REGEX for complete word matching - sql

OK So i am confused (obviously)
I'm trying to return rows (from Oracle) where a text field contains a complete word, not just the substring.
a simple example is the word 'I'.
Show me all rows where the string contains the word 'I', but not simply where 'I' is a substring somewhere as in '%I%'
so I wrote what i thought would be a simple regex:
select REGEXP_INSTR(upper(description), '\bI\b') from mytab;
expecting that I should be detected with word boundaries. I get no results (or rather the result 0 for each row.
what i expect:
'I am the Administrator' -> 1
'I'm the administrator' -> 0
'Am I the administrator' -> 1
'It is the infamous administrator' -> 0
'The adminisrtrator, tis I' -> 1
isn't the /b supposed to find the contained string by word boundary?

I believe that \b is not supported by your flavor of regex :
Therefore you could do something like :
To at least ensure that your "word" is separated by some whitespace or it's the whole string.

Oracle doesn't support word boundary anchors, but even if it did, you wouldn't get the desired result: \b matches between an alphanumeric character and a non-alphanumeric character. The exact definition of what an alnum is differs between implementations, but in most flavors, it's [A-Za-z0-9_] (.NET also considers Unicode letters/digits).
So there are two boundaries around the I in %I%.
If you define your word boundary as "whitespace before/after the word", then you could use
which would also work at the start/end of the string.

Oracle native regex support is limited. \b or < cannot be used as word delimiters. You may want Oracle Text for word search.


REGEXP_REPLACE explanation

Hi may i know what does the below query means?
REGEXP_REPLACE(number,'[^'' ''-/0-9:-#A-Z''[''-`a-z{-~]', 'xy') ext_number
part 1
In terms of explaining what the function function call is doing:
It is a function call to analyse an input string 'number' with a regex (2nd argument) and replace any parts of the string which match a specific string. As for the name after the parenthesis I am not sure, but the documentation for the function is here
part 2
Sorry to be writing a question within an answer here but I cannot respond in comments yet (not enough rep)
Does this regex work? Unless sql uses different syntax this would appear to be a non-functional regex. There are some red flags, e.g:
The entire regex is wrapped in square parenthesis, indicating a set of characters but seems to predominantly hold an expression
There is a range indicator between a single quote and a character (invalid range: if a dash was required in the match it should be escaped with a '\' (backslash))
One set of square brackets is never closed
After some minor tweaks this regex is valid syntax:
^'' ''\-\/0-9:-#A-Z''[''-a-z{-~]`, but does not match anything I can think of, it is important to know what string is being examined/what the context is for the program in order to identify what the regex might be attempting to do
It seems like it is meant to replaces all ASCII control characters in the column or variable number with xy.
[] encloses a class of characters. Any character in that class matches. [^] negates that, hence all characters match, that are not in the class.
- is a range operator, e.g. a-z means all characters from a to z, like
It seams like characters enclosed in ' should be escaped (The second ' is to escape the ' in the string itself.) At least this would make some sense. (But for none of the DBMS I found having a regexp_replace() function (Postgres, Oracle, DB2, MariaDB, MySQL), I found something in the docs, that would indicate this escape mechanism. They all use \, but maybe I missed something? Unfortunately you didn't tag which DBMS you're actually using!)
Now if you take an ASCII table you'll see, that the ranges in the expression make up all printable characters (counting space as printable) in groups from space to /, 0 to 9, : to #, etc.. Actually it might have been shorter to express it as '' ''-~, space to ~.
Given the negation, all these don't match. The ones left are from NUL to US and DEL. These match and get replaced by xy one by one.

Teradata regular expressions, 0 or 1 spaces

In Teradata, I'm looking for one regular expression pattern that would allow me to find a pattern of some numbers, then a space or maybe no space, and then 'SF'. It should return 7 in both cases below:
REGEXP_INSTR('12345 1000SF', pattern),
REGEXP_INSTR('12345 1000 SF', pattern)
Or, my actual goal is to extract the 1000 in both cases if there's an easier way, probably using REGEXP_SUBSTR. More details are below if you need them.
I have a column that contains free text and I would like to extract the square footage. But, in some cases, there is a space between the number and 'SF' and in some cases there is not:
'other stuff 1000 SF'
'other stuff 1000SF'
I am trying to use the REGEXP_INSTR function to find the starting position. Through google, I have found the pattern for the first to be
'([0-9])+ SF'
When I try the pattern for the second, I try
and I get the error
SELECT Failed. [2662] SUBSTR: string subscript out of bounds
I've also found an answer to a similar questions, but they don't work for Teradata. For example, I don't think you can use ? in Teradata.
The error message indicates you're using SUBSTR, not REGEXP_SUBSTR.
Try this:
RegExp_Substr(col, '[0-9]*(?= {0,1}SF)')
Find multiple digits followed by a single optional blank followed by SF and extract those digits.
I would pattern it like this:
\b # word boundary
(\d+) # 1 or more digits (captured)
\s* # 0 or more white-space characters
[Ss] # character class
[Ff] # character class
\b # word boundary

How hive sentences function breaks each sentence

Before posting, I tried the hive sentences function and did some search but couldn't get a clear understanding, my question is based on what delimiter hive sentences function breaks each sentence? hive manual says "appropriate boundary" what does that mean? Below is an example of my tries, I tried adding period (.) and exclamatory sign(!) at different points of the sentence. I'm getting different outputs, can someone explain on this?
with period (.)
select sentences('Tokenizes a string of natural language text into words and sentences. where each sentence is broken at the appropriate sentence boundary and returned as an array of words.') from dummytable
output - 1 array
with '!'
select sentences('Tokenizes a string of natural language text into words and sentences! where each sentence is broken at the appropriate sentence boundary and returned as an array of words.') from dummytable
output - 2 arrays
If you understand the functionality of sentences() clears your doubt.
Definition of sentences(str):
Splits str into arrays of sentences, where each sentence is an array
of words.
SELECT sentences('Hello there! I am a UDF.') FROM src LIMIT 1;
[ ["Hello", "there"], ["I", "am", "a", "UDF"] ]
SELECT sentences('review . language') FROM movies;
An exclamation point is a type of punctuation mark that goes at the end of a sentence. Other examples of related punctuation marks include periods and question marks, which also go at the end of sentences.But as per the definition of sentences() ,Unnecessary punctuation, such as periods and commas in English, is automatically stripped.So,we are able to get two arrays of words with !. It completely involves
I don't know the actual reason but observed after period(.) if you put space and next word first letter as capital then it is working.
Here I changed from where to Where it it worked. However this is not require for !
Tokenizes a string of natural language text into words and sentences. Where each sentence is broken at the appropriate sentence boundary and returned as an array of words.
And this is giving below output

Postgresql database search with regex

I'm using PostgreSQL database with VB.NET and ODBC (Windows).
I'm searching sentences for whole words by combining SELECT with a regular expression, like this:
"SELECT dtbl_id, name
FROM mytable
WHERE name ~*'" + "( |^)" + TextBox1.Text + "([^A-z]|$)"
This searches well in some cases but because of syntax errors in text (or other reasons) it sometimes fails. For example, if I have the sentence
the word "white" will be found. But if I have
then "white" will not be found, because there is no space between start of word "white".
The simplest solution would be to temporarily change or replace characters in the sentences :,.\/-= etc to spaces.
Is this possible to do in single SELECT line to be suitable for use with .NET/ODBC? Maybe inside the same regular expression?
If it is, how?
Try this:
SELECT 'CLASH-WHITE RIOT' ~ '[[:<:]]WHITE[[:>:]]';
[[:<:]] and [[:>:]] simply mean beginning and end of a word respectively
more info you can find at:

Collect a word between two spaces in objective c

I'm trying to implement stuff similar to spell check, but I need to get the word that is limited by a space. EX: "HI HOW R U", I need to collect HI, HOW and so on as they type. i.e. After user hits HI and space I need to collect HI and do a spell check.
Check the documentation for NSString Here. You want the message componentsSepeparatedByString:.
I don't know objective-C, but I'm fairly sure it'll have a Regexp library - although it'd be straightforward to code it without one.
Regexp: \b([^\s])*\b
\b = word boundary (whitespace, comma, dot, exclamation-mark, etc.)
\s = whitespace character
[...] = character set
[^...] = negated character set (any character(s) EXCEPT ...)
() = grouping construct
* = zero or more times
So the suggested expression would start matching at any word boundary, then match every subsequent character that is not a whitespace character, then match a word boundary.
Your stated case is so simple you may just want to look for spaces (one char at a time) and get the substring, but RegExp is very widely used across a range of languages and platforms, and so it's fairly easy to find an expression when you need to - and one often does for common stuff like checking if zip codes, phone numbers, email addresses and so on are syntactically correct. So it's worth learning in any case. :)