
but the error is "has internal linkage but is not defined." Is this possible without resorting to "proper" Obj-C syntax?
For the record, the method that I want to emulate would be something like
+ (MIDIPacketList*) makePacketListWithPacketBuffer:(Byte*)packetBuffer data:(const UInt8 *)data size:(UInt32)size;
which is verbose and annoying, seeing as everything here is C anyway.
This is related to this other answer I got today.
Since the function is a C function you need to remove the static keyword or else it will not be visible outside of its translation unit. Once you do that the first example you have will work. Also since it is a C function placing its declaration inside or outside of the #interface and definition inside or outside of the #implementation makes no difference on how you will call it.
Consider the declaration as being equivalent to static C function in the global scope. This is much unlike C++ or Java. There is no class scope or external linkage for this function.
As such, the #interface scope would not be a good place to declare makePacketList. The message means the definition is not visible when you use it.
You need to move the function to the .m (makes sense if you use it from this file only) or remove the static keyword.

Self-Learning XCode/Objective-C: 'static' doesn't seem to mean what I *think* it means

I'm working through examples in the book 'Visual Quick Start, Objective-C' by Holzner. I spend a lot of time with each example, getting the code debugged is the faster part, and then stepping through saying to myself why each line of code works, what each word in each line does and deciding why the author used one way of doing things versus another. Then I repeat the example with some story of my own. This seems to be a good way to move from being a structured programmer and to an oop-like one. It works with these examples because he just does one concept at a time. (I've worked part way through 2 other books and this idea did not work for me in those. Once I got confused by something, I just stayed confused. There were too many variables in the lengthier, more complex examples.)
In the current example (page 137), Holzner uses the word 'static'. I looked through examples in this book to decide what this word means. I also read the description in Bjarne Stroustrups' C++ Programming Language book (I understand that C++ and Objective-C are not exactly the same)
(Bjarne Stroustup p 145)
use a static variable as a memory,
instead of a global variable that 'might be accessed and corrupted by other functions'
Here is what I understand 'static' means as a result. I thought that meant that the value of a static variable would never change. I thought that meant it was like a constant value, that once you set it to 1 or 5 it couldn't be changed during that run.
But in this example piece of code, the value of the static variable does change. So I am really unclear on what 'static' means.
(Please ignore the 'followup question' I left commented in. I didn't want to change anything from my run, and risk creating a reading error
Thank you for any clues you can give me. I hope I didn't put too much detail into this question.
Program loaded.
[Switching to process 2769]
The class count is 1
The class count is 2
Debugger stopped.
Program exited with status value:0.
// main.m
// Using Constructors with Inheritance
//Quick Start Objective C page 137
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface TheClass : NSObject
// FOLLOWUP QUESTION - IN last version of contructors we did ivars like this
// int number;
// Here no curly braces. I THINK because here we are using 'static' and/or maybe cuz keyword?
// or because in original we had methods and here we are just using inheirted methods
// And static is more long-lasting retention 'wise than the other method
// * * *
// Reminder on use of 'static' (Bjarne Stroustup p 145)
// use a static variable as a memory,
// instead of a global variable that 'might be accessed and corrupted by other functions'
static int count;
// remember that the + is a 'class method' that I can execute
// using just the class name, no object required (p 84. Quick Start, Holzner)
// So defining a class method 'getCount'
+(int) getCount;
#implementation TheClass
-(TheClass*) init
self = [super init];
return self;
+(int) getCount
return count;
// but since 'count' is static, how can it change it's value? It doeeessss....
int main (void) {
TheClass *tc1 = [TheClass new] ;
printf("The class count is %i\n", [TheClass getCount]);
TheClass *tc2 = [TheClass new] ;
printf("The class count is %i\n", [TheClass getCount]);
return 0;
"static" is not the same thing as C++ "const". Rather it's a statement that a variable be declared only once and is to remain (hence static) in memory. Say you have a function:
int getIndex()
static int index = 0;
return index;
In this case the "static" tells the compiler to retain the index value in memory. Everytime its accessed it is changed: 1,2,3,... .
Compare this to:
int getIndex()
int index = 0;
return index;
This will return the same value each time as the index variable is being created each time: 1,1,1,1,1,... .
To clarify No one in particular's answer even further, a variable that is static will remain the same throughout all instances of objects, between method calls, etc.
For instance, declaring the following method:
- (int)getNumber {
static int number = 0;
return ++number;
will return 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., across all instances of the given class at any given time. Neat, eh?
static means many things in C / C++ / Objective-C.
Objective-C follows C closely. In C++, static means more things than in C / Objective-C. So, don't judge what static does in Obj-C by what Bjarne Stroustrup says (who is the inventor of C++).
In C and Objective-C, two main meanings of static are
For a variable / function in the file level, it makes a variable / function invisible from other translation units (i.e. other source files compiled into the same program.) It doesn't mean its constant.
For a variable declared inside a function, it makes a variable not to reside in a stack but in a more persistent location, as explained by no one in particular.
In C++, in addition to this meaning, a static member in a class means it belongs to the class, not to an instance. This meaning is completely unrelated to the other meaning; in the olden days, people didn't want to introduce more reserved words in the language, so they just abused the same reserved words in different contexts to mean completely unrelated things. Another notorious example is the usage of the word virtual.
In any case, static doesn't mean it's constant.
Anyway, in a programming language, a thing means whatever the implementers or the standard committee members decide it to mean. Therefore I find it always helpful to read the standard. Just look for the word static in that PDF. You'll learn everything about static keyword in the programming language C there.

Can I overload an operator in Objective-C?

Is it possible to override operator use in Objective-C?
For example
myClassInstance + myClassInstance
calls a custom function to add the two.
Operator overloading is not a feature of Objective-C. If two instances of your classes can be added together, provide a method and allow them to be added using that method:
Thing *result = [thingOne thingByAddingThing:thingTwo];
Or, if your class is mutable:
[thingOne addThing:thingTwo];
No, you can't do this in Objective-C.
You can do this now in Swift, a successor to objC. And since Objective-C and Swift are made to work together This could be interesting for you.
You may want to support subscripting for your object. Subscripting is not operator overloading, but it can be handy for a collection object. NSArray and NSDictionary both support subscripting. For example:
NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray new];
a[0] = #"Hello";
The way to support index subscripting is to implement the following:
-(void)setObject:(id)newObject atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx];
I know this is an old question but I just wanted to leave this answer here for anybody in the future that might want to know if this is a possibility.
The answer is YES!
You'll have to use a variant of Objective-C called Objective-C++.
As an example, say you created a new Objective-C command-line tool project. In order to allow C++ functionality, you'll need to rename "main.m" to "". Afterwards, you can mix C++ code in with your Objective-C code in the same file. There are some limitations, but I've tested operator overloading and it seems to work perfectly fine with Objective-C objects as far as I can tell.
I've included sample source code to give you an idea of how to do it:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, NSString *s) {
os << [s UTF8String];
return os;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
NSString *str = #"I'm an NSString!";
std::cout << str << std::endl;
return 0;
Here's my output after building and running this code:
I'm an NSString!
Program ended with exit code: 0
Hopefully this will be of help to somebody!
No, Objective-C does not support operator overloading.
First, operator overloading is evil. Second, C doesn't have operator overloading, and Objective-C is a proper superset of C, which only adds a handful of keywords and a messaging syntax.
That being said, if you're using Apple's development environment, you can use Objective-C++ instead of Objective-C, which gives you access to all of C++'s mistakes and misfeatures, including operator overloading. The simplest way to use Objective-C++ is just to change the extension on your implementation files from ".m" to ".mm"