UINavigationItem does not show activity indicator - objective-c

My application has a UITabBarController. When the first view loads I start a new thread from its
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated;
method, which runs a task. When the task starts, it calls a delegate method from the first view and adds an activity indicator to the UINavigationItem. When it ends, it calls another delegate method from the first view, and hides activity indicator.
The problem is that the activity indicator is not shown, unless I go to another view and then back.

Without seeing your code, it's hard to guess what is happening. In the past, UIKit methods have not been thread-safe and were required to be called on the main thread. It seems like a long shot in this scenario, but have you ruled this out?


View-based NSTableView is only redrawn when focus is changed

I'm writing a simple Cocoa app with GUI that only consists of a simple table whose data may update sometimes. But when data actually updates, table's rows in most cases disappear completely. But as soon as I change focus (click on desktop if my app's a primary window or click on app's window if it's not), everything shows up properly
Data is handled in a separate singleton class that runs a thread that actually looks after data source and publishes NSNotification when data changes. Window controller receives that notification, extracts new data and triggers [tableView reloadData] - that's where the problems begin
Window controller is a data source and delegate for the table and implements numberOfRowsInTableView method and viewForTableColumn method. When the problem occurs, numberOfRowsInTableView is called and returns non-zero value, but viewForTableColumn isn't called at all
I expect the table to be properly redrawn whenever [tableView reloadData] is called and wherever my focus is, but on practice everything just disappears and properly redrawn only after I change focus
Fixed it. The problem was updating GUI from background thread

Completely unload a ViewController at modalTransition?

normally after a modal transition, the second viewController runs further "behind" the visible ViewController in the background.
Is there a possibility to completely unload the second ViewController ??
If don't want to use push, because I want an animation on the transition...
Several points:
You are worrying about something that is not a worry. View controllers are lightweight, simple objects. The only heavyweight object is the view, and it is in fact removed from the interface when another view controller's view is presented in its place.
The game does not "run in the background". If it does, you're doing it wrong. You should be detecting in viewDidDisappear: that your view is no longer in the interface and stopping all the activity. That's what these sorts of events are for.
If you're still bent on making certain the view controller itself is destroyed when the game is not showing, then use a different architecture. For example, present the game controller. When the game controller is dismissed, it will be released and destroyed.

Can I build UIView elements on a separate thread?

I have an app that has to load and render a fair amount of content onto screen (mostly loading from a database).
I won't post all the code here but in effect it simply builds up a set of UIView objects that are added to a UIScrollView object. Nothing too complicated, just loaded quite a lot of stuff. This currently takes a second or so render everything (running on the main thread).
I want to show an activity indicator whilst the loading is happening, and I think the best way to do this is to have the method that takes a long time happen on a background thread and "report back" when it is complete.
The question is this. I know all the actual drawing is done by the main thread, so is it possible to create a new thread and have that build up a set of UIView objects that are then drawn on screen?
there is a great WWDC2012 session video, that deals exactly with your use case:
WWDC2012 Building Concurrent User Interfaces in iOS
Basically the trick is to prepare and draw the views on another queue and ship it over to the main queue.
You are correct. All the UI work should be done on the main thread. In your case I would suggest you to add the UIView object which are visible to the scrollview and add rest of them only when scrollview starts moving to that point. You can keep on adding views once they are about to be visible and remove any views which are not needed from the scrollview. This normally helps in better memory management.

View not updating before automatic Segue away from itself

Essentially I have a view controller where the user picks from three choices. Once the user chooses something, the view segues away to another view controller that displays some information regarding their choice for about 5 seconds and then segues back to original view controller automatically where the User must make more choices... (its basically a loop until something is accomplished).
The problem I am having is when the User touches their option, it seems to just segue back to itself without ever displaying the intermediary screen. I added a sleep(5); to the viewDidLoad but all that causes it to do is pause on the original choice screen for 5 seconds before segueing to itself. I also put in an NSLog in just to make sure it was actually using the new controller, which it is indeed.
I didn't include code since its so trivial. viewDidLoad on the new controller, has sleep(5) and the call to segue back to the original view controller.
I solved the problem by moving the code to viewDidAppear. Should have done that from the beginning honestly, just didn't think it through enough I guess.

UIViewController - mysteriously slow to load

I'm writing a tab-based universal app where one of the tabs takes considerably much longer to load than the rest (approximately 5s), and it locks down the main thread while doing it.
Now, this specific tab is an image gallery, so it could be expected to take a little while to load and display the images, however, the delay occurs before I instantiate any of my variables... (The image loading is done on a separate thread anyway...)
I create my subviews etc. in the viewDidLoad method, but the delay occurs somewhere after the init method and before the viewDidLoad method.
(The delay is present even if I comment out everything in the viewDidLoad method.)
The View Controller is initialized with a nib containing nothing but a UIScrollView and a UIImagePickerController...
Does anyone know what's being loaded/processed before the viewDidLoad method?
This is a problem with loading UIImagePickerController on the phone while being attached to the xcode harness. This creates a longer than normal delay. Try testing on the device without being connected to the xcode debugger.