How to detect if user has switched Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

A user logs into my application in a tab in a browser
They get an email and click a link which opens a new tab in the same browser and logs them in under a different email say.
If they go back to the first tab they are no longer the same user and I want the page to automatically detect this and then reload or redirect them if they are unauthorized to view the page.
Anyway to do this?

Or, if you really want to know when user is switched the tab, try this library:

As stated by #Hck:
add javascript code to reload page periodically (for example once per 30 seconds) – Hck
JavaScript is pretty much the only way to make pages do stuff after they're loaded. Note that in pretty much any user authentication system, a given browser will only be logged in as one user at a time, so as soon as the second tab opens, that browser will be acting as the second user - they can still see the current content of the first tab, but links (for instance) will no longer work unless the second user was also authorized to use them.
There are some JQuery plugins that do this sort of thing, like PeriodicalUpdater, or you can write your own (an example).


Navigating elm from URL without destroying state (elm 0.18)

I have an elm app that incorporates logging in and fetching data from a server. Once I've logged in, I navigate to /#/pages/13 and it updates the model with page id 13. If I click around within the app, I see evidence that that page persists in the model.
When I navigate away from that page via internal links, then enter http://localhost:3000/#/pages/13 into the URL, I still see that page.
If I enter that URL while I am at that location, it seems to treat the behavior as a complete refresh, resetting the model...including my token, so it logs me out.
How can I enter the same page into the URL without elm resetting the model?
(If it matters, I am using gulp)
That behaviour seems to be by design, although I didn't find an official source for this.
The most you can do is register a beforeunload listener, which might show a prompt allowing the user to cancel the navigation.

Selenium Chromedriver call to logout page not working

I want to write an automated test with Selenium using Chromedriver and Behat.
This scenario in question should go to a page, register a user, logout and register another user.
Now the problem is, on the website in question, after registration you get an annoying overlay, so that the logout button is not reachable anymore. I can either make the test fill out the overlay and complete it properly, which will take much more effort, or try to logout some other way.
My idea was to simply go to the domain again with /?event=logout added which normally works to log out the current user. However when I do this in the automation it fails, apparently because of a bad http response code.
Is it not possible to use a url like this with Selenium? Anyone have an idea?
You can achieve this with Selenium using a site that makes GET requests. So you can go to URL, fill the in the Request URL, and 'event=logout' in the Request data, then click "Submit".
It's a bit hacky, so I would prefer using a GET request directly in the code, depending on your programming language... Something like so:
Some options would be:
Navigate to URL to logout and try to hide the modal via jQuery/javascript
After registration navigate to homepage and see if the modal is there and if you can logout as you should
Clear session and navigate to the page you need
Pick one of them.

Redirecting URL assigned to Home Tab on Plone

On Plone, I am looking at establishing a User Group with an initial login page (collective.onlogin) that leads to what I hope will be the new Home Page. How do I change the Home Tab to reflect this once the authorised user has moved past the LogIn page. Currently, the home tab reflects and returns to the login page - string${globals_view/navigationRootUrl}
Where string:${globals_view/navigationRootUrl} is specified you may specify other expressions. In this case, you'll probably wish to create a BrowserView or Python Script that returns the path you want, since it sounds like there may be some real logic. Then, call that view or script rather than globals_view/navigationRootUrl.
Found that if I de-activated collective.onlogin, went to the "Change content item as default view ..." and selected the home page that I wanted, then reactivated collective.onlogin I would get what I wanted. The login page is still very vanilla, but that can wait for another day. Hope this helps the next person.

Timeline app appears only if page is currently liked

This is the first Facebook App i've created since the Timeline changes. Everything appears to be working the same, except for adding the app to my page's Timeline "Favorites"(?) (the boxes at the top near the About section). A large majority of the traffic to this app will come from visitors seeing the app tab on our page.
I'm attempting to add it using the following URL:
Then I select the page, and click "Add Page Tab".
This works fine - I can then swap it's position, view the app, edit settings, etc.
I set up the tab how I want it, and then log out and visit my Facebook Page directly to view the app tab as a visitor would. The app is no longer there. Log back in, everything is fine, log back out, it's gone. It appears that if you do not already Like the page, you cannot see the app. If you do like the page, you can see it. I'd like the app to be viewable by people who do not like the page as well, as the app has a fan gate of it's own.
I've disabled Sandbox mode as well so i'm not sure what's left to do.
Any help is appreciated.
You mentioned in the comments that the app is restricted to US users:
Because your app is restricted, it won't be displayed to logged-out browsers - this is expected because unless the user is logged-in, their location and age can't be determined in order to check the restrictions you've set
If you must have the app visible to logged-out users, remove the API-level restriction and use the details passed in the signed_request to show or hide the app's content
{edit} I missed the edit to your question {/edit} - it may also be that your existing signed_request processing code is failing for logged out users

Bring Safari to front

I'd like to bring Safari to the front (switch to) but without using a URL, instead I'd like to see the "pages" view so the user can pick an already loaded page. Is this possible?
We open links in Safari and if the user returns to the app and selects the link again, I'd rather let them pick which Safari page to browse instead of opening a new one. I know that if the same URL is called it will open the correct page but the user may have navigated within the original site so the url no longer matches.
I don't think that its possible, i would use a UIWebView inside your app in order to get that experience you want, you can find the UIWebView apple docs here ( and also the equivalence of c# methods here ( hope this helps
Your app doesn’t get control of Safari’s UI. You might, however, be able to design your site so that it handles navigation via Javascript—AJAX and whatnot—so that the actual page URL doesn't change, and thus so that the page, re-opened from your app, brings up the existing Safari page. Of course that introduces further problems with your pages no longer being bookmarkable, but you might find that an acceptable tradeoff.