SQL Server Replication - New stored procedures - sql

Is there any way that when setting up replication between 2 servers instead of specifying each stored procedure as an article to be replicated, you could actually just replicate ALL stored procedures/user functions?
For example I run replication to a secondary server just so I have an active backup server. As we develop the application and add new stored procedures to the primary server these are not replicated unless we add the new articles into the replication job, this obviously requires additional work to be completed.
Does anybody know of a shortcut?

There is no shortcut - you have to add the new article to replication explicitly. If you are just using this for backup, have you considered log shipping or database mirroring? That may be more "automatic" for you in that you'll get all tables, users, procs, functions, etc. and you don't have to remember to add a table or proc to the replication solution.


Can we create auto update/insert in a table from one database in different server on insert/update in a table from another database in another server?

I have two databases production one and pre-production, I want to map the changes I make in the production database to get inserted into the pre-production database. The problem is that both databases are on different servers. Is it possible to create a trigger or any other process to insert/update the same table in the pre-production database if that table gets updated in the production database?
I am trying to create a trigger but cannot find a way to do so. Also, I cannot use SSIS it is not available in our package.
You'd have to do a linked server
This is not advised though as it could affect your production server's insert performance. Why not restore your pre-production db from your production's backup?

Use of ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB

I have SQL Server 2008 installed on my machine and also Reporting Services Configuration Manager. When I connect to SQL Server, I found two databases already there.
I know ReportServer is to store reports, data sources, snapshots, subscriptions, etc. But what is ReportServerTempDB for? Why is it created? Is that necessary (for our use)?
Read the documentaion on report server database
The databases are created together and bound by name. By default, the database names are reportserver and reportservertempdb, respectively.
Report Server Temporary Database
Each report server database uses a related temporary database to store
session and execution data, cached reports, and work tables that are
generated by the report server. Reporting Services does not re-create
the temporary database if it is missing, nor does it repair missing or
modified tables. Although the temporary database does not contain
persistent data, you should back up a copy of the database anyway so
that you can avoid having to re-create it as part of a failure
recovery operation. If you back up the temporary database and
subsequently restore it, you should delete the contents. Generally, it
is safe to delete the contents of the temporary database at any time.
However, you must restart the Report Server Windows service after you
delete the contents. If you delete the temporary database, you can
create a new database, and then run the Catalogtempdb.sql script to
add the table structure. The temporary database must have the same
root name as the primary report server database.

Database Filegroups - Only restore 1 filegroup on new server

Is there a way to backup certain tables in a SQL Database? I know I can move certain tables into different filegroups and preform a backup on these filegroup. The only issue with this is I believe you need a backup of all the filegroups and transaction logs to restore the database on a different server.
The reason why I need to restore the backup on a different server is these are backups of customers database. For example we may have a remote customer and need to get a copy of they 4GB database. 90% of this space is taken up by two tables, we don’t need these tables as they only store images. Currently we have to take a copy of the database and upload it to a FTP site…With larger databases this can take a lot of the time and we need to reduce the database size.
The other way I can think of doing this would be to take a full backup of the DB and restore it on the clients SQL server. Then connect to the new temp DB and drop the two tables. Once this is done we could take a backup of the DB. The only issue with this solution is that it could use a lot of system restores at the time of running the query so its less than ideal.
So my idea was to use two filegroups. The primary filegroup would host all of the tables except the two tables which would be in the second filegroup. Then when we need a copy of the database we just take a backup of the primary filegroup.
I have done some testing but have been unable to get it working. Any suggestions? Thanks
Basically your approach using 2 filegroups seems reasonable.
I suppose you're working with SQL Server on both ends, but you should clarify for each which whether that is truly the case as well as which editions (enterprise, standard, express etc.), and which releases 2000, 2005, 2008, (2012 ? ).
Table backup in SQL Server is here a dead horse that still gets a good whippin' now and again. Basically, that's not a feature in the built-in backup feature-set. As you rightly point out, the partial backup feature can be used as a workaround. Also, if you just want to transfer a snapshot from a subset of tables to another server, using ftp you might try working with the bcp utility as suggested by one of the answers in the above linked post, or the export/import data wizards. To round out the list of table backup solutions and workarounds for SQL Server, there is this (and possibly other ? ) third party software that claims to allow individual recovery of table objects, but unfortunately doesn't seem to offer individual object backup, "Object Level Recovery Native" by Red Gate". (I have no affiliation or experience using this particular tool).
As per your more specific concern about restore from partial database backups :
I believe you need a backup of all the filegroups and transaction logs
to restore the database on a different server
1) You might have some difficulties your first time trying to get it to work, but you can perform restores from partial backups as far back as SQL Server 2000, (as a reference see here
2) From 2005 and onward you have the option of partially restoring today, and if you need to you can later restore the remainder of your database. You don't need to include all filegroups-you always include the primary filegroup and if your database is simple recovery mode you need to add all read-write filegroups.
3) You need to apply log backups only if your db is in bulk or full recovery mode and you are restoring changes to a readonly filegroup that since last restore has become read-write. Since you are expecting changes to these tables you will likely not be concerned about read only filegroups, and so not concerned about shipping and applying log backups
You might also investigate some time whether any of the other SQL Server features, merge replication, or those mentioned above (bcp, import/export wizards) might provide a solution that is more simple or more adequately meets your needs.

SQL Server 2005 - are stored procedures named sp_MSdel_ related to replication?

I have a server here in my home office setup to receive push subscriptions from a server at our company HQ. I was looking through the list of stored procedures today and see many of them with 'sp_MSdel_' prepended. Are these related to replication? Can they/should they be deleted or left alone?
I don't see any of these types of stored procs on the main server.
These tables are for replication. Dont delete these procedures as the SQL Agent will have replication clean up jobs that will use these procedures and is internal to the MS replication configuration setting. Please leave them be.
They are for replication. Leave them.

How to programmatically start SQL Server 2005 merge replication

We currently have merge replication set up to merge certain tables between two databases. I need to programmatically start one of the publications to make sure data has been synchronized prior to starting a certain job. SQL Server Books Online has not been too helpful.
So far, the only thing I have come up with is to use sp_start_job to start the merge replication sql job. Is it ok to do this?
Are there any other ways to programmatically start synchronizing a publication?
We ended up using the sp_start_job with the name of the merge replication publication. The only downside that we found was that the name of the sql job is dynamically generated when the publication is created so if the publication is drop and recreated, then the name will change. Other than that using sp_start_job has worked beautifully.
Couple other things:
The sql user was added to SQLAgentOperatorRole to allow the call to sp_start_job
sp_help_job was used to indicate if the job completed successfully before proceeding